[TF2] Misc Stereotypes! Episode 2: The Scout

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This one was kinda weak imo.

SoundSmith seemed to be clinging onto the Scunt memes too much.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/TaintedLion 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2018 🗫︎ replies

Im the flak jack scout

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/aids812 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2018 🗫︎ replies

Good shit.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/swanronson223 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2018 🗫︎ replies
fast boston boy uh he's fast he's from boston he's a boy i think oh and he's also got a lot of stereotypes about him so let's talk about those this guy is almost certainly wearing a workout set of some kind you know the ones with the the front runner the breakneck baggies that sort of thing skill levels among these guys will vary wildly but one thing's for sure he doesn't work out nearly as much as he wants you to believe ah the old school trader we've talked about this guy many times before so you pretty much already know what to expect from him unusual's out the ass pretty average skill level has a lot of binds but the binds aren't trash talker memebinds they're trading binds you know the ones that he spams after every time he dies says buying quick cells 15 keys pure even though he's in a casual server and almost nobody cares and the ones who do care don't even know what a key is probably [Music] you know as far as scout mains go this guy is surprisingly chill they'll usually be pretty good and just kind of play to have a good time but whatever you do don't insult his little friend because if you do you can pretty much guarantee that he will relentlessly focus you for the rest of the match you just don't mess with a man's pet cosmetic okay that's just asking for [Music] disaster okay we get it you like festive weapons and hats holy crap just like why why are you accusing that guy of having wall hacks we can literally hear you from across the map what i oh my god this guy will constantly complain about how the sound effects that this makes only work with the default taunts i mean come on i'm sure it would be great if you could add some other sound effects to your shaoden freud to lenibine combo yeah yeah dude people would love that despite the fact that it doesn't work with most of the taunts in the game these guys will still use them after every single kill even if it gets themselves killed [Music] see you remember scout mccrazy legs crouch jump spam uh that guy who always wears the hermes yeah well this is the mist that he wears he can't aim for [ __ ] but he dodges so well that you can't hit him either most of the fights with this guy will usually just lead to an awkward standoff where you both either melee fight or kill blind oh boy another [ __ ] fast learner hey hey i'll have you know that i only wear the fast learner because it goes with the theme of my schoolboy cosmetic set just because i wear obnoxiously loud and overused cosmetics doesn't mean i'm an annoying scout man for example you could have three days later and that concludes my presentation on the oppression of fast learner scouts i hope you take these arguments into consideration and be more open to the possibility of lime paint in the future where'd everybody go oh why does nobody like me these guys are extremely defensive about wearing the fast learner they'll always go on and on about how they only wear it because it fits their set or whatever even though nobody's listening to them i guess the reason for this is mostly because every single annoying scout main used to wear this back in the day but now that there are so many better options to be loud and obnoxious the people who still wear this are just kind of left with the stereotype that they didn't create and they still get called out on it constantly so no not every scout who wears this is a raging [ __ ] but damn if this doesn't scream i'm going to focus you in spam binds after every time i kill you with three damage from across the map with my australian force in nature this guy will always be wearing the full alien isolation set always the full thing never just one part i mean really when was the last time that you saw a scout wearing the tail or the hands or the feet but not the head i guess now that i've said this people are gonna start doing that but as the wise scholar bearded expense once said eh whatever [Music] guys guys guys no guys i'm not a skunt i prom look i'm not wearing the fast learner it means i'm not a scum okay guys i'm not a skunt i promise [Music] guys guys i'm not a stunt i promise really okay really both of these kind of fit into the same niche they want to have a cool and themed scout set but they don't want to be seen as the fast learner wearing lime paint loving blind spamming [ __ ] that we all know and hate they also tend to wear the yeely baker boy which is kind of seen as the go-to for the category of cosmetics that i like to call cool scout hats that don't instantly make people hate you okay so some people who wear this are making a loadout based on akira which is the show that this cosmetic was based on but usually the guy who wears this will be creating some kind of loadout based look look they were sci-fi lotus okay that's it that's the stereotype they they like oh well there's a hitchhiker's guide joke to be made here somewhere i'm just not really sure what it is yet uh either way the only way you could get these was through a promotional event back in 2011 so these guys are either rich as hell or super old school this guy is probably making a loadout based on his access to sorry based on who you know who the dude speak up who oh no i get it [Music] this dude is totally gnarly and definitely gets all the girls he definitely isn't wearing this cosmetic just because he wanted a backpack cosmetic that wasn't the boombringer and couldn't afford the lucky number 42. no not at all the kick flips and okay all right i'm done i'm sorry that was [ __ ] dumb guys guys please think i'm cool no no you don't understand nobody thinks i'm cool in real life so now i have to try really hard to create an online persona that's really badass i'm going to constantly focus people in game and point out insignificant flaws and online content so that people will think i'm smart and cool guy guys please think i'm cool [Music] guy no guys don't go away please think i'm cool okay okay you get the idea these guys also tend to constantly complain about how the gloves aren't visible in first person and it gets kind of annoying after the 17 billionth time that they say it but i will admit that that's a pretty good idea and should probably be implemented oh hey guys here's your obligatory weeb joke of the episode [Music] okay okay real talk this is straight up one of my favorite scout masks it looks amazing but it hasn't fallen into the edgy scout main realm yet because everybody just kind of forgot that it existed people who wear this are really hoping that it stays that way and are also kind of mad at me right now [Music] sorry this guy is always wearing the fortunate sun yeah i i know it's a short one but i i mean i probably have like a vietnam flashback joke or something here but i already did that a couple videos ago so i just yeah whatever hey you see this guy yeah that one uh he's that guy that will bring his guitar to parties and try and hook up with someone like he doesn't know how to play any chords beyond e minor g d and a without a capo and he really only knows one song well anyway here's wonderwall him today is gonna be the dated they're gonna throw it back to you by now you should have somehow realized what well that's it that's all i've got for this episode as always we're going to be doing soldier next so let me know if you have any suggestions or stereotypes or whatever for that yeah yeah you guys know the drill at this point thanks for watching and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: SoundSmith
Views: 2,488,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TF2, Team Fortress 2, Stereotypes, Miscs, Misc Stereotypes, Tryhard, Friendly, Trader, Chill, Other Relevant Tags idk
Id: BYxpklDIiXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2018
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