LEGO Fruit Ninja!

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today I'm going to build seven Lego weapons and  then test them out to see which one can cut fruit   the best hopefully if all goes well at the end  we'll have a really big fruit salad first let's   see what a real sword does so we have a benchmark  for our Lego weapons don't do this at home this   really is like fruit ninja in real life now that  we've set the bar we're going to build some Lego   weapons starting with the Lego axe so I found  these pieces which are like little half moons   and they're pretty sharp so I'm thinking if we put  two of these together like this we should have a   pretty good ax shape and then kind of like build  it down here don't for we're going to be building   a katana at the end of this video we just need to  figure out how to connect these so that they don't   break apart and then we'll add a techic connection  for the handle I just put some plates in between   the halves to like lock the pieces together the  reason I put those plates in between there is   because we can take these brackets and snap them  like this on the inside and now we can lock these   two halves together like that so it'll be like  really sturdy that's the only weak spot so far   okay we'll line it with brackets and then we  can lock it together with some Technic bricks   and I'm just going to keep building this out  with different bricks and pieces to make it lot   stronger and then we'll connect it to a handle  I built in these techic bricks with two plates   thickness in between so now snap together a  couple of these lift arms and put that inside   there and then we just put some axles through  genius now we got these guys sticking out for   the handle what I'm going to do is start by  building up a bunch of these pieces connecting   these Technic bricks end to end and then we  can come in on the outside with our detail   pieces that should be plenty long enough now  we're going to put two layers of plates on top   of this and build another one so we can make  a really really strong handle but for now we   can connect these like this hey this might work  really really well now got to build the outside   of the handle to make it look nice so I'm going  to take a bunch of these pieces snap some pins   on the inside and now we can allow this to  cross lock together this like that all the   way up the handle then we'll put some other  detail bricks and slopes on and the ax should   be complete we can test it out this thing is so  cool as you can see I added some gold highlights   on the side here and this thing is pretty sble  sble pretty sturdy and pretty durable our goal   is to make a nice fruit salad by the end of the  video so we're going to test it out on some small   fruits first like an orange here we go eye  protection is important I got to go Center Orange here dude not a single piece is broken off  of this I'm actually really impressed look   at this orange I bet that tastes really good  next up we got some strawberries cuz why not   it's more of like a pulverizer than  an actual slicing tool oh one piece   broke off where'd that come from  oh on the handle let's test it on watermelon you know that's some pretty  good damage like it didn't break it are you okay sorry well it didn't work very  well on the watermelon but on the other fruits it   killed it since this one doesn't cut I'll give it  like a five out of 10 it works really well where's   my bowl I'm not kidding about the fruit salad  let's build the next one for this next weapon   I want to build a dagger and I'm going to build  this in two halves that are identical and then   we'll snap them together with the handle we're  going to need some long bricks these guys if you   guys are wondering where to get more Legos you can  check out this video sponsor crazy Kai brickling   store they have a ton of Lego pieces in stock  in all sorts of different colors and stuff and   they ship pretty fast too so check out what they  have if you want to increase your Lego collection   what we're going to do is we're going to add two  plates to the bottoms of each one so now on top of   these we're going to put some brackets it's like  this check it out we just got snapping together   and add a plate there is one thing I'm a little  worried about these pieces up here separating   like that and since we don't want that what  I'm going to do is grab one of these pieces   there's a secret Lego technique that's super legal  that I'm going to use some of these pieces these   little hinges have these little red things in  them that make them hinge and these are fishal   Lego they're the perfect WID to go between two  bricks and hold them together back to back this is awesome okay after a quick little rebuild  we've attached these two pieces with the   same thing at the end of these two slopes the  key here is to get the perfect ninja slopes so   what you do is you attach some slopes like  this and then you want to taper it off so   you make the piece longer and longer and  then the next one would be this which is   six long we just basically taper that shape  up until we get the Ninja Blade design we want the one last thing I want to add to  this is a little ring to the end and we   should be good to go next up we have the  dagger this thing has a beautiful shape I   don't know what they call this it's a ninja  weapon so let's test it on a watermelon why   not the Watermelons are going to be the  heftiest things of this video we'll see it's sharp but not sharp enough I  think I can get it if I get a good stab you know not as bad as I not as bad as  I expected this is pretty good dang do you   hear that wow this is a pretty good weapon it only  broke the first time I think the stickiness of the   juice is holding it together so it worked to stab  the only thing that's breaking is the part that's   not supposed to which is the blad I'd give this  one four out of 10 just because it can't cut but   you see what it did to this watermelon like just  look at this it just tore into that completely   that's pretty cool guys we have a brand new ooot  this is ninjab blot as you can see he has a really   cool sword on the back which you can put on his  arm got a mask and a little ninja sawar right   there totally posable in all sorts of different  articulations we're going to be coming out with   some new versions of OT so we got the ninja blot  here comes with an instructional video and all   the parts you need to make it you can get one of  these for yourself it's a buildable Lego set link   in the description he's pretty cool let's build  the next one the next weapon I want to build is   a long sword the reason I want to build a long  sword is because a short sword wouldn't be that   fun so I'm going to start with the base made out  of Technic bricks like we built before and then   we'll build it up off that as you can see it's  long enough let's stick with this just like this   as the inside of the frame and then we'll use  some plates and wedge plates to actually build   up the sword part so if we grab some plates in  different varying sizes let's build up a layer   all the way down with these 4X plates they'll  come in and do a few more layers in the middle   to actually make it sharp what I'm going to do  is go all the way down this with some tiles like so we're getting there it's looking like a lord  of the ring sword now we're going to put on that   other layer to make it sharp on the bottom I  actually do have a bunch of these pieces so I'm   going to take these cheese slopes and put them  all along the edge of the sword that way it'll   give it the sharp aesthetic also built in some  silver pieces that kind of catch the shine totally   not cuz I was running out of light bluish gray and  needed more I want to build the tip onto the front   of the sword so what we can do is take some of our  wedge plates here then we just got to come up with   some sort of assembly that will go on the front  boom there we go now that's pretty sharp now all   we got to do to finish the blade is just finish  this side here for the handle I'm just going to   add a bunch of brackets to it and then we'll be  able to snap down plates on the sides to round   it [Music] out here we have the Glorious long  sword actually I feel like this turned out really   well it was starting to look like kylo Ren's  lightsaber so I added these little like bulbs to   the end of the hilt and I think if I don't hit any  light bulbs we should be good to go I think it's   swingable I'm going to stand back a little we'll  see what it does to some fruit starting with a banana not a very clean cut but didn't break  the sword either that's just like fruit ninja   this pretty cool all right we got a grape coming  in oh gosh not that hard I hit it I did I hit it   look everybody heard that see [ __ ] can't do  that at home here we go orange dude straight in   half let's go check it out straight in half  like that now long sword versus watermelon   man these watermelons are durable it works on  all the other fruits except for the watermelon   okay yeah this is pretty cool I didn't think  these things would be sharp or work at all this   is a 9 out of 10 mainly because it's just a little  flimsy right here yeah you hear that cracking all   right this is going to look delicious at the end  let's build the next one for our next weapon we're   going to build a spear and for that we're going  to use wedges these are actually wedge plates but   we're also going to use these kind of wedges  to make it sharp like that so for the tip of   the spear we can use two of these on each side  and then we need to find a way to attach them   together unfortunately for us I'm actually out  of those special red pieces I was using earlier   so guys I found something we set these on the  bottom here put more on the side and they fit   back to back which is dope and then what you do  is you stick them together like this I just got to   play around with the shape until I get something  that's strong enough but still has this kind of design all right guys check this out I've  created this really dope shape honestly this   is pretty sharp we just peel off one side  here look how simple that is not illegal   at all and we already have a technique brick  on the inside that will feed into the handle   and connect to that now we need to build  the handle for it which I'm just going to   lock together a bunch of these Technic pieces  again we're going to make it three wide like   this and hopefully it'll all lock together  in a way that isn't extremely [Music] wobbly   here's our Lego spear check it out we added  some Lego ribbon at the end to kind of give   it a nice tied onlo not super unsturdy  not super sturdy either okay we'll test   it that's the whole reason we're here we have a  pineapple I can't really throw it but I can stab it uh we might need to go out this another way wow this is probably better it's probably  way sharper yeah it was sharper with just the   Technic piece I put on the inside I mean the  handle's still together so maybe we could like oh no I broke the Lego piece off yeah this  is a 1 out of 10 just completely broke it was   cool though the next weapon we're going to build  is nunchucks I think what we can do is make some   chain links out of these Technic Pieces by just  arranging them in some such a pattern and boom   there we have a chain link now if we just build  a few more of these we can link them together   and make an actual chain that'll go between the  two nunchucks here you SE that magic trick where   you just go like this and then they're like  connected together it's kind of cool now we   have a chain this is actually perfect now we  just got to build the Chucks which will go on   each side of this I think the best way to do this  is by building up two pillars using brackets and   Technic bricks on the outsides of these pieces  we'll just take a bunch of these brackets and   overlap them that way we can cover the outside  this is how you make strong builds okay I don't   want to say this is the same thing over and  over but it's basically the same thing over and over to make the nunchucks round I  am going to use a bunch of slopes   and I think dark red is a good color  to use it's going to look [Music] cool last thing we got to do is just attach  the Chucks to the chain and so I think if   we use one of these frictionless pins here  we should be able to just lock this in here   like this yeah that'll do it what could go  wrong let's test these out next up we have   our nunchucks as you can see we added some  cool gold details and they actually look   like nunchucks you can swing them around I  think you can do that thing where you go like this cut this together like I'm doing it really  well I feel like a real ninja right now first up   we got a mango I don't know how this is  going to go I think you got to build up momentum didn't even work so  close well we got one half left yeah that's actually really quite disappointing  as cool as these were one out of 10 they broke   ah three out of 10 because they were cool we also  didn't cut our mango so now we got to figure out   how to do that I didn't bring any real knives  this looks so good so good the next weapon I   want to test is a scythe a scythe basically has  a blade on the top and handle which is long or   short we're going to make our handle short and  for that we're going to need a bunch of slopes   also I want this to be like sharp I'm going to  try and lay out the right shape and hopefully   we can make that happen I think I got the  right shape built up here so now I'm just   adding a few slopes to the top like that then  some tiles to clean up the shape just maybe we   can add a tile across it to really strengthen  it up and there we go check it out to make   the handle for this you guessed it we're going  to leak together more Technic bricks so we're   going to separate two of these by two plates  on each one and then put some brown plates   on the outside of this and this thing should fit  right here we put it together with a little piece   one more of those on the other side and I think  hey actually not bad I'm going to finish building   up the skeleton to this handle and then we'll add  some gold pieces and details so that it'll look   cooler we got all sorts of these gold pieces and  I'm thinking we can use them to make this guy look   cool like an actual Ninja Weapon I think it'll  really liven it up a little bit and make it less   boring and also I ran out of these right here so  I got to figure out how to do something I don't know yeah let's test it out I hope that was rolling here we have our  sidee this thing is pretty cool not the   sturdiest build I've made so I really  don't know I don't think this is going   to go through anything but we'll  start off small with some grapes   watch [Music] this it worked we got  a strawberry I didn't need that part anyway that's what I thought  might happen which is why I   put a blunt end on the other side so we can just as cool as it looked one out of 10 this thing  wasn't strong enough the way I built it who needs   a SI anyway just get like a sword let's build  the next one the next weapon I want to build   is a katana and this is going to be completely  different from all the other weapons we've built   because we're going to build it lengthwise the way  I'm thinking we do this is we lay out a bunch of   these long bricks we connect all these together  and let's see if it actually bends just because   of the weight something like this I think should  work and then make it thicker obviously but this   is going to be the thinnest and better  looking design I think think if we just [Music] reabilitare as possible I am going to  use some of these little slope pieces   we're just going to add these all  the way up the length of the blade and then to make the tip of the sharp I'm thinking  we just use a couple of these guys like that that   should make it pretty sharp also have the little  circular thing that's going to go above the handle   this thing is going to go right on here like  this and then we'll put our little Capstone on   just like this this is so beautiful now that we  finally finished our Katana we can go test it out   the moment you've all been waiting for the katana  as you can see we have slopes on this part of it   to give it like a nice sharp edge which I think  will cut through stuff really well also so this   handle is just beautiful I think it's going to be  really cool so we're going to throw some stuff and   then cut it out of the air listen to this noise so  first with the regular Katana again oh there we go   that's a clean slice right there now on to the  Lego Katana this thing's a little Wiggly here we go first try that actually kind  of sliced look at that you see I   hit it right here and just sliced  it right across there hey two for two oh no did we cut this in half no  that can't have been did I did I cut   that in half dude look at that I mean I  broke this sword but look and this thing   goes right back together dude this  is dope we're going to do bananas [ __ ] and that's why I'm glad no one was  standing behind me now versus the watermelon man it's always so cool until the watermelon comes  out oh that was cool the katana is a 9 out of 10   I'd say best one of the video the long swords  have been the best one so far well here we have   our beautiful fruit salad I didn't forgot to bring  a fork so yeah yummy this actually looks pretty   good thank you guys so much for watching check  out when I tested Lego Bridges right here and   check out this video because it's another video  I'll talk to you in the next brick science see you
Channel: Brick Science
Views: 414,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LEGO, TD Bricks, LEGO Weapons, TESTING LEGO Weapons, LEGOs, Brick Science, LEGO Turorial, DIY, LEGO Videos, LEGO Katana, LEGO Nunchucks, How to build a LEGO Sword, LEGO Spear, LEGO Scythe, LEGO Long Sword, LEGO Knife, LEGO Dagger, Fruit Ninja, LEGO vs. Fruit, Testing LEGO
Id: 2JE9-_XTGnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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