Testing TikTok Shop Products!

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[Music] are you going to be helpful during this video or you just going to lay there all right hi I'm Rachel welcome back to my channel where usually I test things so you don't have to and today I'm testing products I bought on the Tik Tock shop Tik Tock is just all about their shop every other AD I get is about some product you can buy on the shop so I said fine fine okay calm down relax I'll buy some things and I bought the things that I kept getting ads for to see if it's actually good or is this just another wish type of website thing or is it actually good products so let's test shall we ready let's begin all right so the first thing we tested is this blow dryer I already tested it because I had to take a shower and get myself ready for this video so obviously I needed to do the blow dryer in that process while getting ready for the video so I already filmed that here you go okay we've showered we've done our makeup we put on a clean shirt but now we're going to test the 5in one hair dryer brush set words they're there in my mouth but they don't come out very well stronger than stronger how can you be stronger than stronger that doesn't make any sense whatever let's blow dry it stronger than stronger it's going to be drier than drier when I'm done with it ooh ah notom here the thing I don't know how to do hair so this means nothing go this means nothing to me she just started going it doesn't go hot or cold it just goes 1 two three don't me here we go this is wet it's wet can you see it she's wet normal this is taking forever let's try a different brush I'm okay with it I'm not blown away get it it's a blow dryer shut up what does this do the hell I don't know how to do that there's no instructions is this to curl your hair how would you do that okay I've seen this [Music] one it's not giving for me I I just want to try the Dyson looking thing we all know the Dyson right best blow dryer ever oh it's on that side okay I put it on wrong my bad my God blow drying hair takes forever I'm so [Music] bored this is taking just as long as a blow dryer and I'm 0% impressed it's not as hot doesn't mean much I'm going back to this one I do like these kind of tops because I don't have to do a brush and a blow dryer at the same time I'm sure it's not as good and it's not as efficient and won't give you the best blow of your life but I don't know makes it [Music] easier the when I did the swoopy swoop too looks cuter on this side so we're switching to the swoopy swoop too many options this has taken me 20 minutes and I'm not all the way dry yet but I'm still slightly damp then look how much hair it took off hold on I just noticed how much hair it took away oh my God I mean I just feel like a normal blow dryer brush would have done the same I don't see anything special about this yeah there's a bunch of different attachs curious has to how to do [Music] this [Music] oh what the hell what oh my God this is a mess I don't know how to use any of this stuff it's taking forever to blow dry my hair I don't feel soft I'm exhausted this is just a normal blow dryer I give up am I doing it wrong I probably am like let's be real I'm doing this wrong she is beauty she is Grace she is Miss United States I don't know you take that review for what it is I did it this is the results okay this is just my hair blowdried with that it took a very long time I think that maybe if I learned how to use the different attachments it might be okay I walked in and Abby said oh your hair looks nice so it got her St of approval I'm not much of a blow dryer coniss so I don't quite know if it was amazing or not but this is my hair it took a long time I don't get how people do that in the mornings getting ready for work it's just a lot for me it's a lot anyway next product I have to find it I don't think you're ready I don't think you're ready for this nose hair trimmers you're welcome you're welcome for this Prime content so you just stick this up your nostril and w w w oh I'm going to hate myself okay stick it up oh it smells bad what does it smell like oh a childhood memory is rushing in blurry it's some sort of firework thing oh what is this smell you won't know and you don't care okay I still have hair up I don't think this is doing anything guys it's not doing anything come on hello hello oh I have one I have two hairs that came out ladies and the three gentlemen watching this I got two hairs out of there King this is not very good I'm just going to be real with you this is not very good I have an electric nose hair trimmer that does the job way better so so we're going to put this to rest this one fail but don't worry I also bought this nose hair trimmer so this I don't know why they're selling nose hair trimmers on Tik Tok but I'm all for it this is just a singular little razor blade and then it has a little Brushy Brush on the other side let's get in here let's get the ones uhhuh yeah it's not getting anything hold on okay I got to I got I see them visibly right here here and it's just like not doing anything we're going to test if this even can cut hair by using the hair on my arms I'm going to just do a little swipe through it is cutting absolutely nothing am I supposed to take this off yeah this isn't doing anything another nose hair trimmer fail come on I had such high hopes so far we have a okay and then two fails Tik Tock shop are you the new just terrible product website come on giving you prime hair to cut nothing nothing next product all right actually this next product I actually bought a Stanley Cup to test the next two products but they canceled my order along with these elephant pants that I really wanted just canceled it both the Stanley Cup and the Elephant pants it refunded me don't know why pretty mad about it whatever so I have to borrow my girlfriends this isn't a Stanley one this is from TAMU it's a knock off but girl she does the same thing now the first product we're testing is a thing that makes your Stanley Cup a tote purse this is genius right here you go put that in there slip it through yeah get back get back down here yes yeah also I'm totally wearing sweatpants today this is just the vibe today we're dealing with it I was put together waste up but I spent all that time blow drying my hair I couldn't gather another ounce of strength to put actual pants on so here we [Music] go ah God place there's so many places to go and people to see with my Stanley Cup purse okay so here here's what it's supposed to do right supposed to be so you don't have to carry your Stanley Cup like this with a bunch of other things you just put it all in this and get to getting cuz listen I'm someone that hates having to hold things I don't want to hold anything you can strap anything you want to my body but don't make me hold it in my hands literally stuff a backpack on me put fanny pack on me put cargo pants and stuff them full I don't care the weight on my body does not matter I need my hands free this helps that now you're supposed to be able to stick your phone in this pouch okay well easier said than done she doesn't Glide in but she's secure it kind of feels like wet suit material what else do we need a one if you had keys and you're gay they're going to be attached to a carabiner so you can just stick that on there hold on bunch of cards and what not red card that's right I get my 5% discount I'm no fool okay they stick that in there done I'm going to say I'm just going to I'm just going to pop it and say real quick since this is my video I'm reviewing it it's a tight fit I don't think you can fit that much cuz if you want to get to your phone okay use my phone real quick blah blah okay time to [Music] go yeah no girl wants to to do that or guy no one just no human wants to do that have to stuff the phone so he you're not going to do that you're going to end up holding it if it takes effort to put it away you're not going to put it away that's just how humans work so I liked the idea I like that this is becoming a tote I like that I can Bop around town take it to go do the bang thing but I don't like how difficult it is to put stuff inside of it also I I carry your wallet it's a thin wallet it's very small but it would never oh yeah you're people would get really annoyed with you how long it would take to get your ID or your credit card out I'm going to say not impressed I liked the thought the thought was there poorly executed but wait there's more maybe you just want a little Contraption just all you have to do is you just have to do this once and then you're okay now you just have a pouch on your Stanley Cup let's see if anything fits inside of it phones are too big oh oh no oh no get this is a terrible design it just flip-flops about like it has its own little mind okay I can see you putting your your cards in here sure that's fine but it doesn't carry a phone it's just a pouch on a water bottle it's not special it doesn't help me at all lip gloss chapstick cards sure if you don't have pockets because we know the world is just scheming against women owning pockets that's fine I'm disappointed neither product was what I wanted it to be really like the thought of it being a tote SLP purse but it was too much of a struggle to get things in and out of it it has to be easy has to be Loosey Goosey it has to go with the flow and it just didn't now I'm sad next product all right the next product is a cat brushed brushed a cat brush shaped like a cat paw let's see if Stevie will let me do this I have to go in with calm energy just like it's a normal day all right everyone be cool let's see if STV will let me brush her for the camera so normally I would make my bed for you guys we have to act very normal so Stevie doesn't get mad she's moved into our bedroom she absolutely loves it so we're just going to calmly test this uh cat [Music] brush are you allowing it oh she likes it does she I don't know I can't read cats was that a yes or a no she's not running or biting or hissing or scratching it's not getting much off I think she just likes the way it feels it got like three fuzzy okay it just got that much after a couple brushes I don't think it's the best deshedder in the world you're so far away don't remember act cooled we don't want to stress her out pick okay she likes it she likes the feeling she's allowing it she's not mad oh it got a big chunk okay maybe I just had to really get in there oh she likes it are you going allow it there you go I think we have a winner she likes it all right and it's got a little thing you push look at all the fur we got Tik Tok gave us a winner finally this is great and thank you Stevie for participating and you're welcome for me staying calm there's a good girl we won all right I wanted this to be the last one because I wanted to end on a really good note I just keep seeing ads for these slippers and I think they're really cute makes me angry I am someone that gets hardcore cute aggression oh are you going to help me no no no it's not no it's the opposite of help I'm just going to put the these no these are for M gentle gentle these are for no off these are for M no wait yeah well they're not for you they're for me oh yeah yes oh yes these are adorable I love them I'm obsessed they fit comfortably we're moving I mean obviously slippers are going to be a win they're comfy they fit just as they said they would they got a hard bottom anti slip grip oh I'm glad we it on that for sure all right that's every product that I bought from the Tik Tock shop except two that they said m n Vibes are off you can't have this product I wanted the elephant with the elephant trunk anyway that's it for today I love you guys I hope you enjoyed this video but if there are ever any products you'd like me to test out please let me know what they are I am down to test I'm down to waste my money so you don't have to just let me know Tik Tac shop I'm going to say not the best it's very it gives wish Vibes yeah I'll just put it that way it gives cheap website Vibes for sure you're not going to get hearty quality things from them but you might find some cute stuff some cheap cute stuff all right I love you guys though and I will see you next time please make sure you subscribe to this to my Vlog channel to my podcast channel to my Tik Tok and to my Instagram and my Snapchat I love you guys I will see you next time [Music] bye [Music] a
Channel: Rachel Ballinger
Views: 117,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rachel, Ballinger, Novaqua, MissRBaller, video, fun, funny, comedy, humor, Rachel ballinger, ballinger family, vlogger, influencer, testing, testing products, product haul, does it work, viral, viral products, honest review, product review, tiktok, shop, review, products, gadgets, test, try, trying, buying, bought, buy, diffesrent, new, ads, recommended, nose, ahir, trimmers, stanley, cup, totes, pouch, cow, slippers, hair, blow, dryer
Id: Zv9c1bQHPkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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