Jumping Cars Out of a Semi to ESCAPE the Police in BeamNG Drive Mods!

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So today we're back here in beam and G driver we're going to be doing the ultimate police escape with a semi Tru and race car and folks this might be our most chaotic Chase yet so stay tuned Until the End hit that thumbs up button and let's jump in all right Neil you got the car I got it we got to go I can't believe we're still in a freaking race car here today all right uh cargo doors are coming down uh just load up I'm sure nobody's watching right I don't see anybody actually I don't see anybody either it's completely empty it's really really empty it's kind of scary almost all right back up all right so you're going to have to let me know if for some reason we get chased oh what do you think about that I'm beached maybe give it a little give it a little shove Neil or you can just power through it there you go we don't need the bumpers anyway here we go you ready ready there you go nice oh there goes we lost a mirr it's fine all right we're just going to sneak out of the port everything's going to be a okay you ready to go yes sir okay hit it uh is this truck going to fit through here I'm sure it will oh we didn't check no we did not check all right so this Edge through here it's awfully quiet isn't it suspiciously so suspiciously uh I'm going to oh wait hold on there's a there's a truck over there there's also a uh-oh I can't see very well right now yeah uh I'm just going to start going because there's multiple vehicles that just closed in on our location please uhoh oh jeez okay uh I'm going to try to hit the tunnel we need to get up to the watch actually the cell phone tower wait why are we dropping the car off at the cell phone tower that's where the the helicopter's going to take it I don't know oh my goodness is there a road block road block it's most ineffective roadblock I think I've ever seen they just left the middle wide open scared of this uh-oh here's spieler on oh my God you killed him well he kind of did that to himself oh okay A little sideways here okay uh yeah watch the corners this thing's faster than I thought it was it is it actually extremely impressive all right we're going to the tunnel we're going to get into the bridge I need I have my GPS set but I need to find a way like the quickest way to the highway uhoh hey I know it's not going to happen but we got a plan for these things if you get stopped do you have a way to open up the back really fast uh semi fast I'll have to uh oh my goodness I can't see in this tunnel I should probably go maybe first person here there we go uh yeah I have way to do it semi fast it you're just going to have to give me like maybe 2 seconds I have to switch to my trailer oh my goodness they're tearing they're tearing themselves up honestly what does that sound I hear something that sounds like a scream it doesn't even sound like a siren oh oh okay no don't get caught under the Traer please a weird fear tactic I've never seen before screaming at us uh let me know if you do want to go early cuz we can always just get you over there and I can always break off from the trailer we're powering through it right now yeah honestly we're doing a pretty good job here they're having issues stopping this truck uhoh something's on fire what is that screaming is that one of the sirens I think it is oh my goodness okay uhoh uhoh oh well that look cool uhoh there's a uh there's another truck coming up behind us that might pose a bit of an issue oh yeah that's a big boy careful oh my goodness like how almost s him into a pole yeah how are we getting through here uh there definitely feels like there's something wrong I'm going to get on the highway here I think I can ditch some of them uh is this a bad uh-oh this can you get to where we need to go uh it's going to be awkward I think we can we might have to loop around a little bit oh I hope it didn't turn the wrong way I might have turned the wrong way Neil hold on no no no this this should drop us off by The Neighborhood right oh I'm trying to think do you have your map pulled up uh I have a GPS I can always drop you and we can go separate ways up to you though uh I think I think I think we're still in good shape until you're like dead sto yeah there's no way I'm getting up that road though so I'll drop you right before and I'll try to like maybe create a roadblock yes and uh block everybody off uhoh can we make it through this toll booth he might get a close shave don't don't mess this up oh I'm getting hit okay I'm going around I'm going around I don't think I can make it through that yeah that's looking a little I don't think half of them made it through yeah there there recks up there they didn't make it I know that truck probably did dude we're close we are super close here like I should be able to drop you off here in a second I got to try to find a way to protect you though cuz it's going to get sketchy right here when I try to drop the trailer uhoh uhoh oh I'm getting rocked around in here you good I'm about to open because I need to get you out of here before we get to that road I'm ready when you are okay uhoh uhoh something's okay vehicle's caught give me 3 2 1 uh trailer what's wrong with the trailer doors the trailer doors are they're stuck oh no oh no hold on it's opening now oh they just crushed the door they just crushed the door I'm upside down anyway yeah the trailer door wouldn't open I was spamming it there trying to get it open hold on oh oh NE I got I got an idea oh okay is it up uh let me look at my car you're upside down turn yourself over I'm on my lid rip yourself out you still have a chance you just got to land on all four okay give me a second give me a second I'm going to node grab for my life here yeah they've left the the back open I can't get a good angle on it just just rip it out the back is the the cargo door is gone isn't it yeah it's gone hold on there you go got it go go go go my car is beat up I like how we dumped you right in front of everybody yippe that's all I hear is yippee all I'm getting around him I can't steer the car how's your steer oh um I mean we're close to the Escape point we're right under it oh there you go there you go there we Go's the hill there we go well the launch wasn't as pretty as I thought it was going to be uh you're coming up to the road right I'm get taken out I know it oh no oh speer's waiting there oh is he going to miss the road no he's going to go up the road with you uh O'Neal is this scaring a little bad hold on can I still drive here uh my truck looks pretty rough and gab is just running into the side of me hold on hold on I'm trying to gas it here no my truck is definitely dead I am not going anywhere here I am hurting right now are you are you getting up the kill at least no I already got pushed off what oh no I'm dead oh Shadows kill shoted me with the truck shall we uh shall we give that another attempt here maybe we should launch sooner that way we could try to split the pack throw throw them out of whack that sounds sounds better oh my goodness oh my God yeah I'm dead yeah you're dead all right Neil I found their backup car I think we're ready to go uh should I enter in like this oo that was clean yeah you need a little bit of force to get in there though it's pretty steep I got this I'm going to try not to rip the mirrors off this uh like you did oh I did one worse Never mind take two take two uh cough cough just totally uh repaired the car okay didn't need that bumper little bit of force how about that that was pretty C there you go okay parking brakes engaged uh go ahead and close me in the trailer please there you go you see it closing yep it is closed uh I had a GPS route set I don't know if you want to do the same I was thinking of just winging it to be hon let's just wing it I'll be your little drone Cam and I'll let you know if uh I need to get out I don't see anybody this time maybe I should throw them off and take a right here yeah cuz I can see vehicle's driving down there yeah take a right coming out of this that'll work good like yeah cuz they're waiting down there can it get me to the highway uh okay so I'm going to guide you just stay on this Main Road uh and then you're going to see an onramp there's a van right there uhoh uhoh he's lighting us up okay so you're going to take this corner you might want to uh after the medians after not this one the next one you're going to get over to the left you see that ramp that goes up yeah yeah yeah I'm pretty sure that takes you directly into the tunnel that leads to the bridge so this might actually be pretty quick there's a freaking plane to the right of us plane they got air support there's a figon oh no is it going to bomb us wait does it have bombs on it is that a thing is well he could use himself okay that was actually good uh watch speed here got it okay so out of this tunnel yeah this is going to take you directly to the bridge here so just go straight I see like five people behind us oh dude they're on the other side of there's a a van that's about to cross over spe D I think he could have crossed man if he would have crossed conf front of you that would have been bad news there yep okay battle on the bridge here we go this is going to get ugly I can tell oh yeah I see the figon flying this looks so epic wa W oh my I I'm trying to get a good angle of the uh the Total Carnage here my goodness somebody just flipped back there I'm hoping we don't have to drop you early uh I mean you're looking pretty good the truck seems to be in decent shape uh spieler has got that big van in front of you should I turn right uh out of this up to you if you turn right you're going to head down towards the town I would go straight just go straight and follow this the road just keep following this road you'll eventually run into that onramp or you keep going you can get to the toll either way you know the ramp I took yeah I'm going to look at the oh this is crazy looking from the uh inside of the big hit oh my God oh my goodness nail am I I'm dead I'm dead can you open the truck I might be dead in here I'm opening it are you okay in there am I sideway I think I'm sideways I didn't realize I'm on my am I on my side I'm on you're on your side you got to flip it hold on hold on I got this somebody just hit me at about 150 m was it Gavin or Shadows it had to I'm trying to tip this thing over it is it's so tight in here what's the trailer doing I have no idea whoa I just pulled myself out get out of there uh I think I'm stuck on the ramp hold on if I can break free here this would be perfect your car is pretty messed up I am stuck on my exhaust is bent and it's got me like jacked up in the air they truly don't want us to have this race car do they I guess not oh there's the plane um yeah it's over boys you destroyed the the car too yeah somebody I don't know if you saw that somebody hit me at like 150 mph I think I was on my onboard I was getting ready to tell you to go out but yeah jeez oh my insult to injury you want to do it again I think we should do that one more time all right third times a charm so I'm going to load up this direction and then what did something just land on there is a uh there's a van up there they already know our location I mean you'll knock them off when you go through that Booth yeah yeah so yeah I think release the car earlier and I'll just back out of it and then we'll try to split the traffic I'm going to take the same route but we're going to we should plan on doing this on the bridge how about that so on the bridge you're going to release the car sounds good yeah probably be the safest place to do it nice straightaway all right go ahead and move whenever you're ready catch him off guard here let's get it I don't the van's gone I have debris on the top of my truck now for some reason yeah it looks like you have a slight bit of damage yeah there's a van on top of the trailer okay it's looking good take a right I don't see anybody I don't think they were ready for us that's good there's one van right here I see but is he going to light us up again maybe he's eating a donut or something oh he just lit us up never mind he is definitely paying attention it's fine F we got a plan now I think they're going to be too focused on trying to stop me they're not going to pay attention the back of the truck when we get there let's just see hopefully they're more alongside you and I can be behind them I don't know if I want to do that is that s that you know it's fine we'll just go for it we need to have one good launch uh Mac being right behind the cargo door is not good though oh oh my God he hit a tree oh you got that almost hit me yeah that was that was pretty freaking close look up in the tunnel ahead of us tunnel's clear bridge is clear so it's all the traffic's coming from behind us right now there's a lot of people missing where is everybody they probably are planning on like there's probably like a road block okay you are you got ston kind of distracted yeah oh they ain't going to see this coming I don't see anybody back here either Neil I'm going to go backward go it's coming down I see it I see it oh it's the world terrible timing oh the ramp fell off okay I'm going to I'm going to get it backwards just keep going keep going I had the Speed wobbles there we go I'm going to throw blocks ahead I have been deployed there is a road block oh my God okay I'm going to push through it all right here I'm going to get on your left side uh actually where do I go o the van's behind me just follow right behind me for I let I'm trying to outsmart the van here there's nobody behind me Beyond let me know when you're through you through yep okay here we go this might be the end for me though going to the left uh I don't think they really I went to the left they didn't see that coming there's only one following me right now unfortunately my truck is ruined after that though so it's up to you I'm trying here uh is this take where do I how do I get to the highway from here oh I think I should have kept going on that road uhoh you got you have speed on your side now though uh there's a figon flying above me right now you got to admit that was a heck of a block I threw right there though that was awesome like dude getting through that roadblock that was nerve-wracking I didn't think I was going to make it through all right the only thing I have is aigion I know where I'm at there is a Age series but I don't think he's catching you okay just got to focus here try not to die I might die don't crash don't crash I might die I'm good I'm good very expensive race car yeah I would like to get this race car actually up to the no why does it want me to go that way uh-oh did I screw myself here no I didn't you're fine I was tempted to jump off and go to the the highway there oh this will lead you to Salvation my friend I hear police sirens I hear screaming too uh you hear screaming I heard a scream yeah uh-oh I'm trying to lose it oh my goodness dude that van is so freaking fast oh is he is he going to turn by me I got to I got to go Offroad in here I got to go Offroad that's a tree that's a tree that's a flip that's a flip we're good we're good get out of there get out of there can I get down into the RAC TR from here yeah there's a little there's a little IND dude they're coming from the freaking racetrack what the dude oh there's an opening right there I just got to get going forward no I have no momentum here all right here we go uh my vehicle smoking what kind of condition was this supposed to be in drivable we'll say that I mean it's semi- drivable definitely a little oh I'm going to die oh they're not going to slow down for this corner oh no he did did is this a dead end oh my goodness I've just driven myself into a dead end uh oh no you can you can make it through hold on backside backside you got to get your bearings here I'm completely like lost as to where I am oh can I get out the front here oh oh uhoh H series isn't isn't getting in there uh I don't think so I barely tightened up it tighten no you've got to be kidding me who moved the tin a it was perfectly fine until I got to this side wow stuck I see uh hold on hold on that there we go oh I think I broke the vehicle yeah you're missing some tires you know Neil what if we were just both in trucks and we just ran over all the traffic oh we just don't even care about the car anymore you know what this car is not even worth it like what was the job what were we getting paid for this probably the price of the car which is drastically low we've destroyed three of them so ah it's fine let's go with trucks all right Neil we just want to take one of these bad boys this is worth more than the race car right how many Collective tires are here right now uh too many um see that's what two two two that there's a lot of tires on this um so I think as long as one of us makes it we're good right yeah I'm just worried about making it up the dirt Hill you know it's going to be tricky in this long thing should we go the same route or should we spread out that's the question I don't know I think if we go the same route we might be able to throw the blocks for each other by the way that flying figon thing is uh hovering over so he's tracking our moves now so he knows should we go the same way there's a dump truck over there yeah let's not go towards the dump truck let's let's go to the right I I don't feel like dealing with a dumb truck I don't think we're going to I want this route to work I mean it's a good route it's just you are right I don't know if we're making it up the top of this thing uh the fion is like Tokyo drifting over us who's flying that I have no idea I feel like they're going to try to crash in oh we got somebody head on uh-oh oh they got smart stay off or go on oh I got around him oh my goodness heard that he immediately Power drove into the front of my vehicle will they get one reset I think we should too uh hold on I'm still going uh the motor might not be running to oh my goodness somebody's in a uh somebody's in a bide what's that going to do to it's a questionable Choice against a semi uh I I'm I think I'm good I got a little bit of damage well a lot of damage to the front but they're also murdering each other back there it appears oh I got the bull light on me now is he going to break check you could probably split that thing in half dude I am getting pushed by Stefan right now um this the bull i''s scared to run into me he's just kind of hovering around me uh spiel's coming at you at full force in his uh van he's coming up to your right right side maybe I should break check him I've got tires to spare he doesn't yeah yeah slow him down I'm coming in at full speed behind you hey watch this who how are you going so fast I was getting pushed oh my God there we go that cleared out a little traffic B line's dead for sure pressure tanks leaking oh no do I need that I just pushed sooya dude I blew through those people oh spieler is not happy about that hey spieler eat a [Laughter] pole uh spieler just hit a pole how you doing Neil I am my truck slammed on its brakes for some reason and I hear myself screaming what somebody has a horn of me yelling oh my what is happening oh I tried push oh my goodness the plane just came within oh that shadows in the plane came within inches of hitting me and it died I hope I'm going the right way dude I've taken out a lot of cars here yeah see I've got like those people behind me are horribly wounded right now I'm taking the on-ramp right now are you taking the one that goes right to the toll boo oh here comes lad hey lad bye L out see oh wow i' I've lost you completely yeah I'm going straight to the GL out oh here comes spieler spieler is like he's like a stuck turd he will not go away yep what is ashmaker killing me again oh oh bide bide bide ooh my parking break is stuck sper has definitely reset once cuz he's got a fresh van coming after me after he ate a pole well I'm dead dude I have got so much debris on my truck I don't know how I'm still driving right now uh-oh oh there goes spieler again goodbye spieler it's up to you oh your truck is wrecked on my screen oh no no there's a widget in front of me there straight through the windshield ow I have been hit by a plane that's something I still moving though is that spieler once spieler go away I'm going to revoke your patreon get him into the pole yes there we go dude this thing is like almost Unstoppable oh here comes L L's got a ton of damage too cuz he flipped 20,000 times uh I'm going to engage the differentials here a lot of the uh people are dead on my body right now so you should yeah I think some of all right spieler is on his third like second reset now can we can we eject spieler we told him one res he's in a pole again that's like his 20th reset this round okay this this is where it all comes down right here this is the oh my God you know what just let them let them push each other off they're going to they're definitely going to try to push you off the cliff oh I'm sure they are I don't know if this can make it up the cliff in its current state yeah I think my well you know what that means you got to get out and start running there you go bye loses you got it oh you're going to get run over oh they're coming for you on hide in the bushes hide in the bushes this is this is Cinematic greatness right here okay I I heard something what was that that was a plane landing 5 ft away from you oh okay it sucks to be them you got it there's a van on your right how do you jump in this stupid thing D there's a van here no you're not picking me up I'm going way just follow the track you can get boosted this looks ridiculous you know I think we won this look at how many we killed look at how many times they had to reset to attempt to stop us but I oh oh that was something I feel like you need uh oh Sheriff's here Sheriff's to Goya they go why does he look like Colonel Sanders does he kind of look like Colonel Sanders do you with a wrench yeah uh Y no I'm not getting in your van you need to stand upon the peak I'm going up there I'm going to what if I just get in his van does he know that I'm in there I have no idea I think he's trying to he's trying to pick me up Neil I need an adult he's going to drive directly off the cliff if you get in this car you know it right yeah I know there we go push me up push me up beat me up no you got it that here comes spieler again it's 20 thou he's 20,000 resets no I'm not going that way I'm going this way there you go oh dodged them Jed him we've made it this is the top of the hill you got yeah we got it yeah thank you they pushed me on it there we go oh Jee bye bye too late though you made it I made it we won that's a win
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 382,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car hunt, beamng car hunt, beamng police escort, car hunt beamng, bridge, beamng bridge, beamng random car race, random mod, randomize mod, beamng random mod, beamng random, beamng, beamng drive, beamng drive gameplay, beamng drive car crashes, beamng mods, beamng drive crashes, beamng drive mods, beamng crash compilation, beamng funny moments, car crash, video game, camodo gaming, beamng.drive, beamng random parts, beamng lamborghini
Id: Q8h49q74BtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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