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all right if i stand here will people see me only imposters will see me right they can't resist this kill juicy juicy kill delicious chop licking kill okay uh who went right at the beginning okay wolf anyone else oh scotch and dun dug this game scotch is on top of wires and i just thought dumb dog finished his o2 note why toast why were you by top of gas okay so here's the thing i'm in a spot that impossibles can see but crew members can't and this is prime real estate prime minister peter would you agree like at the start yeah i located his prime real estate the fact that i'm still alive imposters mostly went right and there's no imposter that went left because an impostor could not resist killing me there no one would find him foster yeah so this is definitely an imposter wolf is definitely an imposter all right get me up i already voted her me too no nothing no can't you be so bitter about getting voted out all the time that i will jump on anyone the only way that's going through the this guy's toast half of skipped which makes a lot of sense uh apollo voted why didn't i die there they would have seen me there right and couldn't resist the prime real estate could still be sips he didn't say if he went right but then again imposters wouldn't mind admitting they went right you know what if i skip she still would have died but where is this i have two more tasks oh sorry i think uh i have two more tasks i'm sorry i have two more times in left and then um but there's a body and they're in top specs the killer is in top specs oh oh [ __ ] i'm inside peter was with me i didn't realize you reported peter's body yeah but i i'm inspector right now i literally finished my task guys you did it um i don't know for sure no no i'm maps yeah that's best yeah i i i i can actually tell you my route through but you said you just saw peter yes he was in spec and he left myself um i have a lot because i had to do storage on the like i told you storage isn't good i have two laptops and i went asbestos to my test so i have three wires i did first off oh around one second i did the wires and i went down why the wire is in i have the three the pair at all three of the wires in med bay so i do the wires in the oh you got lucky wires i did i have around the world wires all right good meeting guys how score are we shooting oh wait why are you asking me you guys got two for two huh go two for two oh huh huh uh steve i mean steve likes to kill kuna huffle says she has two tasks left which i find to be impossible there's just no way i don't care if she's the best gamer in the world um is it hafu she doesn't sound impostory this round although she has the ability to change it up she don't sound impostory you mean to tell me she only has two tasks left very sus honestly there could still be two imposters left oh fast flick your switcher didn't do my last test because i thought you wanted me to follow you oh no i was signaling like hey i finished my test before you haha oh god two killers left and that was wrong about wolf that's a pretty long round it was a pretty long round yeah thank god okay i could still be right paula when did you finish your task before the lights went off uh yes like right before actually oh okay you beat me um wait no wait wait i'm talking about this light i'm talking about the first one first of all yeah the first lights because i only had the yeah no i only had two ones i have one clear this round and it's uh i it's sneak i doubled back in specimen and he was still there i don't think that's correct i don't think that's a correct clear come on no because i is it so i went into the d the first d cam in the top area to do the wires and then i got wires across the other doorway thinking and i closed the thing and i could just go straight to specimen and i had to wait for the other door to reopen and do the other wires and then i went down to specimen and i had two tasks in there and then i was going towards admin i have a few thoughts i think who's on cams by the way i didn't take kim's on i think steve is bad you think steve is bad so there's three things three things that could happen right now one of the speedrunners is lying about having tasks two toast is imposter and he didn't die because he was in posture and got wolf out three is uh that there's one plaster between steve and sneak what do you think i'm bad hahu is it because of my weird movements in lab i was trying to see who all was there me too steve's the bad guy i don't think toast is imposter i don't think it's sneak but if you want to vote him i don't know how the [ __ ] did this happen did this happen i'm not the imposter the game's going to keep going oh i heard it's toast chanting uh oh oh am i wrong on both counts half was the bad guy hafu 5 up no okay do the sabotages do the sabotages [Music] oh wait i have no emergency meeting left right i got someone killed [Music] now steve cleared we should button here [Music] oh it feels excuse me yeah why do you say this i i could have i wanted to press the button even but like so steve is innocent presumably and he cleared sneak so it's not sneaky and sneaky died obviously did you just say steve is innocent well i mean obviously he's dead i'm just saying like the last thing i was going through how do we know steve yeah i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure he's innocent but the game would have ended up [Music] yeah and then toast gotten a killer gotta kill her out which means he's probably innocent 50 percent yeah he got 50 so he would have died on the first round and that's why wolfe is an imposter so therefore steve is innocent um i'm good and i know you scanned hafu so it has to be apollo it's not me and that logic is truly insane that logic is because you're assuming that steve is correct no it's just sorry no you're assuming that steve is wrong yeah i think if you assume either way it's still apollo right no because it's not me i think i have no idea i want to say it's five up now because that [ __ ] makes no sense but i i don't know if it's him halfway the only hockey clear five up actually no i'm the only clear hothou i didn't scan where's the body the body is outside of med bay five up would never lie to i'm me i don't know who it is oh okay well you lost sorry i don't know why you would abstain we don't know who it is [Music] day again okay morning lobby's at it again okay so this is my very first game i'm waking up at 8 00 a.m it is currently 8 09 i woke up at like eight so my brain is not working okay black yellow orange dark green coming out the red coming out there uh red left orange on the task in the middle red doubling back interesting oh this is just mean that's a great welcome yeah uh i got closed into the storage and i was like well i have to fill my gas might as well do that filled it up walk to the top and there's a body up there so i think it died about six seconds ago i don't think it's chilled don't think it's without is uh i actually went because i i did weapons right i think you're doing weapon download and i go to the left because i saw cafeteria doors are closed so i go to the left to look for a body and calf and i'm in admin right now and the door is closed but which one did they escape to then uh probably they could have theoretically gone to the left i guess right okay okay where would i didn't i didn't check admin table or anything so i don't have any info on that is the body above storage um it's a it's in storage but on the top side oh okay um i saw a bunch of people on the right navigation you were there toast is there pleasure i was there and steve maybe i think that okay outside of comms um dumb dog started weapons yeah he slaughtered weapons down there i saw so many people right side holy that i saw yeah i know the coffee got this kill because she came out of the weapons like after like six seconds uh so i don't think she got this yeah halfway the weapons shows that okay i don't think he can clear me because technically i could have made the kill and then just walked up and then yeah but i've been experienced in the last month or two i've i've counted how many seconds it took for you to get to weapons and it was less than nine okay don't don't quote me on that it just didn't seem like nine never mind i'm just gonna i'll just go back to eating my bagel the real question here is who would be mean enough to kill sydney first honestly are you thinking that those because you did it to us yep and then toast got me voted out because he's like would be so rude to kill them i don't know who it was but that makes sense because um most people are polite enough not to kill um the newcomer like the player who's new to the lobby first on their first game huh who would do that who would do that huh maybe it's base trade or chilled because they don't play in the morning lobbies and they don't really know who's new holy [ __ ] oh my gosh i just strolled up on i don't know i had a report option as well again i think steve is hard cleared for the rest of the game so steve is just sitting here on the on the electric download hafu literally i can't believe i didn't see the killer actually i can't believe it the the killer is still in here in electrical she just died so if you're with someone they didn't kill hafu oh okay i think i'm with uh toast and uh chilled i do not know this woman i have not seen her at all we're locked in storage all right i'm waiting i'm waiting i thought that at the electrical door so chilled or wool well i got bad news for you dumb dog um i was in weapons oh wait are you blaming wolf well one of the two of you oh that's great you name it both of us oh that was fantastic wolf because i didn't see you and it's a dead body right above comms this is fantastic right i shoot her i said i'm in weapons i have no idea who comes down there there's a dead bite that's probably close to come on no i didn't go there yet wait hold on i did the upload download weapons came down did one nav test walk through shields and there's a dead body i didn't know if it was the same one but obviously not because this one's in comms uh right above uh calm's area oh i didn't get give or take the three of you in storage you're all locked in there still right this very second right yes plus she's i have a hard time believing this isn't you to be honest uh you know steve uh but it doesn't happen i just got off of download and i i feel like you saw me just got off of download and you knew that i was going to report and so i literally walked up and awfully walked it down and then i saw the report button flashing but the body's on wires right now i saw no no no it's it's actually lower and she died down lower in the lower but i see it falling over right now something strange is happening here and i'm gonna figure it out you you at five seconds you're really confused oh man i forgot how little information you get in this lobby how did she see well maybe yeah i was just filling up gas and i didn't catch her [Music] plushies i mean if they were locked in storage with me okay a door closed usually means a body somewhere and yeah i need to call the button before the next sabotage is called um child is dead in admin this has to be wolf then right well i don't think it's base well the clearest of last round it was either you were chilled or me it was who or chilled wolf it was me or chilled um but i feel like you either miscleared maybe there was someone else around there that was lying or it was you dumb dog because i was on weapons at the end of the last round and i actually went back to finish it at the beginning of this round because i had four left the only thing that's strange about dumb dog being a killer for that one that wasn't electrical is why wouldn't he just pin it on me you know i insta cleared you if i killed there i would have just left maybe it's something and it's both toast is this you and wolf no be honest no i'll ask again is it you and wolf no let's face it apollo and piss are they are they are too sure pair us up but here's the thing so chill said there was a body in comms right the three people in storage want to use the other killer and i'm pretty sure it can you guys figure out who came from their reichs whoever came from the right got the kill on comms because i thought it was chilled but chill was actually telling the truth timmy where'd you go after electrical um i went to left side and now i am okay oh gosh just now right this round yes that's right i see office to my right i see there's a there's a piece of toast on the table two clipboards two clipboards um so yeah where is this um i'm like in the hallway there's the doors are closed to upper upper upper right whatever that room is called doors it closed so i'm just waiting there and and i see office on my left okay i believe you i believe you're on my life that's okay i'm thinking i have to write dumb dog here obviously i thought you were gonna vote me but i think that some dog and steve and if you don't vote one of them then i think we're gonna lose maybe i'm just third and fostering but i i it's not me and dumb dog well i mean it's not me at least okay i know you're gonna lose it because now you voted me oh my goodness i can't believe it i can't believe you've done this oh dumb dog and steve story checks out honestly they have a good story and they gang up on one person so that was enough for me i could be wrong yeah did we get it right of course we did um i've been thinking about this toast yeah what's up well we were locked in storage it was pretty clear who was in storage to you right uh no i did not see your plushies there but it wouldn't really make sense if you guys caught me at the end because my gas was half filled so if you saw me then at the very end i did not see no i was i was gonna make the argument that i think it's plushies not you because to me it was really clear because all three of us were standing by that left door when the meeting was called yeah and i feel like plushies is like to not know i'm there when i'm running top of her was weird to me wait okay okay okay base chain i said toast and chilled just because i didn't know who the third one was i knew there were three people but i didn't know the color i feel like that was just an honest mistake i knew you guys are working with hats well the other part of chilled statement was i came down with toast like we came staggered but like we came from the top you were already in storage when we were locked in it's entirely possible you killed and we're on the left side when we walked in that is true it is possible i did a trash shoot to to to gas fill up and then i was just waiting for the electrical doors to open so uh i was just there i came straight down from cafeteria so i didn't go that way but it i mean it could have been possible for me to go get the kill and come back in but uh why would i lock myself in storage i don't know man you were kind of clinging on to me for a vouch kimmy i don't really know you like that i whoa whoa whoa i didn't cling on to anyone i don't know did you kill janet plushies i don't know this person i would never say we play this out and make it fair wink wink oh wink whoa whoa whoa whoa when did we all though wow
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 1,330,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, impostor trap
Id: 7Lr2uIb7-B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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