Building whatever YouTubers tell me, out of LEGO!!

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I'm a Lego inventor and for the next 24 hours I'm going to be building whatever YouTubers tell me to out of Lego starting now this might sound strange but I want you to build me my favorite Pokemon Diglett he doesn't get enough love and he deserves it cool looks like we're building a Pokemon so we're gonna build Diglett which is apparently a ground thing and has rocks around it so I think I'm going to start by building the body out of these dark tan bricks and we can build this up to be about this big so I'm gonna try and build up a perfectly round shape and then we'll build it up like this and add the face and the Rocks around the bottom I have no idea what I'm doing so now I've built this up a couple layers so I should be able to theoretically pull it up from the base plate and this thing is pretty strong so there we have our base and we're going to build this up just about this high and then curve off the top so far this one's pretty easy but I have a feeling they're going to get harder [Music] now we've got this built up we can add the mouth and the eyes so to make the eyes I think we lay out a few of these pieces and then two of these for like the reflective parts and then we add a little tile hey it's not bad check it out there's the eyes and then for the mouth keep this stud on the back here sticking out so we can add it to the face and boom there we have the mouth and the ice boom there we go now all we got to do is build the rock formation around the bottom so we'll put it back on the base plate so for the Rocks I'm going to start by laying down some wedge plays to give it a rocky shape and then I'll build up bricks on top to make it look like actual Rocks coming out of the ground all right and here it is the finished Diglett model as you can see it's sturdy it's on a base plate and it has cute little eyes I'm actually pretty happy with how this turned out I've never done like a Pokemon sculpture before this one took us around an hour and a half so Preston let me know what you think down in the comments this one's for you now let's destroy it let's build the next one okay I'm running from the cops because I just committed an illegal building technique but I challenge you to build your biggest fear in Lego stop they're coming okay well when I was like seven or eight I remember my biggest fear was the bat that was like Count Dracula and he turned into a bat and started flying around that scared the crap out of me so let's build a flying bat you'll need a battery box and a motor we'll also grab some Technic because I think that's the best way to do it you basically need to make two pieces like this flap up and down Lane brainstorm mechanism here so we use this little camshaft here and this goes underneath the wings cool now that flaps and we do the same thing on this side and we're building in Black because it's a bat and we don't want these to be visible again freaked out already that's good so if we add a gear here and a gear here cap it off with another one and snap on the motor and we'll connect another motor here theoretically it should kind of work it's a an almost perfect flapping and now you realize just how chunky and fat this is gonna be now that we got that we just need to build up a body around it with a head right here and some big old wings [Music] as you can see I added a head with a little face and you know it looks pretty scary the difficult part is building around all the electronics so I use these bendy pieces to make these little strips that go around here so now we can put snot bricks on the bottom and actually start adding detail all right and here we have my greatest fear when I was eight let's see if it's still scary okay guys here it is ignore all that up there check us out I'm scared already wow look at it the thing looks kind of possessed I'm terrified that's scary guys like come on you guys turn it off [Music] well that didn't go very far now it's just ahead and the wings that's even more scary let's move on to the next one hey what's up brick science I challenge you to make a giant bearded dragon out of Lego I think that'll look really cool yeah it looked really cool be a little difficult we can do this guys I have an idea so I'm thinking we'll make this thing pretty big and we'll build it out of bricks and I have an idea of how we can make it look like it's breathing actual fire without using flame I'm gonna use a program called tinkercad which lets you take a 3D model of anything and it turns it into Lego bricks and it shows you how to build the layers I think for this model we'll start with tan on the belly and they'll make the top orange and now we basically just start building it up until we get the right shape you know I changed my mind for this model tinkercad I thought it would work for this one but it's just like really frustrating they're putting like two by sixes everywhere and half the pieces aren't connected so you know only do this in certain situations I'm just gonna build up a bearded dragon how I know to and I don't really know too so we'll see how this goes [Music] okay so now I have four legs we have these two front legs and these two back legs and these aren't even all the way built up because we have to integrate them into this first we have to remove this from the base plate foreign [Music] this is a knot I'm gonna do my own thing moment okay now we have the legs on so I'm gonna add a couple supports underneath and then we build up and add the tail which is like this big and then the head we're doing good [Music] okay so my plan for the fire is to use this fog machine which funny enough is actually made for lizards I'm going to take this long tube and feed it up through the neck of the lizard and then I'm gonna take this light which actually turns red and shine it through the inside of the mouth to make it look like it's actually breathing fire it makes a really cool effect [Music] okay boom there we go now we got eyes and we have the open mouth kind of looks like a dinosaur right now but I have to finish the head and go all the way down with the tail and stuff let's keep going [Music] okay I finally finished the bearded dragon this took hours now you can see if it actually breathes fire if you simply come around here insert a pin you gotta do is push and it turns on now just insert this thing turn the lights off yo dude it looks sick with the lights off let's go that looks seriously so cool wow check it out that is so sick we got a bearded dragon that actually breathes fire and I would say this thing is giant because it's bigger than a regular one and it took like five hours to build okay it's giant Zach let me know what you think of this because it's pretty big we're almost eight hours into the 24 hours and I'm already super tired what's going on it's Matthew beam here I just got in a boxing fight with Mike Tyson so I challenge you to build a Lego boxing glove all right so I want to build a boxing glove that opens up with the dioram on the inside of Mike Tyson and Matthew beam actually fighting because that was pretty cool so I just quick built up some Minifigures we got Mike Tyson and they use the Frog piece to simulate motion not because I didn't have two boxing glove pieces no no it's motion so we'll build a ring for the Minifigures and then build the glove around it and now that we have the centerpiece built up we'll just grab our red bricks we can start building up the glove [Music] to make the glove open and close we use a couple of these little hinge bricks we're gonna take the first hinge and put it right here and then we'll take the second hinge and put it towards the top somewhere check it out I even added some white pieces in here to make it look like there's a logo and it still opens up to reveal the model this is gonna be sick and I'm using different colors on the inside that you're not going to see so I can add more stability and re-certify it it's looking pretty good I think this is gonna be really cool he's gonna like this as you see there's a clip right there and there's a bar piece right here and that means when we close this it clicks shut and holds until you pull it apart we'll just kind of lock those into the wall there and it is life-sized as you can see so nine hours you guys may have noticed I'm wearing the sick hat that says the geek effect from my friend Kirk over at the geek Effect YouTube channel he does like action figure reviews and stuff super cool it's really awesome hat it's got green on the bottom and so if you're a geek check him out Link in the description and you can also check out the hack Link in the description too it's a nice hack I also have the tiny little off-brand brick lights and I was thinking I just throw these in here as like spotlights so it'll look really cool when you open it but it's super close being done [Music] all right and here we have it you guys as you can see it is life scale all you gotta do is unclip it and it opens up to reveal Matthew being fighting Mike Tyson in sick boxing ring I think it's turned out really good we even have a little beam team logo down there we have the inverted bit here which kind of slots around it to close it and just like that it's a boxing glove again I think this one turned out pretty sick Matthew if you if you like it let me know or I have to do the next one hey Riley it's harvestig Chris here and I was a massive fan of the videos where you built and flooded Lego City but I was heartbroken to see it destroyed so I want you to build a tiny scale version of this city which this time you don't have to story or maybe you do I'll leave that part up to you cool all right so it looks like we're building a micro scale City from the city that I flooded is genius great idea Chris these will represent the base plates so two by two I just finished our micro City we have the shopping mall the four skyscrapers including the Daily Bugle Mr Beast Burger Lego Store police station Rick's Toy Factory the car dealership and the pool we got all our living houses around here the bank the Modular Buildings the fancy restaurant the park with the fountain the zoo the apartment building the cart Mart the aquarium the Apple Store YouTube headquarters the school and the jazz club and we have some cars dotted around the city and now we take this and I feel like it's only fitting that we flood this one too here we go [Music] well that was anticlimactic see ya
Channel: Brick Science
Views: 1,465,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brick science, lego, youtubers control my life, lego bricks, lego moc, lego youtuber, lego diy, brick science collab, matthew beem, I Let youtubers Control what i build in LEGO!!, youtubers control what i build with lego, i asked youtubers what to build with LEGO!, ZHC, Preston, LEGO Preston, Preston Brick Science, LEGO Pokemon, LEGO Dragon, LEGO Lizard, LEGO Boxing Glove, Flooding LEGO City, Brick Science LEGO City
Id: -WpXTDT0buA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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