Advanced Text Dispersion Tutorial [BEGINNER FRIENDLY] || 100% After Effects

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hey guys this is hari from zero fx and in this video we're gonna talk about text dispersion effect using no plugins of course so i was recreating the star wars obi-wan kenobi intro sequence the other day and i realized two things first one was this was just a simple text expression effect reversed in time and the second realization was i am very bad at recreating these things let's not talk about that for now let's talk about text dispersion so this improve made me realize that i was doing the text dispersion effect wrong all these days and also i believe most of the after effects users are also doing this wrong let's see what i'm talking about so create a new composition create the text as a nd send post it at the center you can use the align tool for this thing become this guy and name it text so we have the text now now to create the particle system duplicate this pre-comp perform this one more time and name this text underscore particle apply a cc particle systems2 effect to it we have some particles in the scene now now let's increase the size of the emitter but before doing that let's zero out the velocity and the gravity to see the meter better all right let's increase the radius 5 to maybe like 15 and radius x to 4. okay now let's animate the emitter position from one end to the other end so at the first frame give it an exposition of 1920 this positions emitter at the right side end set a keyframe and after say like six seconds make the position so this is what we created our emitter moves from right to left okay now as we have the alpha preserved under the particle rollout if we enable the source alpha inheritance we can see the particles getting empty from the text okay so let's give some physics to the particle system first change the animation type to direction increase the velocity to say like 0.5 let's check this out okay that looks good now change the direction to 90 degrees and decrease the extra all the way down to zero let's also give it some negative gravity to simulate the wind all right now let's create a new white solid add a linear wipe effect to it let's change the wipe angle to negative 90 and animate the transition from zero percent to hundred percent we can use the previous keyframes to guide us so after six seconds make the transition one hundred percent so we have a nice reveal effect now let's use this white solid as a luma mat for the text and there you go let's also feather the transition a bit to make it smooth also change the particles color to it so that's basically it this is where most of the tutorials on youtube leave the effect at uh i mean this looks okay if you're in like 2002 but this is 2022 right now so this obviously needs some improvement so let's think of this in a real world scenario let's say someone comes sand particles to there to make it look like this text shape right here i know what you're thinking who in their mind would make text shapes using sand this game must be stupid yes i'm not going to argue with that so with that said let's concentrate so these sand particles suddenly decided to fly away for some reason maybe they hate the guy who made them or it could be because of there are chances or oh maybe because of the force yeah that makes total sense now so whatever the reason all sand particles won't react to the force the same way this is because at some areas sand would be more dense and at other areas it would be less dense simply putting it i'm talking about randomness here usually in any particle system i repeat in any particle system there would be a randomness option but hey we are in cc particle system don't expect all these things so to create the randomness we can head into the text particle pre-comp and create a new solid and add a fractal noise effect to it increase the contrast to maybe like 200 and use this as a luma mat this gives some nice variation to the text shape maybe we can decrease the brightness a bit and increase the contrast to say 300 okay that looks okay so now check this out this gives a nice variation to the particle system as the particles are getting empty based on the alpha map nice so this fixes one problem now if you observe here all particles are moving in the same path as if they were in some military battalion well this is because there's no randomness in the force affecting them and please don't waste your time by checking for any option here remember this is cc particle system man so what we can do is we can add a vehicle expression to the direction so i'll click the direction and write wiggle say 10 comma 20. so what this means is 10 times each second change the direction by a value of 20. so we give it a value of 90 here so this expression gives a value between 70 and 110. 110 degrees means particles go in a downward direction which i don't want so change the value to 70. so this gives a value between 50 and 90. so let's check this out there you go this adds some nice randomness to the direction of the particles looks good now let's talk about the real world scenario one more time if some force is causing the sand particles to fly away not all particles fly away easily some of them just stick to the shape and lag behind to understand this better imagine yourself blowing an object with a dust blower god kids these days even if you blow the dust off it won't become completely clean in the first try itself there will be always some dust left behind so that requires more force to completely clean it it's physics now should i say chemistry to simulate that behavior just duplicate the particle system and decrease the velocity all the way down to maybe like 0.1 and also decrease the gravity like minus 0.05 so let's check this out there you go this will add some particles which lag behind let me isolate it to show you better so this adds another particle system where things are a little slow so combining them together we get this nice variation where some particles fly off easily and some particles not so easy so now what okay unless your system is a potato it can definitely handle a few more particles so increase the particle count but before doing that decreased opacity will say like 25 always prefer this way now increase the worth rate to 25 maybe there you go this looks a lot better maybe we can decrease opacity even more nice so now what about the gaps here no particles are getting generated from here but still the text is disappearing for some reason that's very interesting but i don't like it to fix that head into the text particle pre-comp and copy the text with the fractal noise ctrl c and paste it in the main comp ctrl v let me isolate this and change this to luma inverted mat this time and pre-compose them both together name it text underscore particle 3. so go to the first frame copy the first particle system and paste it in this layer so let's check this out there you go this is emptying particles from the remaining area let's make these particles less denser compared to the previous particle system to do that decrease the particle cone first let's say 10 and also increase the velocity and increase the gravity as less denser areas are more easily affected by the force there you go these particles are going fast compared to the previous particles so command them all three and you will have this some particles leave faster some a bit slower and some even slower so we're done with particles for now so let's concentrate on this text reveal now and now giving it a perfectly straight linear vibe with some feather is not the way to do it it's just too lazy we need to add some randomness because nature loves randomness and nothing is perfect in this world so what we can do is let's add a turbulent displaced effect to it killer size for this to see it better good add another turbulent displacer effect but with less size this time maybe like 10 and increase the complexity to make the edge more jagged see that looks better but we're not done yet if you observe here as we said before more number of particles are coming from this area and less from this area but our text reveal is behaving as if it doesn't care about any of those things so we need to add some interaction between the text and the particles to blend them better to do that select the text particle 3 comp and duplicate place it at the bottom delete the particle system and we have this lower inverted text now so now if we duplicate this linear white solid and use it as a luma matte we will get this noisy text reveal so the idea here is to place this guy underneath the normal text reveal and offset the keyframes of the transition effect by say like say one two three four five maybe offset by 5 frames to delay the reveal animation now let's check this out there you go our text is more or less reacting to the particles now this is looking as if there's an underneath layer to this plane shape and that's actually a good thing and if you feel like the underneath layer is too bright you can add a curves effect and decrease the brightness just a bit yeah that looks better you see that that looks good and better compared to this right here and because of the way we created this if you change the text to something else zero effects it will automatically update great no need to do all this stuff again okay now for this obi-wan kenobi intro i just used the same techniques to create a basic text dispersion effect and then inverted the animation by reversing the time so compared to the arsenal my version looks like kobe van ran out of gas but in all seriousness this effect requires some turbulence effect within the particle force field and that requires a plug-in cannot be replicated just with after effects without any plugins i'm not packing myself but i'm just saying that it's hard to do this stuff without any plugin if i have trapcode particular maybe i can do that but here the good thing is this works as a template you can change this text this text and also you can adjust the shape position by using this null object feel free to experiment but don't forget to subscribe so with this i'm done [Music] [Music]
Channel: zero fx
Views: 46,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: After Effects Obi Wan Kenobi, After Effects Sand, After Effects Sand Text, After Effects Star Wars, After Effects Star Wars Intro, After Effects Text Disperse, After Effects Text Dispersion, After Effects Text Dissolve, After Effects Text To Sand, Text Dispersion Tutorial, Text to Sand After Effects, Zero Fx, Zerofx
Id: l2_MmjNuUOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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