Attack on Titan - The Next Generation (FULL STORY)

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what would have happened if Aaron had survived the end of Attack on Titan if Mikasa didn't kill him it's guaranteed that Titan Powers never would have disappeared Aaron probably would have made it back to the island and the rumbling would have been 100% completed this alternate reality could have been the real ending if one decision went the other way and this wasn't the first time that a single Choice could have flipped the entire timeline upside down other examples include Levi's decision to save Armen and eron's decision to abandon the scouts and in today video I'm going to recap the full alternate timeline where all these moments played out differently along the way I'll explain every major event over a period of about a 100 Years starting off with irin inheriting the Colossal Titan and ending a century later where Titans still exist speaking of titans this video is brought to you by the biggest gaming browser in the world oper GX I guarantee whatever browser you currently use oper 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that said let's move on to the video as this Branch timeline begins in Shanta with Levi injecting Irvin with the Titan transformation serum even when we look at the main Series this is the choice he originally planned to make and by going through with it this time Arman would die while the commander inherits the Colossal Titan thanks to this new Titan power his missing right arm would fully grow back and after waking up the scouts would then head towards gish's basement as we all know they then discover the truth about the outside world with Irvin fulfilling his lifelong dream in the process that being said while this moment would be great for him on a personal level in the past he did say that when they retake W Maria The Next Step should be to eliminate threats outside the walls to now discover that this threat is actually just the entire planet there's no way someone like irin would just you know sit back relax and wait for them to get annihilated by Marley instead what he do is he'd spend the following months rebuilding the survey core from scratch with his old friend Nile defecting from the MPS in order to join the scouts at the same time Aon would be suffering a lot in the aftermath of armen's death and it's natural that his hatred for Marly would grow even more intensely than it did in the original show however when he kisses his story as hand at the meadow ceremony he would still be freaked out by the Visions he sees of the rumbling and for now at least he wouldn't want to take things that far moving on to the year 851 Marley would send their first Fleet of survey ships to inspect the island and on board would be Yelena onyankopon and the rest of Zeke's anti- marlean volunteers by speaking to them the scouts would learn that Marley is currently fighting a war in the Middle East and therefore doesn't have the manpower to fully invade the island for Irvin he'd see this as a massive opportunity unlike all of the Hopeless people in the main show because with their main enemy being distracted there was a real chance here for parody to either launch some kind of attack of their own or form alliances with the Middle East in order for these ideas to become a reality though the fact is the scouts would have to work with the volunteers which is kind of risky considering their relationship with Zeke regardless I do still think that Irvin would take that risk and with the help of the volunteers a brand new Port would be constructed on the island in the year 852 Ambassador kyomi would then make the journey to parade and this meeting would be massively important by now Irvin would have had over a year to work on his plan and during this process he would have realized certain things firstly because Marley relies so heavily on Titan Powers the rest of their military is pretty outdated compared to the rest of the world this means the best thing the Scouts can do is to focus on defeating the Warriors cuz if they can do that then a more advanced military like hiu or or some other country they can swoop in to finish Mali off the second thing he'd realize is that if Elia wants to have a chance of making allies and improving their reputation then there's no way they can ever use the rumbling under any circumstance right now every country believes they're an Island full of devils so doing the rumbling even a tiny rumbling it would only justify the world's hatred that's why in this timeline both Aaron and Irvin would reject Zeke's plan which in case you forgot Zeke was proposing that they do a small scale rumbling to scare off other countries and also that they turn Historia into a royal budded Titan so that the island can maintain that rumbling power instead of doing this the commander would pitch his strategy to kiomi and to be fair the anime did show us that she was open to hearing other ideas by the end of the meeting I think the two of them would agree to a deal that massively benefits both sides with the scouts gaining access to hu's weapons and Tech in exchange for hisu ging access to a large chunk of the islands natural resources which in case you forgot that was like 99% of the reason they came here in the first place now before we move on it's worth noting that Aaron would be a lot happier at this stage in the timeline cuz thanks to Irvin there would now be a clear plan to get revenge on Marley avoid a full scale rumbling and protect Historia from becoming a Titan those three things were obviously majorly important to him so now that there's a clear plan I think he would put his faith in it and wouldn't feel the need at least not at this point to go off and do his own thing flashing forward 2 years at this time Marley would still be fighting in the Middle East even though the Warriors would be back home in Liberia the reason for this is that months earlier the Tyber family received proof that Aaron is hiding on the Malian continent since then there'd be searches for him across the whole country while back at military HQ all of Marley's Titans would be on standby their primary Mission would be to defend the mainland from any Titan Attacks but the downside to them all being here is that Marley would begin to lose the Middle Eastern War as a result maath would plan to send the Beast and cart Titans back to the front lines and this moment is When Irvin would finally make a move on one particular night Zeke would invite his comrades and their parents R to his house for dinner as a way of saying goodbye before he leaves the country after a few hours of drinking wine and just relaxing Riner and porker would then head back home with their parents while Zeke and Peak would walk back to HQ along the way there they stop off in this building where maath would be waiting for them or at least that's what Zeke would say as soon as Peak steps inside he then activate this trapo which was actually put there by Marley in case they needed to contain any Titan Shifters with the cart Titan trapped on the ground Hani and Nal would then enter the room and their job would basically be to make sure that she doesn't escape at the same time in another part of Liberia rina's luck would be even worse as he'd arrive home to find Aaron in his childhood bedroom in this timeline with Armen being dead we have to ask ourselves how would Aaron respond differently when finally sees the Warriors again during season 4 he had no issue tearing up an apartment block full of people so in this new reality he likely want to do something a little bit more personal like for example targeting riner's Mother by transforming into his Titan while she's still in the house Karina would get burnt up by the lightning and anything of her that happened to survive it would just get crushed under the rubble of rina's house meanwhile switching back to Zeke he and Irvin would come face to face for the first time since the Beast Titan tried to kill him despite the history there the two of them would now be on the same side though and their goal right now would be to wipe out Marley's chain of command currently maath General Calvi and other high ranking officers would be gathered at HQ so by destroying that building Mary's Army would become way too disorganized to handle the next step of Irvin's plan for that reason Zeke would transform into his Beast Titan in the middle of the street and then throw the commander outside the interment Zone 4 years ago the Warriors used this exact same tactic with beral and once Irvin gets in the right position he flatten HQ and a large chunk of Liberia on the inside of the interment Zone porker would naturally feel the ground shaking and as he leaves his house to investigate what's going on the very first thing he see is Rina getting beaten up instinctively the draw Titan would want to jump in and help his fellow Warrior but just like in the anime Gallard would be seriously unprepared to handle the island Devils the most likely outcome is that Levi chops off his limbs to stop him going anywhere just as Sasha Connie and the other Scouts blow Rina out of the Armored Titan simultaneously back at HQ IR would be waiting for the next phase of the plan to begin and it would all start once these airships appear behind him similar to the original timeline hisra would have used the Island's natural resources to develop their own Tech and in preparation for this war they'd have an entire fleet of airships and a handful of flying boats these aircrafts would be essential for attacking Marley on a larger scale because Liberia would be just the first of several major targets as Irvin then exits the Colossal back in the interment Zone the Beast Titan would find the other Scouts by this point Rhino would be tied up on the ground in his human form while the jaw Titan still wouldn't have any limbs but when Zeke shows up gallad would understandably feel like they're about to be saved pretty quickly though it wouldn't take him very long to realize that there's something going on as none of the scouts not even Aaron would be reacting to the Beast Titan's appearance moments later later flock would then swoop down to the ground and in his hand he'd be holding this vial of liquid without any hesitation he then down the entire thing in one go as everyone else just watches on from the rooftops following this Zeke would let out a scream that would be heard across Liberia and by doing this he transformed flock into one of his pure Titans for a bit of context here in the year 853 when the scouts were preparing for war soldiers had to apply if they wanted to inherit one of Marley's Titans after a super long process flock was chosen for the armored Louise was selected for the draw and harji selected herself as the one to inherit the C Titan when the scouts then arrived in Marley Zeke provided them with vowes of his own spinal fluid so that in this exact situation flock would be able to follow his commands however as flock charges forward to eat rhina a spike of Titan hardening would randomly erupt out of the ground earlier I mentioned how all of mly shifters were waiting at HQ for updates and this included Lara Tyber who would have been sent there as a backup option in case the Warriors failed When Irvin blew up HQ Lara definitely would have been caught up in the explosion and now she'd arrive on the battlefield to find Zeke working with the Enemy regardless even though the Warhammer Titan is powerful Mikasa would instantly be able to knock it down with thunder Spears while the Beast Titan would call for reinforcements previously during dinner Zeke fed his spinal fluid to everyone who was there partly so he could blackmail the Warriors if he needed to but also so that he'd have Titan reinforcements if anything Went Wrong by the way as a small detail peak's dad and porco's parents would have transformed at the exact same time as flock which is why we can see these two other lights going off in the distance anyway it wouldn't take long for them all to swarm Lara Tyber and during the chaos Levi would just you know go down and grab rer to make sure he doesn't accidentally get killed what follows this would be the Warhammer Titan trying and failing to deal with Mikasa and the pure Tyson which to be fair that's not easy dealing with both those things at the exact same time and in the past MTH did say that her power runs out pretty quickly once that moment of exhaustion eventually comes Zeke would advise Aaron on how to break the crystal because he'd know more than anyone just how strong porco's jaw Titan is listening to his brother's advice Aaron would use gad's draw to crush Lara to pieces and although this was never part of the plan he'd gain her Warhammer abilities as he then goes off script to try and eat Porco as well he'd get interrupted by Irvin who'd finally arrive back at in the interment Zone at this moment his main priority would be for the three candidates to eat their Titans with flock going up first to eat rer and Louise getting ready to go up next in preparation for hanji going third Levi would be sent to retrieve her and the C Titan but by the time he arrives all he'd see is the building up in flames on the inside the captain would find the burning remains of Hani and Nile and as if that wasn't bad enough the cart Titan wouldn't be inside the trapo this is because on the streets of like ibero Peak would now be on the Run having escaped with the help of Commander MTH the two of them would have then gone in the direction of all the chaos and they get there just in time to witness Louise emerging from her Titan judging from that site maath would instantly know that at least one of the Warriors has to be dead and as he scans the area he noticed Zeke calmly standing next to three of his pure Titans by now the commander would be fully aware of Zeke's betrayal thanks to Peak but what would surprise him about the situation is how strongly these Titans resemble the warrior parents in fact I reckon Peak would probably have like a rare mental break when she sees that this is her dad but before she can do anything the scouts would kill him and the rest of Zeke's Titans to understand why the first thing we need to explain is irvan's strategy for when the scouts leave Liberia with hu's assistance the idea was the cervicle would split into separate teams who would each Target different locations within Mari these locations include the Airship base in Fort salta the naval port port in carifa and just several military bases across the continent given that Marley has lost its Titans its leaders and their Navy getting trashed in the Middle East destroying these locations would be the final nail in the coffin when it comes to Fort salta specifically because it's so far away from Liberia that team would leave immediately once Louise gets a Titan for everyone else they'd stick around to quickly watch hanji eat the car Titan with Irvin ordering Zeke's Titans to be destroyed in preparation for everyone leaving the city that said once Levi arrives back with the news that Peak has escaped and Hani and Nala dead that would force the commander to make a decision his plan was always to capture all four of the Warriors to leave Marley as weakened as possible but at the same time the cart Titan by itself isn't a huge threat while it would be ideal to get revenge for NY and hanji if the scouts were to waste time trying to find Peak then it would only delay the more pressing things they have to do for that reason Anin would order the scouts to just pull out of Liberia as they' each have specific air they need to get on sadly for Jean he was the one who happened to kill peak's dad and she'd make it a point to Ambush him before he gets out of the interment Zone Sasha and Connie would be the ones to witness this and although they chase after him Peak obviously knows the Zone a lot better than they do eventually her and meath would take Johan to an abandoned building where they intimidate and basically torture him into giving them information and from this the one thing they learn is that Zeke is a Titan of Royal Blood after finding this out methan Peak would make the long journey to Marley's capital city where the next day they meet with Willie Tyber by this point Willie would of course know about the death of his sister and it goes without saying he'd feel extreme levels of grief but also extreme levels of humiliation for the Tyber family's prize possession to be stolen for the first time ever yeah that would be pretty embarrassing and Willie would be desperate to avenge his sister and just get it back the problem is that by now Marley would have suffered an insane amount of losses especially in Fort Sala which would have been burnt To The Ground by Aaron flock and Louise the end result of this is that Marley would have no airships left not to mention their bigest port would get trampled by Irvin and Zeke realistically this would put Marley in a position where it can't defend itself from these constant Titan Attacks and if things were to get any worse there's a realistic chance that other nations will attack them as well for that reason When kiomi Calls Willie offering to make a deal he would have to sit down and listen to what she has to say on this call the Ambassador would represent both hisu and parody and she threatened to continue this Titan Rampage until Mari gives them what they want for now ki's three main demands would be that number one Mary surrenders and stops any resistance number two they pull all of their forces out of the Middle East and number three the Tyber family steps away from their position from the beginning kiomi said her goal was to restore hisu to its former glory and by kicking the tyers out of Mali by force there's a chance for hisu to replace those positions with their own people as they take control of the continent understandably Willie wouldn't want any of those things to happen but after strategizing with methan Peak the three of them would come up with an idea back in the original timeline we saw that Willie does have a good political Instinct and he knew exactly what to do and exactly what to say to convince people to join his side that same skill would be useful for them in this Branch timeline as well but realistically it would take months to launch any kind of fight back against parade that's why on on the phone Willie would agree to ki's demands and Mary would officially surrender unofficially though this wouldn't be the end of things as Willie would immediately flee the country along with Peak maath and the rest of his family for the rest of the world this would all have massive consequences but first let's do a recap of what would happen on the island over the next few weeks and months following their victory in Marley which was thanks to years worth of planning from Irvin Premier Zachary would announce his intention to retire as commander-in-chief Zach is in charge of all three military branches but given that Anan is the one who retook W Maria and defeated their biggest enemy no one would be more qualified for that role however due to hani's death the scouts wouldn't have an obvious successor to take over from him and so for that reason I imagine Urban's promotion would be put on hold until he'd be certain that the Scouts can function without him at the same time Aaron wouldn't be the happiest person cuz although the plan in Marley was a success he'd return home to find out that Jean was killed in Liberia after his interrogation Commander MTH would have executed him on the spot with Sasha and Connie finding his body a short time later this death would spoil the mood for pretty much everyone in their friendship group and once again Aaron would feel an incredible amount of bitterness towards the outside world in terms of other changes on the island the next inheritor of the female Tyson would also be a big issue for the past 4 years Annie would have been chilling inside her Crystal but with Aaron gaining the war power and with Louise gaining the draw Titan breaking that Crystal suddenly became possible logically speaking you'd expect a member of the scouts to be chosen for it but for political reasons the military police would want one of their people selected despite being the most prestigious Branch the MPS gained a bad reputation for laziness and just general corruption and the success of the scouts only made them look even worse by comparison after a lot of discussions hitch was eventually selected for the female Titan not because she was the best candidate but because as Annie's former roommate her story of being betrayed had the best chance of resonating with the public of course the problem with hitch is that like Marlo said she's someone who prefers to live the easy life so there's no way she' just agree to something this serious to win her over Not only would her family be offered lifechanging amounts of money for the next 13 years but the MPS would impose a set of anti-corruption reforms which is something that hitch knew Marlo wanted to happen as a result 7 months after the victory against Marley Annie's Crystal would get crushed by Aaron who by now would have had some time to perfect his control of the Warhammer Titan in the process hitch would become the fifth member of the newly formed Titan defense Squad alongside Aaron Irvin flock and Louise this group would be their equivalent to Marley's Warriors and as the name suggests their role would be to protect the island from any external threats when it comes to the Beast Titan though who you probably noticed wasn't involved here he'd be locked up deep underground found in a prison made specifically for him from the first day his volunteers arrived on the island I don't think there's any doubt that Irvin would have been suspicious of Zeke's motives in particular his desire to meet with Aaron at the same time though the commander would be willing to use Zeke and his volunteers but someone as experien as him would know that only bad things can happen by putting these two in a room together that's why the two brothers were purposely put on different teams during the marlean war and it's why on the way back to the island Levi cut him up since then he'd be trapped underground miles away from Shanna and in the year 855 Zachary would start betting candidates to inherit the Beast Titan meanwhile switching back to Marley the continent would now fully be under hisu control in the years since the war they would have made several big decisions for example giving Independence to most of the colonized Nations this move would definitely help to restore their reputation in the eyes of many people but at the same time they'd be hated by others due to their association with parad for most of the world Elia would still be viewed as an Island full of devils and although the threat of Mari would be gone the fact is that these Devils now have eight of the nine Titans that makes them more dangerous than the Warriors ever were and politicians around the world would genuinely be afraid that what happened to Marley might also happen to them for the past year Willie Tyber would have used that fear to his Advantage utilizing his influence and connections to Rally certain nations against hisu and parade this would be easy for him to do given that one the island is already hated two politicians do actually listen to him and three we've already seen the exact argument he would use to convince people to join his side after a year of going from country to Country and applying political pressure a military Alliance would form between all the nations who want to prevent the rumbling this would be ironic given that Irvin and the rest of the island had no intention of doing a rumbling but regardless the creation of This Global Alliance would lead to a brand new conflict in a 55 when they launch a surprise attack against parade for purely strategic reasons the first place they target would be Zeke's prison cuz as the only Tyson of Royal Blood killing him would make it impossible for Aaron to use the founder after sneaking in Peak would be the one to confront him while the fighting continues above ground and in the end her C Tian would literally Chomp him in half meanwhile in Shanina Historia and the Titan Squad would be gathered for a meeting when they suddenly get news about the invasion at this point in time they wouldn't know whether Zeke is dead or not but based on the context anyone who would attack the prison is clearly looking for Zeke either to kidnap him or to kill him from Aaron's point of view this would seriously piss him off because if the island really is under attack then it means all the effort they put in to finding peace it' basically be for nothing secondly if his brother has been killed then it greatly increases the chances of his Storia being turned into a Titan given that she's the last person with royal blood and she'd be needed if the island had to prot protect itself with the rumbling Irvin would be aware of this possibility as well and it's why his main priority right now would be to save Zeke if he can still be saved while also making sure that nothing happens to Historia until they know the situation to achieve this flock and the commander would immediately head towards the prison along with Levi and an army of Scouts while the three remaining Titans would be ordered to stay behind with Historia around an hour later the survey Corp would then arrive at the jail to find it's been taken over by enemy soldiers and what follows this would be an allout war between the two sides for the scouts colossal Irving would personally crush the airships flying overhead while down on the ground the armor Titan would have his hands pretty full during the fighting though he'd unexpectedly get injured by an anti-titan Cannon and this would be important since this type of Cannon is only made in the Middle East for the past few years hizu the Middle East and parody would have all been working together behind the scenes especially for the attack on Marley so for this weapon to be here it implies that someone must have betrayed the island simultaneously back in channa things wouldn't be looking too good as hundreds of fighters from the Global Alliance would descend onto W Maria strapped to each of their backs would be eldians who'd All Be Sedated by this point and after arriving on top of the wall all of them would be lined up next to each other inside HQ Aaron and the others would watch on as each of these people are then injected with the Titan transformation serum and immediately begin rampaging through the district willly Tyber this would all be a tactic to force Aaron to reveal himself cuz there's only so long he'd be able to stand by and watch as his hometown gets destroyed again sure enough eventually the attack Titan would fall for the bait and along with Mikasa and a bunch of other Scouts they try their best to defend the civilians after a lot of hesitation hitch would join the fight as well which would be her first time ever using the female Titan in combat unfortunately though willly Tyber and Commander MTH would be perched on top of w Maria and in Math's case he inside an anti-titan Cannon thanks to Intel they received from a certain person these two would know nearly all of the Island's military Secrets including obviously Zeke's location and the fact that on this day the queen and the Titan defense Squad would all be in the same place using that information the Global Alliance was able to create a four-stage plan which was to kill Zeke to prevent any chance of the rumbling steal the founder by having a random pure Titan eat Aaron eliminate any shifters who get in the way and finally launch a ground found Invasion to kidnap the Royal blooded Queen bearing this in mind meath's mission was to make sure Aaron gets eaten by one of the pure Titans hence why he shoot through the attack Titan's brain in theory this would paralyze him long enough for one of the pure Titans to take advantage however hitch would be the one to protect him as she cuts them down with Aaron's Warhammer sword in response maath who is the best Marksman in the Global Alliance he'd fire a shot that instantly rips through the female Titan's neck unlike the shot he fired against Aaron this one would be designed to shred hitch's human body cuz like I said the alliance don't really care about most of the Titan Shifters as long as they acquire the founder in Historia then in time they'll have control over not just every Titan but every subject of Yia on the planet sadly for hit she'd just be collateral damage of this plan and inside HQ Louise and Historia would be horrified at the way things are playing out switching over to Irvin having confirmed Zeke's death he and the scouts would urgently head back to Shanta one person who wouldn't be with them though is Captain Levi as he would have stayed behind at the prison to deal with the new and improved C Titan having already eaten Zeke Peak shifter would now be this weird hybrid between the cart and Beast which means she would gain certain new abilities like for example enhanced speed and enhanced sense of smell which would be good for tracking people down in Levi's case all he'd want is to kill her and get revenge for what happened to Hani but even for him Peak would be causing a few problems due to the cart Titans unlimit limited stamina combined with the Beast Titan speed Peak would be able to evade most of his attacks her plan here would simply be to outlast him physically cuz she'd know from his first fight with Zeke that in certain situations Levi can get exhausted when that opening finally comes Peak would then run into the forest cuz with flock being injured and with Urban having recently used the Colossal neither of these two would have the energy to transform this meant there was a real chance for her to potentially eat both of them and in the blink of an eye Peak would rapidly catch up to the scouts within 20 minutes however just as she was about to rip the Commander in half like she did to Zeke Irvin's Consciousness would suddenly get transported to the PA's Dimension the reason this would happen is that back in chant with Aon on the verge of getting eaten someone had to make an important decision given that hitch would be dead by this point and there'd be pure Titans swarming the area there was a real risk that at least one of these Titans would slip past the scouts if that was to happen the island would pretty much be done for cuz without Aaron you know they'd lose use their strongest weapon therefore to guarantee the future for parade Historia and Louise would have to have a pretty difficult conversation as we all know the key to unlocking aon's power is a royal blooded Titan but with Zeke's status being unknown at this time they couldn't afford to wait any longer for news for parade to fight back in this specific moment Louise ultimately would have to sacrifice herself so that Historia could step into that role that's why after eating the draw Titan the queen would drag herself through the streets of shagan as Mikasa clears a path by eliminating any nearby Titans on top of w Maria Willie Tyber would eventually notice what's going on here but before he or maath can react Connie would blow maath to pieces with a thunder spear following this the queen would make physical contact with Aaron instantly sending both of them to paths at first Aaron would be slightly confused about how they got here cuz he wouldn't know about Historia being a Titan shifter but after finding out what happened I think it's safe to say he'd be raging as a Titan shifter not only is history's lifespan now reduced but because she has Royal Blood it's inevitable that she'll be pressured to have as many kids as possible during the next 13 years given the success that the scouts had in Liberia Aaron believed that this kind of future had finally been 100% avoided but unfortunately the outside world's fear of eldians is still forced them to this point Historia and Aaron would then argue back and forth over whether her becoming a Titan was the right decision when out of nowhere the founder yamia would suddenly make an appearance unlike the main series when Zeke spent years with yamia learning how to break the vow announcing war in this scenario Historia simply wouldn't have that time as a direct result of that Aaron would be the one in control which according to Titan science is exactly what's supposed to happen this is how Commander Ain would end up getting summoned to the PA Dimension cuz with the situation in Shanina being so bad logically Aaron would want to know if the commander or Captain Levi are close by from this conversation they'd hear about everything that happened at the prison including Zeke's death and the presence of Middle Eastern weapons in Aaron's head this betrayal would confirm something that he already started to believe which is that nothing they try will ever change the world's perception of eldians in fact this would pretty much lead to him accepting that the future he saw 4 years ago was unavoidable and more than that he'd now have an excuse to wipe the Slate clean and create a world that's more similar to the one from armen's book understandably Irvin and Historia would see that as Insanity cuz now that parody has the founder under its control a small scale rumbling would be the most proportionate response by now though eron's mind would be made up for the reasons I mentioned and despite his Storia pleading with him he'd unleash every last Titan inside the walls all over the island every colossal would begin marching towards the sea while in Chacha specifically something else would happen as well in a Flash every pure Titan in the district would get struck by lightning reverting each one of them back to their human forms remember these people were just innocent eldians brought here against their will and most of them would have no idea how they got here in the first place to protect Mikasa Historia and the other Scouts Aaron would reverse their Transformations and the transformations of one other person in a nearby Forest Peak would get struck by a violent burst of lightning forcing her Titan body to just melt away although her Titan Powers wouldn't permanently be gone or anything for the first time ever she wouldn't have any any stamina left to transform as she lies there barely conscious most of her comrades in the Global Alliance would get trampled by the rumbling and several hours later Premier Zachary would call an emergency meeting by this point everyone here would know the full details of what happened and there'd be differing opinions on how they should respond from fl's point of view Aaron's Global Massacre would be 100% Justified and he'd argue that stopping the rambling would put parodies in a dangerous position in his opinion any nation that survives would only rise up against them in the future and so the safest option is to let Aaron trample everything by contrast the story would believe that not everyone off the island is an enemy and she suspect that anyone even Aaron would have doubts about murdering the whole human race similarly Irvin would have doubts of his own cuz even if they were attacked first the level of Bloodshed that eron's doing it goes Way Beyond what's necessary what follows this would be a debate about whether they should try to stop him and during this discussion his Storia would reveal something earlier that day when she was briefly unconscious after eating Louise the queen saw memories of a previous Titan shifter in these Visions she experienced a handful of moments from the girl's life but by far the most clear memory was one of her flying over the battlefield in that moment Historia had the innate feeling that she was the same possibly due to her royal blood or the fact that Louis's Titan did have some animalistic traits that were inherited from the Beast Titan's DNA whatever the reason the ability to fly is something she'd feel like she can do which would make reaching Aaron a real possibility although flock would again argue his case for why they shouldn't interfere Vin would cut him off to explain what they should do next step one Arrangements would be made for Historia to test her powers in the morning and if she can fly then they'll make plans to locate the founding Titan from there they'll try to talk with Aaron and hopefully convince him to reduce the scale of the destruction but the command would reassure flock that whatever happens they don't plan to hurt Aaron in any way step two because of the Global Alliance the island now has hundreds of refugees from across the sea and overnight the goal would be to set up camp for these people and for the residents of shagan finally step three would be to interrogate Willie Tyber who would have been taken hostage shortly after meath was killed Irvin's goal here would be to find out which nation supported the alliance so at least parody can know who their real enemies are that's why the following morning Willie would wake up to find Levi and the commander waiting outside his cell although at first he'd be pretty hostile towards them we have to remember here that with the rumbling marching all night it's only a matter of time until all his kids and the rest of the world are squashed to Pieces by Aaron being reminded of this fact is what would eventually get Willie to be a little bit more open cuz with the alliance being defeated the scouts are now literally the only people who can stop it in the end Willie would confirm Irvin's suspicions which is that the alliance was supported by both the Middle East and his r as well although it is true true that kyomi never had a problem with eldians ultimately She'll always put the interest of her own country over the interests of parade for context earlier I mentioned how hisu would be hated by certain countries around the world due to their relationship with the island as more and more Nations then signed up for the Global Alliance naturally the number of enemies the hisu has it would continue to grow in recent months this would result in economic sanctions against the azito clan which was something they did to force homi to negotiate eventually a deal was struck in which she agreed to pass them information including Zeke's location among other things and in exchange hisu would gain two things number one all economic sanctions would be lifted now and forever and number two if the alliance were to win the war then Asia would have exclusive control over all of parody's Natural Resources this was The Proposal that Willie made to her and if it had worked it would have been a way better deal for hisu than their current Arrangement however for Willie none of this stuff would really matter anymore cuz the only thing he'd want right now is for his kids to be saved knowing what he knows about Irvin Willie would believe that the scouts will find a way to do it but he'd warned the commander that killing Aaron might be the only way for there to be peace after all the tyers are living proof that humans and elens can trust each other under the right circumstances but if the scouts were to allow Aaron to live after what he's done it's unlikely that trust would ever form between the island and the outside world before Irving can respond Mikasa would suddenly burst into the room with an urgent update about Historia flashing forward 24 hours inside Liberia the Earth would start to shake as Aaron leads his Titans towards the city within the interment Zone Gabby Falon and the rest of the warri candidates would all be pretty helpless cuz after the damage the scouts did to force Sala there wouldn't be any safe places to run to when that attack happened a year ago all of the candidates were in the Middle East and ever since they got back Gabby would be depressed since her aunt cousin and both of her parents were killed by the island Devils for Ain to now come back to finish the rest of them off that would feel especially cruel and she'd be Frozen as the rumbling approaches however just as things seemed completely hopeless a Titan would fly overhead and on its back would be Irvin flock Mikasa and Captain Levi right now their mission would be to distract Aaron long enough for Historia to make physical contact if successful this would give them one final chance to talk things out in the PA Dimension but in the back of mik's head she'd be wondering what they plan to do if this doesn't work as Historia then flies over the rumbling her Titan would release a blast of superheated steam burning the napes of over a dozen wall Titans similar to the Colossal has shifter is able to burn muscle mass to generate steam but instead of emitting that steam she can store it internally when the heat then builds up to a certain temperature Historia can release it all in one go torturing pretty much anything that happens to be in the way the downside to this power though is that like I said she has to burn muscle mass has to do this meaning there needs to be a long regeneration period before she can do it again anyway with an entire section of War Titans being wiped out Aaron would genuinely be shocked by the attempt to stop him in this timeline because of the way the rumbling came about he wouldn't have laid the groundwork for his friends to oppose him like this and he'd have no prior knowledge of how the rumbling might end that's why seeing Mikasa flock and the rest of them would actually be surprising and as Aaron stays deep in thought the commander would trigger his colossal transformation as Irvin then directly blocks the attack Titan's path Historia would then speed towards Aon cuz for the plan to work all she has to do is make the faintest contact however just as she's an inch away from touching the founder a bright flash of light would suddenly engulf the draw Titan and everyone on board to explain why we need to flash back a couple days to when the scouts were discussing what they need to do during that meeting flock was incredibly paranoid cuz to him the idea of sparing their enemies it ultimately would mean the death of the island around him though no one else would be taking it as seriously as you know Irvin and the others seemed to believe that life could continue even if the rumbling stopped that's why the night before the commander had his meeting with Willie Tyber flock hired one of the Gods to report back everything that was said from this he heard about Willie tiber's recommendation to kill Aaron which is something he already suspected would be on the cards of course with Aaron currently being in control of the founder the only ones who could really realistically kill him other aiman since they're the only ones unaffected by that power to guarantee that they wouldn't stop the rumbling flock would vow to do whatever it takes even if that meant betraying his comrades for that reason he played along so that he'd be allowed on this Mission and then when the moment presented itself the armor Titan triggered his own transformation doing this so close to his comrades would be like setting off a bomb in their faces or in this case I guess a thunder spear is a better comparison as the aans and Historia then plummet towards the ground Vin and Aron would watch on in disbelief it was established a long time ago that the Colossal Titan's biggest weakness is how slow it is and its lack of agility and in this case here it would mean that neither of them would be able to grab the aimin in time just like when his mother was eaten Aaron would be helpless as the most important person in his life crashes into the Earth at full speed for flock this would be a necessary evil to guarantee the Island's future but there would be one detail he wouldn't know ever since arman's death 5 years earlier the relationship between Mikasa and Aaron would definitely have evolved in a different way the shared grief they'd have about the situation that does often bring people closer together and plausibly it would cause Aaron to be more open about his emotions now I'm not saying Armen being dead means that he'd suddenly tell Mikasa everything but what I do think is that they'd have to confide in each other about their grief relating to Armen over the years that would lead to them opening up more and more about certain other things eventually manifesting into the relationship they both clearly wanted flock however would have no idea about this cuz with the Hostile political climate the two of them would have been keeping their romance a secret until things calm down in fact one of Aaron's more selfish motivations for doing the rumbling is that by eliminating the outside threat it would give them a chance to literally just retire from the military and live out his final years in peace that potential future would now have been taken away from him by the Armored Titan who in the blink and I would find himself in Parts initially flock would be trapped in this exact position for what felt like days but as days turned to weeks and weeks turn to months he'd eventually become more and more Delirious on very rare occasions he'd see visions of Aaron standing in front of him and promising to make him suffer and die in the worst way possible but due to the nature of the situation he wouldn't be certain if any of that was real as the months then turned to years flock would suffer from frequent hallucinations panic attacks and he just never know if what he sees is a figment of his imagination meanwhile in reality only a handful of seconds would have passed as Vin would react not so kindly to what he's just seen ordinarily the commander is the type of person who stays focused on the mission even when people are dying all around him but to be betrayed by someone who he trusted to have the arm of Titan I feel like that would be the thing that would send him over the edge before he can do anything though Irvin's surroundings would abruptly change as he suddenly finds himself in shagan with Aaron just from looking around he'd instantly realize this is one of the founding Titan tricks given that they'd both be Frozen in Time inside this Dimension nothing except himself and Aaron would be able to move and as the commander looks down he'd see an old memory of Captain Levi I probably don't need to explain that this specific memory is from 5 years earlier when Levi had to decide who would inherit the Colossal Titan at the time Mikasa and Aaron obviously fought for Armen to be chosen however in the present day Aaron would now believe that regard regardless of who was saved neither Armen or Irvin would have been able to stop the rumbling the truth is that as long as subjects of Emir can become Titans then the rest of humanity does have a right to be afraid of them that fear is why it's so difficult for eldians and humans to coexist but until recently Aaron had deluded himself into thinking that Irving could find a way sadly even their best leader wasn't able to find a peaceful solution and so elia's only remaining options are to either destroy Humanity or wait for Humanity to destroy them in response the commander would mention that even if this is the case it is a bit nonsensical to kill billions of people for the freedom of one tiny Island whichever way you want to look at it the rumbling is objectively wrong and disproportionate but after going back and forth debating this it would be clear to Irvin that Aaron's mind is already made up because of that the commander would decide to at least attempt to save as many people as he can and to do this he'd have to remind Aaron of their history 100 years ago when citz AR Ed the wolves and trapped them behind it it wasn't only their freedom that he took away the reality is that eldians from across the sea also lost their freedom as well and if it wasn't for their sacrifices the eldians inside the walls wouldn't have made it to where they are for example people like gisher and krugger they were both born and raised in Liberia and it was only thanks to their actions that ens on the island were able to fight back continuing this train of thought the commander would suggest that eldians born outside the walls aren't any different from them and if Aaron truly wants them to be free then that freedom should at least be extended to elans all around the world of course the main question is how do you do that when everything and everyone is getting trampled but I think Irvin would offer a practical solution as the rumbling continues to March the founder can transform these people into massive Colossus Titans who can then join him on his Rampage across the globe once it's all over they can then start brand new lives on parody but at first Aaron would be majorly skeptical about this plan given that a lot of ens from across the sea you're going to hate him for destroying their homes I think Irvin would also have to acknowledge that possibility but he'd know for a fact that there are at least some people who' just be grateful that their families were saved in the first place a proposal like this would definitely be a lot for eron to process but after thinking back to his dad's memories he would accept that maybe the commander has a point it can't be denied that aliens from across the sea laid the foundation for everything Aaron achieved and so for him to turn around and kill people just like them it would be pretty messed up for for that reason he'd agreed to play along with anan's plan on the condition that he takes mik's body back home and gives her a proper burial next to Armen naturally that's something the commander was probably going to do anyway and as the two of them then Shake on it the scene would flash back to Liberia on the streets people would be freaking out as their skin begins to glow and from Gabby and Falcon's perspective they would think they're about to die across the town thousands of Lights would then erupt out of nowhere as every L man woman and child would transform into a Mindless colossal Titan standing at 60 M tall their explosive Transformations would destroy what was left of the city and interestingly this same thing would be happening all over the world due to 2,000 years of colonization eldians would exist in countries all around the world I mean we've heard this from Udo and also from Annie's Dad so we know they exist in places that we haven't seen and you know I would imagine they come in all sorts of different colors and shapes and sizes when it comes to flock he'd meet his end in Liberia as Aaron would throw his human body like garbage into the path of the marching Titans over the next 5 days the rumbling would then reach every corner of the globe flattening entire civilizations in an unparalleled Act of mass murder with the exception of parade all that would remain would be a Barren Wasteland but this act would still be something Aon wanted to do flashing forward by a year a ton of things would change on the island in the time since Humanity was wiped out for a start Premier Smith would finally take control of the military as parody tries to deal with the influx of refugees from his point of view the arrival of aliens from across the sea would have potential to be a good thing especially when it comes to the Tyber family because the tyers have such extensive knowledge of the modern world in theory the island can keep evolving for Generations even without hu's help the problem is that with Willie being locked up so far the family would refuse to cooperate in any way but negotiations with the government would still be underway meanwhile for other foreign eldians they'd be having a pretty terrible time as the majority of them would be victims of various forms of discrimination realistically for many natives on the island they associate the actions of Mary's government with all of the foreigners who were coming from across the sea that connection would 100% lead to violence against them and overall for now life wouldn't be much better than the enement zones now you might be thinking that these divisions are something that can heal over time and ordinarily that would be true however for Irvin there would be one big concern one year ago the female and armored Titans were both killed without parsing down their abilities following that their powers must have been inherited by two eldian babies who' currently be somewhere on the island if either of those kids happened to belong to refugees then the division between the native and the non-native eldians it could lead one day to a Titan Civil War that's why Premier Smith's main priorities would be to fix the Divide find those two kids and also find Aron for the past 11 months the founder would have been missing having abandoned Society shortly after the rumbling even though the rumbling is something Aaron wanted to do the guilt from killing billions of people and getting Mikasa dragged into it it it weigh heavily on his mind to make things worse most of the population would worship him like a God and there wouldn't be a single place he could go without people glorifying what he did within weeks of arriving home all of these factors would cause Aaron to have a mental break and in a moment of Madness he'd cut himself off from the world since that day he escaped to the mountains in the north of parade where he live a silent and isolated life waiting for the curse of yir to take him that said on November the 3rd in the year 857 the attack Titan would secretly make his first journey back to Shanina the significance of this date is that it would be armen's birthday in particular the final birthday that Aaron would be alive to see for that reason he'd make the incredibly long journey back to their Hometown where his best friend would be buried under the tree on the hill by chance Historia would also happen to be there that day to pay her respects and for her seeing Aon there would be like seeing a ghost by this point the military had been searching for him for over 2 years and rumors began to spread that he taken his own life that's why him being here would feel like he's come back from the dead and by doing something as simple as giving him a hug Aaron would instantly experience her memories since the day he disappeared from this he'd learned how worried history has been how hard his friends searched for him and he'd feel the suffering of the people he brought to the island following this the two would have a long conversation where Historia pretty much begs him to return to society from her point of view because Aaron is woried by nearly all Native eldians he could be the one to end the violence between the locals and the refugees at first he wouldn't really appreciate this idea cuz his self-esteem would be so low by this point that he wouldn't feel as if his words could make a difference to people's hatred regardless Historia would refuse to give up on this and in the year 858 the final year of aon's life he would make a return to the public eye as you can imagine this news would literally blow people's minds and with all of humanity waiting to hear what he has to say Aaron would preach a message of peace between eldians in time this would gradually lead to the formation of a new religion called jism but we'll talk more about that later in the video for now the last thing to say about Aaron himself is that before his death he'd make a vow to all of his followers as proof of his commitment to ending the cycle of War Aaron would reject Irvin's wishes and would choose to die without passing down his Titan Powers instead he'd allow the curse of yir to peacefully take him away when the time comes and his final words to Historia would simply be that it's time to stop fighting this final message would form the foundations of jeris but not everyone would buy in to that Philosophy for Irvin the prospect of Civil War would be greater now more than ever cuz with aon's death his power would be inherited by random babies on the island in total this meant the Warhammer founder attack female and armored Titans were all out there in the wild and if War was to break out in the near future is possible if not likely the government would lose therefore in the interest of National Security the commander and chief would have to change his priorities a few weeks after Erin's death Irvin would launch an aggressive Crackdown in which thousands of kids and babies would be taken from their parents this level of ruthlessness is something he wouldn't have displayed for years but in his mind it would be a necessary sacrifice to save their Tiny World on the flip side of this in response to hundreds of their children being kidnapped by the state a new resistance group would form among the refugees this resistance would be spearheaded by Colt Gabby and Falco and they receive secret funding from the Tyber family moving on several years later to the year 862 Premier Smith would announce the discovery of four of the missing Titans in particular the female Warhammer armored and found would all be tracked down with two of these kids being eldians from across the sea during the whole searching process countless children were experimented on to see if they had healing abilities leaving a bunch of kids traumatized when they were eventually sent back home on top of that the Unlucky ones who actually had Titan Powers they would never be sent back as the government would obviously want to hold on to that power this would lead to Violent clashes and protests with the resistants who by now would be armed thanks to the Tyber Family Support soon afterwards a very brief Civil War would then break out on parody As resistance Fighters would launch a surprise rescue mission to save their two kids this failed operation would result in half of their forces being killed by the Beast Titan and for Historia she'd be horrified by everything going on earlier I mentioned how Jer ISM would morph into a religion on the island one that would revolve around the ideas of peace freedom and a stop to their endless violence as leader of the church Historia would firmly buy into this ideology which would put a huge strain on her relationship with Irvin gradually a divide would start to grow between the government and the Royal bloodline with things getting especially bad in the year 868 this would be the year that Historia dies from the curse of yir and despite the military's request she'd refuse to pass down her Titan with jism having evolved over the past decade one of their core beliefs would be that they'd reject the old system of kids having to eat their parents instead jeras would think that all shifters should die a natural death so that the founder Yia can grant that power to a pure-hearted eldian importantly as we saw with the four kids the ones chosen by yumia can come from either side of the sea and so from a jager's perspective everyone is equal they're all the same this belief is something that Historia would pass down to her daughter and for well over a century no one from the Royal bloodline would inherit a Titan again this is where things get interesting CU in the Year 2005 LD would be a modern society where although Titans exist they wouldn't have been used for decades a reason for this is that as the native and non-native populations began to mix Jer ISM grew to become the dominant religion this led to a series of events in which 70 years ago the jeris royal family gained enough support in the public to overthrow the military government since then the monarchy have been the ones in charge and the current king would be Adam rice as history's great great grandson Adam inherited the throne in 972 but unlike the rest of his family he question certain aspects of their religion for example since the agorist took over all children would be tested at Birth for healing abilities and if they displayed that power two things would happen number one they'd be given the status of a Sint inside theur church and number two they'd be trained by the Army for 13 years to control and never to use their Titan power so far this method would have been successful but for Adam he'd view it is dangerous since there's always the risk that one day a random Maniac or a traitor might inherit one of the eight Titans in a minute I'll explain why there are only eight but first to protect the population in 992 Adam would establish the brand new church of eldia this church would be one that follows most jager's teachings but with the crucial difference that now the king can select who inherits Titans essentially this meant bringing back the tradition of eldians eating other eldians but there is a reason why this wouldn't be a huge deal with parody having evolved into a modern civilization Titans would not be a part of everyday life in fact they wouldn't have been seen in public since the days of the old military government as a result with each passing generation their power would start to feel more and more irrelevant and although people would know it's real the world wouldn't revolve around them like it used to shortly after after establishing his new church Adam would then handpick the next inheritors of the eight Titans giving four to the Island's most trusted soldiers two to members of the Royal bloodline and the remaining two to his closest allies their responsibility would be to safeguard these powers for 13 years until the process repeats itself again this method was to ensure that Titans never interfere with their way of life which is something Adam had always prioritized however unknown to the king there would be one more Titan out there that hadn't been seen since the death of Aaron Jer because he was killed by the curse of yir Aaron shifters were divided back to their original forms with the attack founder and Warhammer being inherited by three random babies as we know Premier Smith was able to locate two of them but in the end he died without ever finding the attack Titan regardless this missing Titan was something the military still continued to look for until decades later when they were overthrown by the jeris royal family by that time the attack Titan had been gone for almost 80 years and it was believed by oagis that the power had died with Aaron himself therefore the Rises didn't want or expect to see it ever again and on the 100th anniversary of Aaron's death the church officially declared there were now only eight shifters of course the reality was that the attack Titan never disappeared and for Generations it had been secretly passed down between members of the resistance initially this group was founded to secure the rights of eldians from across the sea but by pure coincidence the baby who inherited the attack Titan belonged to one of their members with with the Tyber family's help the group was eventually able to get their hands on transformation serum and had passed the Titan between themselves ever since the reason the tyers were so invested in this resistance is that as Leaders of Marley for a 100 years they'd have their own ideas for how the island should be run when we consider all of the unique natural resources that exist on parody including the glowing Stones the the special fuel source and the ultra hard steel Elia had the potential to one day be a highly Advanced nation in exchange for his release Willie Tyber agreed to help make this a reality but ultimately his goal would be for the tyers to gain control of this tiny World funding the resistance was just one aspect of that plan and in the year 995 it had start to pay off in a big Way by this point generations of tyers would have helped to fully modernize the island but so far they'd have failed to take over in the way will intended however in 995 that would begin to change with the appointment of Henry Tyber as head of the Tyber family as the youngest of five siblings Henry would be by far the most gifted having earned a reputation as a kid for his strategic thinking consequently he was made Family head on one condition which is that he dedicates his life to overthrowing the Royal bloodline pretty much by any means necessary this is where the resistance comes in cuz after 137 years of being a thing the aims of this group would have drastically evolved considering that by now all eldians are native to the island there wouldn't be that same need that there was in the beginning to fight for their rights at the at the same time a lot of eldians from across the sea developed a deep sense of loyalty to the tiers mainly thanks to all of the funding and support that they gave in the beginning and a lot of these people believed that the tiers are the true royal family the descendants of those Fighters would still be part of the group today and their loyalty would be essential to Henry's plan his main strategy here would be a scheme to exploit the weaknesses of the king in particular his desire for humans to move on from the power of the titans from Adam's perspective Titans would have no place in the modern world which is why he entrusted them to people who he knew would never use them on the flip side of this Henry would know that in this world that the tyers helped create there isn't a single weapon left that can kill a Titan shifter this might seem strange given that they're so far in the future but remember in the past Nations developed these weapons in response to the constant threat of Marley in 995 though there hadn't been a Titan incident for Generations in fact ever since the rumbling shifters had only been used twice in battle for that reason the island just wasn't built to handle Titan Attacks and it's why Adam had always been so desperate to get them under his control in exactly 10 years time King rice would once again have to pick new candidates for each shifter and Henry's plan was to manipulate events so that Adam unknowingly chooses members of the resistance through various acts of sabotage bribery and politics over the next decade Henry would turn himself into the king's most trusted advisor and a key figure in the Church of eldia recently it would also have been the one 150th anniversary of when the tyers lost the war Hamed Titan and to commemorate this Henry would secretly fund a campaign in the media for its power to be returned this campaign would put a ton of pressure on the king who was aware of his friend's huge popularity with young people speaking of young people within the Army there were dozens of undercover resistance members but by far the most promising were Mia and Noah besides being naturally talented these two would have Henry's full support behind the scenes who would influence the king similar to how Marcel influenced Marley back in the day following that when the time eventually came to make a decision Adam would go on to make the biggest mistake of his life by caving in to pressure from the media and by Falling for Henry's lies King rice would hand the Warhammer Titan back to the Tyber family with this decision years of meticulous planning would finally pay off for the resistance as they now have two shifters under their control all that would be left to discover is which shifters Noah and Mia would get as the king would make his choice based on military recommendations that's how the Colossal Titan would end up getting inherited by Noah while the founding Titan would find itself a new owner ever since Aaron's death the founder never returned to the royal family out of fear that with the outside world being destroyed it's possible KL Fritz's vow to announce War isn't a thing anymore at the time Premier Smith didn't want Historia or her descendants to potentially have that power and so the military government kept it under their control similarly the current king would have that same belief as as like I said his philosophy is that humans should embrace the future and leave Titan powers in the past that's why back in 992 the founder was given to one of the four soldiers who obviously couldn't use its power due to not having Royal Blood seeing that weakness the Tyber family worked for a decade using underhanded methods to gain influence inside the military that influence was necessary so that when the time came their chosen candidate Mia would be the one to inherit the founder flashing forward 2 months in the summer of 2005 the rice family would be in shagan for the grand opening of a new skyscraper hours into the event everything would seem pretty fine until out of nowhere the Colossal Titan would manifest behind the king with a swipe of his hand Noah would crush the entire rice family including Adam's grandchildren seemingly putting an end to the Royal bloodline meanwhile on the streets below the armor Titan would rush to the scene but on the way there he'd be ambushed by Henry and the missing attack Titan with that said my friends that is where this video ends and if you made it this far I want to thank you for watching all the way initially when I began writing this it was meant to be a quick recap of the Irving colossal timeline that I started a couple years ago but as I started to make changes everything kind of spired out of control and in my opinion it's more interesting now I kind of thought it would be cool to see a world where Titans all still exist just on this tiny Island and the politics involved with that as well I thought it would be pretty interesting as always don't forget to like subscribe and leave a comment if you feel like it and on screen there should be a couple videos that are similar to this one I did do a my Academia video similar to this a few years ago so that is on screen now and yeah until the next one peace out
Channel: Turtle Quirk
Views: 269,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: attack on titan, aot, floch, eren, willy tybur, tybur, shingeki, shingeki no kyojin, attack titan, warhammer titan, founding titan, WHAT IF, attack on titan what if, armored titan, attack titan future
Id: tjJpMWgshrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 38sec (3878 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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