Testing Minecraft 1.19 Build Hacks That Feel Illegal

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yo look at all these new blocks bro they're so sick best use for them wins a thousand dollars you know what john you're on this is the build hack battle where we show you building hacks so epic they feel illegal to use you and the covers decide who wins as you all know in the new deep dark ancient cities we now have living blocks like the skunk sensor but what if i told you that ain't the only place you can get them you've got to be looking in the mangroves i'm kicking it off with some absolutely goated skulk block i love this stuff it looks like stars i'm going to be doing a mystical end theme bar because i mean how perfectly does this stuff fit in with the end but you might be wondering ethan the end is not a new thing no it's not but listen here i'm going to be sort of mixing it in with the blocks that we already have to show you how well they can actually work together and i mean surely that's worth some points right by combining all of these blocks we can actually create a wise mangrove villager statue that will wash your every move and literally anyone else and could even be used to guard your face we're gonna do like some seats using the uh the new skulk shriekers they are a very very cool block when you get close and they scream at you um and it also looks very cool with the effects it's like sort of a magical effect happening so i'm thinking like floating chairs they're not not really floating but they sort of just i don't know a magical chair and best part of all when you put your butt on them they scream at you bro here is the magic this is how it actually watches you we're using dispensers and what you need to do is use the brand new mangrove trap doors which actually have circles so it fits perfectly inside and you want to place these on both of our dispensers by going ahead you need to stand front crouch and while crouching place that trapdoor down and activate it like so i was playing around with these blocks and i thought that this was such a cool light design you use sort of the end rod i think this works very well put a skulk on top that merges perfectly texture wise and then down the bottom here you've got this little spot just put an end rod bang just like that and of course guys if you want this to use to defend your base you can go ahead and chuck buttons on the side of these dispensers and go ahead and load the meter with it with arrows or with fire charges good morning good sir welcome to the space sculpt mystical diner what would you like oh very nice i would like one order of warden's take please i'm sorry we're all out of warden's steak but we do serve fat alfa eli stream here this restaurant is destroyed bro why are you destroying my restaurant this is gonna kill you bro stop oh nice you built a villager i hate villages why is he wait why is he looking at me he is always watching get blinded by my beautiful lights bro you can't see nothing now oh my god no now he's got multiple eyes look at all these eyes hey i should have gone specksavers the future is now with my latest state-of-the-art super futuristic patented floating light design that turns on only when you walk near it that's right guys this ain't just good design it's functional as well our skog bar it had some flaws one being uh there was no food bro but with this one we are gonna be serving w's all day long because it's pizza time so what we need is your redstone lantern shield with a skulk sensor above this is what's going to be able to turn on your redstone lamp in the first place then we just want to decorate this up with some warp trap doors the idea is is when you're walking in this light not only does it turn on but the skulk shrieker makes it look like it's being held up by wireless energy how dope is that gonna be a pizza oven using the new mud brick i think the new mud bricks are very very good looking block for things such as this grab ourselves an iron frame we'll do that this is like the you know the pizza cutter all right we're gonna be using that there i'm gonna use this because it looks like a clay door that's not the only light design i want to implement here since i'm kind of going with like a futuristic end theme we're going to use some end stone bricks here and i'm going to build this up just a little bit taller i think that's pretty nice guys and then we'll use our skull catalyst block since we haven't used that yet of course we have to signify that this is pizza you know jordan's pretty blind wouldn't want him getting it wrong so we'll chuck that there we want to go with the bricks like this we've already got the pepperoni and cheese look here then with brown we just want to do the crust like that then we want to do some white just cut it up like that into a triangle how do we want to do i think we'll have that one oh do we want to have this come one down no no no we'll bring this one up guys and make this even taller but it's a really tall light and then we can hang us some soul lanterns here as well oh yeah where's the pizza bro i'm just gonna chuck a bed here for the height uh and then i'm gonna spawn an arm stand right here there we go and i understand that will not burn and now you may be wondering ethan that is an arm stand not a pizza yes i'm well aware we're gonna be using the greatest gift in minecraft the command block and we're gonna grab ourselves a pizza head pizza head yes pizza head that makes it all right chuck that in there bang we have a pizza cooking up in there hi ethan get over here mate i got a prize for you uh okay i mean here ah they're screaming at me magic blast for me what was that i guess you're a demon magic pizza huh so i suppose serving ey losses didn't work out because nobody wanted them all right punk whatever step right up for some epic pizza from the finale pizza restaurant here you go there's one for you sir take the owl noob i'm taking your pizza it's mine it's mine my paper weren't you guys shocked when mojang announced aliens were coming to minecraft that didn't actually happen guys i'm just kidding with you but i'm gonna show you how you can add them yourselves with this awesome ufo alien spaceship design which has a working tractor beam i'm gonna become a landscaper and length gave my way to victory boys come on are you with me i'm gonna be making a beautiful looking uh frog fountain because uh i don't know the new mob the new frogs i think they're kind of cool then we're gonna do a little bit of action we're gonna get rid of that fence for the time being add in our armor stand with a player head this is what our alien looks like if you wanted to look like a creeper use a cripper head it's totally up to you guys we're going to have a birch fence and above that we're going to have a lime stained glass and then we're going to use our patented classic double piston system line that up activate the first piston activate the second piston look at that we've got ourselves an astronaut or an alien all right there we go we have ourselves quite a frog looking froggy we have to give our frog some eyes because well he can't see and that's not very nice that is animal cruelty we want to grab the thicker black lines just like that that is very dirty looking though uh i think i prefer if i did it something like that would look uh did i just do the exact same thing back to back there we go there we go there we go so we're going to come underneath here jump down to the bottom and place down your skull shrieker then on four sides of this we're going to place down our skulk sensor so it can be easily activated and then now we're just going to decorate it to look like the ufo is you know blowing up the ground here with its i don't know tractor beam kind of thing i am going to use a structure block structure void because i don't want anything to grow i mean these won't grow but if i'm using some of the mangrove uh the saplings i don't even know why they called them that they are just a mangrove sapling uh we don't want them growing so we want to chuck some of them around the place looking like little reeds once infected with skulk we want to add our floating mob and this pig is going to be my test dummy attach them up to a lead come up here open the trapdoor attach your lead and close that up here's a little hack for 1.19 players if you use bone meal i found out a lot of people actually don't know this like the cocoa beans on jungle trees you can actually click with bone meal on this and you get the saplings to start coming out i think it is quite a cool looking thing to come out of the leaf welcome to frog paradise uh ethan don't you think a frog restaurant is a little bit mean these guys are so cute bro i'm not feeding you frogs this is their paradise you're cancelled the aliens are taking mr porky no no mr porky bro that was my lunch give it back yeah my pork chop haha lunch for ethan ethan's been trying to serve us lame as meals all blood and day guys like what does a man have to do to get a decent meal around here i don't want none of that frozen food trash no ah so we're gonna be cooking at some delicate boar on the campfire all right enough funny business this is the bill to end all build yes cheer for me i'm gonna be using these blocks for well i mean they're intended purpose the skulk stuff is all meant to be scary so i'm gonna be making a scary cursed altar with them if you know anything about cooking we're gonna get the coals on the side here in order to get that flavor guys really bring that taste to the next level so we got that smokey barbecue so we're gonna go ahead with our armor stands here place down iron helmet this is gonna be our beautiful coals right there to add that extra flavor and now of course we don't want our armor stands being seen because that's a little bit sauce right there we're gonna go ahead and place down a bunch of mud brick slabs and you can kind of like intersperse these with oak slabs however you want it just adds a little bit of extra detail so your design doesn't look super bland now we're going to have pistons are facing downwards here on all of these slabs and i've just realized one piston isn't enough we're going to need two pistons here for every single one guys grab yourself a beacon and you get yourself one of these uh what are they even called the skull shriekers you can actually put beacons below and then you can put uh you know whatever glass you want on top whatever glass pane like that and the beacon will actually work look at that dude okay i love this so it goes straight through and it is like a perfect shape for it too now straight up guys you're probably noticing bro those other stands have gone black now if you like burnt coals then sure you can leave them like that but i like to see them a little bit brighter than that so what you actually need to do is dig out a little bit further here and then where this opens up guys we're going to grab ourselves our moss carpet and just kind of cover this up like so this allows some light to pass through the carpet out here and light up your armor stand so they don't go black and then i'm thinking using the uh the the skulk vein to sort of block up some light sources i suppose because light sources can't come through this you can do it on things like glass so that'll look very very good bang fits the theme much better still and of course you can't forget the meat guys this mangrove log literally looks like a fresh a bit of red meat and for the roast here we're going to use ourselves some lightning blocks uh we're gonna go put our lightning rod i reckon going inwards actually gonna look better so let's build up on either side here put in our lighting rods like so and then i want armor stands holding all of this up welcome to the cursed altar approach if you dare uh it's really not that scary ethan i mean yeah i like the altar and everything what is happening ethan ethan what's going on and what is that how dare you awaken me i shall kill you and your family what uh funny joke ethan i know it's you bro okay i'm behind you wait what no
Channel: EYstreem
Views: 2,707,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eystreem, eyestream, eystream, minecraft, family friendly, roleplay, funny, troll, trolling, secret, tutorial, minecraft phone, minecraft bedrock edition, testing minecraft build hacks, minecraft build hacks, minecraft build tricks, things you didnt know you could build, what to build in minecraft, minecraft secret builds, testing minecraft 1.19 build hacks that feel illegal, testing minecraft build hacks that feel illegal, minecraft 1.19, minecraft 1.19 builds, minecraft sculk build
Id: 2AUF5Lezr_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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