Testing the Limits! Longboard Sanding our 50ft Hull Solo - Ep. 386

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[Music] Welcome to our Channel where we are building a 50ft sailboat from scratch we're a bit over a year into the build and the hull is starting to get ready to be turned [Music] over right now we are Fairing and sanding the hull so that it will look completely smooth when she's in the water [Music] the kitchen Garden project is moving on and this Sunday we got the pulse in the ground which will hold up the [Music] paling we used an earth drill to dig the holes but to get as far down as we wanted we used the old flag pole for extra [Music] [Music] momentum these poles used to hold up the animal fencing that covered most of our lot when we moved [Music] in the chestnut paling will surround the kitchen Garden to protect it from Deer roaming [Music] around I think the paling is beautiful and it will last for many many [Music] [Music] years [Music] so end of last week I did a lot of sanding out here um and we're getting pretty close now on the starboard side of the hall I have um used the longboard a lot halfway down on this side and I've been using a guide coat as you can see that's why you have these black spots on the hall now and that's the low spots that are left uh so what I will do now is to um wipe off this graphite powder in the low spots and hopefully these pencil lines that I had Rod will stay so I know where the low areas are and then I will fit fill these areas locally with some more Fairing and then when that has cured it's time to go over the surface once more with the longb board um and hopefully once once I have sanded that we're pretty close to a a surface that is finished or ready for um the base coat and once the base coat is on that will fill any pin holes and really small uh irregular ities in the surface and then you can sand on that surface again if needed at the big Disc Sander that I've been using has saved us a ton of time on this and I know a lot of people has been skeptical oh you can't use a flat surface to U you know make a hull like this fair but that's uh actually not the case because it depends on how you move that disc uh of course you can't stay with it in one place then you will create a flat spot but if you keep moving it all the time and never stand still uh it really helps to take down the high spots and take care of most of the sanding so you can just use the longboard for the last let's say 30% of the sanding um I don't I mean I don't have an exact number but my feeling for this is that that dis saves us roughly 70% of the time I would have spent with the longboard otherwise a lot of people have commented and asked why don't we use um what do you call it um a wall sander something like this uh and this is okay to cover large surfaces pretty quickly uh but for this like I said you need to keep moving and I found that using that type of machine you don't have the same control because the sanding head is too far from you and also the weight of the machine is heavier than the Polish machine together with that big disc so of course the downside with that is that we get a lot of dust in here because there's no dust extraction on the Polish machine with that big disc and that's something you have on the yeah wall sander so I like this machine but for this it's not the right tool and also um the discs on these are really soft and that's not not something that I like uh when you're just using it for taking down the high spots because this will ride more down into the low spots and that's not something you want when you're trying to get a fair surface so it will be a long week with a lot of sanding and the plan for this week is to get both sides of the hull ready for base coat and I know that's a pretty ambitious goal but uh that's my aim and then we'll see how far I can uh get uh and one thing we haven't done yet is the bottom part of the hall I mean we have gone pretty far up on the hall with fairing but we still have uh the bottom part left so that's something that I will probably start with late this week maybe beginning next to put put on the first layers of fairing up there yeah and obviously the top sides are a lot more important than down below the waterline we're not racing so it's plenty enough if the hull is is fair if there's some smaller irregularities below the waterline I think that's okay since we're not having a high gloss uh paint system under the waterline it doesn't matter because you won't see it the same way as you do on the top side the top sides are what's really needs to be Flawless if you want to have a nice looking boat with a high gloss uh uh paint system on [Music] it before Yuan could start fairing the patches he finished sanding the rest of the hall [Music] another day of uh glorious sanding like Matt's say on S life I spent I don't know 30 some hours you're sanding this side with the longboard and the big Disc Sander but I'm really pleased with the result and the guide coat is really revealing it tells you directly if you have a low spot and a lot of these low spots you can't see them even with the low angle light when you turn off the lights in the roof and you put the light along the hall it looks really sh fair and nice now so maybe I'm overdoing it if I'm filling these low spots or most of them because it looks really good the way it is but it's hard to tell because the hull isn't glossy now and once you get the glossy top coat on it it's a different story so I think I will fill them all and then go over this whole side one more time with the longboard just to just to be sure it will be a lot easier doing that now than to you know change my mind later on once the hull is flipped over yeah and as you can imagine it's a lot of work fairing a 50ft hull on your own like this but U I have to say it's uh I kind of like it it's like um you know you go there with the longboard it's kind of uh meditative uh work you just have some nice music uh and you just uh yeah you just work you don't have to think much you just uh it's just hard work but uh at least you can uh have your mind on something else and just uh yeah listen to podcasts and music and just uh let the hours fly [Music] [Music] by [Music] [Music] [Music] so it's a new week and um time for some more sanding um last week was um quite productive I think I managed to get this far on the port side of the hall with the longboard so this portion of the hall now is ready for um yeah another layer of fairing but in patches this time uh So the plan for today is to uh finish the rest of the hall here and then tomorrow or maybe the day after that I hope I can start uh longboarding the starboard side of the hall to see how it turns out after I have sanded down those patches of fairing that I added last week hopefully it will the end result will be a truly Fair Hull ready for uh some base coat but um yeah that's all in theory so far so we'll have to [Music] see [Music] I'm on the Fire final stretch now on the starboard side after the the patching so I started in the front and I have a few meters [Applause] left and this is as far as we will go now because we're only putting on a base coat now before we're turning the H because otherwise there will be scuff marks and we have to tie together the deck with the hole later on and then we have to sand and fair more so just a base coat for now and then the H will sit for quite some time and that's good because uh even if this is a proxy fairing there is a slight chance that some of it will shrink a little bit uh and it's nice to address that before we put any base or top coat on so now the hull has some time or the fairing uh has some time to settle and then maybe 2 years 3 years from now when we're doing the top coat um we will have a better surface to start with that is more um settled and also that the epoxy in the hull has has the chance to really fully cure um over that time I've been uh at this now for and this is the third week so three full weeks of uh sanding and fairing actually a bit more uh this is is actually four weeks this is the fourth week so uh sanding and fairing it's been pretty hard with all that longboarding it's uh it's even so now that I'm past the pain my body is uh slowly adapting to this new lifestyle of just sanding every day 10 hour straight this is just uh I'm forcing my body to just uh adapt and uh yeah I've been in a lot of pain I can tell you that but uh it's uh getting better now [Music] a [Music] yeah I know it's really hard to see through the camera but now finally the starboard side of the hull is um finished and ready for some base coat um the plan is to do um the port side of the hall next week so we get the same level of fairness on that side to send away those patches that I applied a few days ago uh I know that this type of work is really hard to get through the camera the progress of the work doesn't really it's really hard to film any progress uh but from our perspective it's a huge difference now from what we started out with and hopefully that will be easier to show later on once we have that base coat on so you guys also can see that we're making any progress but more about that next week so thanks a lot for watching and we hope to see you next Friday take care bye-bye if you enjoy our videos we would really appreciate your support over on patreon and there we can stay in direct contact as well
Channel: RAN Sailing
Views: 69,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ceBFx0kOGVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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