Giant ICE Block vs. LEGO TOOLS!

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inside this block of ice is a rare Lego minifigure worth 300 and my goal is to break it out in one hour using only Lego tools and if I can't free the Lego Jango Fett minifigure that's in here I'm gonna give it away to random viewer but if I can then I'm keeping it let's build the first tool all right so the first tool I'm gonna build is a chisel and Hammer so for the Chisel we need to find a piece that's long and made up of one mold to actually not break I think one of these pieces should work maybe even a brick separator because it's got that nice sharp edge oh this will work good too so now on the end of each of these we just have to connect a couple bricks to make an area we can strike with our Hammer which we'll need to build next now you strike this with hammer and then we'll just do the same thing for these flip it through there so now we have our chisel set and these are all each good for different purposes this one's nice because it's flimsy now I get to build a hammer pull the handle all we gotta do is attach a couple technique pieces like so what's great about this is it'll make it strong and not floppy hopefully we gotta figure out how to do the Hammerhead we do need to fill the inside with the weight coins wow thanks Dad now we can fit coins inside the cavities here and then we'll add the details and stuff the handle make it look good you want a couple of these you gotta stuff this thing full of coins even though it's gonna be super heavy and possibly hard to swing you may be saying this isn't a Lego tool yes it is just because it uses weight doesn't make it not Lego see a few more places left to go to this side cool now we just gotta refine this make it look a little bit better with a nicer handle and we should be good to go [Music] all right so now we have our Hammer which looks a lot like Thor and we have our chisels we can test this out on the block of ice see if we can make some progress we need this for 15 minutes and then we'll build the next one Simon's going Let's see we can do here hey we just got to get small chunks off [Music] hey make some good progress Legos are hammered we can rebuild there we go look at that wow you can almost see the minifigure [Music] little yellow thing kind of works I shouldn't look away while I'm using damage hey there's a good chunk we're getting so close not really but we're making good progress with this yellow chisel so far it is breaking but the front of it is perfect because it's all one piece so now I'm just gonna keep going at this corner hopefully get closer in there [Music] that chisel is just done for it's totally bending but it's working super well nine more seconds I'm just gonna switch the tool because I want to keep using this later but I think another tool is going to come in real Handy next tool the next thing we're going to make is a saw because I'm thinking if we're able to saw little chunks away from the ice that'll actually help us be able to get closer to the minifigure if we say take something like this and then we put a bunch of cheese wedges on it these little things [Music] we get the right shape for a saw but I'm pretty sure these are just gonna break off so instead of doing this we're just going to take these pieces these are pretty cool these are basically the same thing except we can put all these in a line we know these pieces can go on here maybe and if we do two plates in between each brick which means we can lock them together I want to make a saw about this big and it's going to be hand saw so theoretically if we build a bunch of these they should stack so that's the plan check it out guys a saw now to lock this together we'll use these connect this here like that I have to make sure the one on this side let's connect it all and see [Music] we have our stop wave now now we got to build a handle and as you can see I imported implanted these little technique bricks in here so we can attach the handle which is that a technique brick and we could just build out a handle okay I just finished building the saw and as you can see what else could I saw it's sauce right that's this it's a saw it should hopefully saw through some ice so let's go try it I have no idea if this is gonna work but hey let's just uh wow this is actually working okay I think we just use it wisely would you pick a point and we just saw we just saw inside right there doing pretty well I mean it's not breaking which is great let's just keep going into this corner [Music] foreign like idiot that's why my plan is to use the Chisel and Hammer and go into this little crevice right here we've created the minifigure is in the very center were already almost halfway done oh gosh [Music] you're in there what are we doing around the sides too [Music] okay now chisel I'll use this guy if we can get in the crack ah the chisel's gone it was working and then all of a sudden it just bent so much that it broke we have a couple more that aren't as good but it'll still work we're making progress on this side right here we got three minutes before it switches I'm just gonna try and crack this top part off there's already cracked that goes around but it like re-melded [Music] all right we can switch to our next tool for the next tool we're going to build a drill and drill is really cool because it seems like less work so earlier I discovered this piece which is like a little Bionicle piece but it has a real shape let me attach it to a motor and show you we're going to need a motor and a battery box probably a switch too foreign this to this and then we attach this to this there we go now the switch triggers the motor now we have to insert this drill in here tell me that's not a drill right there so now my favorite thing to do with these switches since they're so annoying is to take two of these pieces and a little stopper and now it can't turn back the other way so it can only turn one way so that works good and then if we just steal something like this can I get there put that on there and then this thing right there we have a switch or in our case maybe even a trigger probably going to attach this like this that like that and put that right there okay so I finally figured out the trigger now we've got to attach this right here Bam Bam cook so now we need to do is we need to actually take this and put this in the handle take one of these flop it around all right there then we should hinge it from the bottom side too [Music] now if we just add a couple snot bricks on the side so we can really add some details to this and make it look pretty cool all right so here we have our drill it's done it works it drills I I don't know if it'll do much but we'll see before we do that though you guys make sure you check out this video sponsor crazy guys Bricklink store for your Lego brick needs they sell new news Lego pieces and you can check out what they have in stock by clicking the first link down the description they're super awesome if you want to increase your Lego collection that's a good way to do it now let's test this out here we go hello there we go it's kind of working [Music] this is the weakest drill I've ever made hey guys I don't think it's working yeah this thing doesn't work we tried we're going to go back to the saw and the chisels down I think we just gotta start wailing on it [Music] we're getting somewhere we're not getting very close but it's still somewhere look we got this whole side right here being worked on we just have to crack the top off and I think the minifigure should be in the very center I don't see any other way of us getting it out don't do this with your dead side uh do you want to prove it [Music] I gotta remember 300 online we got 12 seconds so we could build another tool switch to that one once I can get that I think the minifigure is right there and I'm we're so close we can switch yes the next thing we're gonna build is an ice pick so the difference between a pickaxe and an ice pick is very distinct and that's about all I know about ice picks so when you start by building the blade blade we're gonna need great plates we're gonna start by just connecting a few to get the length of our pickaxe let's go like that that'll be our length we're gonna leave two plates in between and we can add the connection breaks which are Technic right about there it's kind of like how you build tools you build the connections with Technic and then you build the rest of it out of bricks and plates and stuff and then if there's any difficult shapes you can use brackets or snot bricks it's basically the same thing all right so we need some teeth that come back so we can do this let's put that there this so now we have the first tooth so now we've got to keep building up the shape until it gets to the right place and locking it down using plates and stuff [Music] okay so we have the pick shape which is this basically now to hold the handle I'm gonna do the same thing I did for the hammer connect a few Technic pieces and then use brackets on the side I'm going to build an orange handle for this thing middle of this we throw some plates it's illegal by the way don't do this foreign okay so now we got this attached here which means this is 3y so theoretically if we keep going with some technique bricks down here we should be able to connect them with some of these and we can attach a plate on each one all right so I got the basic thing locked together with some plates and now I'm going to add a couple of these slopes and also I'm going to include this one which is the official Lego Arctic Explorer sticker which is pretty cool they look super sick we just added one of these right here there we go we have an ice pick Let's pick some stuff all right the final tool here we go ice pick I'm so confident in this too oh no it's just everything's breaking apart oh that's not good I forgot we have this so close I think we just do this no yes yes I'm really trying I really like this minifigure too [Music] three minutes we had our hammer well one hour and I couldn't get it out which means we can actually break into it now and prove that it's in there and that's what I couldn't do and there he is Lego Jango fit to conclude although Lego tools are super cool they are not super functional literally every one of them broke I couldn't get the minifigure out an hour which means I am going to give it away to win this all you have to do is follow me on Instagram and comment on the post the newest post with this and I'll be choosing a random winner within one week and I'll shape it to you make sure you're following me and subscribe see ya
Channel: Brick Science
Views: 3,264,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LEGO, Brick Science, Brick Science LEGO Tools, Legos, Bricks, Riley, TD Bricks, Sacred Bricks, LEGO tools vs. ice block, Giant ICE BLOCK, LEGO tools vs ice, Ice vs LEGO, LEGO Ice block, Challenge, Comedy, Fun, Diy, LEGO Tutorial, LEGO Tools, LEGO Weapons, Brickatecture, Rare LEGO Minifigure, LEGO Jango Fett minifigure, $300 LEGO Minifig!, LEGO Giveaway
Id: spUXBh5BeQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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