Testing KITCHEN GADGETS from AMAZON... What's ACTUALLY Worth Buying??

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tell me honestly has anyone else spent more time on amazon this past year than they ever have in their whole life or is it just me they get me every time they give me every time and today is no exception because today we're going to be testing out some very interesting looking kitchen gadgets just things that sort of caught my eyes you know i need you put you in my cart amazon guy drive it to my house we're just gonna test these out and see what's actually going to work what is worth in many cases the extremely high ratings that a lot of these have i think one one of these products has like i think like 37 000 reviews that's crazy so if you're new here welcome make sure you subscribe new videos here every single saturday i've been testing a lot of different kitchen gadgets so you can go and check out those videos or i did like a wrap up i think it was last month of all of my favorite and least favorite products from amazon so you can go and check that out and now let's dive into product number and this product caught my high for two reasons number one it just it just looks very interesting and number two it has a lot of five star reviews like people love this thing and it is a microwave s'mores maker because who doesn't need that in in their life it's like way over here rachel come to me it looks like this is this little guy he's waving and this thing this thing right here is supposed to make perfect s'mores in the microwave perfect they promise me and what's really interesting about this is it has this little guy right here you know what this is for this is for water so it can steam the s'mores i don't understand this but apparently it's supposed to be delicious and i like s'mores and i want to eat s'mores right now so let's do this all right so hands up if you want to eat a s'more with me so let's just make sure i'm not missing anything in the instructions like you know don't fill it with water all the way or something i don't know i like reading instructions actually no that's not true most the time i don't like reading instructions i just want to wing it i think i got it so the big thing is we're going to add in the appropriate amount of water apparently there is a fill line it's this guy right here that's a fill line if i ever saw one we're over here we're filling done his arm's back like that he looks really mad he looks like he just doesn't want to be here you know we're gonna clip it closed it says it should snap closed i guess like that we're gonna dry it off no excess water should be on the platform all right and now assembling is more it's the best part do i need to put like chocolate on the bottom or on the top chocolate on the bottom right reading instructions on that first we have the graham crackers now i personally like to just snack on graham crackers that's why we never have any in the house because i keep eating them i don't know why that's like a kind of a random thing to just enjoy snacking on but i do look at it what is that that's not breaking that on the line it's gonna have to be a snacking graham cracker okay i have my tops over there oh my gosh i can't even see it there we go so for chocolate i have these guys so we're gonna try that we're gonna see if it works obviously they do use a much thinner chocolate but maybe you know we'll try it like this for one and for the other one i will chop it give it a little chop i feel like this is a lot of work for a microwave s'more but um we're gonna go with it yeah so that feels more like the thickness that they seem to be doing in the video wait not in the video we're doing the video on the amazon listing now the marshmallow got to get the nice floofy marshmallow boop boop all right personally i would add more marshmallows but i think they only added one uh so we're just gonna do one okay hold them down beautiful all right so now i'm gonna take this we're gonna microwave it on high for 30 seconds and apparently all the steam in here is going to help the marshmallow to not overcook so you get a nice gooey delicious marshmallow experience which you know i'm all about i will take that we'll take it out all day and now we wait wait graham crackers they're so good they're so good i can see why toddlers love this so much oh 30 seconds all right let's see gooey i mean it's missing the obvious you know browning situation from you know roasting on the fire but ooh this chocolate that's not even that's not even a little bit melted but the marshmallow was gooey [Music] if you do a little bit more maybe like another like another 10 seconds i know i'm doing it more than i should but like the chocolate is just like it's not even warm you know okay i'm gonna watch it i'm gonna watch it i don't want it to like explode or anything remind me i'm just over here eyes glued to the microwave oh perfect that's much better i mean the chocolate hasn't changed at all but it's a little bit more gooey in terms of the marshmallow itself i would definitely recommend a thinner slice of chocolate if you're going to do this but let's examine look at that okay well i guess we should i guess we should try it okay it's so messy mmm that is really good the marshmallow got some good stretch to it which i feel like you don't normally get in the microwave it does taste like a s'more the marshmallow isn't getting that stale hard kind of a feeling probably because of the steam and it seems flexible enough that i added another 10 seconds or so and it didn't really seem to change that much other than the chocolate got a little bit melty which i do appreciate honestly this is really good it's a very specific product but if you enjoy s'mores and maybe you can't make them most the time outside it does work wow right out of the gate we got a good one love this for us oh christopher okay i just saw christopher i'm gonna put this one back in the microwave and like warm it for 10-15 seconds and just see if it can be like re-warmed oh i think it did here's the right look what is that it's a s'mores maker i reheated it i wanted to see if it reheated how does it heat in the first place well a microwave and steam and then it holds it in place so it doesn't like flop all over the place when you're oh that's what that i was wondering if it does like steams directly down and i was like there's no hole here just like an apparati to keep it in place all right how are you fellas you really do miss the smokiness of the campfire but i mean yeah that's a kind of a bland s'more but that's a s'more it's a s'more it's a microwave s'mores maker okay hang on a second you can add chili flakes to this so what are you doing oh i shaved some of it off for mine i made it thinner are you making your own there's no need for that i'm just gonna sit here and eat my s'more what are you doing i'm making a microwave s'more maker what well i'm just curious if you actually need that whole gizmo contraption why not i got some yeah that's a good idea and then no super carries wobbly but i do need this all right you want to explain what you just did well i made a s'more i don't think this is actually necessary this one used it said 30 seconds 30 seconds all right let's see what happens all right this is going poorly oh no oh no no still got five seconds left [Music] you proud of yourself well hang on i'm not done yet okay just you know scoop yep scoop it up okay how much was the s'more maker looks like it needs more thyme because the chocolate doesn't look melted you said you shaved yours down so i think it needs a bit more well i shaved it down on one and not on the other and then i reheated it oh you need the water in there steam is important apparently i feel like i have chocolate all over myself but uh what else is new just gonna eat your s'more apparently [Music] it's not melted chocolate you're gonna put it back in and you're brave what's worse gonna happen all right show me what you got it seems like it's working ooh you gotta get the cheese pull she is very beautiful that's a cheesy marshmallow right there i'm scared i'm going to burn myself did you burn yourself out okay good the marshmallow got gummy though [Music] it's like gum i gotta say i did not expect your marshmallow contraption thing here to be an improvement and yeah there it is 150 bucks well spent it wasn't 150 wow plus tax for proving how amazing it is all right guys jumping in here because it's dinner time i don't want to test out another another gadget this is the stir stir it is an automatic pan stir so basically it just it stirs on its own and i need to see this in action this is what it looks like revolution in your pan jazz hands and it rotates and you can stir different soups sauces i don't know i don't even know what it can stir but that's what we're gonna test out because tonight we're having spaghetti and we're having meat sauce so i figured let's test it on the meat sauce need sauce is cooking let's put this in it loop well that's adorable i assume this takes batteries okay i need to check this four double a batteries this is a lot of batteries all right got batteries in this thing so let's see what this looks like or does i assume like it's just supposed to rotate when you turn it on so and i think there are three different speeds as well it's just vibrating right now hold on let me put this down oh my gosh look at her go oh rotating in different directions well this is just fun i just want to watch this all day okay let's put it in the pot okay i'm gonna turn it off first i'm gonna stick it into this so us and i'm gonna turn it on well that was that was beautiful excellent work it's like moving tiny little bit all right well i guess this is too thick too thick of a meat sauce well if you can't do meat sauce i don't know if you're gonna be useful in my life bro oh no i like the idea so much though so maybe i'm gonna try with like some soup or something and see if that works but like anything that's as thick or thicker than a meat sauce is not going to work for it soups end of list that was a hard pass on that one okay well that's the point i was really excited about this one it's morning guys and chris is making oatmeal for the kids and he says that it was working when it was just oats and water but now that it's much thicker it mostly just yells nada enchilada does not have a lot of um you know force to like move through that all right now onto the next product and this one firstly for me if this works will be a game changer and that is a guacamole keeper and this thing claims that it's going to keep your guacamole fresh in the fridge for days and we all know the avocado right like first of all it's only ripe for maybe a day and a half when in season otherwise you know you get like a window of maybe an hour and then if you do cut into it or you make guacamole or something you have to eat it all at once because it's gonna go brown immediately i mean there's a reason that guacamole is extra she's extra she's a queen so we're gonna make some guacamole and we're gonna test this in the fridge for a couple of days and i'll keep checking on it and we're gonna see if it actually keeps it fresh and i'm gonna keep a little container of guacamole separate and just see if this does a better job than just like packaging up some guacamole all in the name of science so this is what it looks like it is by i believe progressive prep works so i'll show you guys how it works once you put the guacamole in but first i mean we gotta make some guacamole love guacamole i have a whole bunch of avocados here speaking of uh extra they've already turned mildly brown they've only been out for like 20 minutes that's just how it is you just gotta take the guacamole with all its extraness and for me with my guacamole i like to do a little bit of red onion not a little i really like red onion in mine just gonna pile that in there and i like to put it in now because i like to crush up the red onion a little bit because i just i like that onion-ness in it i know it's not everyone's favorite thing but i personally like it then i'm gonna give it a little bit of a mash and then we're gonna add in some tomato a little bit of cilantro not a lot just a little don't come for me in the comments if you don't like cilantro all right no it's not everyone's favorite thing but i like a little bit in my guacamole that's pretty much the only time actually now i think about it that i actually like cilantro it's just in guacamole that's it and then of course we can't forget salt and pepper lots of flaky salt oh so good it's simple but tasty and now i'm gonna add in some diced tomato we're gonna add in a little bit of some cilantro start with like that maybe a little bit more and now of course some nice flaky salt oh delicious and then some pepper where did i put my fresh pepper it's right here oh actually you know what i have another product that we can test this out for so this is my pepper grinder this is what i do to grind my pepper i'm pretty straightforward here's the pepper grinder but i found this one online that's like one of those auto grinders and i was just kind of curious because well first of all it looked really cool because it like lights up and stuff but i'm also curiou oh my gosh scare me but as i was saying i want to know if i can control how much of the pepper comes out is it just all going to come out at once is it like really fast do you have to like wait a while and just like you know like what what happens here i don't oh my gosh i guess that's it then i don't like that setting it's just like basically halved peppercorns in here but you can adjust how coarse of a grind you want on the pepper with this little thing here so i'm going to do that oh it's good let's try that oh let's try it not in this bowl all right so that's what came out so you can see it isn't very streamlined like it's not all the same size see if i can make it a little bit more of a finer grind let's tighten this up see okay that's much that's better i think so that now this is a little too fine i don't know how i feel about this thing also when you're lifting up you do get some stray pieces of pepper that kind of fling all over the place which isn't my favorite how does this compare to like my pepper grinder versus this one fairly similar i feel like you really have to fine tune it a bit to get the right level i guess if you're making a recipe that needs a lot of pepper this would be great because you just go oh it's a lot of pepper all right before we package it up must taste test need salt just gonna say that christopher because i knew that did you like my pepper grinder it has a pepper and it has a salt one too salt grinder grind your salt and put it on top some salt bae right there nice freshly ground salt you don't look happy salt doesn't taste better when it's freshly ground this is just performative you wouldn't add that to anything it comes in a two pack yeah it comes with like this the pepper one they look different oh no so you get two pepper grinders you can give one to friend or family and keep one and then salt as god intended bring your hand little sprinkles sprinkles nonsense this is a good idea though turn it upside down you really have to dial in what your preference is i feel like once you get your preference then it's nice there are like half rocks of peppercorn in there like really like halves like big chunks that's good for us like a steak up off oh true plus it like has lights and stuff so you can cook in the dark not for salt all right this looks good so now let's package this up i'm gonna get my other little container so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put some in this container and just put a lid on that's it and then for this container i'm going to put some guacamole in and then i'm going to put a little layer of saran right over top of it and then put a lid on to kind of seal out any of the air which is what this also does and then the rest is going to go into this container and we'll see how long lasting it is you better not ruin this this guac for me be real mad and i'm gonna save some in here because i would like it with some chips all right one sealed number two we are pressing down and then we're putting another lid on it done and then for this you're supposed to mound the guacamole into the center so that the little air pockets can escape out the sides i just stepped on something just onion it's fine now it says in the instructions here to press evenly down on the guacamole to push all the air out let's try it i can feel the air coming out the sides it's so funny checking to make sure that i've eliminated any pockets i think i have so to me this is as far as it's going down there are two visible pockets right here that i can't get out without having to take it off try and readjust and then push down again which i think would be really annoying so i'm wondering if that's going to affect the guacamole at all because it's really it's not going down anymore so i'm going to stick this in the fridge as is and we'll kind of review it over the course of the next couple hours and days stay delicious please into the fridge they go all right we have a guacamole update so i left the guacamole overnight in the fridge and guys look at this okay guacamole number one you can see it is brown on top now guacamole number two with the saran wrap it also is a little brown on top and then guacamole number three everyone not brown on top what okay i'm pretty impressed by this so i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna have some of this for lunch today and then reseal it and just see how it stays in the fridge and see if it continues to stay like this but like that's pretty that's pretty awesome very excited about this all right update on the guacamole i've been slowly going through it but like got oh that looks really dark it looked like it didn't do anything it is still green i've been slowly going through it adding the lid back like there's a little bit of brownness there but like overall it is still very green it's cold which i i guess not everyone wants cold guacamole i don't know i don't mind it and it stayed fresh i think this thing is fantastic at keeping the guac fresh or just like mashed avocados if you want to just do that but like this has worked so well i'm very impressed all right now onto the product that has 38 not 37 38 000 reviews and it's like four and a half stars that's crazy and that is for these little silicone baking cups that you can use for cupcakes or muffins or whatever baking needs you want they are reusable dishwasher safe and it's going to make the whole process of making a little cup size of whatever even little quiches that'd be so cute in here it's going to make the whole process a lot easier and they came in this very colorful stack which my children have opted to you know put into some form of pattern they were actually having a lot of fun like lining all these out and like putting different toys in them and stuff i've washed them since then but this is actually like a fun kid's toy so i really wanted to test these for two reasons number one i don't like cleaning out the muffin tin after i make muffins because it's really annoying like every single little pocket's like scrub this one's good this like i don't have time for that none of us have time for that so wouldn't it be so much easier to just like pop these out and then stick them in the dishwasher when you're done but what i'm very curious about is how well it actually cleans in the dishwasher am i gonna put it in and then it says it's gonna clean it and then it doesn't and it's i'm stuck with like all this stuff stuck at the bottom then i have to clean it by hand anyway i don't want that either so i thought i would test it and see if it's actually going to clean the dishwasher and does a good job at like making muffins and i also okay a little nostalgia but i found this muffin mix which i used to be obsessed with i love this stuff so much brings me back it's just the oatmeal chocolate chip stuff from quaker and so i wanted to make some and i was like great good excuse to make these then oh my goodness even the smell of the mix is bringing me back i don't know what it is about this stuff but i really like it now i need three quarter cup of water and then an egg boop and now we mix and then we bake all right mix mix mix mix with mix mix mix mix don't over mix okay now i have my little muffin tin and now i'm gonna add in whoo that was a fun part what color am i going to choose i mean i feel like i'll choose most of them but do i want to do it in a pattern so many options everyone i'm making patterns what does rachel do with their day she makes patterns doesn't even look that nice but we're gonna go with it now i'm going to give them a quick spray a little quick spray with pam like how i got that like all over my water bottle it's fine now we're just gonna fill these up and bake them and then we get to eat them so we can see how it washes christopher do you remember this this mix oh yeah well don't say it like that oh thank you please they're delicious what are you talking about my name is christopher i only eat homemade stuff all right here are the muffins delicious let's take one of these out and just see how much is left on the actual wrapper itself this one looks good all right so that's what's left inside the wrapper so now i'm going to put this in the dishwasher we'll see if this actually comes out and obviously need to taste test the muffin obviously [Music] i love them so much i mean it needs a little butter but it's so good all right when you go please be clean okay this came out of the dishwasher so not clean at all so i think what i'm gonna do now all those kind of extra annoying but i'm gonna try it is i'm gonna have another one and i'm going to like just slightly rinse it and then put it in the dishwasher and see if that makes a difference so that the crumbs don't have a chance to dry but like look at that that is just unacceptable i'm not gonna be cleaning these out every single time i use them so i'm gonna try that and see if that makes a difference okay guys i went a little extra on this one and i like gave it a bit of a scrub a little bit of a rinse as soon as i peeled off the muffin and like they're still you guys can see it like there's still some residue in here which is just super annoying and i don't want to have to clean these every single time so i think next time since i have these i am going to spray it a little bit more heavily with like a baking spray and see if that makes some difference if you guys have any thoughts let me know because i think this is such a good idea it's just not cleaning well for me honestly i'm still blown away by that s'mores maker it really worked beyond my expectations let me know in the comments which product surprised you the most which one you thought was the most interesting and thank you so much for watching check out these videos on the side in case you have missed any subscribe new videos here every single saturday and i will see you guys all in my next video love you all
Channel: RachhLovesLife
Views: 338,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rachhloveslife, 5 star rated, testing kitchen gadgets, testing, tested, amazon, tested 5 star amazon, best, wrost, kitchen, hacks, fun kitchen gadgets, kitchen gadgets, wish kitchen gadgets, wish gadgets, guacamole, recipe, avocado, funny, s'mores maker, auto stirrer, weird kitchen gadgets, microwave s'mores, amazon must haves, amazon favorites, rosanna kitchen gadgets
Id: 1C1s9tnVuLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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