Testing WEIRD CARS VS GIANT FANS in BeamNG Drive Mods!

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So today we're going to be doing the Ultimate Fan Gauntlet here so we have three different obstacle courses and I have seven different Vehicles all from an RC car up to a monster truck and we're going to see which vehicle can complete all three challenges and if I do that I'm going to unlock a mystery vehicle at the end so stay tuned hit that thumbs up button and let's jump in okay so here are your seven contestants for this challenge we got the monster truck Bugatti you got the centella the drag setsuma we have an electric SBR uh we do have the I think this is the Destroyer uh the t- series really high-powered one and then we have an RC card so I didn't go through this final fan challenge at the end of the last episode so we're going to start there and if the vehicle can make all three challenges uh those are going to be your winners I will give three attempts to each vehicle if it does fail so we're going to start off with the viewer suggestion everybody was like man you got to do this with an RC car I feel like like it would go under the fans well I'm pretty sure spieler thought of this because here look folks uh the freaking fan kind of goes under the platform so I think we're screwed but here we go first vehicle of The Gauntlet uh we'll do all three attempts and then set the vehicle to the side and we're going all right uh level one wait hold on why is this better than I thought it would be oh I can feel it pushing but oh buddy it counters just stay in the middle level five oh my goodness this is going to make it to level six wait what level seven uh-uh it's not about to make this uh level eight oh jeez [Music] uh no way no freaking no does that count it flew off it didn't make it across to the other side this thing is so why is this good maybe I should listen to my comment section more often hold let's do this at like really fast speed okay here we there we go looking for grip why is the RC car good at this Like Somebody explain is it just because it's such a small like area to hit that the wind doesn't affect it well the wind's going to affect it regardless I'm confused okay maybe the RC car is going to win the whole video I mean stay tuned Until the End also hit the thumbs up button for some more beam and G oh jeez come on okay we got it oh I'm really off this time hold go this way okay h no it won't stay on okay one more attempt with it I need it to cross into the box on the other side it's really level 9's going to take it out isn't it all right come on uh just try to stay in the middle here this is lovely okay we're countering I'm trying to think how to take on the last one maybe I go to the far left side that might be a strat okay oh jeez oh jeez you know honestly you got to give this thing a round round of applause for making as far as it has all right here we go and let it counter I freaking made it third attempt all right so RC car has cleared the first fan uh set we're going to go to this one here I feel like it's going to get pushed off here unless I stay to the inside on let's see how this affects it here okay just stay close to the fans these fans feel a little worse like I already feel it getting sideways okay come on if it makes all three I don't think it makes the down fans those things crush the cars uh oh my goodness come on wait you got to be kidding me I'm going to make it again oh oh am I not might have smoke too soon here oh go to the left left left left left yes yes it freaking made it that's too cleared for the RC car all it's got to do is make the last one and it has officially earned its H spot on the uh well I would say it's the podium but there might be more than three cars that complete this right here we go uh level one oh no this is not going to make it look how far it's pushing it down level two it's already slammed down level three uh-oh level four come on baby oh it's crawling uh level five can I go not going to make it h level five is where it's going to con count I don't even know if I need to attempt this one again because it's just literally not going to make it unless wait a minute hold on how cheeky am I here you know spieler might not might have thought of everything hold on oh no it hits it okay I was looking at the ring like the effect of the wind I was like maybe I can go to the outside of it on is there a spot on this side let's try this side real quick he I think he's thought of everything here on can I can I make it around NOP okay all right well level five so the RC car while extremely impressive I did not expect it to make it as far as it did uh failed to actually take on all the gauntlet so we're just going to toss it off to the side yeah it's just it's gone away over there it's going to go into like a pile okay next car is going to be the t- series here uh a lot of you guys wanted to see me run this particular one I feel like the weight is going to help it it's got decent power on it uh maybe we should go into high gear here or should I stay in low gear I guess if it gets bogged down you would go want to go in the low gear all right see if it rushes through I really do like this uh this map speed is a good job uh he actually suggested this one like I had no ideas for any more like really good challenge Maps he's like what about fans and I was like sure pain and suffering and oh my goodness ouch that was painful hold on this might not be a good idea on maybe locking let's try it in low gear we'll lock the center differential even though I think people pretty much said you you're not supposed to go really fast with the uh lock Center diff uh but maybe we just let it grip through here like take it nice and easy instead of trying to speed through okay minimal effect on the uh on the diesel here oh this feels good I think this is actually capable of making I'm going to gas it up a little more just try to keep it from tipping over like it is a it's a big cab so I am a little worried about that portion of it oh my goodness all right we might not make this okay I need to gas a little more oh no no no no no no wait how did it push off that way this is not looking good for the t- series I actually had high hopes for this one uh let's just gun through it okay high gear again wide open NOS is enabled uh is there a something I should be doing to get this one through what do you guys think uh if it doesn't make the first one we have to toss it off the side like it's not going to make the others uh it might make that single fan one but I don't think it would make the down fan uh oh my goodness counter it counter hold on hold on no Oh I thought it was going to push it back on it oh it made it to level 9 but it has failed well we got to throw it off to the side all right you're going into the junk pile over here it's bad I had to look around to find it it's the little bitty RC C but we're just going to go whoop and there we go uh you have join the junk pile you didn't make any of them so man I feel like we should try that monster truck next I don't feel like it's going to you know what we'll save that one uh the electric car though I have high hopes for this I feel like this one is going to make it all right so let's turn off all traction we want full power here so uh let uh traction control off going to get a little bit of wheel spin pretty sure it's all whe drive here all right look at this look at the power man if Electric's good at doing one thing going in a straight line and accelerating really fast I mean it's got that part nailed all right yep made it right through my goodness that was beautiful all right second uh set let's I mean if it makes it all on one attempt you got to give this thing like some uh Kudos here uh I think if it does that it's got to be one of the winners all right here we go I I know the Bugatti I think is going to make it all in one attempt like we saw from the last episode where we just did the two levels that I it was ridiculous oh my goodness hold on hold on okay oh jeez that felt so good until those last like two levels there all right going back we need to try to stay on the left side here uh if it's going to push it now it doesn't get stronger the closer you are to the fan it seems to be pretty evenly distributed so I think just staying on this side oh my go I'm full counter I'm full locked to the oh my goodness all right we might have found the one it can't get through I'm full lock to the left there at the end okay come on okay we'll start to I'm counter steering I'm about to go full lock again okay full lock to the left just oh hold on to hold it might make it this time yes okay third attempt that was the uh that was the attempt there that made it all right I think does it make through this though that's a good question I feel like these are really really strong like I think the Bugatti can make it through these I I even think the cintilla doesn't okay come on you got to keep your speed up for this cuz you you want to make it out to the other end as fast as possible uh-oh oh okay we made it through level seven I don't think we're making it through level eight how do you how do you do that I mean I suppose I could use the rest of the platform to pick up some speed here but I don't see it happening here uh this one's probably going to be going into the junk po it's not going to make all three of the courses all right here we go hold on we got some momentum this time this about as good as it's going to get because of the whole fact of how big that platform is I can't go back any further okay level eight and oh my goodness all right well there goes one of my picks that I thought maybe would make make it I mean we did try it out last episode and I'm pretty sure it got stopped by the same thing but I was hoping oh my goodness it had some momentum there I was hoping it was going to be a little bit of a different story there okay odds of a drag setsuma making it this is the fastest one I thought it was initially going to be the hill climb but the hill climb has too many Arrow parts and it likes to flip over so I'm hoping that this is going to be the winner all right so it takes off really slow but give it a second it'll kick in and it's a pretty Speedy boy so oh wait wait wait and there it goes okay oh counter counter looking good not looking good not looking good you know I still feel like we might have to pull out an eighth Challenger I have not tried the job bus yet also the SAT zuming that was miserable what's open the doors like the doors oh they are kind of hollowed out like it looks like they've been stripped maybe they're really light cuz they blew right open and that caused havoc on the car so watch them start to bend here they're already shaking like they're bending oh my good this is terrible this is the most UN aerodynamic turet and I absolutely love it it's one of my favorite cars but uh I don't think it's making it all right Satsuma is going in the junk pile yeah we're going to have to pull the J bus out you know if I am successful with uh at least one or two I mean I know I'm going to be successful with the Bugatti I that's not setting the bar very high here I I really do want to try this with job buses what if the monster truck makes it we'll we'll put that stimulation if the monster truck makes it all three of the fan rounds which I'm pretty sure it's not going to I probably shouldn't say that cuz regardless I'm probably going to pull that out but we're going to say that all right if the monster truck makes it through all three of the challenges we'll pull out the job bus and see if it makes it all right let's see if we can get one of these to make it through cuz my goodness all right traction control off all right cintilla let's give this a go it's got plenty of speed very aerodynamic uh doesn't seem to really be even moving it's pushing to the right a little bit hold let counter that let's go to the left you don't want to go too far cuz it's the uh change is abrupt oh yeah beautiful that thing oh man nailed it all right well let's go to the next one I feel like this one has a chance I do believe we did try it on the uh the down fans and it did stop but I'm going to back up to the end of the platform for that one and give it a go I'm hoping that maybe it can make it okay here we go single fans just stay to the left here oh oh and oh counter counter counter made it beautiful might as well just watch the crash here it's pretty satisfying watching these super cars crash a lot of them like to break in half all right here's the question will this be the first one to actually make all three of the challenges I'm going to back it up all the way track control is off oh my goodness all right here we go and release come on okay we'll spin maybe I should have had traction on oh we got this okay good speed good speed oil pans damaged no no it's going to stop on level seven I don't I don't know how you do this one do we need traction hold on maybe we go to let's go to the sport mode here is a sport mode maybe this one will be good I don't know I don't think it's a traction problem I think it's just that wind is forcing it down it just won't move like I don't think it's oh if I have traction on I'm going to you know suddenly be able to crawl forward I I don't think that's a thing right here I think it's just literally yeah it's just crushing itself oh my goodness this car is going to go to the junk pile yep we are going to the junk pile well where's the hero where when we need it we know the Bugatti's got this right wait what if the Bugatti doesn't make it what if we don't have a vehicle that can make this challenge uh I guess you pull up out the baz because there's no way that that doesn't work right cuz it's a baz like it's heavy it's not going to get moved at least I don't think it's going to move maybe it will move I'm not sure all right here we go Bugatti uh should we do nitrous oh my goodness I've got will spin uh nitrous on this is like cheating right oh hold on this might not be like cheat oh my goodness the Bugatti just went to the fan okay maybe we shouldn't go that fast that was an unstable mess when it was like super fast all right I mean is there such thing as a not fast Bugatti is that a thing okay just kind of take your time that was one life down oh oh oh come on come on and all right there we go beautiful and smash okay Bugatti's just got to make it through two more here I know for sure it Nails this one like we we're not going to have any issues here and I do believe it gets through the last one too so oh that was painful that was kodo being a little too cocky there and I was like oh I don't need to counter steer it that much it's going to be fine no okay we still need to work for it a little bit here on this one uh just try to aim for the left all we got to do is make it into that box there we go okay we're good oh man the uh the crushing though that's that's pretty brutal all right well is it if this makes it is this going to be like the uh the where I unlocked the bus I don't know we'll have to see I feel like this is this might be easy here yeah look look how little it affects the Bugatti like it's definitely pushing it that little active Wing keeps crushing but uhoh okay you got to be kidding me we are within about what a half a car length of being able to clear this fan uh-oh um maybe none of them are making it all right traction control is off let's angle this I need max speed here uh I know track oh jeez okay we don't need to break the back in okay traction controls off and will it get traction I mean it is off but I'm hoping that it eventually does hook up oh my goodness maybe this was a mistake okay here we go we're going through fast come on baby all you got to do is make it through One More Level One More Level One More Level and there we go your winner right now is the Bugatti there's no way that monster truck does better than this right it's just here's your pile uh it looks glorious and then we have the lone monster truck all right well maybe we'll still run the bus anyway you know what I'm going to keep to my original thing if I don't make it in this I'm not pulling that bus out wait what why does it not feel like it's pushing it hold on okay it's pushing it a little bit wait why is this so good what somebody's going to have to answer that why did that not really push it I felt it but it wasn't nearly as extreme this is a big vehicle like that's just I'm I don't know if it's in the game but I think these are made of fiberglass the body is like you can't tell me air is not going to get under this and just flip it over I am genuinely confused by what just happened there all right let's try this one that was I mean I would argue that was cleaner than the Bugatti okay be on the left side here what is happening OHP yep you can see it's pushing it like I'm having a counter back to the left here but for some reason it doesn't seem extreme at all what is going on why is this better than the Bugatti the speed demon the aerodynamic Beast what is going on okay you know what does it make through this though this is proven to be the Achilles Hill for a lot of vehicles like it just they get stuck hold on okay how does this feel does it push down they didn't push down at all there huh okay it is getting lower I'm looking at the front end the front end's starting to tuck down a little bit no freaking way why is it we've tried off-roading Vehicles this was cleaner than the Bugatti the monster truck is the winner here like there is no doubt in my mind that that thing won like we've tried the off-road we tried the Dune kicker the Dune kicker got stuck with its big suspension it wasn't any good how come okay somebody is there a glitch happening somebody's going to have to explain that all right you know what we are going to get to pull it out I'm going to go grab the job bus okay so does the ultimate speed make it I mean this thing is not aerodynamic I mean maybe it kind of I don't know you can't tell me that's aerodynamic like is it like the capsule bus is aerodynamic this is just a a big block all right you know we're going to go for it oh buddy watch this be the other one that makes it through oh oh I could dude on level one this thing is unstable there's just too much bust here wait wait I might be able to do this on my side also I'm kind of surprised there's not a collision with the poles why don't you talk to speeler about that you feel like you should be able to hit those when you fly off okay let's counter this it seemed want to push over to the right for some reason so let's stay here to the left oh oh all I got to do is make it across oh my goodness okay so the actual fans got a collision maybe the job bus isn't a good idea oh my goodness I can't believe that the monster truck is the best vehicle to do this challenge with like you could have told me like the baz would have been like oh yeah it's way too heavy to move but a freaking monster truck this bus is not going anywhere I do want to test this bus on the last one though I am curious if it can push through that obviously it has problems with getting pushed off the platform but could it power through getting pressed down on all right here we go we got limited Jos here I mean I could get one of the adjustable J mods and give it more power or more time oh my goodness look at the the roof I've never seen a roof do that that's insane looking oh no it's not going there's just no way okay jobus is not the ultimate cheat weapon but we now know that we should start using the monster truck more often for these challenges because apparently it's good for that
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 110,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamng drive, beamng drive mods, beamng, biggest car, high speed chase, beamng drive realistic crashes, beamng drive police chase, beamng crashes, beamng drive crashes, beamng funny moments, car crash, video game, camodo gaming, camodo gaming beamng, beamng guardrail, beamng biggest car, beamng biggest crashes, beamng drive weird cars, weird cars, beamng giant fans, beamng challenge, beamng bugatti, beamng tesing cars, weird cars beamng, beamng monster truck
Id: MBhC5muBBN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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