This Overpowered Weapons Glitch Changes BOTW

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[Music] have you ever wanted a shield so strong that a golden lionel's heavy crusher attack bounces off like nothing then fire off a supercharged bow of light that hits 10 times in a row then finish off with a master sword that's three times as powerful as a normal master sword well this is now a reality and no this is not a mod this can be done on any nintendo switch so today i'll teach you the simplest way to pull this off yourself and more importantly why this works because the technical magic behind this is absurd if you enjoy these types of tutorials and explainers let us know with a like we enjoy showing why stuff works not just how to do it now let's jump right in first things first trust me on this you're going to want to make a new file preferably start a new file on the opposite difficulty or if you don't want to overwrite that file either you can just make a brand new profile there is technically a way to do this on your existing profile with your full inventory but trust me on this when i say it's less complex and easier to do with this new game method and if you do it my way with the same profile on the opposite difficulty you can actually transfer your overpowered equipment onto your main save later so no biggie now let's go ahead and start the new game [Music] but let's lay some ground rules one dying is okay here there's no stress compared to other harder glitches just keep up where you left off if things go south secondly do not pick up any arrows armor or korok seats arrows are especially bad because even having times zero of them in one slot will ruin what we're doing if you accidentally nabbed a korok or an armor piece you can at least use it or sell it later but just to make it easy don't pick them up this is because all these item slots interfere with this glitch and you can get all these after we're done corrupting anyways so there's no rush to grab them right now finally try to hoard materials as much as possible just grab anything you can along the way at least two of each if you can our end goal is at least 62 different materials so start farming right away to start you can either head out like normal or clip out like most speed runners do either is totally fine clipping out is nice because it freezes the time of day which makes traversing the world less stressful so it's up to you then complete the gray plateau as normal once you've completed the gray plateau check to make sure you still have no arrows then go ahead and turn in your four spirit orbs to the goddess statue for hearts or stamina doesn't matter and then head straight to hoteno village [Music] this might be tricky because you have no arrows and you can't use wind bombs or blss so zero blss an alternate blss with no arrows is the only other option but this can be tricky to those who don't understand it don't sweat it too much instead just grab a horse or take a nice hike once you get to maya magana shrine unlock the shrine to be able to warp to it this will now be our central hub to come back to after farming for materials now let's take a look at our inventory our final goal here is to have one throw away one-handed weapon one throw away shield whatever equipment you want to corrupt in my case i choose a royal bow at least 62 ingredients with at least two of each kind i like to have around 65 personally 60 meals total and our chica slate and paraglider nothing else in the key items take your time to collect all these together i recommend a pot lid and ladle in town if you need to throw away equipment you'll want to track down and grab the equipment for what you want to corrupt i'm using the royal bow and use normal gathering amiibos incentory mountain for materials and at least 60 apples then go ahead and cook 59 apples to fill up your meal slots one last step you'll want to cook is a 60th target meal for my example here i'm going with a silent shroom and four swift carrots once you cook them it should be in the last slot that's where we want it i'll link a google document in the description below to what recipes are possible more on this later once you have everything in order save your game this will be your main save you use as backup in case anything goes wrong now head to the general store in hiteno village we're going to do a trick called aeroless offset first stand still jump and press bomb once to drop your square bomb on the ground then pull out your weapon now hold zl and press a and d-pad left in quick succession if you see link starting to put away his weapon go ahead and unequip your shield if you did this correctly you'll now see his weapon on his head along with the bomb if he did this too slow it'll be on his back so try again go ahead and press r to throw then re-equip your shield part 2 gets a little tricky now you want to hold zl again and don't let go until i tell you to pause the game and hold four different items and the fifth one should be one ingredient by itself this is your check ingredient you're going to keep picking back up to make sure you do all this right press d-pad right and unequip your weapon or go to another one-handed weapon if you did all of this correctly you'll have the shield the weapon and five ingredients all in your hands at the same time now jump in the air then let go of zl and start pause buffering with the left d-pad you're now looking for when link starts to put away the shield when this animation starts to play unequip the shield if you did all this correctly you'll now have five items and the weapon in your hand now this next part is kind of tough you want to tap whistle then talk to the store owner as fast as humanly possible i personally like to hold zl as i do this to make sure that i'm facing him go to sell items to see if you did this right if you did this part quick enough your fifth check item you held will be grayed out and have time zero this is the green light to go ahead and totally sell the other four items you held in your hands if you don't see the fifth item at all that means you talk to this guy too slowly and you'll have to start over so in case of a failure pick up your materials off the ground and let's do this arrowless offset quickly one more time [Music] each complete item you sell with this glitch creates one offset slot the goal here is to create 62 offset slots this is to cover all 60 meals and two key items in our menu so with this method you'll have to do an average of 16 times to reach 62. make absolutely sure you keep track of each sail as doing this for a while can cause you to easily lose track once you're sure you have offset 62 slots you're finally ready to perform the fun part the weapon modifier corruption first let's clean up the menu you now want to drop every material you have left don't keep any of them on you now you'll also want to drop any equipment between your first meal and your target equipment in this case it's my royal bow since my pot lid is between it and the meals i'll just have to toss it on the ground make sure your target recipe is still the last meal and we're ready to go go ahead and get an autosave often going back up to maya magana shrine does this for you but you may have to run around for a while to get one this will save the inventory as it looks right now in the autosave now go ahead and reload the autosave you just created and there you go upon arrival you can now meet your new powerful bow to prevent further offset issues i suggest getting another autosave and closing the game entirely this will clear the glitch and keep this weapon scot-free [Music] if you're happy with just this bow you're now done but if you want to transfer this bow back in time to your manual save or to your main other save this is what you do eat all of your meals rummage around for three materials to create three offset slots then load your manual save [Music] or return the title and load your main save if it is going to your main file just make sure that you have the room for it [Music] foreign so voila now you're back with all of your goodies ready to go with your nice fancy bow okay so you went through all this red tape to get this awesome weapon but how did this even happen why did the offset slots 60 meals and weapon placement even matter well let me explain first you've probably run into this issue before if you played the game long enough you know you can't have more than 60 meals that's just a cold hard fact keep this in mind when we're ready to do this glitch our inventory should have the equipment we want to power up the 60 meals and two key items and at this point the 62 offset slots we just made when we're ready to corrupt our equipment the magic begins first we have our autosave we just got and our main inventory and like i explained in our previous ist video the game first deletes everything in the file up to the first meal because it is protected by the offset slots we just made then the game starts to load the autosave you just selected first it loads in your equipment including the royal bow then your first meal wait a second you already have 60 meals in this file already you can't fit anymore so what does the game do with this meal well it does delete the meal but it doesn't delete the meals values also known as cook data this property contains shortcut codes to the meals prices effects parts etc are then forcefully pushed onto whatever equipment is next in your inventory in this example we just did a bit earlier it was our royal bow cooked data and weapon data look like this side by side see how these two line up over each other this is the value of heart recovery of a meal which is called stamina recover x translating over to m add value the additional power of the said weapon the more hearts it heals the stronger the power and in this line of set cook effect 1 is your rupee selling price which is then pushed onto m at type the type of modifier your weapon has this is super important and i'll explain why in a second this will now continue to do this over and over 60 times until the last meal is added the one we specifically cooked for this the steamed mushrooms now this is permanently written over your weapon making the zooming multi-shot royal bow finally the sheikah slate and paraglider are loaded and last but are overwritten because they can't duplicate [Music] now how does this cooking data possibly make these overpowered weapons let's work with a simple meal we had before the steamed mushrooms this meal is worth 60 rupees while you sell it this number is in what you call normal decimal notation you know normal numbers when you force this number onto a weapon it goes through three translations one it first translates this decimal number into hexadecimal notation a system that uses letters and numbers you've probably seen this number while working with color codes on most programs so the 60 rupee value is now 3c then it translates this hexadecimal notation into binary notation a system that consists of only ones and zeros these ones and zeros very simplified are forms of on or off for a computer i'll link a converter in the description if you want to mess around with this for yourself so 3c translates into 111100 finally this binary number is then inputted into breath of the wild's weapon modifier system and there are nine possible modifiers guard up surf up quick shot zoom multi shot long throw critical hit durability up and attack the meal prices binary number is one one one one zero zero so that means whatever this equipment is it now has the zoom function multi shot long throw and critical hit since durability and attack are zero these functions are not enabled as well as any other numbers that the list didn't get to alright alright before you get too excited it obviously only works with these functions for the equipment that it's capable of doing it with so you won't get a shield with extra zoom or a weapon that multi-shots or something the last piece of the puzzle is how much you want to affect these stats all you generally need to know is that if you want more attack regard you want more hearts for surfing friction the less hearts make it more slippery all the way down to zero heart meals to make it almost a non-stop surfing shield long throw and quick shot are a little weird the default speed for them is 1 000 for a thrown weapon and the maximum heart healing is 120. so this translated over makes the fastest you can throw a weapon or draw a bow around 12 percent of its original speed at best which results in a weapon that goes barely anywhere which is entertaining i guess but worse is a bow that takes forever to draw so not too useful finally multi shot and zoom are pretty straightforward there's no modifier that changes them but two weird rules apply zoom will turn your 10 shot wide bow into a tension linear bow because multi-shot zooming bows don't technically exist it turns your bow into a 10-shot nuke and absolutely demolishes enemies and all multi-shot bows are all 10 shot except for naturally quick shooting bows which shoots so fast that not all 10 arrows have time to release so it unfortunately shorts you a couple arrows this doesn't even all end here this goes even farther such as corrupting multiple weapons in a row back to back using negative m count using dragon parts to create even more powerful recipes and even doing some cook-ception of cooking a meal within a meal such as the popular roasted bird thigh which is impossible to hold normally is forced into your arms withhold prompt storage or hold prompt entanglement to cook a custom meal to get a custom rupee price for custom modifiers this rabbit hole continues to go deeper with weapon modifier corruption that has been unlocked by the breath of the wild community players have been clamoring for a way to forge your own weapon modifiers from the beginning and now we have a way to do that thanks to the glitch hunting community to help break this down and of course we are always here for your breath of the wild fix so keep it here on gamespot you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 598,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: botw, breath of the wild, zelda botw, glitch, weapon modifier corruption, wmc, arrowless offset, weapon glitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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