Create Detailed Tile Trim Textures in Adobe Substance Designer w/ Javier Perez | Part 1: Stone/Brick

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hey guys my name is javier perez and i'm currently a senior material artist at playstation visual arts service group i've been in industry for about nine years and in this lesson we're going to be talking about creating trim textures inside of substance designer i'm not necessarily going to talk to you about how to create a full-on material but more so just some tips and tricks on how to lay out your trim sheets to best be utilized when creating your environment in this two-part series we're going to start with laying out our first trim sheet and get it all the way to the final height and in part two we're going to take that same trim layout and turn it into a completely different material so let's get started so to begin i have substance designer already here open so i'm just going to go to file new substance and we're going to choose a template i'm just going to do metallic and roughness for this one and i'm going to name this trim demo i'm going to save this package in case something were to happen save as and trim demo sounds good cool so what i like to do is i always just like plugging in a uniform color to the um nodes that i know that i'll be using utilizing the height map so i'm just going to plug this guy into our height and i'm going to bring in an ambient occlusion node plug this guy in make sure to set the uniform color to grayscale plug this guy in you can get rid of this i'm going to leave the metallic and roughness because we're not going to be messing with that guy too much gonna plug this guy into the normal and i'm gonna leave the color as well on normal i'm setting it to opengl and bumping this guy up to 20. in my material settings i'm making sure directx is off because we changed it to opengl on the normal map and then i'm going to just turn on my tessellation we won't be seeing anything just yet but we'll just have it on just when we do start plugging stuff in so to make sure everything is okay i'm just going to bring in a shape bring down the scale and let's see what we got cool so that's pretty much what we're looking for all right so to begin i would say the biggest thing with trim textures is how you guys want to lay out your trims so i would say the biggest hurdle within creating your um your sheet and your layout within designer is just having to create each different square and making sure everything's masked out once we have that set up we can pretty much just start plugging and playing with any sort of patterns or other kind of materials that you want to bring in there so let's just start laying out our actual sheet so what i like to do is i just basically like working with shapes most of the time and it's going to be a lot of shapes and transforms for this guy so i'm just going to take a shape and i'm going to squash it down on the vertical this is kind of where we start deciding how much to squash or stretch each kind of portion the transform we mostly want to use it just for moving it on the vertical we don't want to necessarily make our um like our stretching it's and squashing within the transform because it might give us a headache later when we're actually just messing with the shape so just keep that in mind when we're creating our materials so i'm actually gonna make this one the top little piece here so maybe something a little bit thin like this i'm going to move this guy all the way up here to the top we're trying to get as close to the edge as possible want to make sure that's not overlapping already we have a little bit of bleed so right now i'm just going to let it go for right now if we do start seeing some weird stuff we'll go ahead and change it what i like to do on this guy is let's just do a subtle bevel we could either do this with a bevel or we could do it with a blur the bevel just gives us a little bit more control so i'm just going to plug this guy in we'll probably start seeing yeah so we'll probably start seeing a little bit more of that guy so what i want to do is i'm just going to move it down just a bit just so that bevel comes through and there we go so let's plug this guy in and we'll start seeing some results of the different kind of shapes that we have so far okay cool and i'm also going to change this to a let's do a rounded cylinder that we can kind of see and even already on here you can kind of see that the bevel is still affecting the bottom of this guy so we'll just keep that in mind as we're continuing um continue on this trim sheet the one thing you want to know is that currently on this top piece out this newly created piece that we have here is that this is going to be the highest peak of your height map so currently we won't be able to add any more kind of extrusions from here we can only add subtraction so what i always like to do is just level this guy out to something around the gray values so i can easily do that by going into a histogram range it's gonna plug this guy in and there we go so now because we have somewhere more in the gray area we can still add more stuff on top if we need to or we can subtract so we can actually even bring it down more if we want something like that it's just something to keep in mind cool so i'm just gonna keep going from here one other thing i like to do is when i start adding my different trim elements i start i like actually using a height blend to blend between different areas so i'm just gonna bring this guy duplicate it and then we're just gonna start moving this guy down here and maybe we want something that's a little bit more um thin on this guy so i'm just gonna go back into the shape and just kind of get it somewhere here again i'm just using the transform to move it somewhere that we like and the cool thing about the height blend is that we don't necessarily have to bring the histogram range on this guy we can just mess with the offset so we can bring it all the way down we can bring it all the way back up to white so this one's a really nice just quick and easy way to set your values so let's keep going and connecting so already we're starting to get some nice trim sheets here so we got some nice edging that could probably be applied to the edge of like a building or just like a bottom of a wall or something like that and what i like to do with the trim sheets is i like to make a few a couple different actual just trims and then i like to set the kind of large area for some big areas that you'd have on your model so let's just keep moving forward here move this guy to the side and again the nice thing that because we have this setup we can just go ahead and keep duplicating as we need to so move this guy over and then duplicate this guy cool plugging this guy and let's go ahead and move this one down let's actually get this one again another thin piece we want here so maybe something here and then let's actually bring down let's actually raise this going up just a bit and it looks like because we moved it so far on the transform it's giving us a tile so all we have to do to fix that is we go into the transform we go into the tiling mode absolute and make sure there is no tiling on this guy so let's actually double click on our height blend and see if we have a nice tiling here and it looks like we do have a seam here so we're going to try to avoid that we can just take the transform actually move it on the vertical and now we have a seamless transition here cool so one thing to know currently is i'm just setting these guys up on the actual height um information once i start bringing in different patterns i'll probably end up taking these transformers actually plugging into the mask and using these guys these different shapes as the mask where as i plug in my different patterns on the actual pieces that are going to be extruded and whatnot so let's continue on and what i want to do next is i'm going to use a curve node to quickly get some different edge trims this is really nice way to just um get some quick variation on your different edges and your um in your different trims so all we have to do is just bring in a gradient here oh sorry gradient linear bring in a curve and i'm actually going to turn off my tiling here yep and then let's just kind of start messing with some different patterns here so maybe something like this something like this can change this to be just a sharp edge like that's pretty cool maybe something like this bring this guy down these values might be a little high again on the 2db you can see that we're getting the extreme white here bringing this guy up maybe we wanna there we go cool so let's go ahead and blend this guy in and see what it gives us so i'm just going to do a transform and i'm actually going to do sorry a high blend on this guy and with this guy i don't mind having to squash this one down so this one's okay so i'm just going to do no tiling that way we only get this one piece so i'm just going to move it somewhere around here do a height blend i'm going to move it over down here start messing with the different opacities let's see what this kind of gives us yeah it looks pretty cool so now we have some indentations but also we have this guy sticking out quite a bit so but i noticed that we are getting a seam here so again if we just go back in the transform we can go ahead and push this guy over to the side now if you don't want these indentations what we can do is go back into the curve node and we can bring these guys on the side up a little bit so let's just bring these up we can actually bring this whole thing up too so let's just move this guy up bring this guy up as well yeah and even just changing the shapes and just added messing with them we're already introducing some other grayscale valleys and we're getting something that's kind of give us giving us a really nice silhouette so this is a super easy way to get some pretty crazy results so i'm gonna go back into the height blend and what i want to do is i'm actually going to level this guy cool the other actually we don't need this level so i'm just going to leave it without the levels the one thing i do want to do is actually just make this a little bit thinner and then just move it more towards the top as well because i'm gonna use this uh bottom area for some just larger bricks or patterns or something like that so that way it'll give us a nice space in our uv sheet to have something to apply so it looks pretty cool okay let's actually go ahead and do another big trim here i'm gonna duplicate i'm gonna do another height blend again this is pretty much just um rinse and repeat we're just laying out our trim right now and then afterwards we're gonna start plugging in our patterns and it'll be super quick and easy to just see what we can do with those things so we're just gonna plug this guy in and i'm going to move this see if we can [Music] i'm just bringing in a transform looks like i accidentally squashed this one so just want to keep that back there and let's move this guy towards the bottom here okay i'm gonna mess with the height offset because i don't want it to be that intense but i i do want it to be take most of the area so let's actually scale this guy up a bit hopefully that does it like that that is looking pretty cool already so let's actually take the transform down just a bit more something like that let's go into plane high res and i want to make sure that the the edges are okay here sweet so they're both uh they're both meeting on the edge so that's nice now one thing i want to do with our first original trim is i want to introduce some indentations here so what we can do is we can just take another transform or sorry better yet we can just take this combo we're going to do another transform we're going to squash it down a little bit something around there and then let's actually take this blend let's do a subtract let's move this guy up towards it that way we can start seeing the actual subtraction happen yeah there we go so this might be a cool area where we'll have a nice trim but we'll get some like cool pattern in here so let's actually take this guy in here and there we go so we pretty much have our layout for us ready to go the next step for us to do is pretty much just start plugging and playing and start um getting some interesting patterns in here that we can later use in our environment once we start uving it so like i said before um these kind of were just there to start laying them out so let's actually start using them as mass rather than the actual um shapes of our trim sheet so to begin i'm just gonna start bringing in our tiling generator and let's start creating some bricks so in lesson um in the first lesson when i was talking about how to create tiling patterns this would go hand in hand so we can start creating some interesting brick patterns here so i'm just going to take maybe the x amount here we're going to do a offset random cool and then let's just do some luminance random and i actually don't like the bevel so much so what i'm gonna do is change this guy to a to a square and then we'll be able to just scale these guys down a bit like there we go and then here we can actually add our own our own subtle bevel here with just a nice um blur high quality grayscale so let's just bump this guy up and then let's just something like that cool all right so what i want to do here is i only want this break to show up on let's say let's say i only want to show up on this guy so what we can do here is just going to take this guy move this guy out of the way i'm going to go to a blend plug this guy here plug this guy here and plug this guy here so now we're only getting these bricks showing up here so let's see what this gives us we'll probably have to do some edits and some minor tweaks here so let's actually move this guy down put this guy down as well i'm not liking the fact that it's kind of lining up a little strange here so we're getting this weird gradient here so let's go ahead and change first of all the size of these guys because i also want them to be just a little bit smaller so let's do maybe a six and let's do an 11 possibly there we go that's feeling a little better now as far as this hard cut it looks like it's probably because we have this bevel here so what we can go ahead and do is just try to level this bevel out a little bit more so let's go ahead and take this guy level um go back here and we're just constantly making sure that we're getting what we're looking for so like that's pretty cool because it's also giving us a nice trim here which is nice so already we're introducing some new patterns in here that can be used for our trim sheet let's see next up let's try to create a cool pattern for this guy so i'm already thinking of something we can do with him so what i can do is let's actually take another tile generator and for this guy we're going to set the y amount all the way down and we're going to set it to square we're just going to move the scale down a bit again so that way we get something like or actually let's let's do it in the x so negative one there we go section okay x let's actually bring down the scale and what i want to do is take this to a negative one cool okay and what i'm gonna do is um instead of just using a transform and do a 90 degree or sorry a 45 degree you'll notice that when we turn on our our tiling you'll notice that it actually is breaking our tiling and it's giving us some jagged edges and it's not a perfect tile so what i can do is just do a safe transform grayscale and what this does is that once we do any rotation it keeps the tiling pretty much perfect as if we didn't really um use a transform which is nice so i want to add this one into this second tier here so i'm gonna move this guy down bring this guy up bring this guy in here another thing that i'd like to do is the pattern's cool but i almost want to have like a nice rounded edge to it so what we can do is bring in a non-uniform blur grayscale let's see what this is going to do for us yeah that's nice so let's bring this guy up and let's mess with these settings a little bit bring up the samples blades we want to yeah we want a nice smooth transition so bring this up bring this up over here nice and now we can actually start bringing this guy up a little bit cool so this is giving us a little bit too much gap and we're also getting some weird intersection here but let's first focus on fixing this gap a little bit so what we can do on the non-uniform blur grayscale is let's just double click on it so it's active and then we go back in the tile generator and let's try to minimize this gap a little bit so let's see if we can mess with the x let's do a negative one and just move from there so let's start bringing this up cool now that's looking like something i'm liking so we can just go back into the height and we could just start bringing this guy down the other thing i noticed is i also want to have way more of these guys so what we can do and again it's it's nice that we have just this kind of mask here it's non-destructive so whatever we end up doing it was just gonna tile more and it'll be a nice seamless transition here though i am getting some weird kind of fighting here and it looks like it's happening on this guy so what we can do is let's actually just squash this one even more so and avoid this intersection here there we go cool let's try to give this guy a little bit more detail so what we can do is we can actually just let's see what we can do is let's go ahead and do a safe transform grayscale on this guy let's do a blend we're gonna do a rotation here right there let's just see what this gives us maybe we'll use it maybe we won't so let's do an add yeah this might be what i'm looking for so now let's bring this guy in cool it's just giving us a little bit more detail on this specific trim this could be used for an edge of something or whatever you guys want to use it for so the other thing i'm not a big fan of is how much is extruding so with the height blend we can just mess with the opacity on this guy and just bring it down ever so slightly cool and we might not actually have to have this one rotation so at this point i'm just kind of experimenting and seeing what kind of things are cool to add to this guy i could do is let's actually take this guy and what i'm going to do is take this guy and let's actually bump this guy way up to have a lot more on the x amount so let's do maybe a hundred see what result that gives us and let's maybe start bringing this let's do a different maybe we can bring it down to 50 or something let's just keep it at 25. let's just keep it at 25 for now cool so let's move on and continue on with the other piece of trims that i created let's see so i think i'm going to leave the this one as is just because there's already so much kind of um information here but what i could do is with this mask i can actually bring it up higher so it meets up with this guy and we won't have this awkward kind of um like gap here so let's actually go ahead and what i'm going to do is just bring up the shape a little bit yeah so i'm bringing this guy up but it might be affecting up here cool so i just got to keep that in mind and now i'm just going to start moving it upwards again let's just go back lower the y amounts there we go and let's actually move this guy up a little bit more cool now let's see what we can do with these guys so i'm thinking something that's a bit more kind of nordic or something like that so let's try to integrate uh interesting pattern or something that we can just multiply across this or sorry duplicate across this so for the purpose of time i actually already have a small little pattern that i'd like to duplicate across this it's just um kind of just this nordic symbol it's just made with a square some transform subtractions and that's pretty much it you just move them into place and just make sure that's tiling so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to duplicate this and bring it back into our trim demo that we're working on and one other thing that i'm gonna actually bring in is the cracks from the last lesson on how to create cracks in substance designer so make sure to check that out on the channel all right so let's actually move this i believe it's happening here so what i want to do is just move this guy to the side let's bring this guy down and let's bring this guy up and what i'm going to do with here is i'm just going to do a tile generator because right now all we have is a single block so i'm just gonna plug this guy in i'm gonna do a school image input there we go so now our pattern is nice and tiling just move that out of the way let's start plugging this guy here and let's start plugging this guy here and we'll see what we get so our pattern is showing up except it's just scaled way too big so what we can do is let's just start messing with the different parameters on the tile so let's do like maybe let's do an 8 and a 8 and see what there gives us so almost there i think we might actually be able to mess with it here so actually let's start bringing up the y there we go because i want to get that edge in there we can mess with things slightly by just bringing in a transform and then moving it into position so let's actually i want to get that edge in there so i might have to tile it even more so just so i can get that those two sides that i want so let's do like 13. maybe that'll give us something okay let's go back into our transform and let's just start messing with it i can also do is just start stretching them just a bit here that's looking pretty cool all right so finally let's just do something with this inner part and we have a few different options that we can do is we can either just bring in another tiling pattern so we can make maybe some tiles here or the cool thing that we can do is if we have any alphas that we've created inside a zbrush or we've downloaded off the internet we can go ahead and bring those in and actually just tile them and just stamp them in into a substance designer so let's go ahead and do that really quick i'm just going to bring an ornament alpha that i have here i'm just going to link it and what i can do here is we can do the same kind of thing that we did here where we just take a tile generator and just move it into place so let's go ahead and do that real quick so i'm just going to do a tile generator and this is a really cool and easy way to just add um more and more detail onto your pre-existing tiles so if you have other projects where you've created alphas or you've had a or you have an alpha collection that you'd love to use to just create and quickly bang out these um trim sheets you can go ahead and do that so let's just do image input cool and again i'm just going to move what i want to do is for this guy it's a little bit different so what i want to do is i just want it to show up on the interior part so let's go ahead and do a blend plug this guy in plug this guy in and make that the mask yeah okay and let's plug this guy and see what happens right now okay that's looking a little bit too strong because these are completely in the white we're getting um just this extruded insane amount so let's actually bring down the opacity on these guys and also looks like in the tile generator they're getting uh blown out as well so let's actually bring down the luminance of these guys here we go cool now we're getting our original shapes though it is getting it on these edges so what we can do is we can do a levels on this mass that way it doesn't include the um that bevel that we have going on here so just bring this in other way maybe all the way down here too much cool and what we can do is now we can just kind of move them into place so already i can tell maybe if we bump this guy up to a nine they might be in a better spot or an eight let's try that and just use a transform to move them into place yeah this is gonna work i just gotta get them into place cool and maybe we can stretch them just a bit nice so let's go back to our very end of our trim and let's see what we have so far so let's go into our normal and see what kind of information we got going on so perfect we got just a bunch of different information going on here and it's working out really nice looks like i have some weird kind of stepping here let's see if we can figure out where that is happening so it looks like i just accidentally connected the this map into our tile generator so all we have to do is get rid of it it's using it as a background and now with that getting rid of that it's giving us a nice even more kind of darker value on the height so it's more indented which is giving us some nice kind of info here cool so that about sums it up as far as laying out your kind of trim sheets and the cool tricks that we can do so talk to you guys about um just in importing different alphas just using your own different patterns that you create inside a designer the safe transform node that'll give you some cool patterns on a diagonal area but also help with the consistency of tiling and also just continuing to use the curve node and also just the tiling patterns to get some quick patterns out of this guy so to finish off let's just go ahead and start chipping at this guy away and let's start giving it some nice damage so the cool thing about damaging one of these trim textures is that we have one or two options we can either go back into each element and destroy it uh each different section that way each level of your trim has a different level of destruction or we could just go to the very end and destroy it all kind of the same and has its nice continuity so let's just go ahead and do that real quick so i'm just going to bring in a slope blur grayscale and i'm going to do uh black and white spots too i'm going to bring this guy in i'm going to set the samples up intensity down and set this to minimum now you'll notice that because this black and white spots is so granular we're getting some kind of weird results with the slope blur grayscale what we can do is we can go into our black and white spots and just change the output size of this guy so currently it's a 2048 by 2048 so if we bring this down to somewhere like a 128 we can start getting some more of the regular kind of damage that you would see so we can also start getting vertical streaks depending on that too so i'm getting some larger kind of shapes here maybe we want to bring this guy down maybe so it's all up to you guys to just play around and see what you guys come up with oh like i'm liking that i just wanted a little bit of chipping here and there so let's actually plug this guy and see what we're getting nice so we're getting a little bit of chipping here and there and just some subtle destruction we can even go ahead and just minimize this even more cool that way we're just getting some nice edge damage on this guy next up what we can do is just do another slow blur grayscale and just start building up our damage like we would on any other material so i'm just going to do a purlin noise here just get some different results with the different slope blur grayscales so bring up this guy bring down the intensity getting a little bit much larger cuts in here so let's actually take this guy we're gonna do a blend this guy yeah and just have it just super subtle there so move this guy out of the way cool now we're getting some different chipping results here uh one other thing we can do is do a clouds or sorry not a clouds of cells we're going to just bump this guy up pretty high something like that then do a slope blur grayscale and let's just take the same black and white spots just duplicate it because we might want to change the results we get so plug this guy in here and let's bring up the samples intensity min yeah that looks pretty cool and let's do a directional let's do a directional warp set the height as the intensity that way just kind of shifts different areas and let's just blend this over with a min min lighten or sorry yeah i'm in dark and there we go let's see what kind of results this gives us there we go so we're getting some nice chipping here so maybe we can actually oh let's do an invert of this grayscale there we go that's what i was looking for so just kind of slowly bring this down cool so now we're getting some nice worn effect and if we want we can even take it a step further and we can blend this so it's not kind of showing up all over the place we can just do a purlin noise and let's just kind of set this to let's bring this all the way down let's subtract multiply yeah this one might work so let's see what this gives us yeah just so it's not showing up on all over the place so if we do bigger that way we get some areas where it's not as chipped up and stuff so one last thing that i'd like to do is let's open up our old um demo of our cracks demo and let's actually bring those guys in as well and see what kind of destruction it brings on this guy so i'm just going to open up that real quick i'm going to do the kind of simplistic one so not the crazy one that we did with the kind of more intense concrete so let's just bring this guy we're gonna do a go back into our trim demo cool and let's just move this guy out of the way gonna copy paste it's gonna blend we might run into that problem where it's going all over the actual yeah texture so we might have to just conform it to the square to the um bricks for now what we can do here is let's do a blend and i'm going to set the mask to this guy there we go and then what do we do here is we're going to do a vector warp grayscale plug this guy in we're going to do a flood fill plug it into this guy flood fill it a random color and this is just taking the lesson that we learned from the last video of creating cracks and we just integrated into some of the stuff that we're learning right now so let's actually take it to this guy here we go yep plug this guy there we go and now we have some cracks so if we want we can go ahead and add these cracks to these areas and we'll just find a way to mask them out but that pretty much sums up this guy so this is just an intro to how to create your different tiling trims in the next lesson we'll be covering how to take this exact same layout but we're actually going to change it from some stone into more of some sci-fi metal panels and maybe we'll take away this guy and add some intricate one off unique pieces onto here so i hope you guys enjoying the tutorial and learned something useful make sure to look out for part two on the channel and i'll see you guys on the next one you
Channel: NVIDIA Studio
Views: 14,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NVIDIA, NVIDIA Studio, RTX Studio, NVIDIA Creators, NVIDIA Design
Id: WTWCj7mcsIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 26sec (2666 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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