The Last Episode of Attack on Titan was Fixed

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the last episode of Attack on Titan is finally here and I wanted to break down probably the most important conversation in the entire series I wanted to make this quick video to go over the changes that were made to the show compared to the manga and frankly I'm very happy with the changes that were made when Manga chapter 139 was released it immediately became very controversial some saying it was good and many saying it was bad after a few months pass you could figure out that the reason so many people thought it was bad was because of the conversation between Aaron and Armen when Aaron is eventually killed and Armen gets his memory of this conversation back will follow the two conversations and see how they differ and why I highly prefer the anime adaptation we opened the conversation in both versions with Arman asking Aaron why he had to be so harsh towards Armen masasa and all their friends Aaron explains that it was because he was trying to push them away so that it would be easier for them to go against him and he said he got a bit carried away too Aaron's plan with this is that his friends would be seen as Heroes who saved the world from Annihilation comparing them to the Tyber family after the great Titan war in the anime Armen tells Aaron that he and his friends aren't going to play that role that Aaron has set up for them and then Aaron stands up to change the direction of the conversation but in the manga Aaron immediately brings up the fact that the rumbling is going to kill 80% of the population I like how they save this reveal for later in the conversation in the anime because with Armen knowing that this is what Aaron wouldent do changes the tone for the rest of the conversation in the manga or more accurately it should have it does for the audience but not for Armen which leads to the rest of the conversation seeming clunky and strange because you expect Armen to act a bit differently after hearing such news after Arman has a relatively tame reaction Armen asks if Aaron did all of that for them and then Aaron stands up in both version Aaron begins to tell Armen what he knows about the founder yamir that ultimately the reason yamir was a slave for 2,000 years and continued the curse of the Titans was because she loved Carl Fritz I'm going to go over this in a different video because frankly this is the whole reason the ending kind of sucks for me so subscribe if you want to see that the conversation goes on to explain that yamir yearned for freedom and waited for someone to release her and that that person was Mikasa this is the same for both the manga and the anime this Revelation seems to go against what happened in episode 80 with us thinking that Aaron was the one to free yamir that's even what Zeke says to Armen earlier in the same episode so I don't know if that's just a contradiction or have we've been looking at the scene from episode 80 wrong this whole time in both versions Aaron explains that he doesn't know why mikas is the one that yamir needs but that he does know the results of her choice which as the audience we can presume is the ending of the Titan curse brought about by yamir's freedom and that was the reason Aaron continued to move forward the manga anime versions are pretty much identical as Aaron explains that he's not happy that he had to get his friends wrapped up in all of this and he had to hurt so many people then explaining that due to the Founder's power his brain is all messed up because time has become so loose to him he can see both the past and the future together he explains he had no choice but to send the smiling Titan towards his own mother revealing that he was responsible for the main event that kicked off the entire series Armen shifts the conversation as they look over the sea he begins to talk about masasa and if Aaron knows if she will be able to move on and find happiness with someone else Aaron answers don't know and Armen then punches him in the face and yells at him for ignoring masika's feelings and manipulating and hurting her so much towards the end of the series Arman is rightfully upset about this and then he kind of starts to mess with Aaron saying that it's probably for the best that she finds someone else and in both version Aaron begins to cry on the ground that he doesn't want that that he truly wants Mikasa to only care care about him and hopefully not forget about him for at least 10 years which is a pathetic thing to say and Armen immediately points this out this is one of the points in the conversation that comes off differently between the two versions because in the manga Armen knows that Aaron kills millions of people in the anime Armen is unaware of the fact making the Manga version feel off because mikasa's feeling should be the last thing Armen should be worrying about at this point in the anime Aaron finally reveals that he's going to kill 80% of humanity armen's reaction to the news is far more emotional and true to the character in the anime as he grabs Aaron and starts to plead with him he gets upset that Aaron is telling him that all they've done is pointless Armen continues in the anime version to plead with Aaron to stop the massacre before it begins but Aaron explains that he can't because he's under control of what he's already seen in the future memories that he has never been able to change what he saw due to that power calling himself a slave to Freedom armen's lines following this in the anime are an amazing culmination of the lessons and ideas brought about with the entirety of Attack on Titan this isn't a solution at all what you can't have a war if there's no people it's like a bad joke who would take that seriously Aaron it's true that there's no end in sight for this conflict and I'm sure the hell we went through has happened over and over but we need to think that despite it all one day we can eventually come to understand one another and now no one will have any faith not even in something as small as that the only lesson they'll be left with that they must kill or be killed and you're saying you did all of this for us Ain answers Armen by saying no he didn't do this for them that he did it for himself that deep down even though he doesn't truly understand it himself he wanted to flatten the outside world and leave it a blank slate deep down he always dreamed of that as the freedom he fought for all while thinking he was doing it to protect his friends but now he realizes that he is an idiot for thinking that way an idiot with enough power to do what he wanted in the manga however all this is summed up with Armen saying that it's not too late to try to find another way and then Aaron saying that he wanted to do it he wanted to flatten the outside world and when Arman asked why aon's only response is I don't know why I wanted to do that I had to and then tells Armen that they're out of time and he's erasing his memories a far cry from the revelations we just got in the anime version in the Manga version before the conversation ends Armen picks up a sea shell and says to Aaron thank you for becoming a mass murderer for our sake and then he says he will try his hardest to fix Aaron's mistakes this line in the manga is just gross and was rightfully made fun of after its release after that nastiness Aaron tells Armen that he will be the one to save human Humanity before leaving Armen forever if you're someone who has only watched the anime I think you already understand why this is just a bad way to have this conversation there's no lesson to be learned other than that Aaron is completely a slave to yamir and doesn't even know why he's causing all this misery and Armen thanks him for this for some odd reason even though Armen should be furious with Aaron at this point in the anime the conversation wrapped up differently in a much more beautiful way Arman picks up the seashell and says that he understands Aaron he understands why Aaron would want to erase all the people from the outside world because Arman had the same dream he did Armen tells Aaron that after all it was him who shared the same dream when they would look at that book together talking about the outside world he was the one who put the idea of a free unoccupied World in Aaron's head in the first place Arman understands that Aaron saw that dream differently from him and what allowed Aaron to do that was was the fact that he had the power to try and achieve it when they got to the Sea Armen accepted what was beyond it Aaron did not accept it Arman sums this up when Aaron notices the seashell in his hands so you finally noticed it it was at our feet this whole time but you were always looking off into the distance Armen then thanks Aaron not for being a mass murderer but for showing Armen the world beyond the walls and showing him what he had always dreamed of deep down an empty outside world he tells Aaron we did this Armen accepts his friend and tells him that they will be seeing each other in Hell leaving his friend with the hope that they will eventually get to be together forever it's an incredibly Bittersweet moment that calls back earlier in the episode when Armen talks with Zeke about appreciating the little things in life although these characters actions had a massive impact on the world it was Armen who always looked at the present moment and appreciated and accepted the world around him instead of being a slave to the change that he wanted as a friend he tells Aaron that he accepts his actions and the person he is and doesn't make him feel bad for doing what he did instead he basically tells Aaron that that he will be his friend to the end and take on the sin of Aaron's action absolving Aaron even if only a little bit then the friends Embrace and Aaron cries agreeing with Armen thankful he got to talk to his friend this one last time before they part ways this was a much much better conversation between the characters and really lets arman's character shine as well as summarizing the themes of the entire story Arman was always the one with the purest heart and the one who always hoped for the best but he accepted that he was in a cruel world and decided to take on the sin of Aaron's mistakes and dedicated the rest of his life trying to create a world that Aaron and Armen truly always dreamed of a world world of Peace we would never know if Armen achieved this but the ending credits seemed to give us our answer that the circle violence does repeat itself and that ultimately Aaron's decision to follow yamir's orders did not lead to anything good I'm not the person to tell you if this means that the story as a whole is bad or good but that will be my objective of my next video but after watching this episode I was happy that iyama got a chance to fix this conversation
Channel: Collateral
Views: 833,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: attack on titan, aoe, video essay, eren jeager, aot, attack on titan video essay, eren yeager, listenable, anime, manga, part 3, the Final Season, episode 88, Reiner, ReinerRant, Aoe, final episode, AOE, anime original ending, Part 4, mappa, ending
Id: tOIz84HFdvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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