How MUCH we SPEND on Groceries in 2024 ︱ PRICE increase from 2022 & Svalbard FOOD haul

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hello hello good morning today we're going to go food shopping because we need to and we haven't brought you food shopping in a really long time and what I realized doing these videos it's that it's actually a really good way to look back and see how the prices have changed and I have no idea if our prices have gone up or if they have stayed the same since maybe last time we did one of these Food Shops I think it's like 2021 so that would be like 2 years ago and that is the most interesting one I think regarding the prices how much it's changed since then cuz I think it's going to be the same as last year but I don't know so we're going to go and we're going to see first we need to have a look at what the situation in the fridge is and kind of what we need to buy we've also changed our way of shopping a little bit but I think I'm want to talk more about that when we're at the store first let's have a look in the fridge here it is here it is oo it looks horrible I'm going to have to clean from this cheese I hate a dirty fridge this is okay so it's definitely messy and it's also somewhat empty so basically a bit of everything let's go shopping I think the easiest thing is to just go straight into the village so let's go if you are new here allow me to just do a quick recap on the supermarket situation on spard we have one Supermarket which is located on the Main Street here in longin our cabin is located 8 km out of town so it is only a short 10-minute drive for us to get here since nothing grows on spard all food is shipped in Via either boat or airplane as you can see by this sign you cannot walk around with your firearm inside if if you have one with you perhaps you're just coming home from a hike or something like that you can ask the employees for the key to the Gun Locker and then put it there while you are shopping what I really find interesting when doing these videos is looking back at how the prices have changed and if they've changed at all I have brought out some receipts from Food Shops we did here in 2022 to be able to compare prices for some of the items we are shopping today [Music] we drink a lot of Oatley but Christopher used to make our own why didn't we continue it didn't keep so well I only tried like this recipe not just a regular drink not the other one the other one have oil in it maybe we should try to make our own ones just to see if we like it better oats isn't that expensive maybe we'll make that one day right now we're just going to buy it cu we're going to do quite a big shop today a bit of everything but we have changed our shopping habits we went from doing like the huge Swedish huls to actually splitting up our purchases weekly previously we always did very big Food Shops about maybe twice a month but now we've started doing several small ones instead I don't really know what sparked it for us but since we found ourselves going to the Village a little bit more often especially Christopher who runs all of our errands we just decided to change up our shopping schedule as well considering how often you show up to empty shelves due to a late shipment or just that the boat hasn't arrived it also makes it a bit easier to plan meals ahead of time if we do only big shops there are so many times you come here and there's nothing that you need because maybe boats late or it's you know sold out like when you come and there's no chicken and no bananas blah blah so it's easier to kind of divide it up so we've got a Norwegian in our ways it's very Norwegian to not do big shops at least up here so yep now you know before we bought frozen chicken and I'm a little bit tired of the taste of that one so now we're going for the fresh ones always when it comes to what kind of food we buy and eat we don't follow a certain diet we do however try to not eat a lot of sugar or processed foods so that would be our main goals when food shopping I often get the question if it's difficult to be a vegan or vegetarian on spard and I think considering how good our Supermarket is it is definitely doable also when eating out there are always vegetarian options available and also in many places vegan options it's always good to check the date because it's not unusual for the the things to might have expired but if they have expired you can just tell them and then you can get it for a discounted price last time we noticed that a lot of the yogurt had expired so we got it at like 50% for me I don't care if I can get it you know half price and some eats it instead of it going getting thrown away I feel like that's ideal they very often actually put expired food here for sale for really cheap price which I think is really smart cuz a lot of things just have like a best before date versus like cannot be eaten after so I think that's a really good good way of reducing waste on a place where waste you know has to be shipped out uh let's see else what we need someone sent us stubs barbecue sauce from the states and it's really nice and they have it on Coupe so now we buy it crazy right yeah so we're going to try these ones this is incredible 5550 I had a long break from Monster but now I'm ready to be back a little bit the thing is he bought four for me last week and it was so exciting for me to have these again that I I drank them all in like 2 days so it's a little bit excessive but we're going to go back on the monsters just a little bit but it is it always ends up being way too much caffeine for me you know because I drink this and coffee but just a little bit here's like uh the Sheep disc so here is you can get like passion fruit for 12 CRS instead of 41 70% off so in this pile you have chilies 70% off oh red chili only 12 CRS like one box plus something it's a bit empty I think the plane coming this afternoon and feeling it up so a lot of things like salad and fresh items and I think uh some dairy products it all gets shipped here via airplane so it's very common for it to look like this on days well this is actually okay to be honest it can this can be completely empty it often looks like this so this is fine we have a lot of options here but so when the airplane in between shipments it can be very very empty but today I feel like it's still it has a lot of food so it's not bad at all but there might be a shipment coming in today considering a lot of these items are out I think it looks pretty good to die must be difficult organizing all of this shipment here especially like fresh fruit oh grapes still one on there holy moly well we can only afford one avocado for today comparing all of the prices now I think it is very interesting to see that some items have increased by up to 75% in only 2 years these dishcloths for example are now 43% more expensive than they were in 2022 the supermarket also has a section for HomeGoods and kitchen equipment and other things you might need while living here this is very useful as there is no other place in the village to buy any of the stuff you need when you for example are moving here for the first time here you can buy silverware and drinking glasses they've even started selling rugs which before was a huge problem to get a hold of considering it's such a large item [Music] 1 [Music] can you hear all of the birds up on the mountains they're back also it is very much spring Vibes you might not think it's spring but for us this just came from one day to the other so we went from straight on winter full on winter sorry to Patchy but there's still enough snow for this to maybe recover and there might be a few weeks left of the snowmobile season but also it is Snowy out in the field but the birds are back in the mountain that is always a clear indicator that spring and summer is around the corner thankfully we can still use our snowmobiles to bring down our things a little bit longer [Music] H such a Barky boy we have lots of food actually not that much it's only five of these I feel like I thought it was going to be more story of our cool lives you know this is empty let's bring it all out on the counter to see what we bought and how much it cost all righty let's see what we got from [Music] this all righty it out this is everything and now to the biggest part of it the price of this take a guess now before I say it take a guess maybe write it in the comments how much would this cost do you you think where you are and how much do you think it cost for me this was 3,473 norian croner which is the dollar is so strong it's a 317 dollars the weird thing is I didn't I don't think it's that much do you think it's that much or have we just gotten you know have we lost the sense of what what our normal prices for food that could also be possible you know I feel like this is a good amount our monthly budget for food has stayed pretty much the same for the last 2 years at around 15,000 Norwegian croners a month which is around $1,400 when we look at the whole year we can see that it varies a little bit depending on what month it is but when calculating the average it ends up at around 13,000 Norwegian croners a month which is under budget while this is a lot of money it is an amount we are okay with spending as it means we can eat more fresh vegetables and fruit than if we were to lower our budget it's absolutely possible to live on a smaller budget per month here of course this monthly budget does not include eating out but to be honest it's not something that we do very often in 2021 I posted a video with a groceries haul where I calculated that we had spent $7,000 on food for the year of 2020 well for 2023 we spent a whopping $58,000 Norwegian croners which is about $14,500 yeah so that's quite a lot and since our supermarket has started selling HomeGoods a small portion of that is items we purchased for our cabin but I looked back through our receipts and could really only find two bigger purchases which were two rugs and the total cost for them comes out to about 5,000 Norwegian cloners is 500 bucks so that still leaves over 150,000 Norwegian croners spent on food see how it all turned out looks nice and clean every time we get it in the fridge it really does not feel like a lot this time we only had one thing for the freezer everything else is in here grim and I we're going to eat one of these now you down this is our new obsession it has completely called replaced crab sticks hasn't it Christopher lob knobs it's the exact same thing it's just a different Aroma and a different texture but it's always the texture with these you you love it this can't be bad for him right it's white fish a little bit of sugar in this sorry about that which is crap we don't need it but it's taste it's a lot of protein you're adorable have you noticed that he's starting to um shed M look at it oh my gosh no no no the shedding season is upon us Grim very early I must say how blonde do we think you're going to be this summer this has been I think his darkest winter yet hasn't it yeah darkest winter oh my God which means it might be his either darkest winter or lightest wi summer I don't know what I'm saying s [Music] and test same how about this one same again it's so damn good PA what about that one ooh okay what good can you show us high five I didn't even know you were going to do it okay do a little SN SN you should know it by this word SN [Music] one he hit me in the face sin I'm going to have a scar take it all just take it all don't hurt me I feel like I'm at dog Point how dare you hit me in the face I forget you so what you just had sir on today's snack was Alaska poock sugar water egg whites thank you so much for watching this video make sure to subscribe if you already haven't I post every Sunday also to see more content from us and some more behind the scenes videos check out my patreon there is tons of fun content there that you get access to when joining like videos with me and Christopher and sneak peeks of what is happening and also things like my monthly downloadable wallpaper thank you so much for being here and I will see you guys next week love you'all bye [Music]
Channel: Cecilia Blomdahl
Views: 237,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spitsbergen, remote, island, longyearbyen, north, arctic, northern, swedish, norway, norwegian, winter, snow, polar bear, glacier, adventure, extreme, polar, hygge, cabin, hytte, darkness, aurora, northern lights, fire, real talk, deep talk, decor, snow storm, dark, everyday, life, lifestyle, cabin build, renovation, house tour, house build, house, cabin life, polar bears, apartment tour, tour, apartment, flat, night, polarnight, dark season, cats, banned, rabies, education, food, culture, polar night
Id: WcZR_-lhSMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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