Creative Map Animation in After Effects - After Effects Tutorial | No Plugins

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hey everyone my name is abishek and today we are going to create this animated map in After Effects it's very easy to create and you can use it for any kind of documentary or whatever type of videos you want so let's see how to make this all right right now in After Effects and before we begin we have to download this map view now I'm going to show you how to get this so for that you can just simply open up Google Maps and just you can travel to whatever place you want for example I'm going to Tokyo well probably one day for sure and after that you can pick any area you want now there are a couple of things that we have to do so first you have to click over here so that it will change it to the satellite view now you can go under the more and over here we have this option called label so we don't want any kind of label so I can just click and uncheck this now make sure that this option is checked otherwise you will have a flat View and if I check this you will have this 3D sort of view now you can probably zoom in we can close this out and you can move around with the mouse click and you can hold on the control key and just click and move you can see that we can swoop around this 3D view like that now you can just pick whatever angle you want so I think let's pick this one so let's pick somewhere around here now once you're happy with your angle you can just simply take a screenshot of this area so for example I want to highlight this region so you can just take a screenshot and then import it in After Effects like this so here we have our image and now we can start animating this so first we can create a new composition let's call this one main fit and KN will be 19 20x 10 80 frame rate 30 FPS and duration you can pick whatever you want just click on okay here we have our composition now first let's create a background so right click new let's add a solid color you can just click on okay because we are going to change it anyway now let's quickly drag our map and let's drag it over here now the first thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to select the pen tool and I'm going to just quickly highlight or the cut out the area which we want in this view so you can just zoom in make sure that the layer is selected and after that you can just simply start clicking and just dragging around the areas which you want you don't have to be like really precise you can just do it however you want like that just quickly do this now I'm done with the masking and this is the cutout that we are going to use so here you can see that I have cut out all the necessary areas that I want now we're pretty much done with this now let's twak this further and just add some details to this so first time I'm going to select this let's search for Curves and because we want a little bit of contrast to this so let's drag it onto this and let's just increase it and let's increase a little bit of contrast now once we're done with this we are ready to add some effects to this so first is let me just quickly animate this out so I basically want this map to like come from this top right angle but it's completely up to you can animate it however you want so let's press p and let's add a key frame let's move it somewhere around here and I'm going to just quickly select this and let's just place it something like that perfect now I'm going to move this key frame so in the beginning it is like somewhere around here and like around at 4 seconds I'm going to just place it right here looks perfect so that we have this sort of Animation now I'm going to quickly select the key frames press F9 to EAS them now we can go to the graph editor if your graph looks different make sure you're using the speed C now let's select the end points and I'm going to set it to something like that so here you can see we have our map now again there are a couple of things that we can do so first I'm going to add outline to this which is actually quite easy all you have to do is just select this press contr D and on this one let's call this stroke and on top of it we can apply this Effect called stroke and let's just click and drag it over here now curves we can probably delete because we don't want now over here we have this option for mask make sure that it is selected now if I increase the brush stroke you can see we are able to see this mask and hardness we can set this to 100 so here you can see the outline now for the color it's completely up to you I'm going to use this really nice yellow sort of color like that perfect we can probably increase the press size like this it's completely up to you can just make it however big you want so I think this looks good now I'm going to select this press you and I'm going to just go to the final position now I don't want any kind of Animation to this so we can just remove this and instead we can just parent it to this map layer so that it will move wherever we have this layer perfect so before we continue if you enjoy my work and you want to support me then you can check out my patreon page over there you will get access to the tutorial project files and exclusive templates that are available only on patreon so make sure to check it out link for that is in the description now let's continue now also I want to animate this stroke so it's actually quite easy over here we have this option for the end value so if I set this to zero and let's go to somewhere around here let's add a key frame let's move like couple of frames ahead and I'm going to set this to 100 so here you can see we have this animated stroke like that now you can play around with its easing and timing however you want so let's just make it appear something like here perfect now we can select this press F9 now we are ready to do more animation to this so first I'm going to create a null object because I don't want these to like completely stop so let's add a null object now I'm going to select this map layer and let's just parent it to this null now select this null press P let's add a key frame let's press U and let's go somewhere around 10 seconds and I'm going to just move this null to like somewhere around here so now once our map like comes into the frame you can see that it will keep on moving like this this very small motion you can probably make this like little bit closer or also we can just move it little bit further so that we have this very nice continuous motion like that this is what I want perfect once you're done with this let's take this further and I'm going to add some more details to this map so let's select this map and on this one I'm going to apply effect called tint let's drag it over here and this one more thing if I go to the stroke you can see we have this option for on original image let's set this to transparent so that it's only showing the stroke not the rest of the details now we have this map and I'm going to select this and let's drag one more effect let's drag drop Shadows like that let's increase the opacity to 100 and I'm going to increase the distance and let's increase the softness so that we have this very nice drop shot over here perfect now let's play around with the background as well so let's select this and I'm going to search for ramp or gradient ramp let's drag it over here and for the colors I'm going to set this to like very dark gray and on this one I'm going to make it dark but have little bit of this yellowish tone something like that now we can play around with their position so let's just place it over here and just play around with it however you want so I think this looks good we have this very subtle highlight over here perfect and there's one more thing that we can do we can search for grid let's search and drag it over here and blending mode I'm going to set this to normal and for the color let's set this to like this very light sort of gray like that now for the corner P I'm going to just set this to width slider so that we can just create something like that and the gradient I'm going to just make it a little bit more darker like that you can play around with the Border as well you can make it like thin or thick however you want let's just keep it somewhere around here and let's make it like little bit Bolder perfect so here we have our final look now I'm going to select this this map and we are going to add some areas which we want to reveal out so first I'm going to select the tint and let's just change this tint to this darker sort of color and I'm going to just pick this one and just make it dark like that perfect so here you can see we have this St area but we want to add some highlights to this as well so I'm going to select this map press control D to duplicate this I'm going to select this press M to reveal all the mask let's select this mask and press delete to delete it and I'm going to select the pen tool once again let's zoom in and on this one I'm going to also remove the tint effect so let's delete this as well now just highlight the buildings that you want to be like highlighted just create a mask around them so it's probably this one you don't have to be precise just do it like very roughly like that now make sure that this is selected now you can add more details so let's add this building as well like that now let's add this one as well perfect so here we have three buildings and I also want to highlight this area so let's just quickly create a rough Mouse make sure that this layer is selected so there you go now we have highlighted this region as well perfect now there's one more thing that you can do so if I select this map you can see we have this Shadow option so I'm going to just move it somewhere around here let's do the same thing with this map as well and let's just place it something like in this direction perfect so here we have our buildings and everything now let's quickly add our text so select the text tool and it's completely up to you you can type whatever you want so I'm going to type Tokyo and let me just quickly change its color so I'm going to set this to White and let's just pick up Place make it a little bit bigger and just place it somewhere in the middle of this composition now select this press contrl D and I'm going to add a secondary text which is the same to Tokyo Letter but in Japanese and let's make this little bit smaller and for this one we can probably add our highlight color which is this yellow perfect so here we have our text now there's one more thing that you can do we can have little bit of outlines coming out of these buildings to highlight them so let's select the pen tool make sure none of the layer is selected now you can just simply click and let's just click somewhere around here something like that and just click over here so that we have the line which is coming out which we can play around later on as well perfect and let's animate this so and on this one we can go to add and let's add trim path and under the trim path we have this option called the end property so if I click on the stopwatch and set this to zero let's move little bit ahead and set this to 100 so that it is like coming out perfect now we have to like probably parent it to the rest of the composition as well so I'm going to just select this and let's parent it to this map layer which is over here like that so that it will move around with this perfect now let's quickly add our text as well but first let's animate this text so on this one we are going to just apply a preset so if I search for random and over here we have this random decode corrector in now I'm going to just simply drag it onto the this layer and let's drag it onto this as well so now I'm going to select both of these press U so you can see that we have the key frames now we can just move them to the very beginning and just play around with their timing so as soon as our map comes so somewhere around here we can probably have it coming like little bit more ahead perfect so here you can see as our map is coming we have this text decoding perfect now we can have a copy of it so let's select this press contrl D and I'm going to just place it to the top and let's just type whatever detail you want and just place it on top of this like that now we can probably parent it to the map layer as well so that it is moving but we have to play around with its timing so let's just pick some point so somewhere around here I want these lines to like start appearing maybe a little bit closer let's select this PR F9 and right here we can have our decoding text as well perfect so now we can highlight this area in the same way select this press contrl D let's just move this to the top and we can just place it somewhere around here now you can quickly change the text and we can select the pen tool to change its direction as well so let's just move it somewhere around here so here we have like mentioned our next area as well and as things will like already be applied perfect now this one more thing one last thing I don't want these buildings to like highlighted in the beginning so we can play around with that so let me just quickly select these buildings which is this one and I'm going to press t for opacity let's add a key frame and let's move it a little bit ahead somewhere around here we can just set this to zero like that now let's select this map and also I'm going to play around with the tint so first I want this to be like completely opaque and then we have to like have the tint so let's add a key frame press U and again let's move it further and I'm going to set the amount to zero in the beginning so you can see that as it is coming it is like completely natural and after that it like changes and we have these highlighted buildings so this is how you can create these kind of animated map looks and you can see that it looks very professional and you can use it for like documentaries or whatever you want so I hope you learned something from this video and if you have any queries or questions that you can ask in the comments below and the project files for this tutorial is available on patreon so if you're supporting me over there then you can download it from there and if you're not then you might consider it because you will get access to the tutorial project files and exclusive templates that are available only on patreon so for that being said my name is abish shake and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Motion Nations
Views: 9,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: map animation after effects, creative map animation after effects, after effects map animation, vox style map animation, vox editing after effects, after effects vox tutorial, after effects vox map animation, 3d map animation, 3d map after effects, after effects map, after effects map zoom, after effects map route animation, highlight map after effects, ae map animation, after effects map location, after effects map graphic, map animation after effects no plugin, ae map
Id: BZc2Y3wEtoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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