Minecraft but Mobs You Look at Multiply

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today we're going to be playing Minecraft like we've never played it before every single mob that we look at multiplies over and over and over so we have a sneaky suspicion that the Ender Dragon might turn into Ender dragons with an S guys look at my cow look at such a cute cow why are there so many cows stop looking at my cows guys stop looking at my cows look at all of the J look at them all J we're going to crash the server no no guys okay no seriously we can't do what is happening okay we oh my God no no how do I actually help help I can't I have to hit them I have to let's go I can't let go of them they're stuck to me stop looking at the cows guys please stop stop looking at them please I need to get run if I can run away maybe die or something be a good Sol I need to die yes I think you actually leave me alone cows he Le behind a trail of cows guys Josh can you handle this issue soon dude I am uh going to get some crafting tools okay I've got all right I've got one left no now you got stop looking at him Josh maybe don't look back bro yeah but I have to okay I'm done I'm done he fixed it he fixed it oh let's get tools guys cuz we got to try to beat the Ender Dragon there got to be like 20,000 of them that way do you think the Ender Dragon's going to multiply I hope so dude I think so actually no I hope not I don't hope so I guess we will find out oh Iron Golem this is going to be op but yeah we can get like an infinite iron well hold on a second guys should we not get some some gear to actually fight it with first oh my what are you talking about hit one hit one let's let's get let's get wood I see some over here that's crazy that is actually crazy we actually just need to really gear up soon we're going to be wait wait wait wait wait wait Farmers multiple Farmers the farmers now get wood Josh what are you doing different uh like trading abilities no cuz they're not all Farmers I trade okay on this I'll do that are we really going to need bread I feel like we're going to have an endless no no we're good we're good we're good okay guys I have an idea yeah what is your idea you how you can like cook meat if you set the animal on fire yeah yeah huh why don't we put a pig in a hole look at it so we have like 100 Pigs we set them all on fire a they die and it automatically Cooks well let's get a flint then that sounds totally messed up let's is really messed up Flint Flint Flint it's not dropping jelly okay well we could also we could also do it with what's going on shovel I'm sorry Greener yeah you should have just made a shovel serious oh no wait no I think a shovel reduces your chance of getting Flint oh wait let's use my hands do it with your hands then guys we got to find this piece of flint quickly an actual fact oh Flint there you go how so how are we going to tactically should we just do they all go after us if we Attack One what the heck oh oh he's he's attacked by the cactus I'm multiplying them I forgot about the mod wait no look at it stop oh yeah right I forgot about that don't look at oh my God they're all dying on the C how are we supposed to do this um I'm not really sure cuz we're when we look at it's going to spawn more to fight one we need to and that's going to make it oh god oh oh God and this thunder it's got a thunder soon guys help j's got a creeper chasing to now youve got a creeper and an IR goem here can I multiply them guys no no no no no listen when you multiply every the new Angry I've got like five golet after me my go at the cre creepers now do it now oh my many angry Golems after rep okay JY JY you stand still this is f ah oh Josh that was bad how are we supposed to attack them when they multiply they're Health uh copies as well so if they're weak oh yeah we can multiply weak ones that's amazing oh that's actually genius jelly you're clever today yeah bro big brain guys there's a lot spawning though oh I got one I got one you realize you're copying right yeah I know but I I can't there's no other way I can do it I mean yeah I'm I'm doing the same over here JY it's not really that good but I've killed two Golems I've killed quite a few jeez there are so many dude I 48 iron thanks Jos 48 yeah 48 in oh my God how am I going to get out of this we we okay St making the gear make all the gear you can jelly and then we should be good to go if I only I had lava this is so loud is it getting laggy wait a minute we need to stop something about fire didn't you I'm jumping yeah I'm coming your way Josh and I'm going to grab everything you got but can we stop multiplying them now cuz I feel like we will actually crash the server okay I'm going to die I've got two stacks of iron I've got two stacks of iron too guys oh my this place is insane we are absolutely stacked there one oh okay Josh here you go full gear for you where are you guys oh you over here uh did I throw you the chest plate could do with some tools and stuff jelly yeah yeah yeah yeah you know I I'll make my gear jelly I don't want to bother you too much so here we go I don't need two swords jelly and that why did I throw you two swords boom bom boom beam and I've got an iron Sal now now I just something about fire didn't you where was the stack wait we need to cook a bunch of oh did someone pick it up over here you said JY why are you cooking the Iron Golem JY okay CR can I get some I need some tools I need some tools what do you need I need just all of the tools all of the tools com right up Josh coming you're multiplying like a bunch right in front oh my God okay we need to leave this area quickly come follow me Josh follow me I kind of where you are uh where we where we started I still don't have I still don't have a chest plate either I'm up here on the hill guys just come okay okay okay I'm coming here Josh there's one there's one there's one I I'll yeah I'll chop some wood and I'll make the last pieces of armor and then we need to head out and get food okay guys I mean I just is the next put there's literally a cow right here guys I've cows in a hole here okay all right look at does anybody have Flint steel then how do how are you going to burn them though uh Jos this is going to be a little bit of a cooking party go wait they're starting to die they're starting to die you need to set put fire on wait wait wait wait no no hang on if we multiply one that's on fire they should all be on fire oh multiply multiply the cow next to you make a new hole you need okay set it on fire first then look at it don't look at it don't look at it oh nice jelly I missed okay now oh wait we didn't make the whole de too deep man E2 well we were testing it jelly look at him okay this one this one no they went [Music] down yes come on no stop looking at him come on burn burn D's burn now hit him with your sword hit them with your sword no you need to multiply them don't don't but they'll still cook jelly it's fine I guess so how do we get like how do we stop this from happening cuz they keep respawning on fire yeah but they they'll only if we look at them I'll go down here oh my goodness how much did you get one stack of cook steak right here I feel like we could have got more but okay Boop I mean Josh that took like 10 seconds bro that was so op dude should we just get a bit more just so that we've got enough for the rest of the video let's put more cows on fire I like doing that don't don't hit them yet don't hit them yet stop don't I think they're all on fire though just multiply them for a bit guys stop hitting them okay okay I'll multiplying okay now hit it's like aive barbecue oh that fire we got to let the fire ones go on fire longer I think I've got to another I got a new stack okay did I can't get out guys I'm stuck in a coow hole God why did I pick up Robie I got you I got you got you got guys I'm actually stuck there you go oh my God all right guys I think we have enough food like that's F hey no one made me a chest plate Oh no I got I got you now buddy I got you no I got it I got it I got it does anybody need anything no please iron pickaxe or just sticks I can make myself I we can get multiple donkeys but we can't ride them oh we can all right Donas if only we had a saddle well if you have one donkey with a saddle the saddle will c yeah probably but we don't so yeah we need to start working towards the Ender Dragon guys and how do we do that well I think we got to go caving to get some diamonds and stuff I don't know where jell got oh there you go oh wait we got to be careful too cuz zombies and stuff like that M well in a cave is dangerous all right let's find C to go in I'm all right guys we got iron oh there's iron we literally don't need it oh I knew was going to say J jelly welcome welcome to the J wait wait wait I think I think that other entrance was better this this bit there goes far down oh no oh no no no no no no no wait what do you mean what's going oh my is he M toly creeper there Josh I didn't know it was going to be right there oh down here guys there a lot further to go oh my good that is scary zombies zombies just straight up jumps down without really thinking about it BS herey jny jny I'll send uh send zombies down to help you out oh look I am multiplying the bats J it's hard to look at one but I got two before hard to look at one I think you got to hit him well I missed the water there that was great I like this mod dude it's so much fun just looking at mobs yeah but guys we are trying to do things skon kill it before it mod oh we don't want to oh no that means we mes bro okay no this is bad this is very bad actually good good we need arrows and and the bow guys to yeah well we do need arrows you know what this is actually great we need to farm them somehow why are they not dropping any bows though it's kind of what I need now uh I'm trying to create a little farm system okay I'm farming jelly runy run okay this is working quite well I'm on two I'm creating a system to farm the them guys all wait are you yeah where are you no oh there he is that zombie that Josh brought down that zombie that Josh brought down jelly get back here with us buddy okay just just just just don't break oh my God there's so many arrows to I need help jelly I'm busy guys there are still skeletons here what are you doing I'm creating a farm to farm them yeah see this is this is genius this is amazing can you stop cran you're hitting me you you you just get rid of them all be careful I killed them all no I don't want to kill them all well I didn't do it on purpose oh my jelly what are you doing here hey okay I need I need to get this one in than guys okay don't kill him yet look at them multiply them yeah you have to look at it from an angle oh oh who did that okay guys I think we have enough arrows now we've got enough arrows and do you those noit and stick I got a bow I got a bow a bow dropped it's very broken but I got it we can literally craft okay how many arrows did you guys get enough 43 that's not enough to fight the Ender Dragon well we just need to shoot down the Healer we're going to have like 20 end yeah that's a good point well we don't know don't say don't say that when we don't know we don't know if it actually works on the End Dragon yet but we're going to find oh my that's crazy wa scary to run up to J skeleton skon I don't want to I don't want to have to deal with another Skeleton thing dude put in the water put it in the water as a wise said in the water it goes they're all de now go okay so we're looking for diamonds right that is our plan God no wait lava is genius we need a bucket of lava that could help out okay if we all get some buckets of lava we can kind of like cancel out some of this annoyingness you know what I when we get yeah like loads of mobs yeah yeah I'm making a bunch too I got 16 Josh do you need any I could do with one yeah one or two here you go here you go one or two now just get a lot of lava and we'll just have it ready for when trouble hits us which it definitely will at some point okay we need to try and get a bit deeper should I just dig down yeah we need to find diamond right just a little bit of diamond gear and yeah I want that bling bling it's probably going to be fine we're not going to be able to multiply though are we yeah oh you know what's going to be really good multiplying end enderin that's going to be boys what there is an actual mob spawner wait really oh I mean it might have diamonds right it could have good good things okay there's a creeper next to it just don't look at it okay try my best what we'll do guys by the way we could use all this lava to make our nether portal I ah no I forgot well they kind of blow each other up it kind of works they're all nothing in the chest nothing in the chest nothing J oh my gosh well what if you pushed me into it technically it all technically worked out though yeah well nothing uh nothing was in the chest guys I'm back at the Golems I mean nothing bad we'll come up we'll come up we'll come up we'll come up that was stressful Josh coming up we're coming we're coming yeah we're on our way dude I can't get down anymore there's too many mobs oh diamonds be careful we got oh no no that bling bling up to Josh how we got Josh what we how we got to get him Josh stop C stop looking ow ow I'm burning them in lava I'm dying I'm dying I'm dying I'm dying okay well luckily we yeah I I got two diamonds jelly all right that's going to do us nothing yeah no Sal you can get a Sal that's good help where did we put the water you put the water above it there you go there's one wait how did the zombie get up here you can what oh hello J J you can definitely do it a bit more efficiently than this just so you know yeah yeah yeah yeah you're missing a just literally put it on top jelly like that no guess no okay I I think we messed up no you didn't it's fine Place Jos can fix it with this big brain you can literally just right click it with LA with water lava here yeah water it that doesn't work it might be an old version of Minecraft this one and uh it remove the lava what are you guys L then oh yeah you have at least we don't we don't let that get to waste I think it confused me the way jell is doing it yeah oh that's good jelly good job good job good job he fixed it Josh he fixed it all right you got this Bud put one there lava yeah coming in there we go yes move out the way I'm fumbling a little bit dude oh this is you know you know I've actually seen like speed Runners build this with lava and water in like 5 Seconds yeah yeah but they insane at the game dude put the lava jelly in there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but the water just do it just do it just do it just do it jelly see I had a feeling we could okay now guys we need a flint and steel again J to St the show that one let's go get pearls and eyes and stuff well we're not going to get pearls in here yeah okay all right let's make a little path down guys I already hear a guas and I really don't want any of us to SP more than one of those not want to multiply gas you guys just jumping down yeah of course dude why do we need all that saf well they're not going to attack us we just need to find blazes now that would help us out I don't really know how I feel about the blazes cuz they shoot fire yeah I mean we've got to do what we've got to do jelly we get them that no they are literally on fire oh look there's one through here oh no don't look at the Wither don't wait how we going he's got to fight us what are we going to do wa no oh lava lava lava in lava oh it doesn't kill it I got to set myself on fire maybe we should have why don't we just block it in though we could just block it that's what I said let's block don't get rid of the source block though okay okay just got to blck it in there and what behind you Josh there was a lava thing behind you trer well I didn't mean to do that to you guys stop you're going to you're going to turn the lava off little tunnel guys oh my God guys I'm trying my best Josh this is oh my God come on guys we need to find a bles bles okay but we need a tactic wa no no this is not we shoot it with a B we can't run back in this T we need one place we shoot with a bow oh yeah shoot the Bow Shoot the bow I have why am I not hitting I guess it's too far away no it's not we need multiply we need some multiply one of the ones you get two of them I got two yeah but there spawners do some damage to one multiply them well now they're gone oh okay two Place rods that's good oh my God don't look at it okay place the lava down to oh you based it on my lava oh my goodness this is is so nerve-wracking man this way this way I heard the blaze spawner it might be up here oh yeah it's up here Jo why are there so many winners I'm just continuing jelly I'm sorry to kind of leave you with him but I'm the lava stops them but it's kind of like a one time thing yeah it slows them down but probably oh BL SP I'm at it I'm upstairs upstairs okay is he going to climb though oh oh I just got him oh my crater you went up and then what yeah yeah yeah it's right in front of me it's right in front of me guys we want to get one of them low I think can you guys give me the arrows cuz I've got a half Health bow it's really simple what we need to do to your just to be clear guys do not go towards it okay look look it's really clear just got to block this let them come down and when we hit we hit their feet yes it's really not that hard how are we going to duplicate them at first well we got to get them towards us their feet right yeah you look at their feet like you like look at their feet jelly I heard little bo oh jeez y there we go they're down here okay let them get closer no we need more Craner we need more yeah spawn them first before killing ow ow ow ow this a big bra okay here we go this is how you do it guys this is how you farm right here ladies and gentlemen ready him slice you guys are hitting me kill him de every time hey I got Blaze run yeah are we getting a lot have you guys got a lot how many Blaze runs have you got we've got enough I've got 11 how many have you got jell uh four we got enough we need more there's probably a lot in there you know how easy this is trer just don't hit each other yeah I'm not going in there I just keep getting hit okay there are some blazes to our side I've got 13 eight okay I'm taking out some On's we're being flanked it's okay I'll assort it okay I've got 18 we've got enough now guys okay yeah we've definitely got enough that's enough now we just need to head to one of those blue forest and find the Enderman okay guys let's see if we can find one on the way back wait guys uh that guys guys that guy is already on fire we might want to duplicate him duplicate him they're going to be so easy to get then oh they're all mad at me never mind okay remember they're tall go beneath something trees now just keep barming them you got the strongest doing it good job Josh good job keep going I accidentally killed some oh wait that's good how many do you got yeah we I've got three I mean we need to get more than this but yeah problem is they teleport so many man this is actually really easy guys it makes Minecraft so much easier but also hotter ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow I think I was hitting you on accident you keep doing that I would say at least 15 total but I've got 14 guys if we could get more to be able to use them that would be really helpful guys you know what you know what I think we copy the mob and the drop rates cuz I just killed like all those mobs and they all gave me ender pearls wait yeah I I I don't have that it probably matches them so I've got 14 ender pearls I think we have enough guys if we want to leave now we let's just get a few more so that we can use them to get around we may as well got six to be fair all right I think we can head back now guys yeah I think I think we're good guys I just got to get rid of the ones that trying to kill me but then we can go I'm usar but let's go areen they mad at you still no I can kill them quicker than they can respawn okay well let's guys I feel like jelly is yeah J's back so we just need to follow suit Josh all right I got this we'll try not to die never mind we'll die yep we'll die jelly we'll be there in a second buddy see you in the mo who who wants all of my blaze powder uh well I mean I don't have that much I mean you can get it jelly here you go make the pearls hey you can be the Pearl man why do you need a crafting table jelly oh yeah I guess I don't need that you could no it's fine can you throw me some more uh pearls yeah there you go I threw you a whole stack of them okay once we've got this we'll be able to head out for teleporting I got 22 ey Enders that's that should be good all right let's go J think we're going to be okay with that I'll bring a crafting table with us first one says remember grab it oh it broke it actually did yeah okay uh let's walk like a thousand blocks this way and then see okay yeah this way we're not there yet guys oh good catch Josh good catch buddy jump I got it wait wait that turned that turn slightly that throw another one J throw another one throw another one like this way throw it now for now that yep that's what I thought that just went down that just went down let's jump with Josh everybody everybody in the hole I like sharing H do you know how dangerous this is guys three guys in a hole all at once three guys one straight down this is just a great idea isn't it we could actually end this no wait we don't end the video if we die we died plenty of times we're safe guys we're good I feel like throwing an ender pearl up just for fun I like how jelly is the only guy not mining have you noticed that by the way uh yeah I'm not mining you're not mining he's just like along for the ride look look up look up what what who did that okay why did you do that are we there soon yes we are okay how do we just need to find the Portal oh okay thought I was saving you the dead end there um way boys jelly use your nose you usually do that got it oh it's this way I see it do not do not don't look at this don't look at the come on Jelly hurry up please I'm doing it J let's go go go go okay I am super nervous if this actually works guys this is this is going to get so scary at the end no but don't look at the Ender Dragon yet either guys look there might be a chance it doesn't even happen can I get the bow Josh I I'll shoot out the healers no I swear should have brought water I didn't even do that please no Josh Miss come on Josh you're not the only one that you could have got your own bow I did give you mine and my arrows cuz you said you wanted them I didn't want a bow but I've lost that now oh be careful just step out of it hurry Josh you got to step out of the fire I don't have enough blocks to climb those Towers just saying yeah someone's going to have to do that someone without a sgg oh no I looked at an Ender okay that's your problem yeah yeah no I know it is Jos thanks ow oh my bad all at least we got the buckets now wait yeah thank you thank you why is there two Ender Dragons J you need to stop looking at the no I didn't look wait did somebody look at the End Dragon while Josh was away oh no there are two end there are two oh God never going to be able to do how does that work okay attack attack guys everybody get ready attack another one spawned more sping oh my goodness D this how oh my do you think there's still one original one considering there's only one H bar no no I I I think this is actually impossible guys look they're flying into each other are you kidding me how do we beat the game now well we got iron gear do you think we can beat the game jelly uh I well we'll keep trying come on attack him guys attack attack killing the right get him attack him CR attack him oh my God oh my God look at the look The I'm H I can't even hit him guys there is so many here I think I don't think wa look at the Statue there so many [Music] oh I got banned wait what how did you is not enabled on the server what is that mean oh you got te what is happening what I think we've broken the game guys I think so too dang there's a lot of Ender Dragons
Channel: Slogo
Views: 341,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, slogo minecraft, slogo jelly crainer, slogo, minecraft mod
Id: 0AqhytvZMqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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