Setbacks At This Tiny Abandoned House Build BUT It Gets a Throne!!

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[Music] [Music] welcome back to bordo life everyone things have moved on with an astonishing rate here there's so much to show you but first of all there's lots of Headroom on the stairs these days isn't there an yes there [Music] is oh Anna don't need the bucket anymore Anna look oh we got progress we're a we're a posh build these days got a toilet here so if everyone can remember I was going to try and get the throne on this side but unfortunately it just wouldn't work out it would have been so much better if it had cuz we' have had lots more space for the a big sink as it happens now we have the toilet right down the back here and it's going to be the right height once we uh once we deal with this last step here uh um and then we're just going to have a tiny little wash basin here just for literally doing hands um and the door we'll see we'll figure out which way it's opening yeah cuz some people said like maybe like a folding door or open in like half I haven't had a chance to even go and have a look at that yet but we'll figure something out for the door it's not a problem um the wash basin will finish kind of here so even if it's a full door it's just going to fall there so yeah uh quite happy with that just popped bit of board on for the time being to kind of be plaster board and tiles so we don't break anything on the toilet it's not plummed in yet obviously so we are still we are still needing the bucket to to flush with okay so put that back on that's the kind of toilet lid we didn't get very far with that beam um basically we we kind of jackhammered it I think Jackhammer is the right word and then uh cut up afterwards so we did put the kind of uh nylon up top to stop any dust going up but there was very minimal dust and we literally just got it down here because it's pretty heavy so we have to break that up a little bit and take it away um there is the elephant in the room which is we finished all the installation as well um with the rails I thought on this job it's a bit of a boring one cuz it's a flat ceiling so I thought you know what we'll just get that done and we're actually going to Vlog upstairs when it's on an angle so Lou finished here as well again getting on Leaps and Bounds and we did however have have a bit of a problem upstairs so when we osmed all this surface we actually had a problem up here the next day it didn't dry it's still not dry as such I'm having to keep moving really so that my feet don't stick that's not a problem cuz we've got another coat of osmo to go on and nor is the actual problem that happened um basically I think there's a lot of humidity in the wood a lot of humidity in the whole build to be fair and um it's created these kind of little circles on the surface of the wood um so yeah it's going to have another coat of osmo but I'm going to wait so what we're doing is now we're waiting for this to fully dry then we're going to cover it as it is and then after we've done everything and we know everything's nice and dry in here we'll then do the last coat of osmo and that should Al just go away all the little kind of dots that I'm going to show you in a second so here's a little patch you can see it's kind of good example of it it's almost as if water was projected on top of it or had come in at night time I mean it was really wet the day we did it it was raining a lot yeah and it's all over the same okay Anna let's get started you're working with me today as well as Louie okay first job is where do you want on this wall where do you want the electric because I can't P my cables until I know where it's going to this is obviously the electricity coming in here and we can position that in the corner if we want now it has to by low it has to be a certain height and what is that well I don't think it can go above 1 M 80 or 2 m so it has to be about the same s same height as the eventually where the electricity counters going going here so I think here what do you think right next to it yeah as close as possible to the wall so it doesn't like we can maybe put like a wardrobe or tiny little something a cabinet okay so I'll measure that get that on the actual uh counter get it on here it'll be changed anyway because EDF won't leave it or nidis won't leave this they'll put a brand new one on so if I just pop that there then they know where that goes and then I'll just pop the uh The Other Board which going to be an 18 module board so it's going to be quite wide so what I'm going to do is I'm going to bring all of my cables in here okay don't forget this walls going to be plaster boarded as well yeah so I've ordered as well the underfloor heating now they come in 15 M squared we'll say bundles and you'll you'll understand why when they come so you'll all have to to watch a couple of Vlogs time every single Vlog next week every single Vlog the week after and you'll see if you just keep watching you'll see what I'm talking about um but 50 m bundles squared um so I'm thinking 15 me is probably going to be about this area here if we put the underfloor heating thermostat here m means we can get one set done and then we can work on the other set and it's a bit comp licated why I think it should be here but when I do the job everyone will say ah I understand why um so yeah that module can go here and now let's move on to the kitchen couple of weeks ago I called Jewels up the um window maker so the man man um in a panic because this window here was worrying me so this yeah this window here was worrying me because this is where I want the kitchen like the crops of the kitchen starting on the wall where you are Anna coming along here and I was thinking oh no if if he's going to do this all opening we're not going to be able to open it cuz the kitchen doors are going to be in the way and then I thought well you know what more than that if I turn get jewels to turn this bottom bit into a fixed chassis such and then you can open the windows up top again bit like upstairs well that means we can have kitchen along there turn it kitchen along here and if you really want to a little bit along here this is where you come in again Anna so it means we get more unit space m less wasted space so I'm thinking we've not done the design yet but I'm thinking to put the sink underneath the window what do you think actually that's nice I like that or at least maybe the the kind of TAPS here so you can still be at the window looking out and the Taps don't interfere with the window yeah of course so we put the maybe the sink somewhere here or even on this side because we've got the the waist pip there it's probably best on that side to be honest just so you get the maximum amount of light yeah so so somewhere around here the sink yeah now I'm thinking fridge an American fridge we're not going to be putting it in or for the Amer Frid just a fridge so what I what I need to know about now is Anna where do you think the fridge should be on this wall mhm because we need to bring some water across oh yeah well maybe where you have the the bucket yeah yeah um I suppose so long as we put the tube in now and leave it a bit longer it gives us or he can be a bit closer so jobs are really piling up for night time for me because now I've got to design this kitchen and I've got to order the doors me last night I was ordering all the underfloor heating in insulation I'm kind of struggling to keep up with how fast we're going on this build to be honest um okay I think we're good there um I think I know where all my are going as well so let's get started then let's get Lou in and get going sounds good for whilst Lou was just emptying the gravel and uh sand would anybody like to see my beautiful design of a kitchen H yes we do a 3D model it's quite an elegant model now basically it's obviously not to scale not to angle but the wall as you come in is 90° it doesn't look it but it's 90° from the wall at the back where the window is so we decided to switch it around a little bit and uh couple of units and then a long corner unit so we're going to have the sink on this wall here so 60 well it's going to be a bit more sink unit of 60 and then a long piece 128 we'll come back to the plan so we got a long 128 here a 60 in the middle and then another 128 here so a corner piece again so we're using every possible Square cimer I was going to say square inch but I thought Square centimeter square inch and then here another 60 and this is going to be oven hot plate with a um filter above and then a little 20 kind of uh unit so 20 cm is about that wide so it's going to be useful though need all the space we can and then we'll leave 90 for a what kind of fridge Anna American fridge yes with ice and water so we're going to bring the uh bring the uh water across here and then everywhere up top where we can we're going to put some more units so we'll probably have three units long here three or four along there yeah yeah and every inch matters um and and now we've done that we can uh start pull pulling cables through okay Louie yeah ready for that never did it but I you will show me yes Lou I told you I didn't want to do any work right okay Lou thank God we bought the gravel and sand in it's going to make it so much easier for us okay so what you're going to do Lou you're going to be over there and you're going to thread cables through to me okay bra okay [Applause] Ali okay right I'm so glad I made my notes for all of where what type of cables I'm using everywhere and then left them back at home okay uh right we'll start with an oven you know an oven Louie you put the chicken in the oven put the chicken in the oven yes okay and you put it here you said yes I listen sometime okay uh so our Tableau our board is going to go uh we'll say here yeah so what I need you to do Louie is put the cable up the back here and then around the front and then if you can pass behind this one maybe and then pass in front of that one and weave it like that and we're going to do that a couple of times okay so you take those over there and you pull them through and I'm going to so for an oven it's 25 yeah uh yes no okay I I'll keep feeding at you you go that's it in front no in front no there yes okay keep going that's it I tell you what pull through enough now no no no give it here give it here pull through enough at one go to uh to go right the way and then we can Shad it can't we keep going keep going Lou harder am I annoying you Lou we oh I've just realized Lou replies in French when he's annoyed with me no uh we're going to need another meter we always pull through far too much cable yeah yeah cuz we can always cut the cable if there's too much there's not enough we're in trouble okay good no uh-huh okay is about here yeah we got one here so we need to go like this you like that and down here uh that's that where did my Cutters go there so I know that my board's not going to be any lower than this obviously because of the rule I talked about so can chop it there so one of the most important things on this job is labeling up cuz once you've got about 30 of these here if you don't know what anything is you're in trouble takes ages [Music] for okay see okay you have to take a pose from labeling just to show Louie exactly how to do what table Yeah so there we go first one in is the oven it's one of the hardest cuz we're going along this wall instead of across the top okay oven we can't do the hot plate cuz I need need a special cable for the hot plate bit thicker um we can do the fridge next which is another nice hard one for Louie all those love not well I almost forgot to uh label up Louis's end of it okay okay now we're pulling one through just for the fridge I don't know whether it's like this anywhere else in Europe or in America or even Australia South Africa I don't know but uh anywhere in the world anywhere in the world basically in France I don't know whether it passes or not without it but it's always been kind of told to me that you should always put the fridge on its own line so if something is like bro broken say Toaster plug it in and it knocks the the electric electricity off it doesn't knock your fridge off because it's on its own line so it's quite a good idea there like I said I don't know whether legally it has to be done on its own but I always do it on French people are smart smarter than maybe English yeah English and people from Manchester City but I think the smartest in the world are Spanish and French aren't they yes exactly strangely enough Louie say thinks that huh okay fore okay Anna just remembered something that I did at the passion project that I didn't do here don't know what is it don't sound excited about it cuz it's really bad but I've not done it so to have a good Earth normally when you pull the concrete you put like a big mesh in and you connect it to your Earth cable yeah I haven't done that so you know what I have to do now I'm very very lucky that it's damp under there because what I have to do now is is I have to drill through the concrete and I have to whack an earth rod in and because it you long Earth rod and because it's damp down there it actually does a really good Earth anyway so I don't have to go too deep with the Earth Rod thankfully so have to drill again yeah but have dodged a bullet there if ID have had a had to put in like a 2 m Earth rod i' have been in real trouble I was trying to get it done too quick do you remember back then you always try to do things too quick every time I know every time ah you have a reputation in B okay American fridge that your American a America God save America we got a little bit over over excited with that one it's a bit long but doesn't matter it's better than being too short okay should we do an easy one now Louie let's go from here we'll take a you know what I'm going to do both the dryer and the washing machine in big cables so that we're okay up so going right across the I've just been told off told off by my director I'll say why cuz I'm throwing things down making a big noise and talking at the same time sound director yes I'm the light director and you're theier is The Apprentice yes can't even see that okay we're good there think we good there we just need to come around a bit clack come around a bit there okay Lou I think we're good we'll see when we get over there I can always tell you to pull some back so you go up through the same hole okay you can go a little bit this side if you want yeah this here yeah there that's it so it's not all the same side but you need to stay in the ceiling now this is where you're going to need the step ladders to pass it in to pass the you no see how was the sound horrible you ready Lou yeah yeah we might have to put another hole in there's enough room surely I don't say I need to do another hole does it come through not yet okay is it coming through yes it is now okay [Music] l no okay yeah we're going to need another two three met Lou okay say did you hurt yourself no professional doesn't hurt [Music] himself [Music] okay no no no okay put stop long right Louie we're going to do exactly the same again and on that note hope you enjoyed today's Vlog everyone if you did subscribe and ring that Bell you forget the same thing every time what is give us a thumbs up thumbs up I'm I'm I'm see you all next time bye [Music] guys [Music] Bravo [Music] foree
Channel: Bordeaux Life
Views: 40,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bought unseen, First look, Tiny house, Unsafe chimneys, Abandoned house, Renovations begin, House renovation
Id: 13-_ZNPwLR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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