Text Falling Animation in After Effects - After Effects Tutorial | Text Animation - No Plugins

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hey everyone my name is abishek and today we are going to create this text falling animation in After Effects without using any third party plug-in so let's see how to make this all right right in after fix and we'll begin byring a new composition so let's go to composition new one and I'm going to call this one main width and act will be 19 20 x 1080 frame rate 30 FPS and duration you can pick whatever you want just click on okay now we have the composition first I'm going to create the text so for that you can select the text tool now it's completely up to you can use whatever font you want I'm using this monzerat bold font so just click and you can type your first character so let's say I'm going to type Port Folio so I'm going to type P and let me just quickly change this color to white perfect so here we have our character and let's change it font to something like black so that we have little bit of thicker font now make sure that it's anoro is in the center so for that you can hold on the control key and double click on the span anchor tool now it's in the center so we are going to basically animate it and first I'm going to like place it somewhere around here we can play around with the position later on as well so first I'm going to select this let's add a key frame for position and like that now I'm going to like zoom in and we can move like 10 or 15 frames ahead and I'm going to press R to rotate it like so that we have different characters at different angle so let's pick it like that let's press P for position and I'm going to move this key frame to like somewhere around here and in the beginning I'm going to move the character to at the top like that now if I press play you can see we have our character coming in but we are not having any kind of Bounce or something so for that we are going to use this expression so you can go to this realistic motion scripts.com and over here we have a bunch of different Expressions but for this one we are going to use this key frame bounce back expression now I'll put a link in the description from where you can like go to this website and after that just simply select this expression which is over here and just copy it now you can go back to the after effects now in order to use this expression all we have to do is hold on the control key or option key on Mac then click on the stop for now you can press control V and it will paste the expression now if I press play you can see we have our corrector and as it is coming you can see that it will start bouncing now we can play around with the timing to like make it like a little bit harsh like that now we can also play around with the bouncing by simply changing these values so if I set this to like let's say 3 or 4 let's set this to. 3 now if I press play you can see we have our character and now it is bouncing like little bit not much so this is something that you can play around and let me just go place it over here after that we can select this first key frame and let's press F9 to easy St now let's go to the graph editor now make sure you are using the speed graph not the value graph and after that I can just simply change it to look something like that you can also play it like this so now if I press play you can see we have our character falling in and now the motion looks much better so in the same way you can like have other characters as well so for that you can just simply select this press contr D to duplicate this now let's type our next character which is O Let's select this press U and make sure to select all the key frames and after that you can just easily move it wherever you want let's place it somewhere around here perfect now let's select this press CR D now let's type our next corrector R and let's press U now again select the key fr and just simply move it somewhere around here now let's press R to like rotate it like this again we can play around with its position now in the same way all you have to do is just simply duplicate this change the character and just place it wherever you want all right so now I am done with all the characters now if I press play you can see we have everything like going in and now they are coming all at once but we can like change this up so first I'm going to create a null object because I want to make them a little bit bigger so let's create a null object and let's select everything and I'm going to parent them with the null now we can select this press s and let's just scale this up quite a bit something like that now also let's like position it somewhere around here because this looks a lot Center perfect so here we have everything now we ready to like offset these so all we have to do is just simply go to this first layer and we can like move these for like three frames ahead one after each other so now if I press play you can see all of these characters are like coming one after other and the animation looks very good now our next step is to like make them disappear from the screen one by one so for that it's actually quite easy let me just quickly select all of these layers so let's pick some points somewhere around here let's press p and I'm going to add key frame to all of these layers like that now after that I'm going to move like couple of frames ahead like this and after that we can like select one of these layers these correctors one by one and just move them outside this Frame let's do this for everything so here we have all the characters down after I press play you can see that all of these characters are falling one at a time but we want them like to go one after other so first I'm going to like select all of these let's press F9 to EAS the key frames let's go to the graph editor and I'm going to change the curves to look something like let's select everything and I'm going to like make it look something like that so it starts very slow and after that it goes very quickly now if I press play you can see all of these characters are like going in starting very slowly and then they go like very quickly but you will notice that they bounce back over here but don't worry we can like trim this layer once they are like completely out of this Frame but now the thing is I I don't want all of them to like start at once I want like these characters like start first which are at the bottom and then the other ones which are at the top so for that we can like select all the key frames let's move them ahead and we will Begin by like selecting the layers so first I want like this to start in and this T can like start right next to it and let's select this o and let's like start it over here then then this I so just select the key frames and like move them little bit closer so you can see that these are starting like this now once it has started we can like move on to the other key frames so let's select this one and we can like make it start from here and let's select this one and I can move it somewhere around here something like that perfect so after that we can just simply trim these out once like all of these layers are at the end so you can hold on the ALT key and the right square bracket to trim these layers like these just go to all of these layers one by one and just trim them so there you go now I have trimmed all these layers now if I press play you can see all of these characters are coming in and after that like they go away so this is how you can create these kind of animations and these are very good for if you are creating some opener or something like that so this way you can create these kind of animations and the project files for this tutorial is available on patreon so if you supporting me over there then you can download it from there and if you not then you might consider it because you will get access to the tutorial project files and exclusive templates that are available only on patreon so with that being said my name is abishek and I'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Motion Nations
Views: 3,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: text falling after effects, after effects text falling animation, after effects text drop animation, text drop after effects, text bouncing animation after effects, ae text bounce, ae text falling animation, ae motion graphics text, after effects simple text animation, bouncing text animation, after effects text animation no plugins, portfolio text after effects, after effects text animation expression, text animation expression after effects, text bouncing effect after effects
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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