Testing Viking Traps To See How Dangerous They Are

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how dangerous were ancient vikings glad it sticks like super insane viking weapons to minecraft so we're gonna create insane traps around these weapons and then i'm gonna see if players can survive through a viking themed obstacle course so guys here is the very first weapon we'll be using today the freaking battle axe if you place this straight down it literally just sticks it in the ground now i don't know how battle axes are used but our first trap is going to be set up in a way that allows you to uh well use these as traps take a look folks it does five hearts of damage when you step on it all right three two one build montage all right guys so we got a little bridge here i think that looks really good it took a long time to do now let's make a look at entrance honestly i got an idea here oh what the heck it turns everything to slime so i feel like this is going to be like the grand entrance into like a viking hall so we're going to uh i think line the sides up with a bunch of dangerous axes hopefully their curiosity will be enough for them to walk over and slice half their health down pretty honestly pretty severe okay i can't explain to you what's going on in the side that's just a double wham if you touch that you're just dead there's no getting out of that one so that's incredibly deadly now we replace the middle with ice i feel like that's pretty good right i feel like that's pretty good you know it would be even better if i just put a couple right in the middle like this and that way they could get like a little extra choppy action this ain't easy tell me this is not the most frightening entrance you've ever seen in your entire life but you know what makes it a little bit scarier if we started off with a steve rug right in the front all right let's make it look pretty all right i feel like that looks a little bit more viking oh great mystery chest please grant us an amazing viking item yo look at this thing we got the morning star okay that's like actually like a classic like if i was going into battle this is what i'm using oh this thing's brutal guys so honestly this shows how little we know about vikings but if you place this one on the floor it gives you the wither effect it just starts destroying you what is this thing dipped in to cause that to happen i mean this has to be like a weapon that like a wither uses right now for our second trap my mind was running all over the place i could do so many things but there was one thing that i knew i had to do and it was create the old classic viking wombo combo all right so if they somehow survive that they walk into the next zone and this is where we're going to place these on the ground by creating an insane redstone contraption that oh let's see let me try something how do i do this again god how do you do this am i dumb this is what is this seems correct so after spending literally 30 minutes just to make this path i uh i feel like this is probably not the best idea ever but i committed to it i can't even explain you how long this took i'm embarrassed honestly i'm ashamed because i really feel like at this point we have been off more than we can chew but this is our build so far it's trying to be a piston bolt if you don't know what that is neither do i i don't know if this is right or extremely wrong it feels like it could go either way this does not work anymore did i just follow tutorial and you just told me after showing me that it doesn't work anymore what god depressed guys place bets down below the odds of this working all right we're going to start the odds the house odds here so far are pretty low i'm not going to lie didn't even put a button in huh forgot about that okay well that obviously was was not good i just made the whole thing backwards i think the problem is i don't really know if it's backwards hey we'll find out that's why you guys always want to follow lover fellow tutorials because i know exactly what i'm doing okay well that's our um completely redesigned version two doesn't make any sense i'm not sure what's about to happen let's see what it does here folks oh we did it yo total time invested in this project 45 minutes sounds really embarrassing when i say it out loud i'm not gonna lie to you i designed this for one simple reason to make it so that you think it's a super easy shortcut way to get to the next zone when in reality it's going to push you into the morningstar hole of death so here's what's going to happen it's going to push you in and then the very end what you're going to fall into this of course it's water so that's going to be annoying oh yeah let's just keep turning things into freaking that that's fine i made a little like sponge because to me i have no idea why they look like sponge kinda looks like a pop tart now we put the morning stars down here in the bottom oh look it's giving us like doubles it kind of sinks into the wall which is like extra deadly all right tell me that ain't the most deadly trap you've ever it seen oh it works and the morning stars kill you oh it's beautiful okay i don't know why but i feel like i actually have a weirdly surprisingly decent skill at building viking stuff this is like a ship and i even added rose on the side all right again i can't really explain why everything's becoming slime but now it's a much more friendly entrance you might be saying yourself how do you get past so the way you get past is quite simple you just don't take a minecart if you just walk through this like a normal person instead of going through the speedy super fast thing you'll get here and realize i gotta do is walk around the hole this literally just looks like a giant blaze rod but it is one of the coolest items we have added ready take a look you know oh god look at that thing whoa hey a little bit of a teaser what this thing does guys this is a freaking uh fire lance basically it's a sick looking sword that when you use it just randomly catches you on fire i'm not sure if honestly vikings use this or not i can't confirm that or deny it but it does look pretty sweet and i feel like it's going to be able to kill some very curious people so on their journey they're approaching this beautiful portal in the distance like vikings probably do i don't know so we got to give them a reason to want to use the fire lands i feel like okay so i think what we're going to do here is give them the option to pick up the fire lands if you were fighting you probably put this on top of an iron anvil like this then in this one we'll give them the fire lance and then in this one i'll give them a stone sword and let's just put a sign down that says choose your weapon traveler so this is kind of like how i envision this one working in my mind oh boy i can't wait to choose my weapon oh my gosh is that a fire lance i love fire lances and then the reason they need the rod is because obviously they're going to have to kill a bunch of mobs to survive okay pretty pretty decent looking mop pit i didn't even get to lie to you like that thing looks spicy so i guess uh we gotta pull out command box so theoretically this will spawn a creeper down there wow i did it i did it can you believe that so all they have to do is kill that single creeper like that's literally it we make it so this lever actually also opens up the door so in order to get down they have to open up the lever and fall through and each time they delay it they're going to spawn more creepers then bang they get down here they got to kill the creepers their sword or hopefully it kills them and then they're going to be able to crawl out using a viking themed vine i feel like this is probably what vikings would climb out with i think just for fun i'm gonna put like lava back here just like low-key to kill them this is just lava it is not a shortcut and that's literally all it is it's actually just literally lava there's no reason ever to put that there but i thought maybe it'll get in their heads and they'll jump in and die all right this might be this might be a little stretch this one might be just a little bit non-viking related but it's freaking thor's hammer so guys you might think you know what doris hammer does but you have no idea what this one does and i'm gonna not show you because i want you to watch to the end to see what it does because i'm trying to trick you to stay longer we are progressing through the ages now and our next build with thor is going to be made of electrical conducting material you're going to see one all right that except slime still a lot of that now if you're moving into thor zone it's got to be looking classy so let's do a little bit of mini park work just because just for fun simple nothing crazy i don't imagine thor would be walking anywhere i'm just saying i feel like thor was a big cactus guy so i really don't know why i did that there was no reason to add cats still into my own parkours so i think we'll just have them like walk in to like a little thor zone you're gonna walk up here like boom boom boom and then up like a really really tall staircase and then thor's hammer will be there where the players can then access it and something exciting happens this is the thinnest staircase ever imagine having a famous hammer and this is how you get it it's just it's just not it's not the vibe but it's how it's gonna be honestly i feel like we'll just do two of them you know just put them there like that all right so you're probably wondering what the heck does the thor hammer do it doesn't shoot down lightning what's it do what's even more fun guys when you get near the thor hammers not these these are just distraction hammers when you get near the actual thor hammer it freaking bumps you away like a magnetic field look at this you get here that thing ready watch this watch this ready ready ready what the heck is that oh we won't worry about that so the hammer is literally gonna bump you away but the players won't realize that all right it's using the force of thor just like i am to you right now to make you watch this video so i have this devious idea of setting all of this to lava oh yeah look at that that is kind of cursed and if i put these thor hammers down if you walk too close you die that's gonna be impossible to get through how do you survive this is this even like possible to beat now it's so hard what if i just put like a couple blocks out here and if you happen to land on one you're good to go you're gonna have to recalibrate midair dude that is freaking tough you're walking you're walking you're walking boom oh you can land it you can definitely it's possible i did it so that means it's good to go before i show you the grand finale super extreme item look how i hyped that up i'm about to show you the next one it's uh it's a spear so this bad boy right here rigs up to an insane aero launching system which we will actually be hiding back here this will actually launch the spears out like an insane spear launching machine i really don't know if vikings had this though i'm gonna be honest with you so i don't even know this is gonna work but if i could do trip wires here and then tripwire here and then a tripwire here then all we have to do is route our redstone all the way up in an aesthetically pleasing way that isn't obvious to all the people what's going on so that's borderline impossible huh it works oh the first try now we just gotta hide it and then boom freaking you get killed by freaking amazing arrows that actually even trigger themselves look at that look at that it bounces off of you hits the web and then triggers again this is the ultimate trap there we go look at that it's like you wouldn't even notice what's up here what is oh that's the redstone right and then the grand finale item my friends this item should be so cool you can't even breathe look at this look at this thing that is a pizza cutter if i've ever seen one folks now as i said well actually i never said this but their goal is to to reach this chest there's no yeah yeah it's a reset shot i just decided that just now and if they do they win but they must first pass the hallway we are going to dangle these bad boys from the ceiling oh that's not correct um good luck getting around that that's borderline impossible you know i kind of like the idea of them coming out of the ceiling like that you know it's just it's a little bit extra it just it feels good can you imagine actually trying to survive through this like you could just walk this way and it's so easy so that's why we're gonna make him actually parkour it i feel like that's borderline impossible we might as well put a few down here just in case anyone were to fall in wow these are kind of brutal look how quick they go down that is insane we just made like a freaking saw the monster machine we really took that to a new level a little bit quick i think we got out of control there you go my old subscribers everyone's leaving now so now that i was done building one of the craziest obstacle courses ever with six ridiculous challenges it was time to invite players to try to beat the battle by themselves so guys our first victims here is x little pop tart she has one chance to race through our viking themed obstacle course but if she dies she gets nothing if she wins though she gets a hundred bucks catch goodbye pop go this is all new this is all new think very carefully about what you're gonna do here you might know what this is you might not she pulls out the cart i'm not sure if she knows what a piston bolt is but here we go okay decides to walk through the course oh she just jumps in are you kidding me it's not even how the trap was designed all right this is oh takes it nice and slow here oh it goes almost done how's your health looking not great yeah that's gonna do some damage coming up to the piston bolt challenge here we go i don't know if my my heart can take this oh wait that was fun all right got him in the pit of doom i could do that way or yeah you could do that you could do that as well much slower each second then passes the money drops by a dollar plan all right very slowly slowly but we haven't seen this strategy yet so far today folks because it's weird but almost there here we go [Music] i'm going to remove one dollar for every two seconds it passes starting now good luck okay skips the chest walks through here we go decide she doesn't need it no no no oh she makes it the new record holder is just very impressive stuff now as far as viking traps go she now has to choose the right viking weapon weapon choose your weapon traveler i'll pick this one very interesting she takes the stone sword why do i feel like i have to go through the lava playing some mind games now she just can't decide what to do oh okay i'm gonna click clicks oh moves down command blocks don't work so um it's supposed to spawn a wither skeleton okay no no no no no no oh somebody oh my gosh so guys i have invited back all of our losers here today which is actually everybody no one no one really even made it past the second trap so they're gonna work together to see if they can figure out how to actually beat this the first one to beat it as a group i'm gonna give a hundred dollars to all of you can go you can all go go go go go go go first one there pops out pop is official yeah she is officially the worst racer we have seen so far today by the way guys you could probably use the card to catch someone in it if you want to jess is in the lead she's the only one who's made it this far she wants that hundred dollars now no fighting no fighting oh just goes down there we go looking okay get some creepers down there looking okay looking okay someone's taking some fire damage gotta watch out for that jess is now currently in the lead folks of our group of five what's gonna happen here she wait a minute thor's hammer jill's got the lead here watch out for this dill could be our winner ladies and gentlemen dill could be our winner gotta watch out for those little spicy things taking quite a bit of damage and dill dice oh my goodness which means we have one slow and steady person in the back here that is lgc and you all know what's about to happen to her him ladies and gentlemen nobody can beat the course thank you guys for watching look at that screen
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 1,416,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: ZwbqoDozZEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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