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- Hello everybody. So, as you know from the title of this video, today we are going to be eating the food that I craved during my pregnancy. When I was pregnant, I did this video with my best friend Kory, so today he's here again so that we can do it again together. But we're adding the little human that was inside my body, making me crave all the things. We're going to see if he likes the food that I craved when I was pregnant, because he was the reason I craved it. Last time we had all the food displayed, but we have a toddler running around, so having all the food out would just probably result in chaos, so I'm gonna bring it out one by one. So this was about two years ago that we did this video. The first thing I'm gonna do is the apples with peanut butter, because this was something that I ate in the morning for breakfast. I ate like probably quadrupled the amount of food that I eat now, as you know, a not pregnant woman. When I was pregnant, I ate like a bajillion times more. I used crunchy peanut butter. Cheers. - Cheers. - You want to try it? Here, try it. You want a bite? He loves it, This is going well. - Flynn doesn't crave it anymore. - I guess he doesn't crave it. I would only eat honey crisp apples and peanut butter, when I was preggers. You loved this when I was pregnant, I had it every morning. Are you going to be - ah he just farted. What do you think? Is that yummy doodoo? He calls like candy doodoo. I think he liked it, he went back for a seconds. The other thing I ate, the other fruit I was obsessed with was nectarine. - Have you seen my nectarine? - This is something I still like this, this has always been one of my fruits. She's a little raw. It's a little underripe, but still delicious. - It's so good. - I love nectarines. My pregnancy cravings weren't that crazy, I just ate a lot. Remember, like, I didn't eat like weird things. I was so hungry all the time, and now you know why, just look at how big this child is like, he's huge, he's one-and-a-half, but he's literally the size of like a three year old. And he's always been big since he was born, so I think I was just eating a lot because he's a, he's a big boy. You gonna try more of the apple? - Yeah. - Is that good? You like that? Okay, bye. Okay, the next one is Cocoa Pebbles. This was my jam. When I was pregnant, I literally needed this every day, sometimes three times a day and Flynn does know Cocoa Pebbles. - He's ready. - He sees these in the pantry and like steals them, And like they end up all over the floor. He loves Cocoa Pebbles, why would he not? I mean, it's literally chocolate and they're delicious. I haven't really had them since I was pregnant. - This is good. (exclamation of excitement) - Now Cocoa Pebbles is something that, in my family, the Ballinger family, I guess we just crave when we're pregnant everyday, everyday, like crazy, my first trimester with him. My sister-in-law craves it with her Ballinger boys. She has four boys and now I also have another relative who's a Ballinger, who's pregnant. And she was like, "Oh my gosh, I want Cocoa Pebbles all the time." She just watched my video of my pregnancy cravings, and she said that she wants Cocoa Pebbles all the time. Isn't that crazy? - I crave these even though I'm not pregnant. - No, they're so good. - I wonder what I'll crave when I'm pregnant. - I bet you'll crave like mochi. - Probably. - Even Daisy wants some Cocoa Pebbles. There's a dead fly dangling from Daisy's butt yesterday. - That was literally the grossest thing - Literally, Daisy walked past me and I was like, Oh- Oh you got some on my shirt. Which by the way, you can get my merch, my new merch, the link is below. I have a ton of new merch, it's really cute. Flynn loves Cocoa Pebbles guys. This is, we need to move on to the next one before he gets full on Cocoa Pebbles. So anyway, Daisy went past me and I thought it was like a little turd dangling from her butt. And I looked closer, I was like, "Why does her turd have wings?" And it was because it was a fly, it was not a turd. A dead fly was dangling from her butt. - When you texted me, I thought it was a turd too, and I was like, "Ew, a turd." But then when you realize it's a dead fly, makes it 20 times worse. - Like how is a fly worse than a poop? I don't know but it is. - It's really bad. - Anyway, we're gonna move on to the next one before my son gets super full on this. Okay, all done. Say thank you. Okay the next one is the only weird combo I really liked when I was pregnant, which was pickles and goldfish. I was obsessed with pickles and goldfish crackers when I was pregnant. And one morning I remember I wanted them at the same time and I was eating pickles and goldfish crackers together on a plate. And when I was pregnant, he likes the goldfish crackers. When I was pregnant, I wasn't like I had like these really intense cravings. It was more like what food will not make me vomit immediately. And there was one morning where every food sounded so disgusting except for pickles and goldfish. So I just had a huge plate of them and I ate them together. Now, Kory- - No, see this would make me vomit. - Hates pickles. - That's disgusting. - I love pickles. They're so good. Okay, Flynn, you want to try the pickle? I'm gonna eat them together; pickle, goldfish. - What's the appeal? You just want an extra crunch and the cheese? - I really wanted salt. I was really, really craving salt constantly. And I know I had some medical issues that made it so I needed more salt. So I was advised to eat a lot of salty foods for awhile, which is one of the reasons I really craved In-N-Out burger burger everyday, which is the one thing we don't have in this video, because it's not that weird. And we know that we love In-N-Out and the line's always really long and it's a pandemic and we don't need to be going places we don't need to go. We know we love In-N-Out burger, I ate it every day of my pregnancy. I don't need to eat today. I also don't think I could, like, I'm literally already full, but when I was pregnant, I could've like- (laughter) Moose, that was the worst jump in the world. But when I was pregnant I could eat. It was shocking how much I could eat. - Yeah, you ate so much. - Like just now I had a sandwich about an hour ago and I tried to let that settle before we started eating this, but even just having a few bites of Cocoa Pebbles and, what did we eat first? I already forgot. - Apples. Fruit. - Apples. Like I'm already, like, I don't want any more food. Like I'm done and we have so much more food to go. - Does he like pickles? - We'll see. (Flynn spits) - I agree. - You and Kory are related. - Flynn - Okay this one's not a pickle, this one's a goldfish Cracker. Now he doesn't trust me. He's like, girl bye. - He's like, girl no. - I'm not going to subject Kory to this. - I'm not trying that again. - He won't. - I still have nightmares from it last time. - This was really good. (Kory gags) - That's disgusting. - It's not that bad, I mean it's not good. - No, it is that bad. - You know, I saw there was like a trend where you eat peanut butter, pickle sandwiches. - No, that's not a trend and we're never doing it. - I kind of want to try it. - Moose won't even eat a pickle. - No, he would never eat a pickle. - Take a lick of this. He's like no, thank you. - Well, I think it's delicious even though everyone's judging me. I mean, I would never really eat these together except if I had to like for a video, but it was really good when I was pregnant. - Do you ever have a craving for it now? - No, never. I don't really crave any of the foods I craved when I was pregnant now, except for sometimes Cocoa Pebbles and In-N-Out. But other than that, no. They say when you're pregnant, you crave the foods that your body needs. And so I always craved a lot of salty foods and also foods with lots of iron cause I was anemic. So I ate a lot of, again, red meat and a lot of spinach. I had like spinach smoothies every morning, cause I was really anemic and I would faint all the time. That went away, by the way, the second he came out of my body, all those things just disappeared. Anyway, let's go onto the next food. The next one is chili. I loved the chili when I was preggers, which is so funny. Like I barely remember this. - I remember- - I loved chili. - on tour you're like, "Oh, I just want some chili." And it was a hundred degrees outside and I would go to restaurants wherever it's like, "Do you have chili?" They were, like looking at me like I was insane. - We were in the South. - He looked at me like I was insane. It's like, nobody wants to chili, hot chili. - Why did I want chili so much? I don't know, I think it's the mixture of the red meat and my body wanted that iron. - The salt. - A salty iron, like I craved it so much everyday, like cheeseburgers and anything that was just like meaty and salty. Which is so gross but like - That's what you wanted. - But I mean, it built him so, whatever. I don't think I've had chili since, maybe I've had it once or twice, but that is so random now I'm remembering it, yeah, it was tour. - Yeah - Bus tour. - I wanted chili like everyday. - You loved it. It was like the greaser, the better. - And I also was obsessed with IBC root beer. This is where my obsession started, I still love this. I still drink it very often. I was allowed to have caffeine. I'm a big Coca-Cola drinker. I mean, you can't have caffeine when you're pregnant, just not very much. And so I tried to switch it up and so I would drink this instead. - It has to be in a glass bottle. - Yeah glass bottle and IBC is my favorite. - It tastes different if it's not in a glass bottle. - And I got JoJo Siwas obsessed with it. - See. - It does taste different. Okay, chili. I have not craved chili since I was pregnant. That is one thing I'll say, when I was pregnant, like when I would eat food that I wanted, I was like, "Glory, Glory Glory Hallelujah." Like I eat this and I go, "Oh yeah, it tastes like chili." Or I'll eat In-N-Out and I'll be like, "It tastes good, tastes like In-N-Out." But when I was pregnant I was like, "Oh this is so good." (munching sounds) It was like nothing tasted better than the food I was craving. I guess I will say one thing that's totally opposite from when I'm pregnant and when I'm not. When I was pregnant, I wanted salty, salty, salty, or sour. And when I'm not pregnant, I just want sweets all day. Like I want cookies and candy. And like, I mean, I wanted that too when I was pregnant, but not like how much I wanted, like I wanted hardy, salty meals and now I'm like, "I'll eat a cookie for breakfast." Flynn, you want to come try some chili? Well, Flynn does not want to try the chill and that's fine. But since Flynn's not going to test, We'll let Moose test it. Here Moosey. He's going to be licking this blanket for three hours now. And now I have baby wipes handy all the time for spills, I'm a mom. Next one, now I think we're getting into like sweets now. My son is incredible and he's the coolest person that I know, the best person that I know. And one thing he does that I love is he's created his own language. I think this is probably common for toddlers, but he does say a lot of words. He's almost speaking in full sentences now that I understand. I feel like not a normal person would understand him, but I know what he's saying. But he has certain words that he's created for things, like dardar is car and blahblahbla is water. He says manituhtuh for cement truck, hatititituh is helicopter. But my favorite one that he recently came up with is doodoo, and that means chocolate, candy, cookie, anything that's sweet and is like a dessert, he calls it a doodoo. So now we've moved on to the doodoos. So first let's start with these. I loved these when I was pregnant, and I think it's because I grew up with these in the fridge. Like my mom always had these in the fridge growing up and they're so yummy. Yum, I haven't had these, I think. You wanna try it? He knows this is chocolate. He's like, I'll try this one. You try to give me chili, it's not going to happen. But a cookie? I'm down. - These are good. - What do you think? Is that good? Is that yummy? No more, you have some in your hand. He already asked for more. Oh, now you see the brownies. Okay, we'll go to the brownies next. This was another thing I craved every day. There's a little bakery that I really like. They're better than I remember, I haven't had them in so long. - Really? Oh my God. - Oh, yum. Holy smokes. I was smart when I was pregnant. Oh my God, I need to save room but Holy smokes that is so freaking good. Flynn's trying to get to the brownies. No more doodoo, you already had some, say thank you for the doodoo. Thank you. That's how he says thank you right now. So one thing I craved a lot too, was I craved banana ice cream from this one specific place, I was obsessed with it. They don't have it anymore, but they did have raspberry creamsicle, which sounds like another thing I would have been obsessed with. I normally would only go for a chocolate ice cream. But when I was pregnant, I wanted like a fruity- - Well no, you went, cause- - I was vegan. - You were trying to get vegan for Rachel. And you're like, "Let me try this." - Yes, I was trying to find a vegan one for Rachel and it was the banana one and it was so good, I loved it. And I made you go get it, like him or Eric. I'd be like, "Please go get me that banana ice cream." - So this is vegan raspberry. - Ooh. I should save it for Rachel. So creamy. It's really creamy. Do you wanna try this Flynn? Oh my God, he's like falling on me. You're gonna like that. You want more? What do you say? Good boy. Is it yummy? I love you. Well, Flynn likes it. That's really good. No, say thank you, all done. Thank you. (kissing sound) Another thing I drink all the time when I was preggers was light blue Gatorade. Because when you're pregnant, you have to drink a lot of water. You have to stay super hydrated. And I don't really like water. I drink a lot of water, but I don't like it. And this is something that I liked and I drank all the time and it also helped me feel less queasy, cause I was really nauseous. So this is also my Gatorade of choice when I'm really sick. So if I get the flu or anything like that, this is the Gatorade that I want. - What's your favorite color Gatorade? - Light blue baby. It's all about the light blue. - Really? Yes. What do you like, red? - No. - Purple? - No. - What do you like? - Light blue. - Yeah, light blue's the best. - If you don't like light blue, you're insane. - What even is the flavor supposed to be? - Who knows? It's light blue flavored. - Yeah, no one says like blueberry. It's like the light blue. You want to try it? - Take a sip, it's good. What do you think? - It's good? He likes it. He only drinks water, so this is very new for him. He hasn't had like a big reaction to anything except for the pickle. You want to try these? You've never had anything like this. So sour candies were my jam. We're in my second trimester when I was on tour. I remember I would get off stage and I think they were Shock Tarts? - Yeah. - I have boxes. - It's hard to find. - Yeah, they're really hard to find. Fans would bring them to my shows. I'm not kidding, I'd run off stage, pregnant with this one, feeling so sick, so dehydrated, so exhausted, out of breath. I'd run on the bus, I'd go back to my room on the bus and I would dump Shock Tarts in my mouth until my tongue was raw. I would suck on them after I got off stage. I'd drink light blue Gatorade and water and eat Shock Tarts. So random, just anything sour. I wanted sour candy, couldn't get enough sour candy. I never crave sour candy when I'm not pregnant. I don't even think about it, ever in my life. Like I never want sour candy. These were really good, the Sour Patch. Oh my God. I can't believe I ate these all the time. It's hurting my jaw. - Oh wow. - You wanna try it? - That hits. What do you think? - He likes it. - Is it sour? - You like it? He has no reaction. You and I both were like (retching sound). Okay Flynn, no wonder I ate it all the time when I was pregnant, he likes it. He's never had sour candy before. He's going to be so high on sugar after this video, like he's never had this much sugar. Okay we've got one more, baby. These are sour worms, you wanna try? - My mouth is like twitching. - I know. How is he just like fine? I doubt he even knows it's food. What do you think? I'll have the other half. I can't believe my one year old is eating sour candy and having no reaction to it. Those aren't good. - That was not good. - Those are not good. I feel like I need to go brush his teeth and give him a bunch of water to wash down everything he just ate. I'm surprised. I remember my cravings being crazier than those, but I guess they weren't crazy. I guess they were just kind of normal. The only weird one was pickles and goldfish. - Yeah. - And I think more than anything else I just like crave food all the time. Like I was hungry all the time. I gained so much weight on my pregnancy and I was growing the biggest child ever. I don't really crave any of these things anymore. Sometimes I crave In-N-Out, but that's basically the only thing I still crave from pregnancy. And chocolate, I love chocolate. What are you laughing at? Can you say bye-bye? - Bye-bye. - Bye-bye. Well, thanks for watching everybody. A lot of you had requested that I do this. I thought it sounded fun and it helped me to remember all of the, oh no. Yeah, we're not eating anymore of those. You can have a vegetable. Do you want some broccoli? This was really fun to do and did not make me miss being pregnant. I'm very glad he's out of my body now and running around being the coolest little dude I've ever met in my life. I hope you guys are all staying safe during quarantine and during the crazy time our world is in. I love you very much and I will see you next time. Bye.
Channel: Colleen Ballinger
Views: 3,072,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colleen ballinger, colleen, ballinger, psychosoprano, miranda sings, no lipstick, vlog, vlogging, singing, without lipstick, comedy, how to, tutorial, silly, funny
Id: h4UxsvPiO0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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