Thank You all of Attack on Titan

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okay let's do this one last time yeah what wasn't this the final season what the are they trolling us now is is this really the ending or are they going to [Music] Pama wait what there are times when a show comes and completely revolutionizes the genre and after 10 long years Attack on Titan has finally ended and half a year has passed since the final episode aired so why am I talking about it now [ __ ] you I started watching UT back in 2017 and for me wasn't just a show it became a part of my life waiting every year for a new season to arrive and raised the standards for storytelling epic parkour action sequences and bat CG season 1 set the state with sheer high and some boy on booy action season 2 expanded on it by introducing new Mysteries and talking gorilla sh I'm not a dog we got one of the best reveals in the series and the star of rhiner's depression AR season 3 part one made you cush the name of the series as the enemies became humans instead of Titans season 3 part 2 was the part where the series beat for me the Epic basement reveal Irvin speech which convinced hundred of Scouts to take their own lives thei speech which convinced irin to take his own life season 3 part two changed Attack on Titan forever just take a look at IMDB's top rated episodes 7 out of 10 episodes are from OT and out of them four are from season 3 part 2 by the way if you haven't watched Viet ever garden please do episode 10 will make you cry like a [ __ ] the final season which wasn't actually the final season made me cushion did I just click on the wrong show this season was vastly different than the previous ones for the first time we got Anem POV everyone hated Gabby while they sucked on it and piic juicy toe even though Gabby was literally season one Ain rhina was still depressed while he deepthroated a big brown rifle aarin was totally a different person now he was so mysterious that you could say he was the new basement I was continuously looking for justifications for his actions why would he kill innocent civilians why would he be such a dick to Mikasa and amen will he time travel so that he could revert his sins and live happily ever after is there a grand reason behind his actions and with the rumbling it occurred to me there was no Grand reason why all if L it I L it it was hard seeing a Shonen as protagonist like Erin whose only goal was to kill Titans to achieve his freedom was now taking countless innocent life just to achieve his dream of becoming a free man and ironically this made him a slave to his own Freedom the ostd which was played during hani's final Act is called which means building blocks when paired with it means to be flabbergasted which Hani totally was with death in front of her eyes she was still looking at the The Titans with Intrigue and wonder with her own Wings on fire she gave an opportunity for others to fly to the last Showdown to stop her in once and for all amen leads everyone in the battle and instantly gets kidnapped and is deep throated by a Titan is that a berserk reference all the past Titans have United against the scouts Zeke has given all hope but just as ammen picks a leaf which reminds him of his days racing towards that tree on the hill what Zeke sees is kavas San's fall Zeke realizes that life still has meaning small things like playing catch or spending time with your friends are what makes life worth living you don't need a grand reason to be alive just being born makes your life special enough and with the power of friendship the table start turning barricade starts playing bertal biral BTO starts helping the scouts yir even 's dad joins the battle this is like end game and just like end game everything must come to an end Erin and Armen finally get to see the outside world as they want it to fiery Waters land made of ice the ocean hey Amon did you know I was the one who killed my mother it's okay I get it by the way I won't bang masassa [ __ ] you how could you say that I was actually glad to see that Erin did not change at all he was still just as pathetic as season winner and it was nice to learned that he also had feelings for masasa and maybe amen and still wanted to live but after killing 80% of humanity there was no turning back [Music] arman's voice actor did a phenomenal job that scream was cut wrenching we got our good PR thei finally fulfilled the promise he made to irin and and erased the Titans from this world just like he planned to surprisingly Ryo was still alive jerking off to his story as letter John Avenged shasha's death everyone got to live long and happy lives just like a wanted NASA got married and started her own family and don't get me started that she was a virgin and all that [ __ ] guys copium bear with it the ending wasn't perfect it did not have the same Flawless execution as the previous Seasons when it was revealed that Zeke sold out his parents I thought there was no way such a small child could go against his parents huh I guess isama can make mistakes too wait Zeke was influenced by Kasa as the authorities were eventually going to catch his parents so he could at least save himself by selling them out an attack on denen everything has Rhyme or reason and that's called good writing but the ending felt a little rushed what type of Titan Powers did Aon have that allowed him to do stuff like looking from a birth po or how did he manage to influence masika's memories when the acran are immune to Titan bullshitery he said he tried to achieve a different outcome but how were there multiple timelines created by his choices like in Stein's gate or did he just Doctor Strange 14, 65 possibilities if not then how did he know that killing the Titans was the best course of action I'm sure there is a plausible reason for all of this if if only [ __ ] mama had more time maybe then we could have gotten a proper explanation I also would have liked that Riner one of the most important characters last line wasn't but despite all of this for me D on Titan is still one of the greatest stories ever told in the history of this medium of Animation it's a miracle how Attack on Titan came to be it was made by a mangaka whose art wasn't any good and didn't stand out in an industry where art means everything his art wasn't good so much so that in 2008 he won an award for his work o and it was mentioned that it had the worst artwork in the awards history his family didn't believe he could be a mangaa he had the chance to get his manga published in shown and jum the most popular magazine which housed extremely influential Mega hits like dragon ball slam dunk one piece Naruto only if he changed certain elements of the story to cater to the shown in audience and he declined that offer as he didn't want to compromise on his vision a certain genre he believed in himself improved his art and made one of the greatest stories ever told even after his manga became a global hit he still thought it was just a fad despite his self-deprecating and insecure nature he never gave up never shared away from taking risk like in season 4 it must have required balls of steel to make such drastic changes this far in the story his willingness to put himself in an uncomfortable situation paid off big time sales of aot pre anime was staggering which is a big deal for a manga without an anime adaptation and in 2013 the anime adaptation finally AED pushing the boundaries of Japanese animations and reaching audiences Far and Beyond the anime elevated The Source material with its fluid and detailed animations the jawdropping odium gear sequences were directed by tatsuru araki the director of death and he also worked on scho the cast of OT was filled with amazing people like Yuki Kaji Kamya Yoshi also known for araragi hard to imagine these guys share the same wise actor also known ASU also known as steo these two guys are each other's arch nemesis in JoJo which is also true in this universe so aot might just be a well thought out JoJo's reference all of this sped up with top two music made a what it is today with amazing scores like ashes on fire which makes you feel as if you're witnessing history which you are or call of Silence which makes you feel as if you're witnessing something really special or barricades that perfectly captures the rebellious nature of the scouts especially Erin and they know how hype the song is that's why we get to hear it during the rumbling and two freaking times in the final episode chef's kiss Shinzo sag makes you feel patriotic for a country that doesn't even exist or how the whole fandom including me wanted linked Horizon to sing the last opening of aot bots the openings and the endings the talks The Reluctant Heroes apple seed eye waterer call your name you see big girl bir in cage zero Eclipse t on Titan music is something really precious to me we have seen amazing mangas get extremely mediocre adaptations berser is one of the best mangas of all time and it has probably the worst looking anime adaptation for aot to get an adaptation that not only captures the essence of the source material but also enhances it with amazing music visuals and voice acting is nothing short of a miracle during anime and YC [ __ ] mama had to confront the topic of the ending he probably thought that the crowd would be hateful instead he was met with and sama's response I try not to cry seama is a married man now earlier he was more or less like a neat did not have any social skills spent a lot of time in solitude but after his marriage he changed he had to interact with his F's family so he learned to socialize became more mature he grew up as a person as ATT Attack on Titan progress just like the rest of us what a journey it was from a young and nervous Asama trying his best to publish his hopes and dreams to his manga getting adapted by one of the best anime Studios gaining Unholy amounts of popularity never seen before to breaking the four and no season curse and giving three spectacular seasons for 3 years in a row to taking a gamble only a few authors have the balls to and turning the story upside down consequently giving us one of the best character development second only to toen here is a man who thought he was worthless and here is his life's work which touched millions and has have changed the landscape of anime both in Japan and overseas the ending of OT might seem pretty Grim at first but to me it's sort of hopeful the destruction of the parody Island doesn't mean 's efforts went into vain he hoped for his friends to live long happy lives which they did and the Titans may not have been fully eradicated like Aon wanted but the Hope which he held on to is what matters in this dark grim and brutal world he hoped to make it a better place for his loved ones to live in and that's beautiful just as it was said in God of War Hope Is What Makes Us strong it is why we are here with the right hand on my heart and the left hand behind my back thank you to everyone who made all of this possible the awesome fans who never lost faith in the series the amazing talents who worked on aot and put their heart and soul thank you Erin for being an annoying yet an amazing protagonist and thank you hajim Mama for never losing hope and moving forward thank you all of Attack on [Music] Titan for [Music] foree oh me [Music]
Channel: Daikirai
Views: 1,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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