After Effects Tutorial: Particles Logo & Text Animation | Simple Way - Trapcode Particular Tutorial

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[Music] hey what's up guys this is wasi from flam Visual and welcome to my brand new after effect tutorial in this tutorial I am going to show you how you can create this amazing logo animation inside of AD after effect using third party plugin called traod particular and deep glow so without wasting any time let's get started before starting the video I would like to say if you are new to this channel hit the like button and don't forget to subscribe my channel okay so let's get started okay so first create a new composition let's call it Emer and I'm going with 9020 1080p from3 duration 10 second then hit Okay now click here then change the bit depth to 32 bits per Channel then click on okay now I'm going to import our logo and project files you can download these project files from Link in the description box below now select our logo then place it into this timeline then press s and make it smaller like this now right click then choose precompose then select move all attributes and rename it to logo then hit okay now select the studio reflection image then place it into this timeline then press s and scale value set it 50 sorry set it 50 now go to effect and preset window and search for first box play now select this effect and apply onto this image then blur radius set it 50 then add motion tile on [Music] it click here to mirror edges and increase the output width and output height now go to beginning of this animation set a key frame on title Center then go to end of this animation and increase this x value like [Music] this now simply select this layer then right click then choose pay compose select mobile attributes and rename it to Studio deflection then hit okay now select this layer then put it below this logo layer now simply change this layer track mat to Alpha mat and select our logo layer if you don't see this track mat option then simply click here okay now add CC bobiz [Music] now go to blob blob layer seted logo property set it Alpha softness set it five c a set it zero perfect now select this two layer then right click then choose pick compose select mobile attributes and rename it to glossy logo then click on okay now go to toolbar and select this rectangle tool and then simply create a mask like [Music] this now go to around 2 seconds then open Max Properties then set a key frame on Max path then go to around 6 seconds then double click on this marks path then simply move on to left [Music] side like [Music] this and then simply change the marks feather to 40 [Music] okay now go to Project window and create another composition let's call it main then hit okay let's turn off this title okay now create a black solid layer so right click new then click on solid let's rename it to particles then hit okay now go to effect and preset window and search for particular particular is a third party plugin from Red Giant you can download a free trial version from Link in the description box below so select this uh effect and apply onto this black solid layer perfect now go to Project window and select our emitter comp then place it into this timeline now now make this layer 3D by clicking here and turn off visibility of this layer now select our particles layer then go to effect and uh effect control panel then go to emiter then emiter type set it layer and particle per second set it one triple 0 trip 0 then click on okay then emitter Zed uh emitter size Z set it zero velocity set it 30 and random uh velocity random set it 50 velocity distribution set it zero and velocity from emitter set it zero then go to layer emiter then go to layer and select our emitter layer then go to uh uh layer RGB users then select [Music] none now go to particle particle life per second set2 and um spere feather set it 100% particle size set it 1.2 then size random set it 50% % then go to size over life then click here and select this second preset then go to opacity and opacity value set it 50 and opacity random set it [Music] 50 then go to opacity over life then click here then choose this second preset and uh change the BL mode to [Music] add okay now go to environment then gravity set it um Min - 2 1 0 and air density set it zero then go to displace then go go to turbulence field and TF displacement XY Z set it [Music] 300 then go to lighting then enable lighting and light fall off set it uh nonone [Music] AE now create a light so right click new then click on Light Select Point light and intensity set it to 82 then click on [Music] okay now select our particles layer then go to rendering then go to motion blur then motion blur turn it on then sampling set it8 okay now add glow on it simply type glow now select this effect and apply onto this layer and then change the glow intensity set it [Music] 7 looks good to me now go to Project window and select our gloss logo then place it into this timeline and put it below this particle layer now simply uh go to around uh 2 seconds then and create a Max like this then open Max Properties set a key frame on Max path then go to around here and then simply press V on your keyboard then double click on this Max path and then simply drag the path like [Music] this and change the max feather to 80 [Music] okay let's adjust that uh key frames [Music] [Music] looks good to me okay let's ramp viw this okay looks good to [Music] me okay now create a new adjustment [Music] layer now add deep glow change the exposure [Music] [Music] to16 okay let's add treone now change the colors [Music] [Music] [Music] okay let's create another adjustment layer now add [Music] sharpen sharpen amount set 20 now um add curves then change the RGB curves to like this [Music] let's change the color a little bit looks good to [Music] me okay now go to beginning of this animation then select our gloss logo layer then add gradient whip [Music] now transition softness set 100% then set a key frame on transition completion and set it 100% then go to around 3 second uh then go to around 3 seconds then transition completion set it zero now press U on your keyboard now select these two key frame then press F9 to make them Easy [Music] E let's rampy view this perfect okay now create a new object so right click new then click on Lo object then select this glossy logo layer and particle layer then P it to n one now go to beginning of this animation then select this n object then press s set a key frame on scale then go to around uh 6 seconds or 7 seconds then increase the scale amount little bit like this [Music] now create a um text layer so right click new then click on text now type your text [Music] here now make it [Music] smaller and then add uh deep glow on it and decrease the exposure to maybe [Music] uh6 now press t on your keyboard set a key frame on opacity value set it zero then go to around 7 Seconds 15 frames and then opacity value set it 100 now go to this first key frame then press s to open scale set a key frame on scale then go to end of this animation and increase the scale value like this okay so our animation is complete you can uh ramp view this I hope you like this tutorial don't forget to leave a like and if you have any questions then do let me know in the comment thank you very much and see you later peace out [Music]
Channel: FLIMLION VisualFX
Views: 14,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects tutorial, particles text effects, after effect tutorial text animation, particles, particle text animation, particles effects, text animation in after effects, after effects particle logo, after effects particle, particle logo animation, particle intro after effects, particle tutorial, after effects, trapcode particular, animation, logo, effects, tutorial, after effect, adobe after effects tutorial, flimlion visualfx, logo animation in after effects, logo animation
Id: r87RtuWIKZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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