I Tried Viral HALLOWEEN TREATS / PARTY FOOD... were they any good??

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guys look i decorated i took it right for halloween look at them i have a banner the little baby pumpkins look how cute these are i even got a pumpkin like a like a live little real guy i feel like i need to carve it but i don't have any ideas yet if you have any please leave them down below but hey guys welcome to our halloween party because it is 20 20 and some of the times it's a party with no people i mean technically we're still all here it's just we're all in our own homes we're celebrating together we're still we're gonna make this work it's gonna be a party but i really wanted to test out a whole bunch of halloween party recipes that i found online and there are some really interesting ones that i am very excited about i think we just need to find our own unique way of celebrating this year and what better way than to make fun treats and then share them with our friends and family from a distance so at the end of this video let me know what your favorite recipe is and if you plan on making them please tag me on insta i need to see them it's my favorite i love stocking all of your recipes but let us dive into recipe number one and that is a two ingredient pumpkin pancake i mean halloween halloween day pumpkin pancakes first thing in the morning yes i am into it and there are only two ingredients though they do have a bunch of like optional ingredients and i'm curious if these optional ingredients are actually optional because in my experience anytime it says this ingredient is optional it's usually not and for these pancakes what we will need one pumpkin puree tada and number two eggs we combine them together and we make pancakes so let's make this we'll fry one up without the optional ingredients then we'll add in the little extras and see if the ingredients are actually optional we also need a pan i'm going to use my crepe pan today just bring this bad boy out just for this recipe put them right there it's all ready let's just make some pancakes tell me about your favorite pancake recipe mine i mean chris makes a mean pancake i feel like i need to make like a like a favorites video like a recipe favorites and just do like a couple of those that would be fun let's do that thank you honestly get it together steak let's give this a little whisk before we add in the pumpkin puree this by the way is three eggs and a cup of puree for one to two servings depending on how many pancakes you want get that pumpkin puree in there i would love to see like a graphical representation of pumpkin puree being sold in stores it's just like flat line zero until october hits and then october november there's like a huge spike and then it disappears for the rest of the year all right we're just mixing these together having some coffee you know you know how it is coffee and pancakes that's a great combo i haven't had breakfast yet i mean i've had like a green juice but i don't count that as breakfast all right i feel like we have a batter if you will all right let's batter up pun they smell amazing and i have the one here that doesn't have any of the extras and then these ones do have so we're going to taste test them and just see see what's up with this but like oh they smell really good i mean these ones do smell better crispy one try pancakes sure pancakes i mean they're kind of pancakes they're pumpkin pancakes because halloween they look pancakey they do look pancakey okay so one of them has some extra pizzazz in them and one of them does not they're two ingredient pancakes let's start with this one i want to see if it's like necessary it's not a pancake texture oh my god one ingredient is definitely egg it has no flavor i don't even taste the pumpkin you can smell the pumpkin i smell it more than i tasted yeah it tastes like a fluffy omelette all right try this one spiced up what oh my god it's very mushy it doesn't have that nice like pull to it that a pancake does is there maple syrup on there no but we can put some on i don't think it's gonna save it though that's worse i don't like it oh maple syrup on eggs no thank you it smells good end of list yeah make a candle out of that don't eat it now onto a recipe that this is probably the one that i'm the most excited about and we are going to be making something that i feel like it's like to me it's quintessential halloween that is a candy apple but we're not just making any candy apples no we are gonna be making a sour candy apple it's gonna be bright it's gonna have flavorings to it it's gonna be so good okay calm down rachel it is just a candy apple so the first thing we're gonna be doing for this recipe is putting together the coating that is going to go around the apple so to start we are going to combine into a pot some white sugar water and light corn starch not corn starch corn syrup i meant corn syrup now we're going to mix this together and put this on the stove i want this to come to 250 before we can start adding in some of the other ingredients and then it is going to be done at 300 degrees okay so over to the stove okay so while this comes up to temperature it's not even close rachel calm down i want to talk about the flavor we're gonna do for this candy apple because it's not just a candy apple it's not just a sour candy apple but i'm thinking a blue raspberry sour candy apple right nope still not even close rachel so once it gets up to 250 degrees we are going to be adding in some of this which is tart and sour it's not necessary but it's something that enhances sort of that sour flavor from the citric acid we're going to be applying to the outside of it so we're going to add in a couple of drops of this as well as oh here we go the raspberry flavoring so i felt like raspberry and the green apple and then the blue i'm going to be dyeing it we're going to be dipping it we're going to be coating it it's going to be good okay are you done yet no i have no patience no patience at all how are you guys doing are we good we cool okay cool all right we're at 250 now so i'm gonna add in a couple of drops of the raspberry i'm so scared uh that feels like a lot and then three drops of the tart and sour one two three then we're going to mixy mix until it gets to 300 oh i'm so bad i burned it i burned it it's fine i'm just gonna start over in a smaller pot this is what happens when the candy thermometer i thought was touching liquid the right amount but it wasn't it was too shallow so don't make the same mistake than i did here we go again all right it is 300 now i didn't burn it again it's good for me you live and you learn so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to dye this blue and what the woman did from the video that i watched is she put in white coloring as well as she chose green like a bright like neon green which is really cool so i'm gonna do blue because it's blue raspberry just makes sense in my head so she added four drops of her coloring and then we're gonna add in some white to really make it pop and then we stir until we get the color we are looking for this is so fun you want this to be like really strong color like i want like a you know like impactful we are swirling we are mixing we are making this happen he's a little bit more white oh my gosh how cool is that this looks so awesome just i keep adding more i'm like yeah we make it more blue i'm sort of basing my coloring off of like you know kool-aid like blue raspberry kool-aid that's that's the color i'm looking for here i feel like this is sufficiently blue so we are going to take our apple like so and dip it and coat it all the way around oh this looks so good everyone oh my gosh yes oh my gosh get into the little little nooks and crannies here i want it all coated do you see this do you see this look how amazing that is please everyone appreciate the beauty and grace that is my apple she's beauty and she's grace she's a little bubbly and i'm sure there's a reason for that i would like to know said reason but i don't have the reason right now it looks so good so good okay oh my gosh it's getting so bubbly why no all right i'm sure i did something wrong here all of my candy aficionados be kind i am doing my best do you have any recommendations in how i can make it better please do let me know always looking to learn okay that one looks a little better i'm annoyed look it up on my phone candy apple bubbling why okay some people say that it's water that um causes the apples to bubble like this but i wash and like i dried dry duh them so i don't know if that's the case and other people say it's the wax on it can cause that that bubbling so i don't know i guess we'll just wait until they until they dry i guess and while we wait i'm just gonna put together the coating which she started out with a cup of sugar and then a cup of another cup a quarter cup of citric acid and this is the stuff that is going to make it very sour so you can customize it to how sour you like it so i figured i would like taste test it first make sure it's not too sour that was a lot of sugar i just tried to eat a spoonful of sugar okay it's got a good level of sour i want like a little bit more i want that like pucker you know there we go this is going to be good obviously if you're not a big fan of super sour stuff then you might want to use less let's put a little bit more on my little spoon here oh yeah oh yeah that's good stuff right there okay now i just have to wait for these to dry by the way i did a third one which i washed in hot water to try and melt some of the wax and then i dried it like really dried it with like a fresh towel it just still bubbling so if you have any recommendations on how to eliminate that do let me know okay so these have dried down a little bit that looks so good so now we're going to do so that they stick to the sugars is we're just going to take a little bit of steam from my kettle like so and that's just going to soften the very outer layer so that the sugars will stick to it just doing like a little bit it's like a campfire roast by the way i took my my bubbled one first because you know it's not my favorite and then you just coat it in the sugars oh my gosh it looks so good this is amazing look at this masterpiece she's beautiful such a great idea i love that i don't know my stick all right i left this one plain without the coating on because i kind of wanted to taste test it and just see if i could taste any of the raspberry in it but i have these ones coated and now i want to taste them christopher do you want to taste test look at this look what it did oh those look good does it look awesome yeah solid it is solid you may need a bigger shirt i think i need it there we go you did a good job with the coating like it's not crack cracking right it's not like falling apart it's still on there yeah i have one here that doesn't have any like the sour sugar stuff on the outside i want to see if it's if i can taste the raspberry in it i made a blue raspberry by the way i should have guessed yes i'm very excited about it okay all right okay which one i want this one cheers it's sour but it complements the green apple well it's not crazy sour mm-hmm it's there but it's there you can like you get that hit of it i don't get a lot of raspberry i got zero raspberry maybe there's more raspberry in this one because it doesn't have that sourness boop i would say faint raspberry but because i'm looking for it you know maybe it's just too mild for the sour powerful raspberry i prefer the one with the citric acid coating and i'm not like a big sour devotee like it's so much better i don't think i want to eat any more candy apples unless they have a sour coating it's a bold statement i'm just saying the green apple it just it feels like it needs the sour can we agree that candy apple less than caramel apple oh 100 right that's the only reasonable position you get more artistic license with this yeah caramel apple it's what you do it's good if you're gonna go for it and you like sour like this is good and you can customize it to however sour you like one more piece hey guys what's up welcome back for an unexpected day too i feel like i'm juggling a lot of things most days and then yesterday i was juggling a lot more things and so here we are but i'm excited because we have a couple more recipes that we need to try out and the first one we're going to get into are these like pizza skulls and actually saw this recipe last year and i couldn't get the pan in time so i made sure to order it for this time around because these need to be made and they are like 3d pizzas in the shape of like skulls and then you open it up and it's like pizza goo slash guts from inside a skeleton question mark you get it it's halloweeny and these pizzas are gonna go into this beautiful pan right here which i got off of amazon in case any of you guys are wondering and are curious but i thought this could be fun to test out and see if it actually holds that like skeleton shape and it holds all the contents inside and then this could be like really fun for like a theme party have your own individual pizzas right and this to me is like the perfect level of halloween for me i don't really like the whole like guts and gore area halloween so like little pumpkins and mini skeleton pizzas i'm in this is a very nice pan by the way i just want to mention that this is like really like good quality and the level of detail in here also looks really good like these are gonna look so boss i'm excited feeling positive going great just melting some butter by the way i need to like wipe them down you know gotta make sure that nothing sticks so we're gonna start a little butter in the pans and then we're going to go in with the pizza dough and the recipe that i'm following they just you excuse me thank you microwave the recipe that i'm following um they just use the um like the pillsbury pizza dough i have enough for like two pizzas so just keep that in mind you will need like three of these to do enough to fill the entire pan but i am testing and so two is enough so we're gonna start by brushing down these skeletons with some butter it's a fun sentence i never thought i'd say brush some skeleton heads down with butter what is life so let's open this guy up start pizza in and i'm doing like a classic filling for these like a pepperoni and cheese every time it scares me every time like i know it's gonna happen and i still am never prepared and basically this can be rolled out and used for two of the um skulls that's what i was looking for so i'm just going to cut this in half and then you just want to drape it into the cavity i want it to be in as much as i can i want it to like actually sink in a bit then we are going to start filling it up it's really that simple hopefully anyway so about a tablespoon and a half of marinara sauce then you want to put in your pizza toppings of choice i have mini pepperonis feels great this just feels right for skull pizza load them in there because these are going to be very fully loaded but not too many as to make it not stay together find that balance and then you want to put in about a quarter cup of mozzarella i am doing some freshly grated little shavings you know and i'm just eyeballing this does that feel like quarter cup is it not enough it's probably not enough because there is never enough and then once you have it filled you want to start trimming some of the outside corners of the dough a little bit because you want it to fold over but you don't want too much dough on the outside and she was just sort of like trimming off little pieces what if you could just turn this dough into another pizza worth exploring oh beautiful i'm so excited to take you out now i'm just gonna do that for the other side now i feel like this is winston and albert winston and albert yes this feels right all right winston and albert are done so let's just do a quick egg wash and then pop them in the fridge to set for 30 minutes get a nice golden look to your little skeleton selves all right off we go to the fridge just kidding i actually took the pizza dough scraps because i was like i don't want to waste these so i actually made a third third skull so we have winston albert and um oh that that's gonna be scrappy scrappy harriet right there coming in under the wire i see you harriet now we're gonna stick this into the fridge all right pizza skulls they've been in the fridge for a while now so we're gonna stick them in the oven for about 18-20 minutes until they're all done all right now i want to go on to another dessert recipe and this is one you can do with um pumpkin puree which again seems to be very popular this time of year and we're gonna make these pumpkin pie crescent rolls which i think look really cool with the stripes in them and it's great way to use any excess pumpkin you might have or maybe an alternative to like a pumpkin pie or something and it's probably a lot easier too modest so we're gonna start with the pumpkin puree this is a cup and a quarter and the recipe said to kind of eliminate the extra moisture by letting it soak on some paper towels first you really want the concentrated pumpkin flavor so we're just going to get all of that extra moisture out first i guess and it kind of makes sense because you don't want the pastry once you have it all wrapped up you don't want it to be really watery and have that sort of way down the pastry and here we have the finished pumpkin it's like a little mini pumpkin so we're gonna put that into our bowl and we're gonna add a bunch of spices and sugars and things to it and that is going to be the filling i'm gonna wash my hands so to this pumpkin we are gonna be adding a quarter cup of light brown sugar three tablespoons of granulated sugar one teaspoon of vanilla lots and lots of cinnamon quarter teaspoon of ginger as well as a quarter teaspoon of nutmeg and then lastly into this mixture two egg yolks ooh i did not open this up evenly yeah one it's a good one considering like look how i broke this egg yolk not great then we are just going to mix this all together for our nice filling smells phenomenal this right here it's just fallen bowl it's a bowl of fall all right now that my filling is done now we are going to lay out the crescent rolls and then we're going to layer it on i know it's going to pop i know it's going to pop i know it's going to happen rachel still slightly jumped all right let's roll her out all right so i'm just laying this out it kind of broke on me but it's fine and all we're going to do is we're just going to spoon the mixture over all of these little triangles and then roll them also a very straightforward recipe today i like it i went back there to get a spoon and then i realized i have a spoon okay we're gonna spread this evenly do you guys have a favorite like halloween-esque dessert for halloween candy i think my favorite oh it's tough because a lot of them i couldn't eat growing up because peanut allergy so every time on halloween my parents would take our halloween candy and then take out everything that was like peanut and so we always would end up with like 20 or 30 of what we initially started with but my parents always replaced it with peanut-free stuff all right that looks beautiful now we're just going to roll them now the only tricky part having done it this way is making sure that i actually um you know roll it where the where the where the triangle is on rachel this is not difficult definitely separate the triangles first before you try rolling them i don't know why i did this this way i mean it's fine it's still gonna be delicious but it doesn't look as good okay let's finish these up and stick them in the oven 375 for about i want to say 15 minutes did i just make that up oh it is then we're gonna eat these and the pizzas this could be so good it's like a whole halloween themed dinner yes that's right you best believe i'm serving these for dinner maybe not the pumpkin things that's more dessert but you know what i'm saying okay food sauce oh my goodness i'm so excited about these i haven't like taken them out of this but i'm really hoping that the skull shape is still there christopher do you want to see these do you want to witness the unfolding of these skulls it sounded weird i'm making pizza skulls okay so i named them because of course i did so this is we have winston albert and this is harriet harriet's from all the extras because she's scrappy you know what he does he's a ghostbuster okay so let's like pull one of these out and see what it looks like oh cute okay that's the skull yeah the teeth are there too that that's good that's pretty good well now i'm curious i want to know what the rest of them look like also yes even better like the teeth and everything yeah all right this is exciting okay harriet harriet whoa this is something happen terry oh gory it's on theme though yeah i mean she may actually be the best of all of them all right should we open open this up how are they supposed to be eaten are they like finger food or like i think you're supposed to like knife and fork i mean i guess you could just like bite into it i wanted to like rip it open it seems appropriate wow you know so i guess let's do that okay okay okay ready are you ready oh amazing steamy cheesy there you go cheers pizza yeah it's a high dough to filling ratio but i feel like evenly you know what i'm saying yeah i think next time because what they did is they put in the marinara sauce and then the um fillings and then the cheese on top i think i would mix it ahead of time and then just dump everything in yeah i could see that because otherwise you're like kind of smushing it down this way to like get all of the layers otherwise you're just getting like a bite of pizza dough and sauce like i think it did a good job i'm impressed it cooked up it held its shape i got to like bust it open which is pretty cool yeah i think it was good this is a good party food yeah you want to taste test the next one sure yeah this is the one there's more yeah here it is these are my little pumpkin pie crescent rolls it's a neat idea yeah i mean like the shape isn't my best work but i think it'll be tasty give it a taste oh yeah that's very good that's fantastic yeah the crescent roll held its integrity like like it crisps in the right places it's still a little bit doughy in the way that it is like that's just a normal crescent roll and it's just tastier that's so good big success nice one yeah i think that one might be my favorite out of everything what was your favorite i think that one worked the best that was the best one out of all of them i mean this also did a great job and i mean like i can't get over here yet the candy apples looked cool and i liked the sour with it that was really good but i think that that was my favorite if you like pumpkin pie those those are amazing and i'm pointing over here i have a whole tray of them to enjoy a pumpkin pie is very pumpkin filling forward right it's just there's a bit of crust in there for good measure this is a bread centric pumpkin pie with some pumpkin puree mixed in there yeah it's an accent you know what i would do what just like tap a little powdered sugar on top making it snow on the pumpkin pie oh wow that one was very yeah that one got heavily snowed that's fine that's fine it was a blizzard okay well i guess i have to try it now i don't know want this one you can have the one with less icing sugar on it you're welcome fine i'll just dip oh so good really nice that was it that's what it needed yeah i want all of these that should work really good thank you have you guys tried any of these recipes before i'm just going into my third one here if you made these before you plan on making them let me know because these were like this is fun this is a fun recipe to try this one in particular although all of them had their merits except for the pancakes i didn't like those make sure you check out the videos on the side in case you've missed any and subscribe so you don't miss out on new videos here every single saturday and that's everything i hope you guys are having an awesome awesome weekend and i will see you guys all in my next video love you all just gonna blow you a kiss but just get this
Channel: RachhLovesLife
Views: 427,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rachhloves, party food, party snacks, recipes, testing, halloween, halloween recipes, halloween party, sour candy apples, sour candy, candy apples, pumpkin, pumpkin pie, pizza skulls, pizza, pillsbury, crescent rolls, funny, cooking, halloween food, halloween treats, treats, halloween ideas, easy recipes, diy halloween, halloween party food
Id: MsExD_iohBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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