Texture Atlas, from 0 to a 100!

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hi in this video i will show you what is a texture atlas how to use it and its pros and cons i'll be using but you can use any other image editing software a texture atlas is a single image that contains others inside of it it's mostly used for games as a way to optimize resources and file size if you take a 4k texture it has 4096 pixels in this direction and 4096 pixels in this direction this basically means that we can fit up to four 2k textures in each corner we're basically splitting a 4k texture in this case in four you might be wondering can i use a smaller resolution and yeah you can but anything lower than 2k and you start to lose a lot of detail if you split a 2k image in 4 each corner will be 1k resolution you can split each corner more to fit something that does not need a whole lot of detail let's go for the pros of this technique this allows us to use last extra fires in general reducing resources in space which are both really good especially for mobile games and largest scenes that have a lot of assets on them another really cool thing about it is that you can use it to create already textured models like this viking house that i'll show you in a time lapse at the end of this video uvs are not very important because they just need to move them to a place that makes sense in the atlas that's usually good enough to sum this all up we have less files less resources being used and faster modeling due to not needing special uvs for the cons maybe the biggest thing is that you need to take some time to make the atlas in the first place you need to get all of your textures and align them to the corners this is not very time consuming but if you want to add it part of your atlas you need to export it again and update it on whatever software you're using this is a bit more annoying than it sounds because we're usually dealing with three images from material so we have diffuse roughness or specular and a normal map maybe even metallic and the missing also if you need to tie your textures you need to tile them before exposing so we don't tile the whole atlas you also can't really apply this to any model and just expect it to work if you haven't changed the uvs to fit a corner it will probably look like a mess but then again if you model while using it you don't really have this problem let's finally get to making it go to file new and create a 4k image if this shows up just click ok drag and drop the textures of your material into the canvas create a folder and drag the images to it keep it in this order diffuse rough and lastly normal you have a metallic and emissive i will show you how to deal with those a bit later on select the image on the canvas and press key on your keyboard to use the align tool and align it to the corner using these buttons now just repeat this process for all of your materials [Music] i want to fit a few more textures i also need to tile the cobalt saw i'll split a corner just for that you'll see me tiling the cobblestone by duplicating the folder a bunch of times there's probably a better way of doing this but i don't know how as i don't use kim very often a friendly reminder don't forget to save the reason why we kept the order is to make it easier to export it this is now our diffuse map so go to file export as and save it in its own folder after that go ahead and turn off the visibility for diffuse on all the materials if the order is right we now have a roughness map export that and do the same for the normal map if you have a metallic material like i do here create a black solid and put the metal folder on top of it now just turn off the normal visibility and we now have our metallic map remember that white is metallic and black is non-metallic you can follow the same black solid process for emissive maps as well we now have our texture atlas material i will show you how to use it in blender and leave you with time lapse let's use the forgotten default cube selected go to the shading workspace and select the principle shader if you named your texture with diffuse rough and normal at the end you can press ctrl shift t to select all of your textures and plug them in automatically if it doesn't work you can manually add the images by pressing shift a and searching for image texture remember to set all the textures but diffuse as non-color go to uv editing workspace and select the diffuse up here get the preview mode by pressing z and selecting the material preview this is how you use the texture if you want a wooden cube drag rotate or scale the cube uv to the wood part or any other part of the texture that's pretty much all there is to it there is a thing called trim textures it's very similar but it's mostly used for circular objects that will be a topic for another video you can download the viking house blend and the atlas and gumroad for free if i helped you and you want to give me a coffee feel free to do so now enjoy the time lapse do [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Victor Hugo
Views: 204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, victor, hugo, kendarr, texture, atlas, tutorial, blender 3d, cycles, realtime, real time, game, gamedev, game texture, davinci resolve, gimp, photoshop, free, open, source, software
Id: A5vZH2bdn0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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