Jumping Flying Cars Off the BIGGEST RAMP in BeamNG Drive Mods Multiplayer!

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so today we've got four extreme events planned out here in be Drive we're going to be jumping parachute cars off a giant ramp running cars down a bob sled Arena and we have a sphere of death where only one person's going to make it out alive and finally we have a long jump into the ocean so stay tuned until the end to see who wins and let's jump in all right Neil you ready for the uh the first event the are we going to call this down Shadows is that a long jump or what is this this is the car jump Arena this is the car jump Arena but we have mattresses and I guess we're going to fly oh yeah uh so the goal is to go as far as you can the podium is pretty good but I've seen people go past it before so nice all right I'm ready to go let's get a count in don't you love all the horn noises oh yeah release your brakes here we go feel like I might have to push somebody here this is going to be glorious a bunch of flying cars it's a flock of what are the piccolinas piccolinas it's also really quiet because there's no engine we're using just the mattress got to save way uh-oh uh-oh here we go there they go oh I just watch mattress fly off oh nobody fell though okay nobody's falling nobody's hit midair surprisingly I'm actually really surprised surprised how clean that was that was actually nice now we got to fly through the bridge though that's the only problem yeah this is a get a little hair oh as fell it's so distracting cuz oh leather cap come on no no no no no okay woo that was close go go go go nice aiming for the side are you going to try to bounce off the podium over there or I don't think I'm going to make it I'm going to aim for the sidewalk that's what I'm a before Bo oh no there's a wall W wait oh hey Neal hey is that like a tie between me and you wait who actually somebody made it to the pier who was that uh Stephan's way back there what Shadows is inside of the building wait where did Stefan end up he landed on all fours he's still going how are you supposed to beat that he literally made to the end of the Pierce so Stefan I guess wins the first round you want to do it again yeah I do want to do that again and then we got ol Rossi behind him I think yeah Shadow is in the uh or I don't know if that's Shadow or I guess it is Orosi yeah he's in the entrance they actually drove into the building that's nice I I don't know how we're going to beat that one I I don't either maybe we should have did who could hit the podium in first place the Little Steps all right round number two are we going to be able to actually uh knock Stefan off the uh like just hit him in midair wait where is Stan that's the question where does where did he start oh he's pretty far up there I wonder if it's more speed up there I don't know they're getting annoying with the horns let's go yep oh I let go of the break whoops oh I guess we'll rolling ahead of time uh it's fine just go just go we're fine robots of people here there's Ash they all get the same momentum Ash is like swerving oh great I'm surprised Otto hasn't caused a pile up yet that Hawaii ping somebody just hit a pole down there oh it was oo how do you we jinxed it I was like sorry Oto how does that even happen Okay where did Stefan go did he go to the left or he's going to the right actually I'm going to follow him okay I'm going to so he's one of those piccolinas over there yeah I still have my name tags on so I got him fading oh am I going to make through the poles here though okay here we go yeah buddy oh nice nice I don't want to hit that same somebody about oh no no head the trees those the trees there the tree I made it I made it through the trees I'm flipping no I'm going to hit the wall again no leather cap made it inside of the build I'm still rolling definitely didn't make it this time I think I'm in second place I think leather Cat made it inside of the building I'm on the beach over here you see it on the beach oh there you are yeah oh Le that was so close yeah leather Cap's definitely in first I think Stephan may have just got really lucky that first T yeah well I mean it would be kind of fun you just want to go off in a gas powerered vehicle real quick oh for sure all right so we figured you know what uh we want to do a gas powered round except for why is Oto still in the parachute car oh hold on it's you got to give him a few minutes to to sort it out that was it took so long for his vehicle to sink up that Hawaii ping though all right I'm ready to go this is going to be a cluster my camera's in the back in the in a truck right now oh is there a oh oh yeah Max in the man truck all right I'm not worried about him though now in theory we should be able to outrun them if we don't all crash going down what are they doing oh noo just like took out half the field cuz he's slow oh my God okay uh I might have I can't control this thing I have damage I have damage oh no he's flipping through the air my we need to we need to do that again why did oh the man truck just flew over me and Oto almost laid it on me no yeah I feel like we got to run that one more time there can we make Oto go to the back yeah yes please I like how Mac just moved in the truck to the front and ooto is like frozen into the uh the wall over there Neil just do the countdown let's see if we can get a move in here we got more vents to do fat chance but here we go hope for the best oh my good the Mac is blocking oh he's gone okay I guess we're going I think we got it there's a crash oh my goodness this is why groups incompetent hey hey D I'm trying to just get I think something's broken in my I'm resetting at the top and just going down yeah okay I'm right wait wait wait wait right behind you okay here behind you now yeah getting the group to coordinate down that was going to be a a bit of a pain oh big crash at the end of the jump I can see cars just flying everywhere here we go there we go L about 550 you know what's bad is we're about to go get on a uh like a bob sled course with all these people oh I'm sure that'll be fine no incidence no incid at all no it'll be completely normal m to the pool all right so we've uh got the next organized event we're going to be going down this awesome bob sled course in uh Co vets any uh chance we make it down live nil did we even check that they're fast enough I don't know that's a good question we don't do much testing so I I think it'll be fine yeah I'm sure it'll be okay we go everybody's opening up their trunks is that like an aerodynamic ADV AG or something doubt it but you know they can believe that if they want to all right here we go time to die everybody oh my goodness this is too many oh I'm sorry oh it's slidy I forgot it was SL I got sideways as soon as I jump down in there I'm going try to use the wall like an actual bob sled here see if we can make some passes oh look they're all grouped up here keep it moving we don't want to get stuck oh no somebody got turned keep it going keep it going my poor ooto is just getting bullied what's a new oh he hit something oh oo get away get away you H oh jeez okay okay oh that's a tall Hill oh my goodness we are not making it up this hill oto's car just like just is like stuck to oh my well did did anybody I think the front of the pack that didn't have in like people they made it the the person in first place is upside down did we pick a car that could make it no it can it's just like there's still people going see maybe we need faster cars though is that going to help if we're all piled up slightly it might push the pile a little bit faster look gav is is upside down right now in first place oh wait seriously oh yeah we're stuck on this heel we're not getting off this right now hold let me go check um I'm I'm going to go see who wins this almost at the end oh there was the Finish you know leather cap is upside down sliding I feel like they're node grabbing really uh they they had like a boost in speed oh there is people down at the bottom oh look at that a Ry one well that was impressive um maybe faster cars do you think that was terrible yes yes very we got to be able to push the pile faster so that means it needs to be a little bit robust as well right yeah all right I'll let you pick the car on this one okay I just had I have a man truck that's parked behind me NE also gab is totally not in a rally B boss but sure this this group doesn't listen so I I think we're going to have to go with it you ready it is what it is all right we're ready uh give us countdown how fast crushed by the truck I'm I know he owns the server but I'm booting him from the server can we boot is it wait Shadows is in the back of the truck oh God just avoid at all cost that's all you got to do okay let's go all right this a little bit faster here okay Oto is just like halfway flying out of the get away from me ooto so please oh I'm looking for the man truck behind me okay gas it up how do you I trying to pass on the high side oh my goodness Oto is just in the way I I got past ooto thank God yeah I tried to launch around Oto just just move just just move I don't want to go too fast cuz I don't know if I'm going to fly off the track or I mean I'm trying to make Oto fly out of the way okay I'm side by side with octo something I think I've got a fender stuck Oto go be useless somewhere else back at the tire oh there's a huge crash oh is there I'm coming around oh upside down Parts everywhere I just pic gab upside down on take the high side y making passes oh caught back up deal oh no I big crash Oh no just keep pushing uh I'm upside down I'm hoping I slide the rest of way I spent the first like half of the race attached to how much speed you got uh 8 mil an hour upside down hold on might have to use the uh good old node Grabber oh on we're going downhill though wait why would I be slowing down oh here we go oh my God what a mess down just moved me we're going come on flip back ah okay come on flip back I'm trying to get my vehicle to flip overid I made it uh second place I got spieler bumper inside of my vehicle can we do one more round of that oh of course I just need to find a way around Oto oh Stefan hit me hello let me go let see what's going on here oh no yeah you're you're uh yeah I was I was attached to oo for like the first half of the race oh gav gave you a boost are you still going right now oh wait no that's not you that's uh Stephan where are you I already reset my vehicle was destroyed oh okay all right oh buddy this is going to be death my car's sitting a little lower okay I just want to avoid the green car oh oh come on oh my goodness it is so much faster sideway hiden that's just that's just a given at this point he's going to go sideways just trying to avoid his dead he's stuck inside he's lagging so much he was stuck inside the bomb sled course I don't know how he made it through that I'm going now I'm good I'm going to try to get some speed here comes that big loop I might have just turn spieler for fun oh jeez so that's that's fine that's acceptable there were bumpers coming back down the opposite side I didn't make the loop what I ran over Two bumpers they got stuck in the front of my vehicle oh no I think I give up screw this bob sled course Bob sled's just not for you it's just being you know I'm going to I'm going to restart at the first of the course oh my goodness everybody's just resetting in front of me there's so much debris in the track all right we're coming back down Neil I made it again though yeah I like I was going up the hill and Two bumpers slid down right into my vehicle I have the worst luck on this crack I think I may have won that well if the finish line is the back uh there should be an actual line oh my God Mac was setting in the middle of the track and a man truck and we all just ran into him give up Neil yep let's give up I give up this this group all right uh Neil I don't know if we're actually keeping tally with who's winning here but we're all about to lose because we're going into the sphere of death how do you even tally this one just who's the last one driving who's the last one making I would say loops and maybe driving half decent uh but yeah we got to file in single file and just hope not to die on the ramp in which I feel like that's going to happen it'll be okay oh no Oto behind me don't worry about Oto I like Otto but I don't like his ping oh ow oh here we go just bouncing to each other all right here we go Spear of Doom good luck everybody everybody's going different directions okay just gun it and go so far so good it's a big sphere so I can kind of see you oh once the Collision start to happen though it's going to be bad should we do Chase cam oh my goodness there was people right in front of me here I'll try to chase yeah Chase Cam's okay okay my Chase cam sucks oh I just hit something I hit somebody oh God I H too I'm missing my left front but I'm still going the hood cam is good too I just oh I don't know what happened oh my goodness it's so disorienting oh I see I'm missing my front my front right is destroyed yeah oh I just saw that you guys just spun out right in front of me shadow killed me I'm still driving I don't know how bit of uh destruction at the bottom oh I'm going to I it's hard for me to look down there oh I see wait gab was like entering the arena again did he reset oh oh there's the pile up oh god oh I just hit a green car I think somebody was like entering the arena again it's like they reset M naughty naughty can't do that naughty naughty no resetting look at all the debris at the bottom uh my car is at who's still going right now sooya and gav I'm pretty sure I saw a bright green car re-enter look they're they're entering it I don't think they understand rules uh-oh we might have to do it again uh oh let's tell him no resets it defeats the purpose of the event I was doing okay for a while I was too I thought I was actually making good progress and then a green car came flying out and I got I think I got murdered by them dude the debris down here is intense going back yeah I reset all right I think we got the rules straight no resets you ready yes so if you you die you just sit there at the bot yeah you're obstacles for everybody else all right here we go it was a really cool leadup to be honest with you when we all piled in there yeah here we go uh all right here we go do it again up up up and I'm going to die immediately just you watch oh is that you I'm right behind you Koto yeah I think I saw a flashing your bumper there okay I got to go Hood cam here oh my goodness I went Hood Cam and immediately died that looked amazing on ice cream though does it still drive though though yo it still drives barely good to go watch out come hi how am I still good oh my goodness okay I'm insane looking like when you see all the cars flying by and like just crashes debris falling from the ceiling oh my goodness oh I'm getting bum Dred what I'm going to try to make wonder if I can make the loop on the top I don't think I'm quite fast enough to completely make the loop anymore I can't steer to the right I'm going to go back to hood do I have a hood cam anymore oh I do oh I hit something too the Hood's gone I hit something and I think I just broke my vehicle I'm still driving oh the chase I'm topping out of like 60 uh I'm overheating I'm going 70 and there's a side skirt that's like dragging yeah my time's limited oh come on don't blow up on more moment pile up in the bottom oh my goodness I see it oh my God this is incredible see we found camera we found an event that our uh our R is good at yeah Wrecking in a freaking ball I'm surprised oh I think my engine just locked up y same just induction system oh I'm joining the file okay who's still running here that is that's defon Orosi oh leather cap still he's doing full Loops y Rossi's like the MVP here look how fast or Rossi's going all I think he's probably going to be the unless he crashes into the big pile crash into the oh he did he crashed into the p yeah you got to avoid the death that's down that's a that's a junkyard we got Ash and oh oh I got I got to figure out who's going is it Ash leather C just crashed there is not much on my screen the back half of Ash's car is just destroyed I don't know how he's driving like honestly like the his fuel tank should be leaking right now oh look we got a battle here oh Rossy still alive leather cap and Ash are battling it out oh leather Cap's gone to the inside they're they got out of their cars they're fist fighting uh that would be actually hilarious at what point did we get that as a feature for beam and P I mean we're pretty close we got the Snowman running around get out there and punch shoot shoot the other person all the elements are there oh I think they're trying to wreck each other now oh there we go oh here comes Ash one of them wins I guess uh I mean that's your top three right there is leather I think leather's done uh it might be Ash Ash looks Ash's vehicle looks weird oh there goes a Rossi just flipped I think it's Ash I think we we got to give it to him that was impressive that went on longer than I thought it was going to to be honest that did that was that was pretty good actually it was a nice event there look at this pile Oh my God see we are good at something yeah all right Neil we have the final event it's called The Sea goal because we're going to be flying into the sea very very far oh I get it yeah what are you aiming for essentially well how far do you think you're going to make it cuz I think I'll probably go 600 to 800 you know I'm I'm going to one up you I'm going to say I'm going to go 900 so actually I like how it has the distance how far out you know below the meters in American yeah all right so uh yeah we're going to skew the start we're going to be in the front and we're going to see who makes it the furthest you bring whatever vehicle you want to bring so what'd you go with the blue Buck I'm going old school I got the bad Bubba I copied gab's you know vehicle because that thing looks nutty yeah I scream at him too often so it's like a peace offering all right I'm ready here you go all right let's do it okay hopefully we don't get rear ended by somebody supposedly they're going to skew the start all right I got that drag car oh this thing is fast I'm still spinning my tires a little bit I'm okay oh my goodness nil I'm going uh almost 300 mph oh boy oh that's 300 I'm going 230 oh my goodness um where am I going to end up oh I ended up right around the 600 Mark I got to watch going 500 550 okay here comes the other oh my goodness who's that way up there whoa spieler orasi with the about 850 on orasi or what oh oh Somebody went sooya went almost 900 there oh my goodness anybody com somebody else and I believe Shadows actually won he is over 900 is octos p gonna allow him to come out this way he's going hit a I mean he he missed the finish line but it been funny if he just want to hit one of the poles uh I actually think Shadows one there we got one more one more leather Cap's coming what do you think leather cap has um pretty good oh no they're going to come up short yeah they are oh it's sha definitely very shallow there I think Shadow Squad he got over 900 M there that's it's being in the air over half a mile jeez and he's there's fish flaming around him right now oh this is beautiful claps for shadows as far as who actually won the competition I don't know we'll we'll we'll put it on screen somewhere if you can make I don't even think my editor going to be able to make sense is what happened so just just throw somebody's name up there put my name up on screen how about that editor say I won the video no no no you put my name I'll put your name on mine okay all put now put Neil's name up on there and say he won and then Neil I'm going to go check out your video and I better have my name on there at the end it'll be there it'll be there okay if not get mad at Rees yeah I'm going to get mad your editor
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 341,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamng drive, beamng crashes, car jump arena two, car jump arena 2, car jump arena 2023, random mod, beamng random parts, beamng randomizer, beamng mods, beamng drive mods, beamng.drive, beamng parts mod, crash compilation, beamng crash compilation, beamng drive realistic crashes, beamng, beam ng drive, beamng drive gameplay, beamng drive crashes, beamng biggest crashes, beamng funny moments, car crash, video game, camodo gaming, beamng plane police chase
Id: Ca8uv4qnTag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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