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[Music] i think for this round i will attempt to obtain information for five six seven eight nine ten the dumb dog should be coming out of weapons right about oh that system dog that's us oh that's so s bruh where is he good i can hear you drink where is it i'm sorry steve is on a node uh right of drop ship right what he went to the node uh next to storage in the beginning he just likes to unload man um i'm still in um lab i'm going to take and i pass by hafu leaving lab when lights turn off we don't think you're the killer we don't think are the killer janet janet who's in top specialty who isn't top's best with you janet i thought i was by myself oh no okay honestly though i was thinking a sub so i don't deserve oh okay say anything yeah well i was gonna go fix lights but then i got picked so i came back at my temperature i saw janet the whole time wearing tops bus but i guess i don't have a mob no no no no no no that's my fault no you know what i'm inclined no i don't know i i didn't vouch for you why were you why were you dancing outside of storage when i was doing that so i thought it was an adult yeah it's because i was going in but then i'm like gosh i go to lights and then i go out and i'm like i'm to go to storage and then i'm like okay and then the lights got fixed i'm like okay i'll go back to storage so then i went so i kind of like that was like my thought process i was like debating if i should do my storage or not but then let's go fix it i'm in storage and i'm doing storage okay okay okay yeah i'm all alone where yeah i don't weapons download and then upload i did not finish toast where did you go oh um i went to fix lights i see you i didn't see you there did you see him on the way there dk they're like out nope that's not some toast it could be a self report guys you guys want a little dumb dog kind of tempted kinda actually yeah where why that's just the question this guy's toast i'm done okay always i mean there would there could be enough time but why would he fake download into faking upload no i'm saying lm came from the top right and other than that i got no other information like doing tasks is not necessary because how often do people went through task anyway oh god someone's coming through oh wait no someone left because there's no sound there's no sound that means uh someone's leaving it some porsche monkeys and weapons there no there's no here some poor schmuck is in what's dk's laughing i'm voting you no please don't please don't don't throw it down where was that body you're just a dumb ass son admin so admin okay toast where were you or whatever he wasn't though he was on weapons okay here's a legend i don't know i i i don't actually know you're not on weapons he's not on what okay maybe our timing's wrong then toast where did you come from specimen oh second i'm in specimen i didn't see you because i came from a specimen i'm not at specimens through the lab why does your story keep changing huh you said specimen and then someone said they're not in specimen you're like oh but i was dumb dog what question did you ask me oh that's where you came from oh not where i am janet so excuse you okay oh you were an upload at the beginning of the round though give me an a oh i could download and then i did it all the time all the time yeah i got my timeline i'm a sassy boy oh okay okay i don't like that my [Music] [Laughter] i think there is maybe he is going to comes a lot could be five up god i was not paying attention this game not a one but five off is so quiet i wonder why you're so kind okay time okay it's in comms i've just done my upload task toaster has run left to o2 beginning of that he may have double backed on me if we're still home no well he just fixed lights and he was there he was already there when i got in there okay all right click close touchdown where did you go i went from o2 i went from o2 i saw dumb dog at death valley node and then when i got off he was gone already i was there first and then i went towards med bay and then the lights got called can anyone see dumb duck at there was one person in weapons one in o2 area and one i was the one in oakland and then those weapons after i do there i check vitals i only see dk die and i'm still on vitals um i don't know when dk died but i still think there is a killer between toast and dumb dog well it's not me yeah well yeah in that case i'm inclined to say dumb dog because if toast has been cleared from the lights i've seen him go left through o2 he hasn't even been intercoms and okay i'm not assessing you um uh why is it not you uh because i'm a crewmate thank you when you put it like that unbeatable i know round one i asked if you guys wanted to vote dumb dog and i'm gonna ask that same question again do you guys have a well dumb dog yes he's trying to get a video here i think and i don't i guess i don't have a good enough defense against it oh don't worry i'll treat you to dinner dumb dog even if i lose it's going up on the youtube because i need content all right we this is such a weird meeting this is a really bad oh guys you guys got to go reactor it's actually not me all right are you sure what if it is toast huh [Music] hmm oh that was close oh god thank god we hit the button i guess we might have gotten dumb dog wrong left reactor i did right one plus she just came out of lab five of where were you ellen's dead i should have checked uh my bad [ __ ] um i did a task in lab then i ran down to specimen i believe okay it was only a little bit in lab and then i went back out okay like i want you to specimen from my admin side i should have checked i should have checked an admin table janet no to punish him for ptosis youtube video no he can't no no i'm voting skip yeah i will skip two hmm all right let me replay all the events of the game in my head however doing [Music] it's oh what got you there so how did you know so i reconstructed what happened two rounds ago when kimmy said i wasn't in specimen because she said i'm in specimen because she was trying to throw me under the bus even though the question was never if i am a specimen she jumped on that like a hyena chasing a donut in the safanas desert all right fine jimmy you live this round thank you thank you toast thank you we gonna wait for a kill i mean if we want to wait for a kill we have to play we have to play adam and vitals right i mean just by huh well what's on top left once in the top right can we i don't know what can we do here do you do not hug admin is that the reasonable play you gotta hug admin right i wasn't electrical what can you have killed me there i mean there's a kill it's an oxygen yeah it's an oxygen i got something to do with that oh thank god oh this guy still saved the game again oh my god you're so good okay i fixed it and i think five ups cooldown was up i was running to button okay i got a polo out oh is it toast then also wait kimmy i said gun dog round one you win give me i said down dog round one okay but how could you have known that for sure you know i so read up there's a youtube video all right i haven't seen that reading dumb dog two games in there okay what's one team i'll be honest [Music] well i i need to think no no kimmy this is where he pushed janet this is where i pushed janet like it could be janet oh yeah you know this one could have been jan so you're saying it's so me that there's like no way it's anyone else yeah well can we where'd you come from before you got the lights oh too what'd you do in there tasks solid excuse me i had one more task and there had water canisters so then i just came up and did electrical and i was going to go to button give me give me i was on the admin i saw two heads in o2 it is okay toast i know you want this youtube video really badly okay so i'm here to give it to you you can yeah that was two heads and no two oh or maybe your admin info is wrong maybe you have to give me more than that well i don't know i had started the round i oh i did specimen first i finished my tasking there and then went to o2 and then lights and i was going to admin table you know i kid me you convinced me i'm voting five up once okay yeah yeah that's embarrassing that's embarrassing by making them possible for themselves guys it's never a big brain play by toes i'm just catching um it was a download thing you walked in as i walked out and i count to 12 and double back at 11 seconds you want to upload already no i was just like no i was you know why i like toast coming these lobbies because because y'all y'all don't think you're you are getting bodied around okay free running down for running down did they pre-run down all the way in here no oh god steve was here and now i give him the juke city back up on the left towards light let's go toe your genius oh why did steve come three jack lights with me and i do a loop-de-loop right here loop-de-loop right here do a little zippity zoops up oh um where did you go oh oh i thought is i felt alive i think this is yeah okay i agree do you think i got it's on storage note and i walked around like four seconds oh well no if you're seeing those legs right now it's not toast i'm in labs right now i'm just a weird guy you guys i've been i've been in labs the entire time have you yes can i go to iphone do you go from dropship straight to dropship yes because that's what i did but i didn't see anyone walking without me where are you right now i'm in specimen so i didn't have wait i want to hear your rat tina as well oh okay um i accidentally faked both tasks because i was like wait i don't have that it's like a muscle memory and then i dropped down from dropship and then i went to fix lights and then now i'm i think i saw didn't you go into storage did i don't think so because i was in storage when i got off you're walking into storage i went to the second part and then i thought it was weird that it didn't come i went go into storage again i finished their task and then when i come out when i'm coming down from the second storage i passed someone with those pants or toes for sure are you saying you see it it's not where by storage right now you just one of those people because it's in like rock the rockets area well i was like coming up from yeah i went straight into drilled and went into the freezer and then did telescope and vials i saw something interesting uh i'm passing toast right now i'm doing 210 we have double tasks in admin he's walking by both tasks didn't walk up to them to do them and the door closed as he's coming in so i'm wondering if i was about to catch him well that's just ridiculous guys guys i'm just a weird guy yeah i thought it was weird you went to store you didn't go to the second part i did this i'll tell you if i have gas after this because i don't remember i'll let you know i promise yeah she'll get back to you on that one sure sure well [Music] i'm just the weird guys oh god what's wrong with being weird what's weird me as an imposter faking task or me as a crew member not doing tasks let's be honest here oh i thought it's in here huh yes how was this is he just pretending to do someone says because he's done that before and threw me off once let's throw me real off opening the doors opening the doors clear checking for the bodies checking for the bodies checking for the bodies checking for the bodies oh my god electric area hot flu i did have storage i just didn't do the the gas part uh this body is in bed and then left okay i see again first then i scanned and then i went to lights who scanned i thought he went disgust it shouldn't even be it shouldn't be in midway it shouldn't be in bedway uh well it it is no because he did all his tasks he he's very like what do you mean uh like why so i gotta pass in a very specific way who's the one in specimen like maybe five seconds ago oh that was me oh it's more like eight seconds i'll be honest you're back in specimen i got off one through ten i see you what do you mean back in specimen i've never been there i don't know i saw you in there when i got off one through ten oh oh no i thought that's who you meant no no no no no no no yeah i just had the table there's like seven people in the electric or like the area well yeah because i got i got an admin table there's more people too well here's yeah electric too instead one in specimen and two in labs but i think this is you i think you're lying about where it is because the reason why is because i did all my tasks with thumb dog i did temperature we did drill he does all of his tasks in laugh and he does it in a specific order right he doesn't wait for me to get off scanner and i go to lights meaning he could not have died in he had to die and topsy condom or he's not i got to report he's dead in life maybe he believe that i just don't believe that because he there's no way because i got off after him and i know dumb dog well i mean i see where the body is the first round i think there's definitely color between iphone toast and it makes me lean towards aifa oh ho ho okay cool he never misses you know like he has no reason to be there after right well i checked five first and i scan second and he didn't wait for me i really fell in line with what you're saying huffing you don't vote for him and now i look like a [ __ ] fool a fool huh dumb dog's a fast has to wear right one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten tasks ten people each bar is ten tasks right each bar is ten tasks oh god each bar is 10 tasks uh we have time to fix it and call button for sure these doors weren't closed you go down south because the doors are open and you go straight to the button here god why is everything closed jesus [Music] did hoffu know too much toast and aifa are you serious kimmy wait what what oh you toast i've seen you play okay you like those flashy endings you know well if it was between me and toes then it's toes but i don't know toes or toes i just don't know why she was like trying to like i don't know unless you physically saw like the body was a hundred percent in labs i don't know right you put some risks back on half of his name this yeah toast i think you know uh her dying words it's me or you and i i know i'm crew chief whose dying words was that it's just what do you mean i don't trust either you guys who are we voting for um um i mean i guess aifa what do you mean me really i was gonna go with toast are you guys going against toast it is the man with the angel in the suit let me let me break it down like this is that what no she said you're not a part of this it was isis look for this to be me i gotta be wrong and half who's gotta be wrong and you also know hopper's innocent toast i don't think she's wrong and i buttoned on five i have to fix lights too [Music] wait he just gave himself away by saying he fixed lights okay thank god i was the one who fixed lights no i fixed lightning button we simply lost i'm scared i'm absolutely horrified you know i've had an l before if we both that means toast is clear after this if we don't no we can play it safe by voting meow don't worry okay we need a call button we need to call button and kill steve i mean what did steve say we lost i don't know i don't know it's just gotta be steve right he was trying to throw it on to me oh wait i should have finished my task oh thank god oh no no no no no no wait can we go with it can we go kimmy was here so she's dead she's left or right i don't have button i can only do savage oh thank god no what is the worst i know i oh what i just left him in o2 i'm on oh my oh my god i'm on the right reactor no you're not steve because i just pressed down on left reactor i got it for one second no i i haven't oh out of two this whole time oh you toast i'm sorry hmm it's up wait we need a figure right now steve steve just lied right wait okay so i it's been it's literally been oh out of two this whole time i go on left and i literally press it and then the body was found so so steve did not press it was not pressing right reactor i've been pressing right reactor for the past like five seconds what no no no that's a lie that's a lie that's a lie since right now where are you i'm not left reacting right now that's a lie he's not he's not pressing improvise against the past rounds last round i i literally saw zero out of two unless it's a tina's self-reporting no oh no dude it's not it's not it's not it's not it's deep oh my god oh my god my freaking brain is like exploding wait no no no no tina that was this game we were all in electrical right in the beginning i was on electrical too i don't know wait you were yeah i was standing steve i'm with you on strawberry right what did you what are you saying what does that mean what the [ __ ] does that mean you know tina has to be steve he wasn't going to be right he was not he was not pressing right after he wasn't freaking steve oh my god what the [ __ ] are you thinking tina girl's getting done girls getting done getting done girls got it girls oh my god i'm so invisible no dude it's desync you didn't see that on youtube okay [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 1,477,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, among us animation, disguised toast animation
Id: TKO4kd8AI0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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