Testing KITCHEN GADGETS from AMAZON... What's ACTUALLY Worth Buying??

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guys i had to change my shirt four times four different sweaters before coming on here they all had stains on them so i guess what i'm saying is i'm doing laundry tonight if this sweater has stains on it forgive me i don't know what's happened to all of my shirts but apparently only these stains show up when i'm on camera i am noticing little woofly things on it though it doesn't matter anyway hey guys what's up welcome back to another edition of testing weird gadgets i find on amazon today i'm excited because i found a bunch of really cool ones that are specifically for the kitchen two of them haven't arrived yet but hopefully in the next i don't know 20 minutes or so come on amazon truck you can do it but it's so much fun picking all of these out if you guys have any recommendations for some great kitchen gadgets on amazon please leave me a comment below please i love them so grab yourself a coffee or a tea or i don't know a blanket and come and hang out as we test out some interesting things and let you guys know if they are worth the money or not and we are going to start actually with a product that is meant for the barbecue christopher are you ready i am i think maybe and we have here a set of barbecue specific gloves that are meant to help protect you from heat up what was it christopher like 1400 degrees fahrenheit does any barbecue go up to that temperature i don't know not one that i have we're gonna be testing it today so chris has a cast iron skillet on the big green egg and so he is going to put these on and then grab it do we know how hot it is it'll be around 650 or 700 but so here's the thing the amazon listing says 932 degrees the package it came in said 1400 but if you dig down in the listing at 923 degrees the exposure time is 13 to 15 seconds so you grab and then put it down pretty quickly as the temperature drops you can hold it for longer so at 662 degrees fahrenheit which is probably about what i've got it at it's 20 to 24 seconds so you you could not then grab it and bring it in and put it over here for example i could probably get it in that time well if you were booking it and you're like running down here if i'm kind of like passing it between hands i don't think that's that's not very great this is not a great idea but i am curious if it is going to protect your hands yes me too also you'll note christopher's shirts because you guys have been asking about them i like this one i've been re-watching sherlock is that what it is yeah it's covenant hobbs it's sherlock and oh the hair but you can find his shirts and we put them in um a thing you know like a thing on online with the stuff a thing with the stuff like a store thing so that chris can buy more shirts yes contribute to my shirt fun thank you so if you want to see chris get more shirts you can go and buy some and support his t-shirt habit it's kind of an addiction at this point probably better if you don't okay you ready are you ready to test these out try to figure out if there's a left and a right but it doesn't seem like they're i don't think so because there's the thing on the other side hold on would they also be good against the cold could you use them to scrape off ice off of the car better in bare hands christopher fine whatever i can't test that anyway all right do the barbecue all right so this hold on wait first right first over here this is what's going on once we're done this experiment risky brisket okay what's the temp hold on gotta read it first right 650 a little under 650. yeah she's steamy okay all right we got our cast iron there yeah i'm gonna have to reseason this that's been on too well oh it's all right i use the one that i don't use much are you ready yeah i think so i'm nervous just a little grab okay it's ow five six ow that really hurts okay that wasn't 30 seconds my hands are steaming that's um all right so so technically you could touch something yeah i could pick it up but like that was it i could pick it up and put it on here okay let me see i don't know what you do once it's there did you hurt yourself no that was fine okay but that's like the maximum distance i wouldn't want to bring it inside no that would be terrible okay so how would you rate this purchase oh hang on huh that got so close to me oh my gosh my arm hairs above here started to burn one two three oh my gosh don't burn yourself please i'm scared five six seven okay that's getting uncomfortable oh you weren't touching it though were you no no i was just holding my hand over it just lightly tap touch the whoa yeah that's very hot yeah no um well i mean are they better than the other like oven mitts they're better than any oven mitt that we own yes but they are nowhere near 900 like put your hand in this now it's not burning hot but it is very hot inside oh yeah so that i mean 932 is ridiculous obviously not not even close no hey okay christopher has made the final call it's a no okay now i want to talk about a product that i'm probably the most excited of everything that i got today because it is going to make my life if it works so much easier and that is the oxo grape cutter any moms out there agree with me that cutting up grapes is annoying i've tried the plate thing i know there's a hack and you can like squish it between a grape and like slice it across it doesn't work okay it fails terribly for me but basically you just load in a grape in here and then kapow it slices it in quarters if this works just don't get your hopes up rachel too late my hope's already out so basically to demonstrate we are going to load a grape into the little loading zone okay this is a very big grape apparently it's not going to feed you dinner nope she don't want to she don't want to it's fine we'll demonstrate with you then here we'll use this grape pop her in like so and then squish it out the side apparently okay well kind of worked let's try again putting it in okay that was way better okay that was just that was i don't know what happened with that one but look look at that like beautiful segments there green grapes are really underrated oh if you guys tried with the lime juice on top it tastes like sour patch kids i'm telling you it's so good just one of those things that tick-tock taught me tick-tock talk me tick-tock taught me got it so i thought perhaps as a way of demonstrating if this is actually going to make my life easier i thought that maybe i would try and cut through grapes versus chris using a knife to cut the same number of grapes and see if i win i better win i'm very competitive chris do you want a grape cutting contest i get an advantage with a cool nifty contraption how does it work is it good put the grape in like that and then cuts it oh it's serrated yeah look at it that makes sense i know i wonder if it would work for like cherry tomatoes too i would assume so unless they're too big because like look at this this is a big beautiful grape you have to like squish it in and then like will it work [Music] or maybe i'll break them so i'm so sorry oxo okay but look look look i could just i can just squish it back together it's fine no it's going to be totally fine see it's fine it looks fine don't worry about that you get all my big grapes that's not how it is how it works okay ready set go i'm scared i'm gonna get my finger in there i don't have the best knife skills in the world so i'm trying not to go super fast because i will lose a thing don't do it oh no it's a big one no no you just rolled one over on tomorrow i didn't i got it i got back i got it back time i still have five left okay so you know what i like how you continue to chop them though i have to finish the test are you gonna use it i'm actually going to use this i won't does it clean well like you just take it apart it's oxo they do i don't have any cherry tomatoes otherwise i would test that come on do you have any outside just like a little little drizzle of lime juice telling you if you have not tried this it's worth it let's catch did you see that that was good i have no ability to catch anything that's good thank you i feel like i need more praise for that okay i got it two-handed too okay in okay yeah it gets a little um seedy but it did that wouldn't happen with a shark knife i just don't like unit taskers right yeah but grapes and cherry tomatoes and chicken and cheese you know what i like it and i've i cut grapes so much for the kids that like i feel like this is worth it to me even if this seeds this like i don't care like julia loves cherry tomatoes and like that's like an easy way of doing that if you were like younger but like i like it i think this is great it worked except for the big grapes so if you have big grapes where you're from this is probably not gonna work well for you did you try these ones i put lime juice on it did you hang on a second who won actually who won after all didn't see it okay boom i still wanted i still won one juice tastes really good i know it's amazing sour patch kids gotten like everyone hooked to that now okay now i'm excited because now we're gonna make an ice cream i decided because i bought the dash like the egg cooker thing you know the one that works for literally everyone and i couldn't get to work but they have a ton of different gadgets and so i thought it would be fun to test out their little pint ice cream maker and just this like little guy that you make ice cream in and i would show you except he's in my freezer getting really really cold because the key to any ice cream maker ice cream is making sure that the container it's going to be in is frigid cold so the only part that i have to show you is this which isn't helpful at all now i could just make a traditional vanilla ice cream but i thought no rachel were to step it up a notch so i thought together we would try and make some salted caramel ice cream this is a recipe from epicurus that i found and it looked really good and so we're gonna experiment and we're going to try out this ice cream maker and also try out what sounds like a phenomenal ice cream recipe so come with me as we go over to the stove to make the caramel so first things first i'm going to take my cast iron i'm going to turn it to medium low and i'm going to put some sugar in there i'm gonna be stirring up this sugar with a fork so that it kind of stirs up and and cooks the sugar nice and evenly and then i'm going to cook it down so it creates a nice warm toasty caramelly amber brown shade this is going to be the base for the caramel all right now that we have our sugar liquid we're going to add in some cream and then cook it until it's all dissolved now i've transferred her to a bowl to cool and i'm going to add in a little pinch of some good sea salt here and then a little splash of vanilla and then while that is cooling we're going to go back over to the stove and we're going to start making the base which is a custard i'm going to use this little guy right here to make the base and into this pot goes some milk cream and a little sugar and i have one egg in this little bowl here i'm going to take half of my warm milk mixture well that was right in your face i'm going to be whisking in a slow stream then we're gonna add this back to the pot now we're going to strain it then we mix it all together and now i'm going to put a lid on it and i'm going to stick it in the freezer just so it cools down entirely before we can add it to the ice cream maker this is a process so i gotta wait like an hour for this to like cool down before we can add it to the ice cream maker and then i can't even taste it till tomorrow but i mean like it's all gonna be in one video but anyway see you guys in a bit and we're back ice cream time like it even has like a little handle you can like eat like this adorable and now it is time to transfer the ice cream or mixture anyway it's not frozen or anything and i'm going to put it into here step one all right now that the mixture is in now we get to plug in the paddle thing all right now i'm supposed to turn it on and slowly lower it into the cup here holding on to everything it's very hard to do with it and i guess it's doing its thing so i guess we wait now until it's done all right this has been going on for like 45 minutes now and i keep checking it and nothing has happened like okay like look at that it's still liquid this by the way the the freezer container was in the freezer for about six hours or so um it does recommend between one to three hours at minimum and like ideally 24 hours so maybe it basically has to be 24 hours otherwise it's just not gonna work all right we're back day two this went into the freezer overnight and then this went into the fridge so now we're going to try and return it so it turns into ice cream ooh that's cold okay i'm going to slowly pour this in for some reason this was very important let's do this in 30 minutes all right this thing has been going for 45 minutes now so let's see if it is done oh not even kind of close um all right maybe it is the specific uh recipe that i chose or something but like this was frozen in the freezer overnight kept the mixture cool like i'm not sure what's happening here all right one more time i'm gonna try and freeze this mixture for two hours or so then i'm gonna try and turn it again and see if that works feels like a lot of work for this little amount of ice cream i'm gonna be honest well let's try this again then this is the last time i'm doing that all right it's been 20 minutes let's uh investigate what this looks like it hasn't changed and if anything has just gotten more liquidy i'm not working this hard to make ice cream when you can make it in a bag much easier than this this did not work oh my gosh it is finally it's frozen guys i just put it in the freezer just like like in this because i'm like well i still need to taste test this i want to know if it's good let's go bring some crisper see what he thinks christopher christopher i have ice cream finally like real ice cream like real ice cream did it work i mean no but that is ice cream have you tried it no i haven't tried it yet don't you want me to be the guinea you could be the kid peg for me oh i don't know it's tasty but it's more sludgy than ice cream maybe it needs more time to solidify i don't think it's that i just think there's not enough air in it it's like it's like cream like thick cream i made a custard it's custard oh okay you're right it doesn't taste like ice cream it tastes like some sort of whipped whipped cream frozen whipped cream do we make frozen whipped cream again it's fine i don't think it's worth the effort though i'll be honest like that was a lot you can buy a better ice cream than this little delicious though i'm still eating it okay now let's try something for my beloved lemon love lemon i have right here my beautiful lemon and there are many devices that i have in my home as to get the juice from said lemon we have this guy i also have this little squeegee guy but now i have a third and it is this guy so this right here it's like a little hat for a lemon i guess in this case it's sort of like a dress or a i don't know sleeping bag it doesn't matter and it has a little spout here so you put half of a lemon in and then you can squeeze it it's going to retain all of the seeds in there and everything else and all that's going to come out is the lemon juice or at least that's what they say on amazon man i love lemon so much just everything lemon it's my favorite lemons limes lemonade key lime pie lemon meringue pie margaritas love me a good margarita basically we're gonna take this half a lemon squeeze him in get another little guy i guess this could also be for keeping the the lemon though maybe that's better i don't know get him in there like so and basically all we're going to do is we're going to squeeze because it's hard to do one hand hold on i'm gonna squish oh look at that lemon juice is coming out okay all right it is working it does kind of stay in the bottom there so you kind of have to squeeze just the silicone thing to make sure you get all the lemon juice but it does work it's pretty cool all right like it did do a good job and then you can just like seal it up if you only wanted like a little bit of lemon juice for like i don't know like salad dressing or something i make a mean lemon like vinaigrette oh so good but that way if i need just a little bit i can just kind of squeeze it out i don't have to put it in like another container or anything it's just right here so like that i do i do actually really appreciate but i would only use this if i'm going to use like a little bit of lemon juice if i'm going through and i'm just like doing a whole bunch of lemons or limes or anything like this like no but i do like that it is small it is easy to store as well and it's silicone easy to clean not out of this i am not mad at this and now i want to share with you guys a product that i have been using for this entire video and you guys didn't see you didn't catch any of it did you you didn't even notice yeah go go back go back see if you can see it that's right you up because it is a mat that i'm standing on i kind of like it [Music] is a memory foam mat that you can stand on if you have like a standing desk or if you are in the kitchen it's also recommended for and it's like 3d so it encourages you to make a lot of movements so you're not just standing in one place or you're standing flat-footed all day and so they have these like little nubby bits and like all these different things and you can kind of move around and just i don't know it's just more ergonomic it's really comfy and we decided to test it out in the kitchen today basically i wanted to see if it was going to encourage me to be moving around more if it felt really comfortable on my feet if it feels like it's going to you know stand the test of time pun intended and if i liked it in the kitchen or if i would recommend it for if you have like a standing desk or something like that so have i been moving around more i feel like i was like i feel like i've been like moving around between the front and the side pieces because it feels really nice on like the arch of the foot and so that's been kind of comfortable so i've been really enjoying that um is this something that i would want in my kitchen full time don't think so for a number of reasons one being that i will trip over all these like little mountains all over this more than once i don't really want to add another thing that i may triple likely trip over especially around like hot liquids and stuff it's going to happen and i don't think that's super safe but for like a standing mat like my brother-in-law brandon this is coming for you buddy i got you you just got a standing desk and so i think that he would really like this because it's i mean it's really good to be standing and it's nice to be able to stretch and kind of move around i think this just would be that much more comfortable in like a regular like everyday kitchen probably not the best choice but i do like it like it's real comfy i keep moving around and like stretching my stretching my legs and my feet my feet feel great right now and if you have any recommendations for other amazon gadgets whether their kitchen or maybe their other parts of the house or just general things from amazon that you really you know what i really want to do a video where i buy a whole bunch of stuff off of your amazon wishlist that would be really fun oh my gosh okay okay leave me leave me comments down below let me know things that you guys are like super excited about or interested in that i can test out maybe it's kitchen maybe it's not i don't know but like between here and on my rachel's channel i don't know i think this could be a really fun video and be sure to check out some more videos because i want to keep you entertained on this nice beautiful saturday i'm saying this being that it's not saturday yet but i am hopeful i'm wishing that it is a beautiful day for you at least for someone someone please have some nice weather thank you so much for joining me i hope you guys are having a great weekend and i'll see you guys all in my next video love you all
Channel: RachhLovesLife
Views: 288,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rachhloveslife, 5 star rated, testing kitchen gadgets, testing, tested, amazon, tested 5 star amazon, best, wrost, kitchen, hacks, fun kitchen gadgets, kitchen gadgets, wish kitchen gadgets, wish gadgets, oxo grape cutter, dash ice cream maker
Id: iXjhZuylOww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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