The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World with an Impossible Mission

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lug is an ugly and Incredibly skilled assassin with a nose so sharp he could probably smell the plot twist before it happens he gets reincarnated after being betrayed by the very organization that raised him to be a killer he finds himself in a new world with overpowered magic leveling up skills and a mission to perform one last assassination along with his new beautiful wives before this lug gets assigned a mission to take out Top members of the mafia he aims with his biggest sniper rifle and starts shooting them one after the other without Mercy he does this alongside his newly assigned partner and sidekick a young girl who acts as a spotter and tells him the location of the members swiftly he keeps shooting them one by one and makes sure not to miss a shot this leaves the mfia in panic while those Left Alive hide behind their cars to save themselves from the bullets this however doesn't stop lug as his sidekick informs him about the positions of the other key members who are hiding behind their cars he goes on to shoot them through through the cars after that he gets up and informs her that the mission is now over since they have taken down the key figures they were ordered to isekai hearing this she gets confused this is because she expected that they would take out all the mafia members they found in response lug lets her know that they only do what they are ordered to and that they aren't Heroes furthermore he reveals that they can only take the lives of the people they have been instructed to and must leave immediately curiously she asks him if he can think of a reason why the organization would ask them to kill only the leader and he replies that since the organization is a top secret organization they aim to control the entire country this he claims could give them some form of connection to the mafia which would make them want the leaders not the mafia be changed entirely in their favor this came as a shock to his sidekick who had signed up for this because she thought she would make a positive impact on the world just as they are about to leave he notices a drone tracking them and immediately order ERS her to get into the car at that moment he makes it his new mission to flee the Drone safely realizing that the Drone had been sent after them while they drive away the Drone continues to follow them this causes lug to recognize that if they remain in the car they will be sent to meet their maker while the girl has no idea what is going on lug completely understands since it would be hard for them to escape their pursuers he instructs her to get a gun ready and attach a wire to the trigger then he sets up the car to continue in motion while they jump out on jumping out the car continues to be chased by military vehicles and the wired gun from earlier starts to shoot at the military this forces retaliation from them leading them to blow up the vehicle with no idea that lug and his sidekick are not in it in reality the two hide behind a rock and when the coast is clear the girl suggests that they return to base however lug informs her that they can't do that now since the Drone is still in the sky and can sense their heat signal signatures at night therefore he states that they would have to wait there till the next day when the Sun is up which would make it hard for the drones infrared cameras to differentiate their body temperatures shortly after he notices that she is hurt and helps her to patch it up then the two decide to get some rest since they would have to leave early in the morning they lay on the ground and suddenly the girl starts asking questions like an annoying reporter he stops her curiosity by revealing that this job is going to be his last job since he pled to retire after this he states he plans to start a new career as an instructor for novice assassins like her hearing this she states that she is not a novice and that she was the top student in her class in reply he states that her classmates were probably trash since he thinks she is a pro-r assassin he further taunts her with the fact that he was a better assassin than her when he was a virgin in a brief moment lug pulls out her gun and points it at her dumb head then he taunts her for being a terrible assassin for letting him take her gun easily furthermore he scolds her for trusting him since he can easily pull the trigger to end her miserable life being a pathetic weakling she stands still unable to make a move after a while lug sees that she has a lot to learn and lowers the gun he hands the weapon back to her and opts to sleep at this moment she decides to return the favor and points the gun at him when she does this he is so confident that she cannot go through with it while she tries to figure out why he thinks so he reveals that he had handed the gun back to her without any bullets he states that he is not as dumb as she is and brings out the bullets dropping them to the ground like her IQ this leaves her highly disappointed in herself the following day the two return to their base and manage to contact their organization they are congratulated for completing the mission and ask lug if his sidekick is still alive when he states that she is they inform him about a drawer beneath where he would find everything he needs to leave that country check he sees two fake passports and two tickets back to Japan later on the two arrive at the airport and board the plane just when lug gets relaxed and thinks about his planned future as an instructor with no reason to bother about being an assassin there is massive turbulence that leaves everyone on the plane panicking one of the passengers checks his phone to find out that their plane has been hijacked immediately the girls ask lug what is going on since there are no hijackers in sight realizing what is going on he tells her that this is no hijacking case but an assassination attempt by his organization they apparently want to take him out as that is the only way to activate his retirement plan hearing this the girl is completely distressed and prepares to say her last prayers meanwhile lug charges towards the cockpit and a dumbhead air hostess tries to prevent him from going in but he smacks her sexy ass out of the way getting into the cockpit he finds that the pilots have gone to meet their maker immediately he takes over the pilot role and tries to save what remains of the plane at that moment he notices a fighter jet beside the plane and is about to shoot it down at that moment lug realizes that his life has reached a dead end he is frustrated about the Betrayal the organization has just dished him when he opens his eyes he finds himself in a strange Spirit realm where a SE goddess stands before him she mocks him at first for being the finest assassin on Earth and yet getting betrayed by his own organization just then he asks her where he is and why he is there in response she tells him that she's going to give him two options the first one is that he will be reborn on Earth as a baby with no memory of who he was before or he could be reincarnated into an alternate world of magic and sorcery where he will retain all his memories and experiences on a quest to use his skill to assassinate someone hearing this he is reminded that if something sounds too good to be true it most likely isn't this causes him to ask her who she wants him to assassinate she tells him that she just wants him to isekai the hero that was born in this world while he gets the chance to ponder this she offers him some tea like a Barbie in a playhouse at this moment lug has trouble understanding or believing the concept of reincarnation however she reveals that it is more common than some might assume and almost all of the important souls are given the option to get reincarnated still they end up not remembering anything from their previous lives at this point he concludes that he has had enough of Earth and would rather begin a new life in this new world as long as he can preserve his memories and skills apparently he had always thought of himself as an emotionless tool of the organization but when he was about to die he felt miserable and frustrated furthermore he felt like he was used and betrayed and never really had a life of his own however she informs him that she doesn't care about what he does with his new life as long as he kills the hero once he turns 18 just then she touches his stupid head and transfers all of the information about the new world into it from the language to the culture so that he can maneuver his way around this world without any issues after understanding the ways of this world he tries to understand the ways of women really he asks the goddess why she wants to murder such a hero and she replies that the hero will defeat the demon after which he will change since the power will get into his head making him take over the world and destroy it hearing this lug considers this a worthy backstory he asks the goddess whether he can kill the hero whenever he wants but she refuses she informs him that the hero is the only person who can defeat the Demon Lord and urges him not to kill the hero until he has successfully done so immediately he understands his assignment and agrees to it this leads to the goddess showing him a bunch of cards with different abilities observing them lug picks a bunch of them from different categories and is given the special bonus that enables him to use all four attributes of magic at will when he is done with his selection the goddess wishes him luck and sends him to this new world where he is born as a baby to a noble guy the family happens to be a long lineage of Royal surgeons but in the dark they are a guild of Highly well-trained assassins this seemed to be the perfect environment for lug to train himself to be an assassin without hiding it knowing this he is extremely pleased many years passed and lug is now a young boy who has sunk himself in his training ever since he was able to walk he goes inside a forest to try out his skills by hunting a rabbit out in the open getting there he finds the tracks and runs through the tree with speed before hanging from a branch and shooting the rabbit straight through the eye to take it out in one shot he brings the rabbit back to his house where his mom welcomes him like a little boy and offers to prepare it however since she narrowly escaped an F in cooking he insists on prepping the rabbit himself in his quest to get stronger he believes he needs perfect nutrition and since there are no protein powders in this world he needs to make do with what he has he uses a bunch of spices and herbs alongside the meat to create an almost perfectly balanced diet which he enjoyed with his family afterward just after eating his Stone Cold dad gets up and instructs him to meet him in the basement where they usually hold their training shortly after lug goes to the basement where he meets his dad who tells him to take off all his clothes lug quickly strips down and his dad start starts telling him to do some weird jackiechan poses while he goes over to check his body in order to see whether his growth is good also he checks if lug is perfectly healthy and more developed than the boys of his age upon close observation his dad tells him that he believes that he is ready for the eye surgery this happens to be a secret that no one outside of their family knows they have a unique surgical technique that they use to make their eyes special and it can only be performed by the father on the son usually the Y is done when the son is of a greater age however considering how strong lug already is his father decides that it's time to do it the next day after surgery lug gets some baby treatments from his mother since he is unable to see after having his eyes bandaged from surgery she feeds him and when it seems like things are getting out of hand he runs to his father who finally takes off the blindfold and when he opens his eyes he sees the beautiful scenery of the entire estate that his dad owns he tries to Focus his eyes and surprisingly enough he can see things that are very far away very clearly also he gets the ability to see in the dark which will be crucial for him as an assassin turning around to thank his dad he notices that he can now see how much Mana his father has just then his father informs him that he has arranged for a personal tutor who will teach him magic starting tomorrow this leaves lug incredibly happy as he is dying to learn magic in this world the next day his mom makes him a princess dress and forces him to wear it while welcoming his new tutor later on the tutor arrives in a carriage and it turns out to be a young silver-haired girl she introduces herself as Dia after that she walks up to her new student lug who looks like the stupidest person in the world at the moment looking at him she says that he might be too young to learn magic in response lug tells her that she is barely older than him which pisses her off to show him how strong she is she demonstrates an explosion Magic to him which leaves him thrilled then she tells him that even though she looks young she is one of the top four strongest Mages in the entire Kingdom and she will train him day and night to make him at least the fifth strongest Mage the following day lugs training starts and the two get to introduce themselves in the garden formally there Dia tells lug not to be so formal as she is merely 3 years older than him but he insists that she is still his teacher and deserves every bit of respect in response Dia hands him a pretty crystal ball which he calls far Stone she reveals that the stone is used to gauge how much Mana a person possesses naturally the more Mana you have the more complex and destructive magic you can perform just then she tells him to pour all of his Mana into the stone it turns out that lug has massive and full balls as he continues to pour into the stone leaving Dia stuck and begging for more while he continues to pour more of his Mana into it the stones get unstable as they cannot contains so much Mana at this point Dia gets horrified and shouts at him to throw the stone as far away as possible so lug immediately increases his strength and throws the stone in the air causing it to explode into a loud bang hearing this lugs parents rush outside and ask if they are all right Dia is completely shaken up by what she just saw she thinks that the parents must be angry due to this and she wastes no time telling them that it was her fault for not knowing how much Mana lug had his parent however are not mad even a little bit and rejoice in their son's capability instead they thank Dia for making them realize how powerful their son is and leave them to continue their training on the other hand lug is obsessed with these far Stones he thinks they can be an important weapon against the hero thanks to their explosive properties this causes him to ask Dia about the stones and where he can acquire some Dia however tells him that these stones are not something that you can simply buy from a shop and they are the priz jewels of her kingdom which makes their trade highly controlled that night Dia ends up sneaking into lugs room and sleeps with him claiming that he is her little brother [Music] now hopefully she doesn't get stuck under the bed the next day they go beside a river bank and she hands him another far Stone this time she tells him to pour in only a little bit of Mana as she wants to check the attributes that he has At first she checks for the fire attribute and is happy to see that he has it just to be sure she also ends up checking for water attributes claiming that it is very rare for someone to have two attributes and that she is one of the very few people who possess them to her greatest surprise he possesses the two attributes and this makes her feel very happy as she can now teach him all the Spells she knows just out of curiosity lug asks her to check if he has any more attributes but she smiles and tells him that it is impossible for someone to have three attributes since no one in history has ever had that shockingly it shuts her yapping mouth to realize that he even has the wind attribute out of curiosity she checks once again and realizes that this powerful bastard has all four attributes which is entirely unheard of she composes herself once again and contemplates the fact that this is no guy to mess with after that she sits beside him and tries to take his magic virginity by waking up his innate magic suddenly lug can use magic spells now to do a wide variety of things informs him that the more spells he uses the more spells he will be able to learn he however finds it hard to think about these spells so Dia takes the lead and shows him how to say one of the most basic Earth spells which involves creating copper she does this effortlessly and lug tries to replicate it by saying what she said being a foreign body in this world his pronunciation is off so he ends up creating a block of copper with serious health issues later that night he writes down everything he learned and Dia enters his room once again to sleep beside him the following day after practicing a bunch of times he's finally able to produce a piece of copper that is sick free seeing this Dia is thrilled that he is progressing really quickly he asks her whether she could write some spells for him that she has learned as he wants to try them straight up she writes down a spell for him and he chants it to his surprise he's able to produce a block of iron immediately at this moment lug realizes that the Spells are just slightly different from each other since the spell he used to create copper is exactly similar to the one he used to make iron knowing this he is excited and asks DIA to write down the spells that she knows on a piece of paper she seems to be reluctant at the start as it will take a lot of time but she decides to give in and starts writing the Spells after reading the Spells he realizes that the thing that is changing for each metal is basically its atomic weight he tries to explain it to DIA but her dumb head makes it hard for her to understand so he moves on and tells her to write down a spell for him although she writes the same spell for iron he changes the atomic weight to that of gold instead then he tells DIA to recite it she tries to do it but suddenly falls to the ground with a severe headache he realizes that not everyone can do this spell so he grabs the paper and writes it down himself before reciting it this produces a Shiny Gold Bar surprising Dia completely he makes some changes to the spell using one of his skills kills and suddenly even Dia can produce gold the two Elon mus guanes are extremely happy several days after that lug is able to produce complex materials out of these metals they go down to the riverbank and he produces a rifle through his magic and uses a spell to fire magical bullets out of it Dia is also able to replicate it which makes him happy as he can now use this rifle against the hero however it doesn't have enough Firepower for someone so strong so he creates a giant cannon not the kind we know but an actual Giant Cannon then he tells DIA to shut her ears before he Fires at the island in front of them totally destroying it pleased by the Firepower of this cannon lug turns towards it to see that the shaft of the cannon has exploded which makes him decide to find a more powerful metal for this he asks Dia if she wants to try it but she refuses telling him that she is perfectly fine with just using her rifle for now that night while they lie beside each other Dia seems to be very emotional since this is her last day working as his magic tutor she has to leave to go back to her kingdom the next day being a hard guy lug refuses to show his emotions instead he uses his magical ability to create a dagger out of a very powerful metal probably the wand in vibranium which has never been seen in this world he demonstrates how sharp it is and tells her that this is his parting gift to her Dia is pleased with this and in return she takes off her pendant which has a beautiful far Stone in it and gives it to Lug making him promise that he will come to meet her if she really wants to meet him the next day she hops back into her carriage and leaves the Mansion thanking them for hosting her and promising that she will return someday just then lugg's father looks at him and reveals that he can feel an immense amount of Mana coming from inside him he realizes that lug is ready for the first step of becoming an assassin that evening he takes lug to a large prison that contains a lot of death throw inmates that are given to them to try out new drugs and practice assassination lug asks his father why he raised him to have human emotions as it will just hinder his ability to kill other humans however his father reassures him by saying that he doesn't want lug to become a tool for assassination and wants him to have a life outside of this where he can live like a normal person rather than a killing machine shortly after they arrive at one of the cells where his father shows him a young 19-year-old girl tied to a chair and gagged he removes the gag and she starts begging for her life telling them to spare her his father informs him that she infiltrated the house of an elderly couple and when they returned she ended up killing them and burning their house down she cries to him that she only wanted to find some food and the death of the couple was an honest mistake which is the reason she burned the house down because she was so scared she begs him to spare her life but without a second of hesitation lug slices one of her hands off this takes her by surprise and she starts screaming and cursing at them shouting at L's father for assuring her that if she pleads to Lug her life he might spare her lug however knows how people like her are and throws his knife into her throat shutting her vicious tongue once and for all a couple of years have passed and now log is 10 years old one day he and his family walk through the market where everyone seems to be busy selling their produce as winter is coming soon while the men talk his mother gets friendly with some female sellers on the other hand lug tries to find any person who has some Mana in them but finds that this is harder than finding a needle in a hay stack since it's just 8 years until he assassinates the hero he feels like he needs an assistant to help him he tries as much as he can to find a commoner who has some kind of Mana inside of them that he could take advantage of to be his servant the next day he heads into the forest for his occasional hunt looking around he suddenly hears some howling and takes his ears close to the ground to hear a pack of wolves pursuing prey he decides to follow the sound and possibly steal a Kill from the Wolves when he finally spots them he realizes that they are trying to attack a helpless and dirty looking little girl one of the Wolves tries to attack her but he quickly shoots an arrow through its head then he jumps in front of the girl to protect her to do that he counts the wolves and decides that he will make harvesting their lives one of his training exercises before doing this he hands over his equipment to the girl and takes takes out his knife just then one of the Wolves attacks him but he quickly stabs it in the neck another one tries going after the girl but he kicks it away as two other wolves jump at him simultaneously and grab his arms in their jaws thankfully he's wearing metal goblets and simply twists his body to smack them into the ground before punching the last wolf straight in the head isaking all of them after taking them out he returns to the girl and asks her what she's doing alone in the forest at this moment she gets scared and states that she is just lost and means no harm furthermore she states that her family is very poor and that they didn't have enough food for everybody so they ended up kicking her out of the house and leaving her for dead she claims she found a kind stranger who told her that the tuatha region which is the region where lugs family Prides is very rich so she ended up wandering through the forests to reach it out of pity lug gives her his jacket and starts cooking some porridge for her when he is done he gives her a bowl and tells her to eat it slowly because if she eats it too fast she might end up puking she introduces herself as tart and thankfully eats the hot meal he has made then he Reveals His identity as the son of the lord of the tuatha de region hearing this she immediately lights up and tells him that this is incredible as a God had said to her that she would have a faithful encounter lug realizes that the goddess might be trying to help him he had noticed from the very beginning after meeting her that she was the perfect match for his servant role he offers to take her back to his crib not for anything bad but so she will have a place to live and never have to search for food however he states that the only thing that she has to do is follow his orders at all times some of which may include killing other people after telling her all this he lets her make the final decision asking whether she wants to come with him or not seizing the chance of a lifetime she happily agrees claiming that she was never wanted by anyone else and that he is the only one who told her that he needs her 2 years passed and lug was woken up by tart who has now grown up to be really beautiful with appealing melons due to how hardworking she is his parents like her however on the first night he brought her home his father told him that he could only keep her on two conditions he must train her himself and he must make sure that if she ever betrays them he will send her to meet Hades himself after remembering this he tells her to meet him down in the basement for a routine checkup the same checkup his father conducted on him when he was being trained after ordering her to give him a strip tease he checks her body to make sure that she has improved physically after revealing that he is pleased with her progress he turns around to leave at that moment she tries to attack him with a knife but he is able to subdue her easily it turns out that she is really good at handling hard and Sharp Tools wait a minute well I meant knives also one weapon she's incredibly good at is is a spear but the problem is that a spear is not very easy to hide and is too bulky for an assassination this causes him to conclude that he will give her a different hard tool to hold you naughty naughty that night he heads to the basement to find her practicing her knife skills on the dummy however she is unable to handle it properly and gets embarrassed to see him she apologizes for training without his permission but he simply produces a spear that can be folded into a small size and can be concealed happily she plays around with it and uses it on the dummy easily hitting her Target every time she even ends up destroying it completely and thanks him for this new tool then the two head to bed for the night the following day lug goes to the market and is loved by the people as they all want to give him so many gifts that by the time he is returning to his place his entire Carriage is filled with fruits and veggies from the Farms of local people he returns to his place and checks his stash of far stones and he ends up fig figuring out how to produce himself even though Dyer refuses to tell him how to filling them with Mana he puts them in a bag to use as a hand grenade against the hero suddenly [ __ ] informs him that he's being called by his father who has asked that he come down to the training room when he gets there his father asks him about tart's abilities and he replies stating that he has trained her to an extent where she is just as strong as the extended members of the tuatha de family then he asks lug if they can trust her since he he suspects that tart might be sent by a spy organization to steal their family's Secrets lug however replies that he has been looking over her for the past years and observing her body movements which has made him sure that she's not a spy he assures his father that if she were a spy he would have killed her just then his father replies that even he thinks that she is not a spy and it must be God's work that it all turned out the way it did he then reveals that lug is strong and old enough to take his final exams to become an assassin he asks lug if he is up for it and he replies that he is ready therefore his dad tells him to come outside as his first test would be to fight him in one-on-one combat it's about to go down lug suits up and walks outside then the two enter the forest to begin at this point lug believes he should have the upper hand because not only does he know about assassinations from his current life but he also has the skills and experience from his previous life he climbs on a tree when suddenly his dad shoots some arrows towards him fortunately he Dodges them and jumps off the tree to find his dad who again shoots a crossbow bull at him again he Dodges this and throws a knife at him which his father is able to block in retaliation he tries to slice lug with his knife but he Dodges and tries to kick him but his father responds fast he grabs L's leg before breaking one of the bones lug quickly kicks him away and jumps into some bushes where he swiftly heals his bones with the help of his incredible recovery magic he runs down the hill where his dad has set up a trap for him and successfully Dodges the Trap but is immediately attacked by his father who pushes him to fight harder while lug tries to block his attacks he is able to grab one of his father's hands and kick him in the ribs forcing him to retreat into the forest shortly after he charges back out to meet lug who has already predicted his father's movement due to this he is able to dodge his father's attack even though he ends up getting stabbed in the shoulder all hope is not lost as lug is also able to put his blade on his father's throat ending the battle with Victory the two returned from the forest to find tart preparing them some tea later on his dad treats his wound while telling him that he has taught him everything he could have and now it's time for him to experience assassinations firsthand he takes lug to isekai a piece of expensive ship who uses his position to abuse girls after a successful Mission the two jump out the window that night they go around offering poisons in the form of palliatives to several other Rich bastards while they burn one of them they make the others seem like accidents so that it won't be traced back to the taaa def family the next day lugg's father takes him to treat a rich Noble who is sick on their way back his father tells him about the plan to send him away to a different town to live under a false identity as the bastard son of a very famous Merchant lug is instructed to stay 2 years with them and make himself known as a very good Merchant which will help their cause in future assassinations this is because Nobles invite traders to their houses occasionally and often they don't even get checked by the Security hearing this lug agrees in his honor his father sets up a huge banquet with all of his extended family members in attendance there his father boasts that he is the youngest member in the history of their family to pass the final test then he reveals that lug will become the new head of the family after his death which seems to annoint some of the members of the family one of them throws his wine glass at lug who catches it swiftly the ugly idiot refuses to acknowledge someone younger than him to be the head of the family and wants to challenge lug to a fight knowing how powerful his son is lugs father agrees however before the fool could even blink lug appears behind him with a knife to his throat ending the fight in an instant at this point the foolish idiot almost pees his pants before leaving to start his new life lug calls his foolish cousin and acknowledges his strength he offers to make the dumb head his subordinate promising to make sure that he is treated extremely well as much as the dummy seems reluctant at first he ends up agreeing to L's terms just then lug hands him a beautiful titanium sword as a gift and leaves the next day lug packs up his gear and together with tart heads into the carriage on his way to the new city where he will begin his life as the son of a merchant and be called a Lig later on lug arrives in the the new town and settles into his new home this town happens to be one of the most prosperous regions of this Kingdom because of its trade in order to take up his new identity as AIG he immediately conceals his identity by changing his hair from Silver to Black he even puts on a pair of glasses which helps him to assume a completely different identity one day he gets tipped off about an orphanage in this area that pimps out little girls to wealthy Nobles and learns that they have a commoner girl who can use magic as well this makes him go to visit the orphanage when he gets there he meets a beautiful blue-haired girl crying with a sickle in her hand as she is just about to disfigure her face this is because she thought that if she had a hideous face people wouldn't buy and abuse her seeing her in this state lug grabs her hand and asks her to stop very kindly he tells her that she should smile more as she looks beautiful with a smile shortly after he meets the owner of the orphanage an ugly fatty who shows him some girls taking a close look at them he realizes that the blue-haired girl is the only one with Mana and tells the owner that he's going to buy her the owner informs him that her name is Maha and she is a special girl so he's going to charge triple the normal price but money is no problem for lug as Jeff Bezos has nothing on him after giving him the money the owner informs him that he needs to get her ready and clean so lug should come back in 3 days this was all so he could get the chance to work out with her at this moment Maha looks scared but is unable to say a word since that would mean harm to her and the other girls just before lug leaves he tells the massive pound of Flesh not to touch Maha since she is now a member of his family the fatty however has different plans as he wants to pimp her out a couple of times to make some extra cash that night he has her washed and takes her in a carriage on the way to a nobleman's mansion on the way Maha is reminded of how nice lug was to her when they first met and is determined to make sure she offers herself to him as the Virgin seizing the chance she escapes from the carriage and runs inside the forest one of the guards under the fatty however has Mana as well he catches up to her and grabs her from behind just as he is about to explore some plot development with her lug arrives and slams him to the ground the fatty arrives at the scene and is shocked to see lug there he tells him that he was supposed to take her 3 days later and wonders why he is here but lug tells him that he realized that the bastard is the fattest and the most ugly pile of [ __ ] ever to walk the earth angrily the fatty orders his underling to attack lug and the delusional psycho runs up to him trying to punch him however lug Dodges his attack swiftly and breaks the bastard's arm in half then the fatty tries to attack him from behind but lug Dodges once again placing a knife on his throat he then asks Maha about what's happening and she tells him that she and the other girls were orphans who used to stay together in the slums apparently they used to give tours to tourists in the city and got a small amount of money for the tours and some money from the restaurant that paid them to bring some tourists over as much as this didn't earn them a lot they were happy and satisfied with their lives unfortunately one day the Fatty's goons attacked them out of the blue being the only one with Mana Maha had tried to stop them but they ended up overpowering them and brought them back to this orphanage where they were thrown into a room and given some vegetables to feed themselves for the entire week as the girls Grew Older the fatty started pimping the girls out one by one to some Nobles who would treat them badly this kept happening to almost all the girls and the shame from this caused one of the girls to use a sickle on her own face hoping the scar would make it impossible for her to be pimp to get hold of these noblemen tart disguises herself as one of the girls and just as a nobleman is about to get to business he gets arrested back at the orphanage lug fixes the scared girl's face and takes Maha with him to start a new life months had passed since lug took Maha under his protection and he has been doing amazing work for his new Merchant family Lord Balor lugg's new father informs him that he has taken care of all the paperwork and they have successfully and legally adopted Maha as his younger sister lug is pleased with this information since it would help him work with Maha without drawing any suspicions later Lord Balor takes him to a room where he shows him the plan for a store at a major intersection of the city he claims that he opened a liquor store some time ago but it flopped completely forcing him to shut it down he wants to hand it over to L as he believes he is the only one who could breathe new life into it lug seems to be reluctant but agrees anyway and returns to his place where both tart and Maha have prepared him some excellent dinner the three have dinner together before he tells them about his plans he informs them that he has been asked to take control of a shop and he needs to make use of it to further his objective of killing the hero as efficiently as possible he goes on to explain that the first goal of the shop would be to make as much money as possible as that would result in the shop not closing down anytime soon the second objective would be to sell something that the Nobles would be attracted to so that they could get closer to them the two girls ask him whether he has anything in mind and he tells them about his plans to sell cosmetics and sweets in his shop he believes this will be especially directed at Noble women Maha however seeks to know how he intends to break into the Cosmetic Market since it is already populated at this moment lug realizes that this could be a problem but tells her that he has a plan that he will reveal to them soon the next day lug is prepared to share his plan with Lord Balor and his wife who seems to hate lug because she believes that he's the bastard son of her husband she covers her face for some weird reason which we would probably find out just then log tells them about his plans to make something that will not compete with the current Cosmetics but instead compliment the Cosmetics that are being sold he tells them about how makeup is a hassle to apply and makes your skin incredibly dry when you take it out at the end of the day the product he intends to sell happens to be a special cosmetic that can completely get rid of that problem once and for all this product happens to be a moisturizer which hasn't even been invented in this world yet to try it out his wicked stepmother takes a bottle and applies a little on the back of her hand she is shocked at how smooth her skin feels at this moment she decides to remove her face mask to try it out on her face just then we realize the reason why she covers her face and it is clearly a very ugly one she applies some and is delighted to find her skin soft to further showcase the efficiency of the product lug tells her to try and apply makeup on top of it so she does and is thrilled at how easy it is to apply makeup on the moisturizer lug seeks to know if she likes it and she immediately replies that she hates his guts but she likes the moisturizer a lot watching his wife be so happy Lord Balor asks whether she could share it with some of her friends and then asks lug how much he can produce in a week lug replies that only he can produce it for now so it will be around 200 bottles wanting to increase this number Lord Balor tells him to hire more people but he tells him that if they hire people right now a lot of enemy companies might try to steal the secret behind the formula and bribe the workers for it realizing that lug is Right Lord Balor asks him how much time it will take to set up mass production and lug replies that it can be done by the end of the month however he tells Lord Balor that this cosmetic requires a special ingredient that can only be produced in the tuatha D region hearing this Lord Balor has no objection and lets lug do what he wants on their way back home he reveals to tart that he made sure to include a completely rare substance that can only be gotten from the tuatha de region so Lord Balor won't easily cast him aside this he claims would also give more money to the tuatha de region which would be the sole supplier months after lug successfully established this business as ilig Valor the moisturizer had become an instant hit and a lot of women came pouring in every single day to buy as many moisturizers as possible since there isn't so much at the moment he imposed a cap of two bottles per customer he also made Maha the manager of the shop and she ended up hiring the entire group of girls who were with her in the orphanage to work with her tart and lug sit nearby and witness how effortlessly and seamlessly the entire shop is being run he seems to be glad that he let Maha hire her friends because they have stayed with her all their lives and as a bonus are incredibly young and pretty which is a must for a cosmetic shop as expected their rival companies are trying their best to get their hands on the moisturizer formula while they try to prove their workers they do do not even know about the secret ingredient that comes from the tuath region lug is glad to hear this and tells tart to maintain security as they can't risk other people knowing about the formula so quickly that night while he's trying to sleep he realizes that someone has infiltrated his house and is crawling through the ceiling to his bedroom he also figures that this must be a very highlevel spy because he was able to conceal his presence till he was really close just as he is about to get up and teach the bastard a lesson on one th000 Ways to Die tart opens the bedroom door and uses her spear to stab the ceiling she assures lug that he doesn't need to be worried since she applied some neurotoxin to the spearhead to paralyze the Spy naha happened to also be in the ceiling she comes down to inform them that the Spy has successfully been captured they take him down to the dungeons where the two girls get a glimpse of his Magnus after striping him then they start torturing him to get out any kind of information about who sent him in exchange for his life even though they never plan to let him go the next day lug gets ready to leave for the nearby Kingdom where Dia is located he had promis to meet her once every month since their Master is away the two girls decide to have a quality meal on getting to the kingdom lug flies straight into Dia's room through her window and she is extremely excited to see him she hands him a bunch of papers filled with new spells that she crafted herself one particular spell draws L's attention as he asks her to trust try it so he can see with this spell she is able to reverse the gravity of any object of her choosing shocking lug to his bones after the two talk for a short while lug hands her a box of chocolates that he recently created and DIA has no idea about what it is since chocolate hasn't been invented yet in this world to her the chocolate looks like pieces of [ __ ] however lug tells her to try them once and after trying them she loves them this causes her to make lug promise to bring her some more the next month month when he comes to see her after agreeing to this the two spend some more time talking reading and practicing magic as the days come to an end lug gets set to return so they say their farewells and he flies back to meet tart and Maha Days Later lug is sitting in an open space sipping his tea like he has made it in life he looks at how great his Cosmetics business has grown however at that moment tart arrives from her Mission and is happy to see her master in good health she hands over the spoil of War she brought with her and it happens to be the clothes buttons of the men she killed lug tells her he has heard reports of how great her skills are on the battlefield that they even gave her a nickname which she finds quite embarrassing lug has been sending her to battlefields for her to gain experience while he leaves Maha with him to learn how to handle information and money by managing the cosmetic store brand that is well-known and one of the best in the city because of this he is able to gain connections with the Nobles and has been invited to dine with them by being invited to their parties unfortunately this is about to come to an end as he has to return to his kingdom at night log has a meeting with Maha where he tells her he will be leaving her in charge of the cosmetic store while he is gone she promises to do a great job by expanding the brand to neighboring towns and she has found a good location shop for them to buy and proceeds to show lug a map looking at the map lug realizes that the shop Maha is trying to buy actually belong bels to her father who is a merchant who owns a famous Trading Company unfortunately he was betrayed by the company's right-hand man who killed him and his wife and took over the company leaving Maha no choice but to flee from home and end up in milu because she knows her life is also in danger having realized this lug believes she is trying to reclaim what belongs to her and get back at the person who murdered her parents however to support her lug tells her to do anything she likes since he believes in her making her extremely happy and Promises to do a very great job at that moment Maya's friends arrive in the room and hand over a gift bag to him which happens to contain a good and rare herbal tea they tell him it is their little way of showing appreciation for what he did for them and thank him for taking them out of the street and caring for them they also give him their farewell on his journey back to his home and hope he comes to visit them from time to time lug shows his appreciation and Promises never to forget them no matter matter where he goes the following morning while Maha helps lug clean up for the journey she finds out his natural hair color and she finds it amazing when tart also dresses up to go with him finally it is time to return home as lug and tart get on a carriage and bid Maha farewell on their way they suddenly get surrounded by some wolf monsters which lug has noticed by sensing Mana the two of them get out of the carriage and tell the driver to hide tart volunteers to kill the monsters as a way of showing him how good she has has become and within a jiffy she is able to kill them all seeing this lug commends her for a job well done but says within himself that now that it seems monsters are getting into human settlements it means the Demon Lord will soon appear however they get back into the carriage to continue their Journey soon they arrive at his Region's Farmland where lug decides to visit the farmers and they are so happy to have him in their midst they thank him for helping them even while he is away and for returning to them after a long time away as they give him a basket of good vegetables to which he thanks them on getting home his mother happens to be the one who welcomes them as she happily hugs him tightly and sniffs him making him feel uncomfortable however he asks his father and he is told to meet him in his study getting there his father is busy writing some things but is able to commend that he is now an adult and he is also proud that he is able to build a brand like Orna with the help of Balor his father offers him a seat and tells tells him that Balor visited him days back to reconsider lugg's choice of job from being an assassin to being a merchant meanwhile this is because Balor would like lug to help him with business and his father says he would not stop him no matter what he decides to do having listened to this lug tells his father he would not stop being an assassin because he only went to milu as a merchant to learn to be a better assassin but then his father seems to agree with balor's idea and tries to advise him to follow the advice since he has never killed someone himself before He suggests it would be better for him to leave and go live his life in Disguise in case something happens to the tuatha Day family yet lug tells his father he chooses to stay and be an assassin so he has to keep the peace in this Kingdom which would also influence the peacefulness of the neighboring Kingdom like mil where he has met people and he would like to protect them also he thinks within himself that even if he is given a job to assassinate people he would have to make decisions on whether or not to do it unlike in his past life he mentions that he is in love with Dia and would like to marry her but he cannot do so if he becomes a merchant because she is a noble therefore he has to stay a noble hearing this his father laughs at him and tells him he should be an aristocratic assassin and decides to give him his best job the job entails killing a noble who smuggles drugs into his kingdom by selling military secrets in exchange for it and this is causing the people to suffer therefore he needs to be removed from the kingdom as soon as possible also his father tells him he is going to leave him in absolute control of this job and lug assures him he will do a perfect job later that night lug tells [ __ ] about the mission which is to kill count venor a drug dealing Noble then he writes coded messages about the mission on paper and attaches them to pigeon's legs these will be delivered to Maha so that she can find out more about this count and his household the next morning his mother happens to be the first person he sees in his room disturbing him to have a look at the Magnum juice tart had told her about but he forces her to leave after breakfast that day his mother calls him and shows him pictures of the beautiful girls they have picked to be his wife which he just has to pick his choice from and give her grandchildren however lug declines which makes her ask if ttit would like to Bear her grandchildren then which she sheepishly accepts if that is what lug wants but he is not having any of this at night lug and T get ready for their mission and run their way to the bad count city pisar after running for a long time and it is now morning they can finally see the city up close and lug tells her it is the second greatest Merchant town after milw they decide to enter the city where they find lots of wounded soldiers begging for aims on the streets and this is so because of vor's selfish behavior of selling the military secrets to his partners in crime in exchange for drugs while walking in a dark alleyway a young girl approaches them them and offers to sell some gooseberry jam to them which makes lugs suspect something she hands one over to tart for them to have a taste and the two decide to pretend to be a couple because of lug suspicion he decides to have a taste of the jam only to realize it contains drugs immediately lug confronts the girl to confess her wrongdoing and smashes her basket of jam jars on the ground at that moment four llies arrive before them immediately tart and lug take on the men and knock them out in no time they decide to ask the girls why she is seeking such Jam which makes her take them to a house where when she opens she shows them her mother who is now very crazy about the drug sitting in the corner of the room on seeing her daughter the woman rushes to the girl and asks for the drug which the girl tells her she is unable to get and the woman furiously pushes the girl to the ground seeing this lug immediately pins the woman to the ground and helps snap the woman out of the drug influence which makes her unconscious while the young girl runs to check on her Lu however tells tart that he makes the woman's body not need the drug anymore but her mental dependence is another thing and they make their leave back to Alvin getting home they are welcomed Again by log's mother who just received some Cosmetics from her son's company Ora meanwhile Maha has sent a letter back to Lug along with the Cosmetics telling him that the count is the one in charge of the crime and what the drug he sells does to the body but he cannot be punished because he has the backing of high higher ranking Nobles having read all this lug is more than determined to make him pay for his crime with his damned life since Maha has also told him how they can get into his house the next day lug and Maha meet to set out on their journey to venor in a carriage she tells him she misses him after just 10 days he has left them and also tells how the girls want to develop some plot with him but he chooses to be a pathetic loser By ignoring them he tells Maha he only sees them as family and nothing more because he is in love with Dia alone eventually they reach their destination which is Count vor's house they are however welcomed by count vor's wife who seems so happy to have them she invites them into the house where she begins to test the product she loves the product so much but asks why they have her test the product first lug mentions that her husband has more momentum than other Nobles which makes his wife the best Personnel to test their products first as many women would be looking up to her hearing this she tells them she is glad her husband's business is booming because they used to be poor Nobles a few years ago and they cannot afford the luxurious life they are living now at that moment vinor the soon to be dead meat arrives in the room and cheerfully welcomes lug and Maha into the house lug also reciprocates his greetings by introducing himself as a leue venor tells them how much he supports his wife's love for cosmetics and would also like them to attend a party he will have at his place later that day to which they thank him however vanor goes to his wife Bridget and exchanges saliva with her while lug watches in Anger at night during the party the women are so excited to have lug present there two as they tell him they would like to have a feel of the new product and also have the opportunity to buy some Cosmetics from him at that moment Bridget arrives with the product and the ladies rush to her vancor comes to hand over a glass of wine to Lug he tells lug he is happy with whatever makes his wife happy and teases lug not to have a secret affair with his wife which he firmly condemns he would never do lug tries to talk about vor's business with him by saying that he heard his business is doing well still VOR tries to cover his dirty by saying it is just a small business that the Valor Trading Company does not need to have an eye on making lug more Furious later that night the party eventually ends and everyone leaves for their homes but lug comes back with tart to a Cliffside where he can have a good sight of vor's mansion with his assassin's Vision Bridget had told them earlier while they were having conversations that her husband always stays at the balcony to sip some wine and look at the Moon before going to bed at the cliff lug summons a sniper gun and waits for their target to appear in sight while tart stays on guard soon vanor comes to the balcony as expected and lug is more than determined to eliminate him without thinking any further which he does by shooting him in the head he puts his gun away and tells tart they have to leave but stops on seeing Bridget come to the balcony wailing on seeing her husband's lifeless body lying on the ground considering the love they share seeing this lug kind of feels sad because he is also a human but then he feels No Remorse for killing the man because he believes he actually deserves the death then he makes his way back home with tart saying to himself that he is now an assassin who will kill whoever he chooses to kill without anyone commanding him to follow any instructions months later lug and [ __ ] had just returned from an uninhabited Island where they had gone to practice magic getting back they are welcomed by Maha on a beach whom lug asks if anything happened to which she tells him she has good and bad news on a carriage back home Maha tells him the good news which she says is that she found a Divine treasure and it happens to be a magic spear that can never be destroyed she tells him it is owned by a man named satanam Magnus who is most likely to be the hero because of how strong he is however he asks if she will be able to get the spear and she assures him also for the bad news she tells him a civil war has broken out in a neighboring Kingdom swel and Dia's Kingdom Von is planning on joining the Royal Army against the enemies but then there is a soldier among the rebels that is causing trouble one day lug who is worried decides to go see Dia where he enters her room through the window she is so happy to see him but he goes straight to the matter and asks her about the war which she says isn't a huge problem because the war is far from her kingdom and besides they have magic users amidst them but then lug tells her there is a strong Soldier among the rebels and he might be the hero which would make him impossible for humans to defeat then she advises to help her and her family flee to a safe Kingdom before the enemies get to them but she refuses because she cannot leave her people in a trying time at that moment she diverts from the talk and lug decides to go out with her since her father and his visors are not in town even though he does not like this idea getting to the town they decide to play a game where DIA has to play archery to win a teddy bear and she wins leaving the place Dia tells lug she is hungry and he promises to take her somewhere special while they eat Dia tells him she prefers to eat a meal cooked by him which makes the dumbhead tell her he would have that whenever she comes to his kingdom having arrived from the restaurant they find a young boy crying in a quiet area asking what the problem is they realize he has been separated from his mother however being a Good Samaritan they help the boy link up with his mother again because of how kind the ugly ass hero is Dia decides to reward him by taking him to a hot spring bathroom in the city there lug asks if it is a separate bath for the different genders but she tells him it is not which means there will be a free show of seeing different body curves and rods she tells him she booked the whole place for them alone and begins to undress while buug does the same while a lot runs through his mind eventually they get to the bathing area and are fascinated by how big and nice the pool is they begin to play until Dia slips onto the Deep part of the pool but is luckily rescued by the love of her life who also teaches her how to stay afloat then they hold hands in water and Dia begins to tell him about how much she loves her kingdom and would like to welcome her father who has gone to war and would always come back to life seeing that she does not want to leave her people lug decides to accept her decision but promises to help her later in the evening they bid each other farewell and lug promises to come to see her again but she tells him she is going to be busy and will tell him when they can meet again to which he agrees and leaves for home meanwhile Dia is given an accord by the men who pretend to be citizens but soldiers in Disguise meaning that she has decided to join the war as well hold up wait a minute something ain't right getting back to Alvin lug finds his parents beside a brutally injured man lying on the ground seeing this lug asks what happened and his father says they have been assigned an assassination job which lug would have to do lug however asks who the target is which makes his father give him the most shocking reply of his life which is that the target is Dia his beloved emotional Dam it his father however tells him he can decide to reject the job if he wants but lug asks him if it is not bad that they meddle in another Kingdom's affair during a war his father agrees with his thought because their assassination can be disclosed to other kingdoms which can cause an international conflict his father tells him the request is based on personal reasons because the enemies defeated the vcon kingdom while they supported the Royal Army in sel's Civil War now the enemy's attention is on Dia who they know possesses powerful magic and would like to have her to themselves also because vcon is known for its magic and trade and is not more of a military Kingdom the enemies who are able to invade them easily are headb on destroying the city in order to prevent his daughter from being taken away count Von has decided to choose the hard way to prevent more Bloodshed which Dia also agreed to then his father tells him that the only way to save Dia is to fake her death and have her escape from the kingdom which her father wants them to do at that moment lug who now understands the concept of the job agrees to do it and save DIA because he has promised to come running to her whenever she is in need of him while talking his father surprises him by telling him that Dia is his mother's niece which basically makes them cousins considering their silver hair color log does not really see this as an issue but is determined to go save the woman he loves soon he begins to get ready to leave when tart approaches him and says she would like to come with him but he declines and tells her the journey is too long for her as he would also like to move fast but then she tells him she knows she would not be able to follow him all this way but would like to help him in the journey by sharing her strength with him hearing this he agrees to her help and asks how she would do it which she says is by using the wind spell he taught her to pull him along with her suddenly she summons the spell and creates a shield for them as they embark on the journey running at full speed while lug runs behind her meanwhile tart's volunteer really helps lug as her energy is the one being consumed by the wind resistance instead of his and also pulling him along with negative pressure which is taking a toll on her energy soon it is night while they run and the rain starts without them stopping lug notices tart has gotten to her limit but she chooses not to listen and keeps pushing as she is determined to help him till she no longer can eventually in the morning while they are still running tart's Shield begins to crack until it shatters and blows her away but she luckily gets saved by lug who catches her midair at that moment moment she begins to cry and apologizes for being unable to go more than this but then he thanks her for helping him save enough strength and continues his journey hours later lug arrives close to the kingdom at night and decides to take cover on a nearby Hill where he uses his assassin's Vision to view what is going on he observes that enemies surround the city they number about 1500 while vcon forces consist of less than 200 men he also finds out that there are magic users among the enemies which gives them them more advantage in strength realizing this lug decides to work on their weakness and runs close to the battlefield and begins to shoot the magic users among the enemies Unfortunately they realize what is happening and shoot arrows at lugs location which makes him decide to scatter them by shooting explosive arrows he fills with Mana at that moment lug sees Dia inside a room in the castle meanwhile the vone Army realizes the enemies are in disarray and uses the opportunity to attack them lug in in order to carry out his job uses his magic to find out how to get to her without being noticed and carries a Dead Soldier with him to use him as camouflage to fake Dia's death shortly after he is able to gain access into the room Dia is in and finds her father seeing lug Dia is so happy and runs to him to save her while her father introduces himself as count Von and teases them that his daughter is going to be taken away in two different ways after realizing they are in love lug explains his plan to them about faking her death then tells her the things to say to her soldiers before he sets the room on fire and fakes her death as she dies due to the fire outbreak finally lug opens the room's window for Dia to render the things he wants her to say at that moment lug begins to feel uneasy and can sense some kind of danger approaching until suddenly a big and very strong weapon filled with Mana is seen approaching where they are seeing this lug immediately moves Dia away from the incoming attack causing a great explosion and a part of the room to collapse fortunately everyone is safe and to their surprise they find a very Hefty night across the battlefield who happens to be the one who sent the attack on them angrily lug decides to attack the Knight as well by summoning a bomb Cannon and sending it out to the Knight this attack causes a huge explosion with flames as well but to everyone's surprise the Knight is still standing strong with just minor injuries surprised lug uses his assassin Vision to notice that the Knight is getting stronger physically and magically which is a result of him being angry seeing this lug tells Dia and her father that no attack can affect the Knight knowing what is going on Dia's father tells them to flee as there is no way to fake his daughter's death now that the Knight is here because he happens to be the one who stopped the Civil War violently suddenly the Knight shouts from across the battlefield that whoever attacked him should have a duel with him as a knight because he is impressed by hisher display or he is going to slaughter everyone there also if lug wins The Duel he is going to withdraw all forces and they will never make a move on Von again looking at the knight's abilities after he introduces himself as Satan mnus lug believes he must be the hero Maha mentioned considering the magic spear he has do Satanta warns lug not to think of running away from having a duel with him putting him in a tight situation to accept the duel knowing fully well he is going to lose at that moment lug summons a missile which he sends to the the sky seeing how calm he is Dia becomes worried and tries to tell the dumb not to waste his life but he says he is an assassin and what he is going to do is assassinate lug and Dia's father decide to meet Satanta whom he tells to make sure he keeps his promise if he ends up winning and he agrees Because he believes there is no way lug would win him also lug tells him confidently that he is going to win in the duel while he counts the seconds remaining for the missile to launch within him then tells Dia's father to leave to buy some time for the missile lug keeps talking and decides to flip a coin to indicate when the fight should start and when it falls unknown to Satanta log has him distracted to meet his death which occurs as soon as the coin falls on the ground and the missile lug sends to space comes back to Earth and lands on Satanta causing a very massive nuclear weapon explosion lug learned about this destructive weapon from his previous life while he was on Earth and he knows that this weapon can be used to wipe about a whole nation which he finds to be perfect for destroying a powerful knight like Satanta however the weapon's impact is so strong that Dia and her father have to protect themselves using a magical Shield while lug is also blown away by how strong the explosion wave is and passes out Dia who is unharmed quickly runs to him crying that he should wake up fortunately he regains Consciousness and she hugs him crying that she was so scared of losing him lug returns to Alvin Kingdom with diet who is welcomed by tar and L's parents and things are back to normal months later after dia has lived together with them L's father informs him of his intentions to adopt Dia which would make her basically his younger sister even though she is 3 years older than he is but then his father tells him it does not matter because she looks younger since she shares the same Bloodline with his mother and would also be bearing a different name he agrees to the new plan alongside his mother and tart who are also present at that moment his father also tells them about the fact that the hero has arrived in their Kingdom which makes lug surprised that Satanta is not the hero he thinks he is his father tells him to take care of the situation because the arrival of the hero means the Demon Lord will soon appear to which he agrees eventually a young man gracefully arrives in a carriage at Alvin's castle and is introduced as Lord aona the hero thanks for sticking around till the end you're amazing to confuse the fake fans type rip lug in the comments if you enjoyed the video please like And subscribe your support means a lot as we're just starting out click on the screen and see you in the next video
Channel: AniGeek
Views: 631,907
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Keywords: anicaps, animecaps, anime recaps, anime, anime movie recaps, horror anime recaps, best anime recaps, top anime recaps, fox anime recaps, anime recap, movie recap, aniplot, anime plot, anime summary, anime in minutes, defeating animes, how to win anime, how to beat animes, animerecap, ani recap, ani recaps, anirecaps, animecapped, anicapped, ani plot, recap animes, anime summarized, anime shortened, anigeek, anime geek, isekai, isekai recap, isekai anime, reincarnation anime
Id: 9jDeh-Ii41I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 8sec (4028 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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