Testing LEGO Bridges!

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today I'm going to build five Lego Bridges using different techniques to see which one can hold up the best against weighted Lego cars but first let's see how much weight Lego can hold before it breaks starting with 5 lb 10 lb 20 25 are you kidding 30 lb uh 35 lb I'm all out of Weights as you see Lego can hold up a lot of weight so we're going to build up some Lego Bridges starting with the most basic bridge design an arch bridge it literally just has an arch but ours is going to need to be pretty long cuz we have a 4T pool of water we're going to be driving these vehicles over now that we got a solid foundation we can start building the arch we're going to build this in two halves so what I'm going to do is just grab a brick and go out one stud and then we can go maybe two out as long as we just increase the number we can get an arch going I'm just going to keep building and hopefully we'll get something strong enough to drive the cars over as you can see we're getting some Headway here now we're overlapping on this side by three studs and pretty soon I'm just going to do a band that goes across so Arch will just be on the sides the science behind this is actually super unique every layer you go down it divides the weight into the layers below it so any pressure up top is divided all the way down kind of similar to how a heavy object becomes lighter when you have a friend to move it with you if we build it like this it'll be really strong so now we just got to build one more of these and we connect it with a road up top and test it out okay so we have the bottom part of the arch bridge then I'm just going to take the top of this bridge and snap it down on top of here then we just got to gently push this down on the edges here that should snap in so here we have the first Bridge the arch bridge all set up I have the Lego Corvette as the first car of the video and I've done two things first I've built this little adapter for the top here and that's going to allow us to put different weights on the car so we can see how much weight each one of these Bridges can handle and then the second thing is I've built up this winch system using a LEGO motor and a worm gear and that will actually pull it across so if we touch our little clip there we got to get our ooot crash test dummy inside the vehicle if we just Crush just a little bit like that all right here we go let's test I'm going to turn this on click the Switch and we're going to see if it can pull it across oh my gosh it's a nerve-wracking is it going to move it's going it's moving I'm so nervous I'm so nervous it has to make it all the way across for it to count all right we made it all the way across let's up it to 10 lb okay it's moving oh no I don't think it's going to work I think it's going to crash right when it gets to the middle steer it back okay 10 lbs in the middle of the bridge both wheels are not happy right now they are not rolling under that weight dude this little winch is working perfectly it just pulled 10 lb successfully across this bridge the arch bridge is a complete success as you can see our U guy he's totally fine so let's build up the next bridge and test the next car for the next bridge I want to build a tensegrity bridge which has never been done before because it's super unsafe and wouldn't work in real life but it might work in Lego so the first thing we got to do is build up a road and then we'll build a tensity part Underneath It All right so now that we got the road for the second bridge done it looks a lot like the road for the first bridge but now we're going to build the tensegrity things that are going to actually hold this up if you're not familiar with the term tensegrity it's this concept where you have two platforms and three ropes and they link together in such a way where it looks like the top platform is floating so I'm thinking we build a tensegrity on each side of the bridge so it'll technically be floating and possibly wobbly so we're going to start with a base plate for the bottom so let's build a quick base on top of this and I'm going to attach some Technic bricks right here separated by a couple of plates and that way we can put the hook in it put two plates and another techic brick and now this should stand up straight nice we just got to build a sing up to be a little taller and then go out in this direction now so now that we have this first hook we just need to make another one that we will invert and put upside down then we'll build up a simple base on top using plates and Link together the whole thing with ropes now that we got this we just need to tie it together with ropes here and then on every corner and theoretically this top part that was legitimate I'm so tired theoretically this top part will float so I've cut all these ropes and these just slide onto here so if we hang this top part by these four ropes as you can see it doesn't float that's not how it works so what we actually have to do is take this rope here and tie it onto that and then once we do that as you can see there we have our floating tensity look it's completely floating like just check that out you could float it that's so cool and my thought is we could just put each side of the bridge on top of that like that we got to make these arms a little stronger but that is super promising now just build one one more of these and we'll put it on each side of the bridge I have absolutely no faith in this bridge but we're going to take our top and just uh put it right on top of here it's falling apart already guys this is the wobbly Bridge ever so here it is we have our tensity bridge I have no idea how this is going to work I'm not going to put any weight on this one because I don't even think the car will make it across but we'll grab OT we'll put him in the passenger side he doesn't fit perfectly inside the cars but he fits well enough to test and then we'll take our hook like that will a bridge made of tensegrity actually work here we go all right it's moving the weight is holding as you can see this is held up entirely by tensegrity wow I think it's actually going to work no way we made it to the other side we're going to try 2.5 lbs oh no this is so so nerve-wracking seriously got to turn the wheels so it doesn't deer off it's right in the middle dude this is crazy now I'm curious can we add 5 lb right here 5 lb it's gone you know the actual Bridge part held together a lot better than I was expecting as you can see we have our 10 secrity it didn't actually break it just came loose we got OT in the water here how do he do what apparently Lego cars float Everybody by the way get your OT down below Link in the description we just restocked the crash test dummy buildable figures so if you want one of these to use in Lego crash tests it's really fun to build and it's totally posable so you can put it in like any pose link down in the description we also still have a bunch of Minifigures left so grab those too that's 10 secrity on to the next Bridge so the next bridge I want to build is called a trust bridge and the cool thing about this bridge is all the structure is on top of the bridge so there's really nothing under it to keep it from falling down and the way it accomplishes that is by using triangles for example you can see here if I build two shapes on the Square all these points can actually hinge so when you put pressure on it it collapses but on the triangle none of these points can move around so as soon as you apply any pressure on it it is extremely sturdy from any angle so for the trust Bridge we're going to combine a bunch of these all the way down which will turn our floppy Bridge into a sturdy structure so first I'm just going to build up a quick Road for this and then we'll attach the trusses to the sides always like to start these off the same way just a bunch of 16 x 16 plates which I can lock together with tiles you have no idea how loud it is when I just have to build all these [Music] Bridges so we got our two Bridge pieces and now as you can see it's very very floppy so I'm going to line this with two layers of Technic bricks and then I'll add some to the sides as well so we can attach the trusses and then as you can see what it's doing is it's just coming up right there so the whole point of using these is we need to connect them so what I like to do just grab some of these three long pins and then since we're already connected to the plates I just like to push it through from the outside sometimes I use my hammer and you just got to make sure you put four four in each brick so that it has two points of connection on each thing just got to do this all the way down so now we need to integrate these Technic bricks onto the sides here and while we could just do that it probably should cuz it'll be easier I want to cover up all these colored things so I'm going to use some bricks and then we'll sandwich our Technic brick like that and that'll give us a way to attach the trusses inside there which should make it pretty strong so now we got our Bridge built up and as you can see it is very wobbly let's build up some trusses so we're going to take two of these we're just going to connect each end like this and now we have our triangle structure the bottom part of this is going to snap right into the bridge as you can see the rest of this is bending a lot and this part is just totally not so now we just continue this technique all the way down on both sides and I think that'll really really make this strong check that out you can see here on the top layer I'm just adding a single lift arm or a couple that are latched together to lock everything together all right check this out that is a flat bridge and that is looking really really strong look at that this one I'm super hopeful for it's like the strongest one I built so far for this bridge we have the red pickup truck we're going to put it right here and then I just built this little thing into the bed so we could put our weights on top I think he'll actually fit in here you guys oh now there's a giant door mechanism in the way well we can get half of OT in there I'm pretty confident in this one so I'm going to start it at 10 lbs here we go the trust bridge is such a cool technique oh it's moving will it make it across the only thing I'm a little worried about is the plates on the bottom cuz they're 16x 16 plates that's the only weak spot I think the sides will stay together I love OT in there just chilling here he goes it's in the middle of the bridge oh it's kind of bending right here something's about to snap oh no oh no no the trusters have come off the side but did we break the winch no it just came off oh man I'm going to call that a fail there's no way that car was getting across after that so hey but honestly lb took it to the very middle of the bridge and you can see I was just about to say you can see the triangles haven't broken but check out the damage BL bl's good half the man he used to be yeah you can see the plates and the tiles just snapped here and then these came off the sides but it worked pretty well so that's a trust bridge for you the next one though is going to actually use motors to work so let's check out that one so the next bridge I want to build is a draw bridge which is basically just a bridge that opens up that way ships can go underneath it so I think I'm going to repurpose our winch system and build a couple more of these for each side so we'll basically have a base with a large tower that comes up and then we'll have a rope attached to that that'll actually bring up the other side of the bridge I'm kind of Unsure how we're going to make this hold up the weight in the middle so let's start by building a base guys big brain move so there's going to be so much weight on the center of the bridge and we don't want it to collapse since it's not attached we're going to put weights on the edges to kind of counterweight it so we'll build like 10 lb in each side of this and that should at least give it a good chance now to make the bridge actually able to attach to this what I'm going to do is integrate some Technic bricks in the sides here there we go and then we build up the bridge we'll just make sure to include some techn connections on it now for the actual Tower structure I think I'm going to build up two long arms at a technic brick kind of like I did for the tensegrity that way we can mount the winch system to the top this may not be pretty but it will be functional you got to build up one more of those on this side so to make the winch on this thing so it actually works I'm going to use a worm gear we should be able to feed an axle through somewhere to a motor to get that motorized sh this long axle through see now we take these guys and go through just like that and we should be able to connect this that okay that piece goes there now we turn this on this thing spins and we'll make our winch actually pull something up now we need to attach two ropes to this axle and then once we attach it to the bridge we will have a functioning draw bridge last thing before we connect this all together is just the bridge part the important part and then specifically because I want to and not because they make base plates in that color we're going to use green and once we got our Technic bricks and our base plates in place we just need to lock down a bunch of bricks on top of it and add some Technic in the middle to make it strong so it doesn't fold guys leave a like if you appreciate how many bricks I've had to place this video honestly it's kind of normal for the tips of my fingers to have little indentations where the studs are it's so much fun though all right we got the first one done up here I'm thinking it might work all I got to do is duplicate this and we'll test it out we're going to put our weights on the inside of this here so we're going to do 20 lbs in each now with those weights in place so sus all we have to do is just use this little remote and that tells the IR receivers in the winches to unravel it nice hey boom here we go the next vehicle we have for this is the Porsche convertible it's convertible now because I had to take the top off to put the weight thing on we're going to put OT inside like this and what I'm going to do is just put this up slightly on each side that way when it gets to the middle I'm hoping the tension will push these down enough to whe to be flat but it won't break and now you just clip this underneath the car for this one I'm going to start with 2.5 lb here we go start winding it up it'll go across I think it might be able to make it over the Gap but I'm a little nervous that it just won't line up right oh no it's creaking it's going down come on you can do it you can do it no it's still going wait it can bring it out of the water it's pulling it out of the water well I mean to be perfectly honest half of it still there so there's that there it goes dude this winch is awesome this is so cool hey all right we made it across the bridge but half of it fell so technically it's a fail some would say I'm a failure this bridge is half successful you guys and my favorite car is still alive which is the best part let's build the next one the next bridge I want to build is a suspension bridge the Golden Gate Bridge is actually a suspension bridge it's basically just a long road with pillars in the middle and then reverse arches that are all connected to hold the bridge together so first I'm going to build a road with Technic bricks along the sides like we did for the last one and that's really easy and then we're going to build the suspension arches which we'll have to attach to two large pillars I'm just going to do what I did for the drawbridge basically build two long pillars that come up out of Technic what I'm doing here is just building up a shell on the outside of the Technic structure that way it'll be a lot stronger I ran out of red Technic bricks so my thought is we just build it down a little bit further and that will attach to the legs which will just go underneath so as you can see this is uh a little bit wobbly which the whole point of suspension bridge we actually make it so it's not wobbly anymore what we're going to do is use a bunch of these Technic lift arms and attach them to the sides to make ropes that will Arch around and go to the other side and we just snap all these together with these little Technic pins look we're getting the triangle shape again that is how triangles work okay now that we have the Arches on there my thought is we just literally take some lift arms and attach them at different intervals if we grab some Lego axles you can actually put these on the inside of These Bricks now we're getting something going there check it out I think the looseness of these Technic bricks is going to be a problem because these can literally just pull up so we're going to need to put another layer of bricks over that and then build it up on the sides but I think once we get that locked down it should be a lot stronger and hopefully when we put it over the pool it'll actually hold together all right and now that we have the structure of our Bridge all we got to do is build two pillars down to the floor under these two areas all right there we have it we have two little legs on the bottom so that is strong there and that is strong there I don't know how strong it is in the center but we're going to test it out and find out the last and probably heaviest vehicle is the Lego Volkswagen van so I'm going to put a little ooot on the inside he's chilling and for this one I'm going to put 10 lbs because I'm super confident in this bridge here we go click on the winch let's see if it works this one took a really long time to build but I'm so confident in the technique oh it's moving it's crossing the bridge this is so much fun literally just watching each one of these go across the suspense on this bridge is crazy oh here we go it's about to enter its weakest points almost past the middle of the bridge dude no way we might have to load more weight on this actually you're so close to the end you could do it it successfully made it to the other side of the bridge I'm going to add five more pounds all right here we go that's it we did it we've made it across with 15 lb I'm really curious if we set the car in the middle how much it's going to take to crash this 10 15 lb 30 lb 35 lb 45 lb that was it 45 lbs on this Lego bridge look at that that's so cool huge thanks for watching this video check out one of these two popping up on your screen and make sure you check out this video sponsor Crazy K brickling store for your Lego brick needs you can check them out by clicking the link down in the description or this button right here on the screen I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Brick Science
Views: 1,871,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LEGO, LEGO Bridges, LEGO Bridge Fail, Bridge Fail, LEGO Fail, LEGO Bridge Crash, LEGO Bridge Challenge, Legos, Brick Science, TD Bricks, Sacred Bricks, LEGO Crash Testing, Crash testing LEGO Cars, LEGO Ooblot, LEGO Arch Bridge, LEGO Golden Gate Bridge, LEGO Draw Bridge, Testing LEGO Bridges, LEGO Bridge vs. Vehicles, LEGO Pickup Truck, LEGO Porsche, LEGO Corvette, LEGO Dodge Challenger, Brick Science LEGO Cars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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