Testing 1000IQ Minecraft Hacks To See If They Work!

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last week we found the most viral reddit posts in the minecraft subreddit and today we're going to test them to see if they really work this dude says you could kill the wither without actually touching it like this this seems like game changing basically this video is claiming that you can spawn with her sideways i didn't even know that was possible that in itself is crazy but also you can kill it in the end underneath where the end dragon is it's kind of funny every time i build one of these other portals i get self-conscious i'm going to build the wrong dimension someone's going to be like bro watch make it so tall it's just it's a fear of mine all right why am i going to why am i even going to the nether there's no they didn't mean to do that so the way the hack goes is you ignore the end dragon or maybe you've already killed it i don't think it really matters you go underneath this little bad boy here so we'll clear this bad boy out real quick and put down i'm sitting in the middle like just popping up the obby down right here in the center and they build it sideways i guess right here what you can actually make these things sideways i don't know that okay now supposedly the way this hack works is he's gonna spawn inside the bedrock and then just take damage and actually just die automatically oh he's killing enderman for us too even more items so what he did is he spawned inside of the bedrock pillar that's why he's taking damage so the craziest thing is you can still hit him here i mean this is literally like the easiest thing i've ever seen i didn't know you could do this it's definitely not quick but like it's pretty good i mean i'm literally abusing this wither right here and he is not even showing any signs of coming out the best part is the items actually drop below this which means you're perfectly safe to do this whenever you want this is a fire out of 10. this one has 40 000 upvotes this dude found a way to make zigzag fences it's straight up vertical rails well that's cool though what whoa hold up this is actually legitimate here all right well let's channel our inner mumbo jumbo and try to knock that bad boy out right here i mean i think that's actually it like i think that's literally all you need to do you don't you don't got to be a redstone expert i mean it's like six blocks you literally can't beat this so let's give it a shot well okay too fast breaks it so how do we what am i doing wrong oh i was using the wrong lever that's why there's two levers so now we should be able to come back this way and use this lever so now i think we got to break this and then do this way and then it's just like opposites all right that's long enough now to try to test it oh that's not a good sign that is not a good sign oh i don't know i don't know guys this could work theoretically we can have something i'm going to try to take it real slow though i don't want to go too quick let's just push it without me in it come on go oh are you kidding me no way it actually worked what can i say this is beautiful i know i said these were mind-blowing and this one is mind-blowing just in a different way all right we're gonna make a cow launcher it just how's this work it just launches you out what so there's a bunch of cows in the water but i'm not sure what else is going on here so we're gonna get a little bit nerdy here because i think the way this works is minecraft has a limit called mob stacking that's how many mobs can go into a single area so like if you take like a bunch of like cows for example and we take a hole and we try to suffocate these bad boys i'm pretty sure they're going to start dying after some numbers there it is do you see that right there that was 25 which is kind of cool that's like a nice even clean number so i put one more you can see cows are just like repeatedly dying down there actually we've killed so many of them and it actually just launched me out i don't even set this thing up yet look at this wait i think we got i think we got to get a few more in there so anyway the way this thing works i think is by using entity cramming which means after a certain number migrator says we're gonna kill it because there's so many down here it should shoot you pretty far there like that like that you see that it's launching now but the way this guy did it was make it entity cramming with water that way he could bounce high and i think soul sand i'm guessing let's see i don't know if the cow can get out of this ah he might be able to i don't know it's hard it's hard to match this thing up right like it's tricky maybe there was just water [Music] that looks a little bit better i think maybe there was just water no soul sand oh that one's not leaving okay well we've got our cows in there let's just get in and see what happens see if we get launched out or anything oh there it goes there it goes it launches a little bit that is that's weird but like to get the distance camera it's really just a matter of just getting completely lucky when you jump inside of it 5 out of 10 definitely works but probably not something you want to do in your base now this guy says five days ago he learned how to fly without using firework rockets he says you can double tap really hard while hitting the ground and moving a single sign wave let's see maybe play go play action why is this not what is this hello please play all right so he flies bang oh wait i've done this before i don't know how but i've done this i do this all the time on accident i know this does i think but i don't know how i thought this was just like a glitch on my server dude when i'm like bored i'll jump on my world and just literally jump in circles to brainstorm and so i'll do it and i'll just start flying and you bounce and all you do is like spam your space bar and i did it on accident but you can literally go forever wow that's so cool now it's not as impressive here like it doesn't honestly you're probably watching this like yeah i don't even see that useful but it works really good on online servers because if you do an online server for whatever reason he keeps the momentum and you just like zoom like forever and you just hold it down it just keeps going 10 out of 10. speaking of cool what if you could build upside down without using water like you know how like sometimes you want to place a block like underneath but like you got to place water and go down and then place it this guy says he found another way to do it and it has 40 000 likes what was it gonna do oh wait a minute no way you could place a block down without needing water by using two trapdoors this is actually game changing you know the drill like you're out there playing one block skyblock it's a great fun game mode by the way watch my series on it after this if you haven't but it's fun until you have to go down and make your base deeper it's kind of a hard thing to do this is what most people do if you don't know real quick just a little bit of a lesson for you you got to place water go down that didn't work you place water you go down then you place your blog as pretty self-explanatory you all know how it works now this one says you can use any trap door so let's give it a shot i don't know about this this seems like sketchy to me for some reason so trap door but at the bottom just like that a block next to it trap door here maybe we have to shift click dude that actually works and it's not that difficult this video is literally changing everything 50 billion out of a 10 and don't forget guys if you are learning new things subscribe to me i i could have plugged that better just do it please okay please do it now if that one wasn't mind blowing enough for you this one probably will be okay because apparently crops can be fertilized through the air first off sky bases are sick second off if you're going to make a crop in the sky base you might as well use this cool glitch or whatever you want to call it so let's say we got to put our water up just like this oh we already have a block place down putting down the water floating water inside the air and this is much safer than these earth dwellers guys we're living in the sky like futuristic people now let's go ahead and put some farmland out here and not actually connect it and see what happens this is gonna be really weird if it actually works like i feel like i want even oh it's working look at that so you could do like an entire ring around the outside that's actually two block spaces so i could do this okay so now to make it look even more weird you're gonna get rid of these corner blocks like that and then literally have a floating ring like this looks futuristic doesn't it like this is what the future is right here maybe this is what the future looks like like you got this like dangling thing in the sky that somehow like i don't know it looks cool all right i don't know what this is but i think it looks cool now reddit is coming to us now with a golem goes in luke comes out an instant golem farm again i don't know why these clips are also blurry reddit is not working with me well today but this is kind of cool i just don't know exactly how this works okay so i have a guess first thing we need is obviously another portal i feel like you can't do this without one so you know call me genius but we're gonna make that one first and then what we want is water that's going to probably stop right next to it i have not memorized how far water goes so i'm not sure what this is gonna look like oh that looks good okay okay now what you want above is probably like a golem breeding machine if you don't know about those we've covered that on the channel i'm just going to spawn them in to make it easier i don't want to make the whole breeding chamber what they're going to do is they're going to go and then get sent to the portal and let's see they're going to face this way and somehow we have to immediately kill them we want lava like right here so like that is like the lava so i'm assuming when they come through they instantly hit that lava and maybe die so they're going to come in lava's here this is going to collect the items and then theoretically it would connect to droppers which would spit the items back this is kind of confusing because then you've got to use some redstone to automate it i don't like where this is going it's getting a little bit much those are going to come down that hoppers into here droppers there and this is getting a little bit weird the idea though is that we're making like a circle so it's going to collect the items go down get picked up by droppers and then spit up and then come back through the portal maybe i feel like there's a low chance it's going to work i'll be honest with you you know what actually could be happening what if it doesn't actually kill them what if it's all an illusion and what's actually happening is this so what if they pre-load i'm just i don't know this might be wrong but what if they pre-loaded these droppers with the ingots and then these ingots shot through and then every time a golem comes through there is something that detects the golem that sends the signal to shoot back the iron and the golems actually aren't really dying maybe well guys i think i kind of got it but mine's kind of messy and it's i don't think this is the right way to do it but mine should work i think so i think ours works with any mob that drops items so if i put a spider in here obviously it's only going to spit back iron but let's see what happens well the spider might be too short actually let's try it with a skeleton let's see if he's tall enough i really don't know if it's going to work with anything that took a long time to figure out i'm not sure how i feel try again what bro get in the hole why is this literally impossible i can't i there's no way to get them in all right we gotta we gotta just keep trying this isn't working all right here we go see what happens i think he's tall enough that it should work we'll give it we'll give us some time he's dying the dying process works me just waiting for an iron to shoot through this portal oh there it is there it is we got the iron it just came through so it came out and then you can pick it up so i'm pretty sure i did mine a little bit wrong but it does work it is functional two out of ten so here's a pretty crazy trick this guy with 43 000 up boats named i love vinegar learned that you can turn any world into a hardcore you can turn any world into a hardcore world by dying when you fall into the nether portal so he's up top looking down into the ground and then says you die in the nether portal so we're going in survival mode jumping down he died oh he died while traveling to the nether and then when that happens you can't respawn and so it makes your world hardcore this is actually kind of scary because if you do this to someone they'll never be able to respond i feel like the best way to do this would be gear me out create like a giant very thick tunnel like this and set it all to obsidian and then dig a hole straight down right so we're just digging a straight down hole that way when you fall you're pretty much guaranteed to hit that one spot right there so i think this is gonna work for us we're gonna walk this way and we're just gonna press forward see what happens going to the portal i can't okay i can click respawn right now but let's see what happens look i mean i don't know i mean i can still click it but it's taking me back and forth like it kind of freezes up for a second but i can still i can still click it right i'll click and see what happens okay well that obviously did not work for me now there's a lot of mlgs but you can mlg with flint and steel take a look at this if you light the ground on fire and again i don't i'm sorry about the quality i don't know why it's doing that what you can jump up like three blocks high with flint and steel how are they doing that they're launching into the sky what so basically he like jumped in their specific timing okay that didn't work let's try it again okay i know let's try it again what is the right timing do you delay it oh that was oh wait wait i think i had it oh i got it i got it look look i think ready i mean it feels like it's setting fire yeah it is so what you want to do is like jump and then when you're in the air take the damage and that boosts you a little bit higher so i'm gonna see if we can jump like two blocks tall like right here i'm gonna put it down and see if this is possible don't don't do that don't walk into a corner you got to really time it i didn't get it this is going a lot farther though i feel like oh i did it i did it look at that i did it oh dude that's actually sick put it next to this tree can i get up there [Music] maybe maybe not like that let's try it again oh boy no oh okay well we'll assume that i could have if i had done it better now this next one's pretty useful for like manhunt all right i think because apparently drip leafs let you stop people from chasing you so if you're running on water and play strip leaves you can bounce on them and run but they break and then other people can't bounce on them so people aren't gonna be able to chase you as quickly i'll be honest with you i don't feel like these icons are it they look they look they don't look right do they they don't look like the right minecraft items to me something about them feels off so we're in 1.7 so i believe this is what the drip leaf is and it breaks and then you can't stand on it so let's see how hard this is okay oh wow it's actually a lot less useful than i thought because it has to come from the ground so you can't really do that in ocean it has to be just one block deep a pawn that is only one deep okay this might work i mean you got to be really careful about it okay so it works i think it's good to have with you but like the fact that you can only do it if it's one block deep kind of sucks because i mean you can really kind of just run on the edges i mean you need a very specific type of water for this to work on two out of ten but the newest version also has a hidden vine door you can use using maps and ladders sixty thousand upvotes look at this thing so it looks like a bunch of maps on the wall or a bunch of uh picture oh a bunch of picture frames he puts a white map over it and then vines right behind it wow so then you could be able to climb it like without wow that's actually sick so you're going to put down your item frames so you got to put the map down first so i'm not going to use the white map i'll just use this one because it'll still give a weird effect and as you can see we're putting down vines right behind this you can make it really whatever you want it to look like any design you could actually design like a different style of ladder like you could make a map of a ladder and then put it here and when you walk up to it and climb it's going to let you go up you can make a rope a ladder a vine a swing anything that lets you go up even like spider web i mean that's cool all right guys this next hacks absolutely crazy it's going to turn this block of copper into a block of gold all you got to do is hit the subscribe button in 321 boom it works that was stupid but guys you're not stupid so subscribe to this channel see you guys tomorrow look at that screen click here for more peace
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 792,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: 4pwENyHiVs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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