Laser Box of DOOM - Zelda TotK FUNNIEST Builds & Vehicles

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seems like the options are Limitless in tears of the Kingdom to make cool devices let's check some of them out that we have found now some of these machines were actually sent to us in our Discord server there's a link in the description below for you to join and send us machines and devices that you've created in tears of the Kingdom let's go oh dude's Italian almost looks like a Thai Interceptor oh no way you're gonna actually get it in it and fly it oh that's so cool it's better than the last Star Wars movie and better than the last Indiana Jones movie oh you have to be oh I see it's in the low gravity so it works ah smart it's obligatory that we are going to find korok roasting machines but this is no there's no Clorox look and it drops once it's cooked for convenience it's just like the real grill that I have at home Spinning Wheel of Swords don't get too close oh I just wanted lunch link you never say anything why don't you say something I'm Batman you're the way though oh he's shooting fire out oh the bat cave yes I love the way the roof closed down once he got in very cool dude [Music] oh let's get the bat on the front oh yeah it does I'm Batman oh there's a spring on there that's what it is that's so awesome what a great idea this is called the car tank what's going on with this thing it's I don't know but I like it big wheels you can get inside of it it's got a wheel on the top for no reason that we know of yet no it doesn't even hold anything it just spins on the top gonna we're gonna ride in this thing or are you just gonna show it to us oh it's showing how to build it but what it looks really cool I want to see it killing things here's the car tank in action sorta it's just a little different it's got the wheel on the front instead of in the back the wheels on oh it's in Reverse oh there he goes oh taking care of business whoa that is doing a lot of damage I'm surprised that how much battery it's not yeah wait why did it do that yeah I don't know it's just reusing that one battery this is from a list uh I'd classify this as a vehicle you were saying it's not technically a vehicle but I mean I think it is considering uh oh it takes it for a ride excuse me okay Eli fool what do you got for us again this is from the Discord I think what he's got is very bad news for all the dudes in there it's like a walking around destruction machine cannon can't see what's going on in there but maybe we don't want to know it's worse than you could possibly imagine the Carnage put a little horse the head on top of there and danger danger warning oh my gosh it's just it looks real like Arnold Schwarzenegger Terminator swing your arms over that's cool though it's a Sentry that could totally just sit in one spot and just blast things that come at you it'd be cool if there was like uh waves of enemy oh there is you can put that thing up in the Coliseum waves yeah just watch it take everything out here's an awful vehicle whoa it's so top heavy and the tires are so little I like funny Vehicles almost more than like effective Vehicles yeah super impressive oh come on turn turn all right this one was sent to us from Duck dude 02 on the Discord there's a link to our Discord in the server or in the link to our Discord in the comments Below in the in the description below my goodness I want to see what this thing does dude it's like very spiky very canony now this also said that it was Gloom hands proof oh there's Gloom hands lasers good luck Gloom hands all right you just back up and let the lasers do their thing but I wonder like can you run over them you got spikes on them so it's got the Canon and the lasers boy they don't seem to be advancing much WoW is it Phantom Ganon proof is it whoa is it Phantom Gan improved it's a lot of lasers dude take him out do it yes oh yesterday you said tomorrow just do it [Laughter] don't let your dreams be dreams hang in there oh no and spoke it is lit in half no so there was a new discovery recently that there's a railing that is found in one spot that somehow has low gravity oh and so people grabbed it and they're using it to basically make flying machines that are even better where's the railing found it's found somewhere in the spirit Temple my son Micah found it and he was he was building a flying machine he had a flying machine that was just one railing and one fan wow and a control and I bet that lasts forever yeah yeah super super efficient all right what do we got here we got some sort of like mine cart filled with rock rock steak it's a delicious train choo choo just like a drug delivery is that what that is because those are like addictive right yeah and all the gorons have like bloodshot eyes and they're like give me more check out this flying machine oh it is definitely putting off some light you think you're a light dragon I'm my own light dragon oh it's off the light dragon oh it's a love heart what if you give the love dragon a light dragon the Valentine's card I Love You Drake are you trying to like oh we got a ball in a bowl and we're sticking it down looks like we're getting ready for a catapult launching dime seems like this is what is intended so far yeah let's just hit the bullseye here yeah no problem no no no problem at all this makes sense traffic what are you afraid of see what oh no [Laughter] okay this seems like a good idea until you can't like actually get in between anything yeah until you get stuck on something way off way over there okay but it seems like it's not eating too much battery life so that's good Wheels turns okay [Laughter] you know it's a little ridiculous I take back what I said it's perfect all right that kid what do you got that kid comes from the Discord got everybody this is a souped up wagon for the musicians hey guys here we go hold on tight losers let's put out this wretched Blaze okay a boat oh it's electrically powered and it's attached to something is it what I think it is it's the pirate ship ride it is the pirate ship ride that makes people throw up that's really clever the way you're making a light one and then the other although it doesn't it doesn't go around yeah it doesn't upside down it's no Mario Sunshine but Rock power drill I mean power drill for rocks power drill power Rock power dude that is actually eating through really well I have yeah what's on the front of it what is on the front oh it's one of those oh duh of course that would work well I still haven't found that giant like it it's funny that they got the big tires on the front and the little mini things on the back yeah oh this is like the wind waker really that is really effective in tears of the Kingdom we're going to freeze an entire waterfall but it can't be done the basement just watch us well this isn't it we're watching somebody else do this but this is amazing yeah this is very cool good job Hilux look at all that ice dude and it just keeps going I'm not even getting frame rate issues it's not crashing oh what is happening whoa we went up oh that's the beginning of the video oh oh it rewind it oh another one of these box traps laser whoa that laser boxes oh look at it oh my gosh it doesn't take that much well I guess the battery is depleting kind of quick but that damage it's amazing wait you're stuck in here with me I like lasers [Laughter] this is awesome toe crab look how fast it's spinning just boom and the speed is what did him in oh it knocked him no dude it killed him instant it wasn't even the water that killed him he was fading to wait [Laughter] like a critical hit damage you know sword stuck to the front of it or something I don't know and what's like splashing in the water off to the left I don't I'm I don't know there's like these Sparks that are flying off of it too weird is that like their weapons that are going okay I think someone has perfected the walking machine it doesn't get any better than this dude it's like a dinosaur yeah you are right um dinosaur with lasers oh two oh oh that machine is awesome I want one of those too and it's staying upright and it's weird oh the bottom of the feet are the stabilizers and then it's like the Zone I solve the puzzle things profit made this weird circle around a Lionel I guess it's gonna be bad news for that Lionel he just won't stop roaring it's making the line like stuck in a certain animation Loop weird those are definitely like devices from the inside of a shrine yeah from Turtle 101 it's a laser spinner to kill a whoa that's a lot of laser spinning oh this looks like maybe it's laser spinning new more than the bad guy but Drake is like I think I'm just not gonna land for a while stay above it [Laughter] uh need a laser proof outfit oh no I think something's wrong with this gliac it's King gliac you know what it is it's meant to catfish the king gliac it's like and then the gliac gets all hey who's this hot honey and then you attack him from behind like the wings yeah like googly this one comes to us from Nova 73 and my goodness that's doing a bit of damage that's doing a lot of damage shooting you've been very tender positions location I don't know wow that was cool what a bunch of great Vehicles want to see some more click on this video and we'll see you over there in the basement [Music] foreign
Channel: The Basement
Views: 101,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Vehicles in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, Best Vehicles Tears of the Kingdom, Best Vehicles TotK, Funny Vehicles Tears of the Kingdom, Funny Vehicles TotK, Funny Robots Tears of the Kingdom, Funny Robots TotK, Best Vehicles TotK BASEMENT, Funny Vehicles TotK BASEMENT, Best Robots TotK BASEMENT, Funny Robots TotK BASEMENT
Id: i_jN1rOhVLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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