That DIDN'T WORK Like WE Hoped It WOULD | Building Our OFF GRID Barn in the Woods

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good morning good morning the weather has finally changed here it's in the' 40s right now we've melted almost all of our snow and ice at least out in the field area which is nice we are this close to getting the animals in the barn we have a list over here looking at it we have some stuff we got to do but we can't do that until the animals are in we got to move the mineral feeders we got to finish metal work nesting box and Roo and pole for the coupe electric fence we got to get that up and running so we're going to have a new pasture area for the cows when they're down here we get some rubber mats so the milking area can have rubber mats we don't have those yet finished wiring I got one I got one of the outlets done I want to do one more over here but I have some more shelfing that I want to do before I decide where that Outlet's going Let's see we got to finish up the interior of the doors and then we got to do the corners on the outside of the bar we're going to do the corners of the outside of the barn right now cuz the rain's supposed to be coming in the rest of this week so I want to get those corners on before the rain comes because a lot of the work is inside so that's like the big outside one other than the fencing so of course we need to get some bding material and all that stuff in here get some hay storage our feeds all that kind of thing and I think our pasture because our other pastures everything's muddy so that's going to be a little bit something that we have to figure out we got to get the M stanion over for a shelter we have some things we need to get done so right now we are out of winter winter could come back cuz that does happen but we are in what we call mud season up here in the north a lot of the snow melted so we can finish picking up our tin that's a mess but we got mud there mud over here mud over all the other pastures so if you guys live in a Northern climate you know about mud season because that's what comes after winter so yeah that's what we're going to be contending with right now getting all the animals this will be our New Pasture area we got all the fence post up we just got to get the insulators up figure out we're going to use for wire run the wire and all that fun stuff and I want to run a wire low to the ground so that way we can train Brutus to electric fence while he's small but yeah speaking of that I think Gina is on her way to go get Brutus I am guessing we're going to get another big dumping of snow we'll probably get like a 1 to 2ot snowstorm before we really get spring that's usually ends up happening when we have winters like this we get all excited for the snow being gone and spring here and then snow melts and it starts to look like spring and dry out and then we get hammered with a snowstorm it is still early March so that can definitely happen we got to have two other Corners somewhere else I'm pretty sure we got a dent here on this one and the one underneath and then also down here that is a big bummer I haven't opened them since we've got them so I know the company we got them from isn't going to do anything the manufacturer because they're going be like oh they've been there for so long who knows what it was so unfortunately we have some dented up ones they go on the back anyways or maybe they'll go the front we to figure out where we can use these where it'll be seen the least and if it drives us Bonkers we can order some more Mr Brutus all right so we have these two and then we have two more in the workshop I'm going to get those and we can figure out which ones are going to work best for wear with the dents if you guys haven't met Brutus this is Brutus our Guardian livestock dog slf Farm dog in training we still do have our other dogs they are house dogs he's going to be the farm dog right Brutus all right so 10 ft 2 in I think they're all the same [Music] length y 10 ft 2 in let's see what I need on the front so on the front we're going to need let's say 104 in yeah so 10 ft we need the full length we'll have to do some notching around the sof but we're going to need the full length for the back and 104 for the front so I wonder if we can cut out any of the dented part and use them on the front if not the dented ones will go on the back [Music] [Applause] all right let's get this corner up it's going to be nice to have the outside finished other than we got to paint some trim work but to have all the corners sealed up is going to be nice it's going to be a while before we paint so go ahead and try sliding not yet there is go ahead there we go looks pretty level but we will double check yep right on the money right on the money [Applause] [Music] honey all right let's see if 105 is a good length for this side you think it is Brutus I don't think so yeah 105 is perfect unfortunately the chickens have been scratching over by the garlic so I'm going to have to wait and see if we going to get any that pop up this year I can keep them out of it for so long but they keep going back there so until they're in their other Coupe that is what is this year it's pretty wet so maybe they wouldn't have grown anyway we'll have to wait and see maybe we'll get some surprise ones so hopefully I can my other ones will save over so we'll see this one's a little Dusty from being in the workshop all right you got to pick it up and pull it down to you a little bit okay try sliding okay we got to notch this one on the back to go up by the trim so let's get this cut and then we get this one hung [Applause] up I just got your water dish out for you that wasn't good [Music] enough chickens at work looks like they also work in the garlic bed too so so this pasture is going to be nice over here but they also I think got the garlic come okay put pressure on it [Music] you think we're going to be able to do winter camping or is winter over if we get another good snowstorm we'll definitely be doing winter camping we haven't had any decent weather for Winter camping yet we've been busy building the barn but I've been waiting for like a good snowstorm to do winter camping in cuz that makes it fun but we haven't had a good snow storm so maybe if we get one this time of the year we're definitely going to go would have to say that I'm liking that spring is here at the moment and then I'm looking forward to Spring and all the things not wanting any more snow but if we're going to get some snow I do want to go winter camping even though I'm a little bit scared of the the wildlife but can't get over it un let keep doing it you could do a Polar Plunge we could do a polar no I didn't say we I said you we could do a Polar Plunge all right feels like the rain wants to come in it's getting a little more Roar out but I'm loving the [Music] temperature look at that we got the corners done I like it feels good to have that done so now we just got to fix the sofit on the other side for outside work and paint trim now that we have all the corners put up and it's not raining need to run out and get some feed for the animals for the week cuz if it's going to be raining I don't want to be picking up feed in the rain so let's let's head on out to town and get some [Music] [Music] food [Music] so we got some shelfing we need to build for in here we want to figure out how to get this to work or if it can work with our big bulk feed storage bins I ordered these shelves a few weeks ago I had to wait for them to come in from Home Depot if I ordered them online I could get them like 49% off they had them in store but if I got them in store they were full price so I was willing to wait the few weeks it took to get them that sale is also depending on the color so the color that we have is because of the price and it's going to be great anyway but yeah the black ones were more expensive so hey 49% off we'll take a was a huge savings it's not gray but I find this kind of interesting the box is inside out I wonder if that's why they're on sale I was kind of surprised they're just in a plain gray box so it's the Home Depot Husky brand and it was only the red ones and the red ones they had in store were not on sale so I wonder if those boxes were made the correct way and these ones were just put backwards so that's why they had so many so cheap that's crazy hey I mean I'll take that deal I bet that's what happened cuz that's just a big sticker yep and it got put on you could they could have just put the sticker again on the outside yeah I bet it's all machine done oh so we could put on upside down or something the machine folded it backwards or something like that very interesting holds up to 10,000 lb sh that's as much as my trailer will hold that'll go up against the wall we can have all the shelves this one won't have the bottom sh oh you're putting your fee Bings right here I think if we put them right here then there'll be a lot easier to access and we got to bring them to the truck we just wheel them out put them right here back the truck up and we can just dump the feet into them yeah and then right here we'll have our other shelf that has all of the shelfing in it and we can store everything and then this one we'll have at least a couple of shelves that we'll still be able to use like right here so we can build it going to set these over over here for a minute these seem like they have a nice finish and everything on them I know it's almost like a bedliner finish I like it cuz it's red which I didn't know if I would like but it's not like a shiny red if it was shiny I wouldn't be as happy hold this up straight yeah just hold that cuz it's I guess it can only go so far [Music] 1 2 3 4 5 6 [Music] six come on there we go comes with these little plastic black clips that go in this hole we got to have some sheesh push harder I know right I'm going to need a hammer I think I mean I guess that's good they won't come out easy grab a hammer that's not a hammer no but it'll do I'll just keep them from popping off on us I like it I got this thing designed pretty good I'm thinking what looking at this you're not really going to have much shelving above that I know I want to get this one figured out and then we'll wheel over those and we'll have to figure out how we want to work this out those are pretty nice one [Laughter] piece so so far I am really liking these we have done some other ones that are kind of look pretty much just like this in the past and you have to put a lot of pieces together with nuts and bolts and it takes a lot of time to build them so these are nice not trying to sell them but they're welded together here here and there the other ones we did we had a bolt this these legs all together and then the metal shelf was two or three pieces and you had like a hinge bolt to bolt them all together so this is a lot nicer design and it took no time to put these ones together the other ones that we've had it takes a really long time a really long time I had PTSD built in the other one yeah it was hot we were doing it in a container was hot contain in the container it took a long time but these ones were fast and then I'm like oh no I just remember it just being a lot it's super easy yep so now we got to figure out where we want it I'm not going to put the bottom shelf in yet cuz there's whole so I'm going to drill and anchor it right to the concrete once we have the final resting spot so let's put it in the corner actually let's leave it right here for a minute I'll bring over a feed bin we'll see how we like the feed bins or how we think the feed bins would work with one all right so we did these we'd have to bring it up to here so we'd have a small Shelf and then the top shelf and it would stick out you get the Zoomies [Music] mister and it would stick out yay far it would stick out yay far out so let's see what else we have for options to get two shelves over here and the feed bins all right so these are 2 ft deep so that's eight that's just under 10 so we'd have enough room to put that up against the wall and then put another shelf up against this [Applause] wall [Music] I can't get my SDS hammer drill in to lag these down so I'm going to Mark the holes and then we can take this out drill them out then we'll put it back and then I'll pound in the anchors you good boy good [Applause] [Music] boy is a definitely way too long but it's what I have I shouldn't say they're way too long but they don't need to be that long and still they're not super easy of a location to drive them in okay Brutus is bothered all right that shelf ain't going nowhere that's a good thing now let's put the other shelf in place we'll mark it drill the holes and we might I might try putting the anchors in and then put the Shelf back what do you think about all 's noise Brutus come come here Brutus come here good boy good boy sounds sweepy did I wake you he's going to go back and lay down again he likes that spot [Applause] it's funny all the different colors you get and drill into the [Music] concrete all right now we got to get it in close then lift it in place yours up if you can hold on my finger okay y perfect all right now that won't go anywhere just got to get our Shelf on this one on that one that we can get our feed bins in place and this part's ready [Applause] all right that part is done what do you think Brutus pretty exciting so we can have our feed storage here can go over pull the truck in wheel these over to the truck if we want to and load right off the tailgate and we still have plenty of room for our shelves plenty of room for walking can load this all up with whatever we need shelves over here if we need to access something over here we can either come in this way from the side or we can always just roll out the feed bin which is it's one of the nice things about having them on Wheels so yeah I like that we're thinking we might put pegboard or plywood here and then we could put hooks on this end and we could hang stuff right on this side and then maybe also on this end just so we can have more organization so boom but yeah I like that now I got to figure out if I need or if I still want to put an outlet over here I ran a wire while I was running wires to put an outlet in the side and that's what one of these is for one of these is for that outlet I need to hook up to a breaker and then I ran one up and over and I need to figure out if I want to put a outlet over there or not or I could just run one and stick one right here here but we also have Outlets all the way over here we have them in each Salin of every animal area so if we need to run like a heated water or something we have that it is a nice rainy afternoon so we are going to start brutus's chicken training I got a Polish High Top chicken in here I find that they are one of the mellowest chickens that we have so we're going to keep her in here in a crate with Brutus and let them get used to each other so Brutus will be used to chickens being around and hopefully this will help him get to know them so far so good he ain't barking and making a fit so while Brutus gets to know the chicken I am going to work on a gate latch that I got for our Pig Pen this is called a spring or Spring Creek Tea handle gate latch you got to drill out the gate and it's for metal post but I think we can make this work with the side of this 2x4 I'm just going to have to notch it out Recess Recess it I think it's going to work good comes with a striker plate to weld onto a metal gate post or fence post we don't have that so I'm going to cut this down make it work we got to drill out our fence and then we're going to make our Striker plate fit this [Music] area all right and then this is supposed to slide in like so [Music] all right I got this notched in so we can recess our Striker plate in we want an inch between the gate and the top of the striker that's what we have [Music] and I need to get two more lags part is going to go in like so I am really happy with that I just got that slid in to lock it and this is where I'm going to have to end this video I'll finish that up in the morning but got to go take care of a few things so I'm happy we got it done the way we did I'm really happy with the way it's coming out that gate lock is going to be really nice is going to work and fit our needs perfectly for that gate I've been kind of scratching my head on what we're going to do so this is where we're going to end this video right Brutus this is where we got to end this video so thanks for coming along on our homesteading journey you guys are a huge blessing to us in our Homestead if you like the video give it a thumbs up subscribe we'll see you right back here in the next video bye
Channel: Lumnah Acres
Views: 71,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homesteading, DIY, Gardening, Animals, self-sufficiency, modern homesteading, do it yourself, homestead, Modern Steader, Lumnah Acres, New England, Homestead Vlog, Farm Vlog, off grid, building, husband and wife build, farming, off-grid, tiny house, build, building off grid, self-built, house in the woods, off grid home
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 24sec (1824 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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