Hoist the Nets! Transforming our rescued SHIP into a Pirate's Dream! — Sailing Yabá 197

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I am very happy with what has been done on  the standing rigging so far now you might   think it's not ready I know it's not ready  because when we launch well now the boat   is sitting on the keel so it's opening deck  is opening sideways if that makes any sense   because there's no water pushing against the  hole when we launch the deck's kind of going   to close because the water's going to be pushing  the hole inwards which going to make all these a   lot looser so when we're in the water we're  going to tighten everything but my goal for   today with lu is we're going to add some SikaFlex  inside these Rings over here in the wood we're   also going to place the halfway uh ring over  there with see flex and our goal for today is   to lie inside that netting we want to completely  done and ready and that would be absolutely Epic all these four rings are now in place with Sika  a big washer a big thick washer and a nut now   what we need to do is attach these uh what are  they whisker stays to a ring that's somewhere   halfway up the bows spread we need to figure  out where that's going to go so we're going   to fasten the stainless steel wise to that  and kind of start pulling them back with the   tensioner here to figure out where that ring  has to be fastened and sika flexed into place come on! up! do you think they'll dare to go on  the net? their legs in between like  not now please okay back to work you guys  this might be strange might  turn it Lefty tighty depends okay now the other side what are you going to catch? a lizzard now the easy part where we're going to  have to figure out where that goes so I   say one or two people on the scaffolding we  don't know yet two people on the scaffolding  who's walking the plank? let's do rock paper scissors  I'll walk the plank I'll volunteer MP I need someone to look at the bow see  if we're not bending it left or right now the professional test to see if they're tight   enough is to stand on them  and just see how that feels you stand there... see so now we know  that this one has to be tightened and the final test is you lying  it you see how comfy it is Ben is now back there in the bow  sprit because as we were tightening   the tensioners the ring was being  pulled back back back back back so   it was a Never Ending Story so he's now  making the ring very very tight in place   securing it in place so you can actually tie  the stays without the ring moving backwards I don't think this is your best angle nothing's showing we got so far with all this netting and there's  two things that's really bothering us why I   don't think we should rush into hanging in it  now even though I really really really want   to have it tight and all done first thing is the  ring on the Bow sprit that's holding those inside   whisker stays in place we have Sika flexed in  place however when we put the tensioners here   it slides it backwards on the bow sprit which  we don't want so I'm probably going to have to   fix that in place on the bow sprit second thing  I do like the system of fastening the Nets to   the bow pit with ropes it might get a bit dirty  it might have a bit of rubbing but I'd rather   not have any holes in the Bow sprit as that's  where previously lots of the water got in and   that's what caused the rot so I'd rather just  have ropes around it and uh have it I think it   even looks quite nice but the problem with that  is we are going to need hooks here and on the   cat head which we don't have so I'm going to  have to get Hooks and figure out the correct   positions to hook all of this in we just did a  few tests now with rope and uh yeah we're going   to be working backwards if we tighten it all  now with rope and then undo all the rope and   then put hooks so we're going to wait to get  these Hooks and then fasten all this in place I can now say that the under water lights are  officially ready all there was missing on the   Bow ones was adding a little waterproof gel box  for the connectors which is done and then now   I don't know I can go for the next task because  really everything here is ready like 100% ready  I think there are only two things left for  our engine to be considered 100% ready for   Splash which are the exhaust system we have it  up to the muffler we're missing the last bit of   hose that will go out and the other thing is  the return of the diesel because we're using   just this little thing that of course is  going to overflow if we leave it like that,   that was just temporary for the test so  we need to do the return bring it here   to this tank because for now we only have one  tank installed later we're going to make sure   that we have everything working and then yeah  once we have the return here and the exhaust   we can really check the engine from our list  so that's why I'm working on the return now it is so satisfying to take something  off our to-do list and as I was down   here anyway doing the fuel return I  remembered that I still was missing   adding the waterproof box here to our pump  so that's what I just did I just need to shut   it and then it will be done and then guess  what I can take something off from the list this is a little waterproof box just  to protect our connectors it's ip68   hopefully we'll never have too much water  inside the boat and I hope we never need it we can kind of figure out just by pulling  this all tight where the hooks are going   to go we're going to work from back or from  here forwards because it's more likely we're   going to stand over here in the net and  just stand on the bow sprit over there   at the bow because it's so narrow anyway try  and figure out where all this is going to go so I was going to get some more screws for  the bow and it is so cool did you see that   went in the water like there's a boat  gone panels are arriving and like days   like this where you feel like loads  is happening that is so cool so I'm   going to shut up because I'm going  to help him carry the panels now right now you can get a quick sneak peek of the  size of these massive solar panels compared to the   actual size of the roof of the pilot house which  I'm very happy with also you can see "senhor do   universo" back over there floating 100% figuring  out where the mounts are going to go just make   sure we have everything and I think me and Loïc  can now continue with the bow netting as I've gone   to get some more hooks we're not 100% sure yet if  we're going to put the solar panels in place today   or not I also don't know what the weather's going  to do either way until they we decide what we're   going to do I had to go and get some hooks because  these hooks were too deep for this they would have   come out the other side so that's all I meant to  go and do and when I came back all this happened everything I think is now done like everything  except for tightening the fore stays now this   has to the outside ones have to be super tight  cuz they have to hold the bow sprit of course   the middle ones do also but the middle ones  is also in my opinion just to hold the net   up and is an assistant stay to the side ones  so let's tighten these now and go and get a   drink and line in there line in there and go  and get a drink whatever let's tighten them what we tried to do earlier which  we're definitely going to do now is   lie down and enjoy the hammock cuz our  boats now officially like a pirate ship oh nice this is better than I imagined okay sorry but are you  working hard or hardly working I'm not doing anything else today so we were  hesitant about doing rope or hooks we ended   up putting hooks where the Rope couldn't go and  we ended up keeping the Rope at the Bell which   is always changeable in the future if we want to  I'm very happy with how this is going all that's   missing now is tomorrow morning it should be ready  the Bob stay that goes down to the water line so   we can have both of the Bob stays done and we're  also going to work on the platform supports that   are going to pull the platform down so we're going  to have the full rigging ready hopefully tomorrow this is so nice I am dying to see these panels in place  I really wanted to install them right now   out of excitement but exactly where I am  here we're missing our boom which is down   there it still needs to be treated so we can  get off the old paint and then bring it up bringing the boom up is not an easy  task and doing it while having to   avoid the solar panels will be even  harder so I think I have to hold my   excitement for later do the boom  first and then install the panels it Hurts me to say that because I'm excited but it  is the wisest thing to do so boom and then panels it's not the end of the episode yet but we really  want to thank John and Duker for joining us on   Patreon also David and Simon thank you so much  for the PayPal donation Dave Duane and Arturo   thank you so much for clicking that super thanks  button on YouTube enjoy the rest of the episode no solar panels were harmed in  the making of this video so let's   get over to the boom ASAP AKA now so we  can bring them back up and install them after this boom being here for so  long it's time to reveal its beauty   by bringing it out in the open away from  this jungle this mosquito infested jungle   and get it looking pretty and nice put  onto our boat it's already being bitten so I say we remove those things take  pictures of where they are remove   all the stainless doesn't even move anymore  strip it and rebuild it nicely and take all   the plastic bags off of course because  that wasn't really really doing much maybe you could do some sika flex good thing we opened it quite funny that  we found the bird's nest in there it is it   looks like it was a very old bird's nest  that even had a couple of tiny eggs what   bird lays eggs that is that small either way  we're getting on gloves goggles if I can find   them and then we'll just put the paint stripper  on leave it overnight tomorrow we'll come along   and uh scrape everything off including  hopefully the bow sprit and the platform we've applied two layers all over this thing  we're just going to give it to tomorrow some of   the areas are already like blistering but it's  already getting late and everyone's wrapping   up so uh see you tomorrow when we strip this  hopefully and make it look nice and maybe we can   even already bring it up to the boat so it's not  down here anymore and move over to the next stuff
Channel: Sailing Yabá
Views: 117,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sailing, sailing yaba, boat refit, boat refurbishing, sinking boat, sail brazil, diy, wooden boat, liveaboard, boat restoration, saving a boat, brazilian shipwrights, handmade boat, sailing channel, shipyard in brazil, restoration project, traditional boat building, traditional shipwrights, old school carpenters, restoration, wooden boat repair, building a sailboat, yacht restoration, wooden boat restoration, boat refit project, big boat, wooden ship, wood sailboat, houseboat
Id: 6Dln94oeuK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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