Testing NEW Minecraft DIMENSIONS!

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in the last episode we managed to kill the black death in order to get this the chunky cheese poodle i also got this really cool looking mask that makes me just so beautiful look at that we're twins before i go into the portal i need you guys to go ahead and turn the like button blue by lightly tapping it with your ear it only works and turns blue if you do it with your ear the series has slowly become the most liked series on my channel so we've been hitting world records out here if you guys want to help me get more world records go ahead and leave a like i think the last episode hit over 40 000 likes in just two days so in today's episode i would love to hit 35 000 likes in under 24 hours if we can somehow do that i will definitely release the next episode of cookiecraft as soon as that happens i guess all right but we have a just a slight issue here i don't know exactly what happened but we have made it to atlantis sounds like there's something above me i really hope it's a cow for those of you guys that have not seen rat lances before this is basically the dimension filled with different types of rats my objective today is to find at least one of the boss rats because they have some insanely powerful drops i might actually be able to find some different rat upgrades as well my main one that i really want to get my hands on is the rat dragon upgrade that'll be able to turn some of my pet rats into actual dragons that breathe fire um where did my portal go wait wait wait wait wait a second ladies gentlemen are we trapped here every time that i've been to this dimension before there's normally like a portal that that you know it it it's able to take me back but i don't see it anywhere how do i how do i get back is it over here i see something glowing nope that's just a piranha just a piranha false alarm this is the perfect opportunity to use my black death scythe yes yes i will shoot you with ghost rats the rats of ghost past boom they're dead why is it glowing over here what is happening look at this place though this is so cool we have monuments everywhere get away from me i love this weapon so much i need to keep my eyes peeled for rats and also this this is actually one of the boss battles the flying dutch rat lives up there and if i can kill him stop it stop it stop it stop bro i can't get scared i'm gonna start coughing because i'm still sick whoa oh my okay alright so this is one of the plants of rat lance what is that i already hate this place this place is deadly what hello i heard something hiss at me is it is it this are you hissing at me please leave me alone as i was saying we have one one of the plants that i was looking for we have rat gloves we can make different rat things yeah i love i love rats i love doing things with rats i don't know exactly what i'm gonna do with those though i also just remembered i brought my dragons with me today just in case anything goes wrong we have a three ginormous royal red dragons to make things better let's actually fly around a little bit to see if there's a portal to get back home this dimension is filled with different monuments and structures that i should be able to explore as you guys can see there used to be a massive civilization here look we have an old road we have ginormous rat statues and a lot of things are underwater look at that we have an underwater structure wait a second dragon spawn here too look at that we have a silver glider i actually did not think they would spawn here okay let's go down and check the different structures i'm pretty sure some of them real what is up with these piranhas i get that they like to eat human flesh but why they're gonna get killed all right nightwing you take care of business do i want to go down here is your secret treasure i do like myself some secret treasure well what is this there's like a dirty ore marbled cheese dirt there is cheese dirt i should have known what is this thing no no it's down in the water now there is a butterfly leviathan what is happening this place is so scary i i was just expecting rats not death from the ocean this place is insane look at that we have a buried statue over here jail chill red wing or nightwing i need you to just chill do not set me on fire in a minute i'm definitely going to go check out the flying dutch rad ship and we're going to attempt to fight it i don't know if it's a good idea because it does indeed have 400 health but if we can kill it we will unlock all of the treasure in the ship so far it doesn't seem like any of the structures have anything good why why am i on fire most of this place is just one ginormous jungle surrounded by so much ocean i should probably make a base here at some point just because i'm going to be coming back a lot especially if there's dragons and it also looks like these monuments have tons of gold and also lapis and uh so cheese blocks or weird looking cheese structures i'm sure my rats would love that here it is ladies and gentlemen the flying dutch rat ship i fought this once before and this thing is deadly so in order to summon it i believe i just have to right click on his ghost bell but first things first i do want to check out what he has we have ghost pirate ectoplasm we can make another bell we can also make an upgrade so my rats can go through walls and we can also get his cutlass there's uh there's a couple barrels of fish too i'm sure amity would love that we have plague stew sounds delicious yes we got cheese i could bring this back to my rats oh we actually have one of the pirate cutlasses let's go check out below deck this is normally where the good stuff is we have rat coins i think i can use these to trade with some of the rats in this dimension i found a toga that i can put on one of my rats so it's no longer naked there's a cheese cannonball that can be fired from a pie rat cannon whoa wait a second i just discovered there's a set of ratlantis armor that is crazy okay my goal is eventually to get the entire set of that then i will become big bro jack chief of dragons and king of rats it looks like there's some stuff in the back but for whatever reason i'm not able to break it if i remember correctly i need to defeat the flying dutch rat in order for this to open let's go back up to the start and let's go see if we are able to summon the flying dutch rat if things go bad i'm probably going to have to hop on nightwing but we got to give this a shot in three two one the flying dutch rat can only manifest at night i should have known that come on oh his hair yo he's doing a lot of damage a lot of damage no no no oh i need to get my way back down here i need to hit this guy fast nightwing give back bro you're you're no match for the flag that's right i was not ready i did not realize that this thing was so deadly bro look at it look at it it can fly through blocks too how am i supposed to lock it down this is insane okay i managed to get nightwing back in its uh pokeball but i just got demolished what i have a weird feeling too that when i go back it's either going to be despawn why do i why i don't understand what happened to my portal bro it just spawns me underground okay wait a second it says that the flying dutch rat is still around and it's still damaged so as long as i come here enough times uh we should be able to eventually kill it at least i really hope so let's see what happens when i get close to the ship it's very possible it despawned so we may have to restart this entire thing okay this time i don't want to do anything with my dragons nightwing took so much damage right at the start okay here goes nothing in three two one boom okay we're starting out with a golden apple dude it's like a truck where is he where is he where is he stay back stay back please don't come through the walls please don't come through the walls please stay away from my face what am i supposed to do he can fly through walls i can't even hide i have gotten myself way in over my head ladies and gentlemen if you guys have any tips please leave them down below in the comments wait a second i can hear it where's hey hey hey what is going on what is going on i hear explosions is the flying dutch right nearby i cannot worry about other mobs what is happening there's so many explosions get away from me please wait whoa is he near me i just got infected by something and just like that he's gone he just despawns or maybe not what something's exploding over here i did not realize when i started today's episode that this dimension was going to be so difficult before i call it quits ladies and gentlemen i want to try one final thing using big red this could honestly go really really really poorly so the game plan is going to be very simple once i spawn this thing in i'm gonna hop on big red and just start running but as i'm running away i should be able to use fire on the flying dutch rad here goes nothing in three two one go go go go go go go run okay turn around breathe fire breathe fire go backwards are we hitting it i can't see i can't see it where is it oh my gosh okay it's coming straight towards me is the fire not even doing anything it seems wait it's not moving past this one point no it is it is it is unaffected by fire probably because it's a ghost okay what if i shoot these things at it yo that actually does damage okay so as long as i can stay at a reasonable distance we should be able to keep lowering it and i can just keep doing damage this is definitely the the best thing i could think of i don't know exactly how far we can get away before it spawns back at its flying dutch ship but we're gonna keep doing this this is the most pleb way to fight a boss but it's gonna work does firework now no this thing is just it just does not care about fire stay away stay stay back stay back if this thing gets one hit off i am going to drop to like three hearts this man is an absolute savage he has to be so mad right now he probably thought he was the strongest boss in this dimension and then backpro chief of dragons came through this is honestly not what i expected i was i was gonna have like a proper dragon battle but since big red is practically useless other than that i could fly on it uh yeah this is gonna this is kind of gonna be how it has to be that was super good english this might take a while yes i got extra strength from big red we're almost down to half health it's actually working no way once we defeat this thing we should be able to unlock his treasure i feel like such a big noob but once we defeat it it's all gonna be worth it hey hey hey i just i can't look behind me if i run into something behind me i am dead i'm just surprised this dude's following me so far from his ship why is he laughing like that why is he laughing probably i'm i'm destroying this man yes let's go i honestly can't believe this is working i just hope that when i defeat him i can actually find the ship because we have definitely traveled at least like 1 000 blocks 15 health 10 health two we did it we did okay we need to follow those drops i just have to go straight down in a circle wait a second are we right where we started there's no way what is attacking what is this there's a drowned mob okay that dude's just not affected by anything that i just did to it there you go big red get some licks in yes yes yes we did it i really need to find those drops wait a second i think i found it hold on let's check it out oh my god with the piranhas stop with the piranhas these things have no chill whatsoever did you not see me just demolish the flying dutch rad okay let's check it out we got the flying dutch rad ship wheel whoa okay that is actually super cool so we can use this to further create the amazing ratlan to suit or we could use it to create this insane upgrade for our rats that will give it 100 health 100 armor and 1 000 health if i somehow figured out how to make this that would be the strongest pet i've ever had all right well that's definitely great that i got that now i just need to figure out which way to go in order to find the ship six and a half hours later i think this is the one ladies and gentlemen let's go below deck and see if it opened uh it did that is so cool okay let's see what we got um so we have more ectoplasm we got an upgraded we got the rat upgrade called voodoo doll this will give my rat 100 base health and it will also supposedly give the damage that i take to my rat well that's gonna be pretty useful let's check out this chest uh we have a lot more rat items something called rat fish a rattlantian automation head a pie rad hat and wait a second we got the rat upgrade for a dragon the rat can fly and breathe fire and it will not take fire damage it gets 50 base health 15 armor and 8 attack damage don't mind if i do let's go that is actually so cool supposedly i can use this automation rat head as well for some different upgrades one is called the ratinator i'm pretty sure that's just a terminator rat well ladies and gentlemen today was a super successful day on cookiecraft i hope you guys did enjoy in the next episode we will definitely be testing out those upgrades and maybe coming back here in order to try and defeat the other atlantis bosses be sure to subscribe so you guys do not miss out on that my name is beckbro jack and i will see you guys next time peace out those
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 404,208
Rating: 4.9693565 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, dragon, minecraft dragon, minecraft dragon egg, dragon egg, ender dragon, dragon egg hatch, how to hatch the dragon egg, minecraft pet, minecraft pets, how to hatch the ender dragon egg, minecraft dragons, hatch ender dragon egg, lava dragon, fire dragon, ice dragon, water dragon, elemental dragon, beckbrojack, beckbrojack dragon, how to train your dragon, dragon mounts, tame ender dragon, dragons, wither dragon
Id: 7SrD-RM_b94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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