Teutons vs Poles! Ultimate Arena Showdown?

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all righty ladies and gents welcome to 1v1 on arena we've got some clowns here some clown legion players they love their arena we've got a really entertaining sieve matchup so uh before the polls existed before the bohemians existed before those two saves were brought into the game which was somewhat recently there's a lot of conversation on what are the best arena civs and i think you could you could kind of argue four in that top you've got twons 100 and we've got tootins over here in the teal you probably have like britons i think britain's are still top you've got let's say malay and then maybe it's five maybe burgundians and then maybe aztecs i don't know maybe there's going to be other sieves out there that come to mind for you but i'm going based on tournament games and based on tournament games i guess the only thing of relevance here is that yeah tunes are on that list two wins have very few weaknesses and one of the weaknesses that tootins have is that they don't really do too well against mobile options but on arena you don't really have to deal with that because you don't have as mobility as much of a focus due to the fact that most of those fights happen in the same spot of the map but let's just go down the list of tootin bonuses first off they have amazing monks they also resist conversions so if you go up against other monk sivs you're gonna win with monks they have incredibly cheap farms which means incredible economy they have extra melee armor on their cav er castle age and imperial age which is excessive because they get full blacksmith upgrade so they get additional melee armor on their calf starting in castle and then they get an even more an imp also applies to their infantry they get extra melee armor and castle in an imp and they have some of the best infantry options too with halp champion and then the teutonic knight which is the unique unit that we all love and uh played as i'm sure when we were growing up and these dark ages giving me a little bit of pain anyways we're not gonna talk about the dark ages um so yeah i think tunes are really strong they also have hand cannons uh so you could conceivably go hand cannon paladin elite teutonic knight and then c john under bomber cannon their castles have extra range i mean that's not it they're still strong with some other things but that's that's a lot of stuff and now polls polls were recently added to the game and i think it was lithuanians versus polls two months ago maybe we can have a little pop-up here or maybe it'll be in the description if we remember um but in that game we had elite latest a very strong unique unit from the lithuanians against poles and their unique unit which is quite cheap in the old book which uh shreds armor and then they're very cheap cavalier and the consensus after watching that game and that was one of the first games that really had me uh thinking about it is that yeah the polls options aren't necessarily the strongest but man can they make a lot of it and i think that's going to be what we have here um we are going to likely see players go up to the next stage and fight for relics but polls have i'd say the most unique economy in the game if you mine stone for every two villagers you have on stone you're like having one on gold so you're bringing in more gold than someone else would from your normal resources and then also they get 10 of their farms food when they build a farm around a full work now i still think i don't even know exactly what happens in this game but i still at the time of recording this which is march 24th 2022 i still firmly believe that polls need a nerf in some way shape or form i say this be loving the polls and i love their eco i think if i were to make a change to the polls it wouldn't be crazy all you pole fans but i think that their old book is still too cheap for what it is i still think it's way too strong and uh you can make way too many of them combined with their unique texts which means they can spam a lot of cavalier that's just my opinion that it's just my opinion but it is i what i like about it though guys is like so i've gone on many rants before about the sicilians okay and uh anytime i find an opportunity i'll do that but we have 39 sieves now right so if a new civ is added i want it to bring some uniqueness to the table and the polls have done that with how their economy plays out and the way their options are and how they can make a lot of units but they're not necessarily the strongest in some ways i like that now is dark noob going to utilize that uniqueness and go to stone right now no dark doom's not but you don't necessarily have to utilize that bonus right now i think dark noob is going to go for a standard fast castle into probably scouts here but yeah you look at the sicilians it's like oh we just we initially gave them an infantry unique unit and no one thought they were good so we didn't even try and make dungeons and infantry stronger so we just gave them strong cavalier like a million other sieves because yeah that's that's cool guys guess what i am going to make not rant videos but i'm going to make videos where i actually sit down look at some stats and then give my opinions on certain things when it comes to balance and it might be a disaster because the thing is some people might agree or disagree but we're talking walls or like meta or certain civilizations i think i'm going to start putting my thoughts into more structured environments on the form of videos so we'll see when we get to that but uh i will probably have a uh a video where i talk about sieves that i would change if i could so you've got three on gold for dark noob which is actually why three on gold you don't get loom you wouldn't need three on gold that's weird to me that we've seen three on gold's because there will be more than 200 gold which is needed there's always a chance here that maybe instead of going stable blacksmith dark noob will want to go for a market some people prefer to do that and if you do the market then maybe you buy some food but that's the only thing that really stands out to me there in derp we have the exact same thing i don't expect the mid game here to be all that exciting people out there you know ask me on occasion you know tinadi why don't you play more arena and i just feel like that like have meta is just a little too dominant for me um i do actually like arena and i want to play more of it actually but we tend to see the safest play in the majority of situations to be uh stable blacksmith there's stable blacksmith and then it is execution from there now the reason you do this is because you're able to make scouts and then bring in a lot of food based on that scout build with farms with that food you create more villagers and you go for a big boom and then you fight for relics this does hurt tootins though because tootins do not get like kev so while they get full blacksmith upgrades they won't get light cav and i think that for derp earp is going to have to gain some type of an economy lead you have the cheaper farms but the polish player can make farms around the full work so let's keep an eye on this horse collar is now in but please keep an eye on the food income okay going to finish the full work first now go to the farm i think we'll see quite a few farms for dark noob guys i'm telling you their eco is so strong and i think for arabia even i'm not going to upload it i won't show you guys but if you watched my stream yesterday playing a player ranked like 60th 65th in the world they were chinese on arabia one of the best sieves there's this new build you just go forward with five villagers in tower rush because polish villagers also heal up after they're attacked but they'll stay there a lot longer you just play greedy into farms you'll have a few you'll have villagers on stone which is also bringing you gold for your tower rush and you make a market buy some food you're up to castle age crazy farm count get to knights it's wild man i wonder if he rushes the second farm upgrade here because you're gonna see uh derp have a lot more wood right now that's the difference europa's gonna have wood for the town centers i also really like how derp has decided to add the spearmint i think that's a good addition because you don't get like calves so you want something else out there it's going to make the difference for you dark noob opens up with the monastery and the like have upgrades on the way this will become a race for relics but i think this is a great matchup again it's a great choice to cast because we have two sieves that have similar strengths and i guess i guess you can't really say they have similar weaknesses they're different enough later on and whoa what happened here it must have been a weak unit on the way back and the scouts make it in and this is really annoying because your villagers don't have loom the villagers could die to the scouts i think in this situation you always diverse the bills though you always dive versus the bills or you dive against a monk because you're going to lose this the good work there from derp i don't know if it's better or worse for him that he ended up losing these scouts though and i absolutely hate that tc spot if that house is there so hopefully dark moons take it takes care of that they're microwaving back now and the spearmint are there so they're about to come together here in the center but i'm not sure just two spearmen against leichhav i'm not necessarily sure that's enough i i feel like the execution could have been a lot better here for dark noob to be honest i think that's what makes stark noob a really fun player to watch though like what i like about dark noob and it's the same with derp actually these are the two players that are on the clown legion team they're actually super capable when it comes to other maps they do just like to play a lot of arena and i i like dark noob because he tends to just produce amazing games and i think like the slight lack of execution at times like this for example like it doesn't seem like it's a big deal but it will be it does small things and make games a little more competitive perhaps said these guys are pretty close on the leaderboard to each other around 2k2 and it is going to be three tcs for dark noob has fallen behind in bills and there you have a monk going down and this is a race to relics it is one to one right now and this looks a lot easier than they than it actually is they're running around with their like have while also having to protect their monks and it was looking fine for derp what's going on here derp oh there's no relic in the middle my friend oh jeez okay that's a big mistake from dirk meanwhile dark noob with the micro what a play kills two monks and now he's on the way home with these this was quite simply derp getting outplayed i he was there so i'm not really sure why he left he could keep this gate open if he wishes to nope not gonna happen we'll kill that monk we'll actually kill this monk and now the scouts can leave but now the relics are inside the walls for dark noob so at best for derp it's gonna be two relics it will be three for dark noob which is kind of the whole goal of fighting for it anyway so losing the monks hurts obviously but i think dark noob will be pretty happy with that and i think dirk would have never i guess he just didn't expect that the one monk was going to be over there i'm not too sure but now we've got to talk about what are they going to do in him so i think one of the go-to's here could be help for tutans you have very strong pointy boys you know the opponent could flood cavalier or winged hussar so help counter stable units the problem with help and dark noob please delete this house i swear sorry certain things just get me make more houses and please delete this house because i you need a farm there it's bothering me anyways um i gotta shut up um yeah i think opening helped make sense i actually think the composition that makes the most sense for tootin's here in early imperial age is probably halberdier and hand cannon after you research the uh after your research chemistry because the thing about poles is they don't have really good siege so they're most likely going to go for their obook or their uh stable units and i think obok being infantries countered by hand cannons and then hal takes care of everything else if you didn't know the full work which is the unique meal for the polls also gives them plus five pop space that access the house which is really nice anyways i would like to see hal pan cannon opening students do get sea gel injured though so if you're thinking your strongest possible units you could say like c john ager and teutonic knight but i think my issue with c john inger teutonic knight or cavalier paladin is just the gold cost if the game goes late because now the opponent has one more relic which i guess isn't the biggest deal but then you have the pole bonus where they get gold income from their stone on top of that and then the poles have cheaper units right after their unique text and with their unique unit being dirt cheap polls are always going to have a lot of resources banked up so i feel like you want to go for something that could pack a punch early but doesn't put you in a situation where if it doesn't work it's over necessarily i don't know but maybe you want that maybe you actually do want that i take that back because i mean one thing's a given the polish player is going to have more res in the long term here okay we're going to have the light cap on the way bloodlines is in armor is in i think what dark noob is worried about here is that map control is going to be taken by the opponent you actually have knights from derp which is an interesting choice almost like he wants to go uh paladin in the long term sure about that he did just add a tc here dark noob out of the fourth tc and the fifth tc a while back dark noob with a lot of resources and let's actually check okay so more gold and more stone and then the food counts pretty close and more wood too i mean the eco is looking really good for dark noob against tootin's guys someone in my chat says they think polls have the best eco in the game right now i would say that the thing about polish eco though is that it always depends whereas vikings getting free wheel and free hand cart is a given right so i think it's a situational thing with polls and yes it it is one of the best economies you can have in the game if you're on a map like arena or a map where you can do what dark noob is doing right now now on certain maps it's not so easy but there's a risk associated with it okay this is 2k2 elo both of these guys flirt with the top 100 or slightly out of it and now we uh we have dark noob deciding on the old book and is now on the way to imp is going to get what i call the sriracha privilege upgrade uh it is not sriracha apologies polish people it's lacha um i can't really say it so that's my little cop out there's also something about the polish eco that's just so satisfying you know wouldn't expect those words coming from someone who's memed for his farms but it just it does look so satisfying we're gonna have derp not imping yet and derp a little iffy here there we go finally imping opening with pikeman and just sending a scout out to see what his opponent is doing right now hey sees the big hammer boy i feel like he's holding the hammer the wrong way wouldn't you want the face of the hammer to be down here if you're gonna swing it properly okay i need to watch this guy swing now how does that work are they hitting with the with the flat end are they hitting with the uh with the pointy end sorry we need to watch this now i mean maybe i'm not a professional sledgehammer swinger okay so i'm trying to figure this out and maybe they hit with the hook i don't think they hit with different sides it's not how the graphics work right let's see is he hit hold on a second oh hold on i'm sorry don't unsubscribe don't unsubscribe i need to re-watch that we might need different angles okay slow mo it okay they're hitting with the pointy end yeah you know if i had to choose between hit being hit with a pointy end or being hit with the flat end i would definitely choose flat end so i guess the pointy side is definitely the way to go and dark noob trying a forward castle here and that's going to get denied by the pikeman and the knights and those knights looking pretty strong there but they also do have pretty solid upgrades they've got actually no they don't they don't have bloodlines yet they just have the attack i guess they get some melee armor for free but they're pushing this all right back and it was obok i talked about them being cheap but they are on the weaker side if they're not a lead only 80 hp and eight base attack a very good fight there for derp as i think dark move completely overextended and still taking some poor fight still trickling in some units now adding a castle over here now very important spot but i think dark noob has to now change the strategy the strategy was originally going to be forward castle into killing quickly it's probably good for dark noob i think in this matchup that that is not going to be the strategy anymore all right so we've got knights again these things are cheap right they're not cavalier yet though i think that maybe that upgrade would come in and i think derp notices now he's like okay well maybe i could make teutonic knights he's made teutonic knights these things very tanky have a lot of attack have have a lot of armor isn't the wording that the obox shreds armor though like it takes away some of the armor from the teutonic knights and everything else so the object seems like a pretty good unit to have if you're going to be up against armored stuff up against the tutans here al but doesn't cost gold alba's gonna be designed to take out the knights still no cavalier i don't understand that i feel like you could at least click that upgrade if you're dark noob though just making lots of knights this has so many nights in queue to have this many knights in queue and still have 700 gold is insane i have onager though for derp a great vision here for derp this is going to be ultimate showdown again a reminder here that tooton's our clear top five arena pick i would say we'll have crenellations now the castles will have insane range can't push the castles with bombard cannons if crenellations and the blacksmith upgrades are in 12-range castles chemistry could mean hand cannons 66 on food for derp which is more than what the polish player has but the polish player has more of every single resource including the food because of the way the full works work this is a small thing no it's a big thing get your final farm upgrade man a food spike can be insane look at derp expecting the pressure noticed it with the outposts the cavalier might break through anyways though and derp gets the stone walls down well didn't actually these cavalier now need to run away the very expensive force normally but with the poles and the privilege upgrade 60 less gold to make these cavalier but remember the trade-off is that you don't get the final armor upgrade and you don't get paladin so it's weaker cavalier than what most other sivs would make still though it's so cheap meanwhile i think dark noob is also using this using this unit effectively this is part of that weakness we talked about with tootin's is that they don't have very fast units castle though completes for derp as he's getting siege on azure now players have insane numbers right now big on your shots here on the obook they are not elite yet we are going to have elite coming in it only takes 30 seconds to get the elite upgrade holy crap look how many units he's got in queue right now he could have 150 units in queue if you think about his resources and how cheap the cavalier are with how cheap the oboek are he could conceivably if he had the buildings which he doesn't have 150 units in queue don't think it's possible to say that for dirk durb had some great kills here love to see ballistics right now there's he's getting it now the the units will die as they run past the castles love this from dark noob though to get a raid in you know but not an expensive unit but how many can you toss away here i guess is the question we know tootins are strong we've got the teutonic knights in there with the halves with the crenellation castles with siege on ager there's not many things here that you would really want to see from teutons beyond what we're already seeing some of the strongest infantry siege combos in the game now this is where i think derp needs to go for trebs push these castles okay these cavalier were able to kill villagers good work there from dark noob what's dark noobs see from here doesn't see much he's gonna get winged hussar and he's going to get uh like legacy which means they have a bit of trample damage which essentially means they're much better in groups but again still lack the final armor so it's still not something that you want this is not a ball that you want to fight getting masonry though he expects that his castles are going to be pushed that will give him more hp and hustars are going to be used to raid derp doesn't want to uh give all of his focus there it's instead putting his focus here in the middle which is what he should do this is good play from derp but we're going to see dark dude uses trebs trying to either take out this castle or take out the siege from durb erp still making teutonic knights still has resources i think the position is the most important thing right now this middle castle is huge this castle wasn't here this wouldn't be near as effective and dark noob keep his castle up boom big c jonathan shots what a play from derp this is why tunes are so strong honestly there's very little you can do to counter their siege in their infantry you can't go monks against it like you could do against celts for example to convert their siege a very tricky thing to stop derp's got to be careful derp actually doesn't have any stone mining the derp might end up losing this castle to those trebs from dark noob and if that happens could be some big problems castle falls still though does have his own siege big attack around there on the uh on the hussars let's see how the fight goes the hustlers are going to be used for the two siege a lot of the old book have gone down like most of the oba have gone down siege is still firing for derp though dark noob is going to lose this castle okay so they both lost castles in the middle there's limited gold for derp at the moment looking at how much gold income he has he does have gold okay he's still got plenty of gold he's just not mining a ton of it i guess that would be the difference really like how dark noob is using the hustlers right now sniping the siege is worth it and if you run out there and you lose them whatever you have more in the queue this is so good from him i think maybe uh i forget the name of the upgrade i think ironclad could have been researched by derp that's one thing we've been missing it gives his siege extra melee armor i still don't think the the couple of siege units that he lost would have been saved over the last couple moments but and it's expensive whereas with poles everything is cheap you're just thinking oh this is a you you can make what you want to make with poles forever now teutonic knights are elites we've got the elite kp boys if you didn't hear me say that i like the mix of albs and teutonic knights that's normally what you would want to go for i love the constant raids from darknews he just wants to take some of this gold himself but guys the teutonic knights normally they kill all infantry the teutonic knights don't even take care of the over and between the lead cost to uh to the unit cost elite teutonic knights i think are like double the cost overall with 70 farms on the dot for dark noob he's going to have that food income coming in constantly got 53 for derp he's still with siege onto still a teutonic knight and still with the alps which i think is his best comp the only thing i'd mentioned earlier is maybe you don't go see john inger maybe you go hand cannons i don't know if that works holes do have bomber cannons which would make it awkward and again dark noob understands his win condition do you see jonathan's he'll focus them down with bomber came in boom done all stars are taking care of the rest of the siege is this still going to be rough yes of course still not going to be easy you take trades enough times though and it should be should be okay great work here from derp though derp gonna return the favor derp takes out the ball market it's derp we'll take out the trebs uh-oh that was a rough loss there for both of them but good response there from derp like to see derp have more production buildings this is something i just picked up on he's got like five barracks with 40 halves and he needs more he's adding more now i think that's something that clowns in general can struggle with like here same thing five stables with 30 hustlers in queue you need to make more of them at this stage of the game a few more production buildings on either side and that could make the difference both players had 180 pop they're not getting masonry which will keep the buildings up also adding scouts here there i mean i guess it's something it's still only cost food so i would say you don't want to have like 20 30 scouts because they'll die pretty hard it's kind of a waste of pop space but a few of them here there isn't necessarily bad hey what you need is this as we now have ironclad okay well that's the upgrade we needed to see a while ago boom big shots now we'll see how these wing tossers can do 85 on food by the way for darkroom look at his food count this food just shot up after facing placing 15 more farms and the beauty here is so you're gonna have more gold already that's a guarantee but then you can just sell that extra food for more gold if you need it i want to say i called it but there you go he just sold more food so the food isn't just food the food is even more gold for more units that don't cost a lot of gold which means you can last longer but derp is going to go for the kill here derp's got almost full tech derp is adding more barracks and derp needs to go for i think four or five bomber cannons four or five bomber cannons to start pushing down the front because that's a big issue for darknew if he were to lose this i mean you could argue that maybe this gold shouldn't have been allowed to be taken anyways that should be getting raided right now but if you were to lose that area this would be really poor just run out of space an iron clad or no iron clad two of the sea janitors go down we have a few walls here for derp great recognition that maybe the hussars could run into his farming eco slowly running out of gold and yeah there he goes he goes to the gold i like that he is building up his siege mass though he's starting to do that also getting siege engineers which will mean more range on the siege we have 70 hussars in queue for dark noob at this stage of the game beyond more stables again he's got like 15 units cubed in each table he needs more but when you have this much in queue i think you should be sending the hussars into raid and then you're just going to have more right afterwards right especially when you get popped when you hit 200 pop then you feel comfortable running out with the hussars it's harder to feel comfortable doing that when you're not max pop because you don't want to lose more for your maxed up and man big clear up there at bombard cannon somehow lucky to be alive and now it goes down for derp so many resources but i feel like we're very close to the players running out of the gold and relying only on the relics where hustlers go in does the trampo damage help here against siege at all not really seeing uh any trample damage effect i don't know i guess that's a very hard thing to see in the first place anyways bombard cannons survive more hustlers more obook and while the teutonic knights are there guys that's the one unit i haven't been impressed with in this game dark noob now has 98 hustlers infused 108 hustlers in queue out of eight stables [Laughter] i guess he doesn't have a lot of wood right now to be fair he doesn't have a lot of wood these hustlers though man continue to take out the siege just missed out on this siege are there we see a castle that will probably eventually complete for dark noob on that gold comes in another hussar uh or or sorry here we'll see another group of hustlers it just takes so long because of only eight stables dude now on the other side we've got 10 barracks which is better this is dark noob maybe throwing this game i i don't want to say throwing this game because it's actually been a 50 50 game whoever wins or loses i don't think anyone who loses here is going to throw i guess what i'm saying is could be better with a hundred hustlers in queue surely need more than eight stables this castle is just this is a sitting duck but you can see dark noob immediately goes over here to defend it loops around with the hussars tries to get in here has the bomber cannons and that's the most important thing i think derp when he's made moves against oh wow he just hit two with that shot when derp has made moves with siege he's only had one or two traps must not be listening to the advice from the pro farmer do not trickle treb seriously trickle not thine trap trust me it'll help if you show up they're gonna react make sure by the time they react that castle's already gone oh my goodness his attack rounds are tasty though wow these are some really good attack grounds and you're seeing you're seeing that well kind of what we expected to see in that the army cop is more expensive but probably stronger for the twos very tough save to face up against love the scouts here you don't get light cap but i love it anyways you get a kill it's worth it how many stables do we have for dark dude ah dark noob you're making me want to scream here dude you're making me want to scream come on now please oh that attack round from durf did you see it he expected the enemy okay oh little awkward here gotta love this castle though this castle is really helping out with renolations he has a hundred and ten hustlers a hundred and ten of us are some of the heat stables uh and like some of the stables are over here you know if he makes like six more stables over here this position will be so much stronger it is really hard to pick up on that when you're playing though i could say that from experience you see your cue like how many units are in queue sometimes but you don't really think about it as much as we can do that right now uh oh big so shot maybe no they have to run away from this 610 kills first 435 and we are still nearing the point where there will be no gold we have not arrived there yet i feel like okay for derp actually he says he's got six and the six are here the derps got 300 more gold to mine and then for dark noob you've got this we're gonna say this is about yeah that's 600 and then you've got gold's here you've got another 1200 and then you've got relics i want to actually pop oh no i won't pause this is a big moment i'm still really curious on the amount of resources brought in over time here because it feels to me like dark noob has brought in way more resources we know for a fact that the stone has brought in gold for the polish player and that we've seen the farm count it's not just the farm count but also how the farms work for the polls i guess it's like you you're always getting those spikes when your farms reseed it's not like you're actually getting more golds from those farms but you got to think if we look at it whenever we look at that it's going to be a pretty big difference feels like derp needs a couple bomber cannons i said five to six earlier and he needs to be making pushes against the castles but dark noob is just held on in that shot though shot was huge and that was right when derp's villagers just said hey guys we're out of gold okay i want to check here does he really still not have more stables god man oh my god he did it the madman did it wow he's adding more stables now okay it's gonna take a little bit of time this will mean that he's gonna have something like 200 hustlers in queue if he adds a few more stables but the idea behind more production buildings is you can re re-pop up faster that's what you want up he's going to lose the stable will that make him make more yes he's going to make another again to be fair he's really low on wood right now i'll start swooping if you get a kill it's worth it i don't think they will though bombar cannon still firing from both of them these are massive battles i love it and honestly really good unit control from both players right now it's just the key for derp has to be to kill not only because you don't have as many relics but because you know how long poles can last or hustlers come in they're just hoping to get anywhere close to this and they do take out a bummer cannon and look at the difference when when dark noob shows up he might not know that more stables equals good but he does when he makes decisions to take out castles seem to be in realistic spots to do so to be fair to derp again he doesn't get like cav and because he tries here with what he can afford it will not work meanwhile more hustlers are coming out every time they see siege they go after siege every time they see siege we're going after siege we have the bombard cannons from derp i take back what i said earlier can he take out the treb he'll take out one he falls back now there's a lot of bomber cannons for dark noob and the old book are actually diving here and guys this castle could actually range the bomber cannons but it will automatically attack the closest thing and the castle goes down there will have to deal with these old book here and decides to kill half his own army in the process but he does deal with it as we have the teutonic night raid and we do now have more stables for dark noob which is a positive i'm going to now check and see as another castle is going to be placed there by derp look at that economy 82 000 food a little past an hour into the game i don't know if i don't know if i've ever seen a ratio quite like that like what's the highest food count you've seen one hour into a game chat i i it's not something i track personally so it's hard for me to really really know but man these hustlers have paid off that's for sure these hustlers have paid off he has 200 units in queue 200 units of q and derp adding some gates here like this is this is a problem that side is a big problem and i like how he's using i like how dark noob is using the old book because the old book he's not overextending with them though he's just got amazing value from the haunt stars are we counting 500 pop games no we're not counting 500 pop games i think derp has one more push in him honestly and it feels weird to say because his population's still fine but with the way this game is going he's doing an awful lot of reacting and he has no way to be proactive with raids so i think the only way this is winnable at this point for durb is he needs to have bombard cannons and if he can get bomber cannons and trebs and push the buildings in the castles then it's doable if he does not have that though and dark noob has done a great job at keeping his bomber cannons back at home if dark noob can continue to hold in these positions i think that maybe like 10 minutes time we're gonna have some big problems for derp or at least derp is going to realize how bad this is looking and look at the hustle swoop in from the other side and then the bomber cannons take out the rest wow man say what you want about the stables but that unit control there was just gorgeous it was either the hustlers that were going to kill the sea janitors or it was going to be the bombard cannons now he falls back to his castle you know derp saw the bomber cannons and felt well he's going to overextend with these things but who's going to overextend now derp because here you come you still don't have what it takes to push the castle he is massing the bomber cannons he is massing the sea janitors but he's just running into a wall of old books and and hustlers every time and now this castle is being attacked and now here come more hustlers and the hustlers are gonna take out another bomber cannon i feel like we've all been on the end of play like this where you just your siege get keeps getting sniped and it's so frustrating but if there's any sieve that should be able to avoid this guys it's tutus tutans are designed to to keep their siege alive against melee units they have a unique tech it helps them with that and yet with 200 units still in queue and could be a hundred more probably with that food count dark noob is held on there's now no gold for twotons except for those two relics and another castle on the right-hand side falls okay one two three how many stables is this now 15. that's so much better than what it was and i guess derp is thinking let's go monks i don't know why he's getting block printing all of a sudden to be honest he doesn't even have a monk it feels like a very weird tech to get in this situation but maybe maybe he could have done gone for that he could have gone for monks with redemption earlier when he had gold to convert the bomber cannons i don't know maybe he knows something i don't know but he's he sees the score lead right he's got these crazy kills he probably feels great or felt great i should say i don't know if he feels great anymore especially as more c john insurers get sniped whoo man and every time you need resources as we now have 170 hustlers in queue you can just sell food how much food is 170 winged hustlers and q how much of that food is in this queue right now does anyone know did someone do the math on that for me hey dark noob has this game they're still gold in the middle by the way 131 gold these bombard cannons here 33 kills but a majority of those kills were on siege okay now we have redemption he was a little late for this because you don't have gold but he's trying to use monks to convert the siege because he doesn't know what else to do being told that's 14 000 food hey that's a lot he's still adding farms too by the way also going to mix in ranges now thinking about some skirms i don't think skirms are actually needed here i think he can continue to just whittle his opponent down it's a little awkward to mix in skirms when you're already a 200 pop because you probably need 20 or 30 skirms for them to be somewhat effective here but he's gonna take this fight and i think after the fight concludes the old book and the hussars are going to be standing and of course there's going to be 200 hustlers 200 hustlers in queue those hustlers are going to be showing up the monk in there somewhere trying to convert the siege i think it died and moreover can show up because it's so cheap and because you've got resources for days with poles you've got a couple hustlers in this lady says hey come on in she's a spy for the enemy and all these villagers will die as well this is probably not something derp sees derp is probably focused here this is where i would be using the you played two hours to die like this taunt even though it's not two hours it has obviously been a very long game like what do you think is going to happen to your monk if you're siegengers with ironclad can't stay alive to hustlers what do you think is going to happen to an old man with no hair not that the hair is really relevant in that conversation and yeah gg that's actually hilarious 600 hussars on the dot was the most created unit for dark noob what made me laugh though is that he has a third of that in queue right now he's got 175 hustlers in queue what a crazy game i'm telling you guys like from a matchup perspective granted i think that dark noob deserves a lot of respect for how he migrated his bombard cannons i think that derp he just couldn't get the proper amount of siege to push castles when he needed it and push the push the production buildings all that said these are two evenly matched players they're about the same rating okay they're high level so you should know like this is a good example of what isn't is impossible i think we saw a clear example here that poles can do ridiculous things despite a match-up nightmare poles do not want to face up against like halb c jonathan they don't want to face up against that they don't have great options the options didn't matter the kd didn't matter with the poles and i think if if dark noob would have had the stables earlier or if dark noob would have maybe deleted like a couple villagers for a bit more pop space dark noob could have overwhelmed derp a long time ago it's just insane what this is able to achieve and that's on arena like this is also i guess in some ways it's it's one of the better maps for them because they do they are able to get to their farm safely and they're stoned safely in the early game but imagine maps that have more resources imagine maps were like you can't get to see jonathan easily the polls are just going to run around you all the time and they're going to be sitting pretty at home with their eco a hundred and six thousand food collected in that game 106 000 food against disabled cheaper farms was insane i'm trying to do the math on food per minute there because it's one hour and 16 minutes maybe someone else can do it a well played to derp despite losing in the kd i think one a skill that someone marina players just have a knack for is is controlling five or six bomber cannons and using that to either push or defend that is something that derp lacked um there was a time where he went for it but i think he focused on the siegers too much and the siegers just seemed to be pretty ineffective maybe if he would have had the bomber cannons earlier remember he pushed down this castle if he has bombard cannons and and siege to push this area and then this area i think dark noob never gets the stables he needs but then it's like these hussars you can make so many of them that they can just still run their way in there to try and take bomber cannons and then obook are so cheap and they take out the halb snow problem and they trade cost effectively i believe against teutonic knights what derp had to do in this game was so much more expensive c jonathan is way more expensive renolations is super expensive but like elite teutonic knight all that stuff is so costly and so a lot of the resources that derp had and obviously had less went into technologies and getting there whereas for dark noob it's like hot stars don't even cost resources the unique techs are fairly i guess they're actually kind of these pretty expensive to be honest then all books aren't bad either so it's a dream scenario where you have the resources you can spend it all and have that unique there's just very few sieves except for maybe goths that can have a unit q that's not just one unit and it is well over a hundred you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 67,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, Games, Game, Age, of, Empires, Two, Definitive, Edition, AoE, AoE2, AoE2DE, AoE2HD, HD, DE, Age of Empires II, II, game, games, gaming, Age2, T90, t90, official, Official, T90Official, t90official, poles, teutons, teutonic knights, obuch, knight, teutonic
Id: 5Z04OwiJUqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 15sec (2955 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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