Testing Weird SUMMER SNACK RECIPES I Found on the Internet

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hey guys welcome back or if you're new here welcome in general today on this beautiful saturday it is it is a beautiful day outside watch when i upload this it's going to be raining we are going to be testing out a whole bunch of very interesting summery vibe kind of recipes that i found online and that would be really interesting to test out and see if they're any good because you know what so what i love doing with you guys am i missing anything don't think so let's do this and the first recipe we're going to try out are these really cool looking jello roll-ups i feel like this would be it's super easy 1a and also it just looks like a fun kind of kid-friendly dessert and it's super easy to put together and it looks really cool did i mention that it looks really cool so what we need to get started we need boiling water which is over there check and some jello and you can use any flavor that you want they use lime i believe in the recipe didn't have that but i do have raspberries so we're gonna do that i wish i had blue raspberry though i feel like that is that is the best flavor right like we're all in agreement here that is the best one that in line i'm a little disappointed in myself that i don't have lime on hand but we're gonna move past it so all we're gonna need is half a cup of boiling water and then we're just putting the jello in until it dissolves pretty straightforward what is this start my schedule scan on my no run later by run later i mean in seven years i cannot remember the last time that i just ran a scan when it like popped up on my computer and i was like yeah no this is a good time for sure i'm not just using my computer right now we're just gonna stir this all together until it is entirely dissolved this is a bright color it smells good too oh childhood okay i feel like oh not fully dissolved yet and then to this dissolved jello which it's basically there we're gonna add in one cup of mini marshmallows minus one because i need to sample and then we're going to add the marshmallows to the jello mix and make sure that this container whatever container you're using is microwave safe because now we're going to put it in the microwave this is going to be fun okay enjoy the microwave microwave for 30 seconds that feels risky let's do 20. you can just see a whole bunch of pink colored marshmallows exploding all over my microwave and as much fun as it is to clean up marshmallows how cute are those and then we're gonna mix it all together until the marshmallows are completely melted if they're not melted then you just keep microwaving it until they are i'm telling you it doesn't get much more straightforward than this now we need to grab ourselves a baking dish eight by eight all right this looking good you can see it has already separated and that's how it's gonna be once you put it into the pan i have the pan i just need to spray it where's pam pam get her i don't know why i always make it like a like it's an art piece now we're just going to pour it into the pan we're going to let it set in the fridge for about an hour and we're gonna see at least i hope that these two separate layers are gonna come through and then we can roll it it'll look so cool i got a pretty color i'm excited got this here into the fridge see you in an hour all right now we're going to go check on those jello things been setting up from the fridge for a while oh she's quite bubbly maybe i should have like i don't know smack the pan down or something first before this happened but i'm sure it's still good just i guess worth noting it does get quite bubbly so rolling time first thing we're going to do is we're just going to cut around the edges to release the jello and then we're supposed to just from here roll it as tightly as it'll go i feel like i just need to get it started and then it'll just roll super easy this is what i'm envisioning happening here okay don't move everyone everyone hold your breath no lost them okay there we go don't speak too loudly it may stop working i'm very excited about this now we're going to use a real knife and cut a little jello pinwheel here i don't think i cut it all the way through it's fine it's fine it's fine tah pinwheel it's very wobbly kind of like it though kind of into it almost looks a little like a rose which is super cute okay taste test time oh that's great that's that's delicious absolutely christopher tada that's cool right okay okay try it try try tell me what you think it looks like a rose to me that's so cool it's a good ride like super easy this would be so cute for kids yeah you could do a bunch of different colors that's a birthday party treat right there it was so good it was so good 10 out of 10 recommend so delicious that is so cool i know and like it it tore a little at the beginning just trying to roll it up but it wasn't that difficult i can't tell i didn't tear at all at the beginning i'm excited about it that's really good yeah got one nice now i want to go on and i want to make some slush mostly because i just got one of these bad boys and i'm excited to play around with it there's a fly in my kitchen watching you but this is the vitamix i have never owned one before i am very excited about it chris just made a phenomenal green juice this morning and i am not a green juice person so it feels weird saying that but it was really good so i thought it'd be interesting to try out two different slush recipes i've never made slush in a vitamix i know it's going to be phenomenal but i'm very excited about it so we're going to do this chris has a particular recipe he wants to do and i'm going to be making a virgin peach margarita i love margaritas especially in the summertime but really all year round we're gonna see if the recipe comes out in that nice slushy kind of consistency is it gonna be to juice or to ice i don't know yet but excited to find out with you so let's get started with peach mark ooh and i just realized we need a name for the the vitamix is it vicky is it verna is it victor i don't know okay so i am cutting this recipe in half i'm making two drinks not four so we're gonna start with one sixth of a cup of orange juice but double that if you're making four drinks or maybe you're just making a big drink i don't know we're gonna add in a tablespoon of agave i said it like this because it's fancy one tablespoon in you go we also need a tablespoon of fresh lime juice oh and i guess while i'm doing this let's talk about this green juice because this actually started with my in-laws and they brought it to me in the hospital when i gave birth to connor and at first i wasn't sure because i'm not a smoothie person i don't like the consistency texture so green smoothies and stuff just like no but i was having some because up until that point for the past i don't know 48 72 hours all i basically had was chocolate chip muffins from downstairs in the hospital so i decided to try it and i was really surprised it wasn't overly sweet it was a juice it wasn't a smoothie i really liked it and so when this went on sale i'm like done so what went into it is celery cucumber apple ginger we did mango today trying to think of what else was in there i thought i could just rhyme them all up and not have to think about it well grapes we put grapes in some ice blended it all together a little orange juice and it was really good the kids are obsessed they drank so much of it which is fantastic because it's so good for you and i'm excited to experiment so if you guys have any recipes of like different green juices that you enjoy let me know i'm looking to experiment with them now didn't know i was a green juice girl apparently i am all right one tablespoon of lime i really like lime it's like a little splash more i like things tart let me just need some ice and now we blend and this will be super super loud so we're just gonna listen to me talk while this is blending it's looking good though and it's juice that's not slush hold on think i'm just gonna add some like crushed ice to it i don't know can you tell me what you're making where's yours there's only one non-alcoholic frozen blended drink it's the coke slurpee from 7-eleven ideally in winnipeg the slurpee capital of the world i have never had this before as a slurpee so this will be interesting i'm not a big fan of coke pepsi any of that stuff but i'm i'm willing to try i'm gonna try it give it a shot right yeah well i just put in a bit of crushed ice because right now it's just juice i'm just gonna pulse it a little bit want more of that like slush consistency kind of yeah not even kind of a little bit it will make a nice uh juice though cheers tastes like peach juice that does not taste like a margarita at all but it's smooth like it's a good like juice but it's a peach juice this is not margarita no i taste orange and peach there's a bit of tartness from the citrus but no needed a whole lime half the amount of peach i think the issue is less the flavor which i think is good and more of the consistency it just didn't this is not a slurpee or a i don't know slush yeah that's just just yeah no this didn't work so here's mine oh oh planning okay and then that's it no like lime or anything jazz it up no no no okay i just kind of want to see what the consistency comes out of this i'm gonna try it without adding any coke first see what happens all right that just kind of chunks up but like that's pretty slush-like though like add in some coke yeah but i think this will work that's way more consistency than what i got yeah that's what i'm talking about right yeah i'm trying to think of what i could have done differently maybe if i took the liquid that i made froze it and then blended it again i'm going to but like wow i haven't had this in so long cola product yeah coke pepsi any of that whoa it is this comes from me this is very sweet some sugar and coke i'm told first of all you need a straw to drink a slurpee 1a that's just science oh yeah feeling good about this nailed it all right well i mean 50 i mean it wasn't like the peach one was bad it just wasn't frozen all right guys this next recipe it's among the weirder things that i have ever made and this is ready for it kool-aid pickles yes that's what i said we're basically making some sugary pickles i don't know it looked really cool but instead of doing a full jar of pickles which is what they did in the recipe i'm going to test it out on two pickles and see if it works see if it tastes good see what it looks like i have three pickles in here so i still have a pickle left over hooray they're supposed to start with pickle spears but i don't have any of those so we're creating pickle spears keep wanting to call it pickle spheres that's incorrect all right then we're going to put the pickles into our container super weird this is super weird now i'm going to take the pickle juice and i'm going to put it in here and i'm going to combine it with sugar and kool-aid it's a full-on sentence that i never thought i'd say now for the number of pickles that i'm doing i'm going to add about a tablespoon of sugar but they originally called for half a cup that feels like plenty and then again instead of doing the full thing of kool-aid obviously blue raspberry lemonade obviously i'm not gonna use the entire amount of the kool-aid just a little bit you know i'm gonna get that kool-aid flavor start with oh it's turning green i guess that makes sense so these are going to be vividly green green pickles i don't know why i was thinking they'd be blue now we're going to pour it over our pickles and we're gonna let it sit in this concoction for about a week and then we're gonna see what the pickles look like at the end of said week and i've seen some very vibrantly uh dyed pickles from this i don't even know what this is recipe treat snack i don't know all right now they're sealed up we're gonna stick them in the fridge i have to shake this mixture around every single day for seven days and we'll be back and we'll see what this looks like i hope you enjoy these future rachel i hope they're good all right guys it has been seven days and this is what the pickles now look like do you guys see this they're like lime green honestly this is the most radioactive pickle i've ever seen like a look at this that is i don't i don't know what to make of this it's like a very interesting combination of you start with a really strong like sour pickliness and then finish with this brighter sweetness with like a hint of lemon i don't know to me it's not as sweet as bread and butter pickles those to me are like very very sweet and not at all like a dill pickle this is like a dill pickle with like a hint of sugar sprinkled on it i don't know i was expecting more maybe i needed to add more kool-aid to it but at the same time should i have added more kool-aid to it i don't think so i think i just want to drink kool-aid or turn it into ice cream i mean it still tastes good as in like it tastes like a slightly sweet pickle so i mean like that's good and it looks really interesting like for halloween right now on to s'mores another summer classic but with a twist so for this one we're gonna be making s'mores in ice cream cones and i'm excited it's really really easy so we're gonna fill up our cones with the traditional s'mores ingredients but i figured chris and i could like try out different ones and i don't know see who's better christopher you want to try some i don't know ice cream cone in a long time same i'm normally a cup guy oh i don't get a lot of options because allergies okay so i pulled out a whole bunch of different ingredients that we could like experiment with see what they look like okay butterscotch mint chocolate chip m ms you could do i don't know right and regular chocolate chips we have mini marshmallows graham crackers now they didn't put graham crackers in the cones in the recipe that i saw but to me i feel like you need graham crackers in it so i'm going to put some in mine isn't the waffle cone taking the place but it's not the same i am partial to this taco so i gotta try is there a way to half and half it yeah like bottom and top kind of thing yeah maybe i'll do mint chocolate in the bottom and then tomatoes on top oh so it's like a different flavor as you go through that strata of s'mores oh i like it okay well if you're doing the mint then maybe i'll do butterscotch and then we'll just be good like i feel like a salted caramel or something would also be good if you have like little pieces of chocolate bar or like cookies and cream maybe i'll do some layers too and we'll see hey got it saved three more and i'm gonna separate mine with the graham cracker too uh-huh good call smort oh my gosh you're so fast i haven't even like finished here hold on ah how how full oh you're going all the way to the top i think so i kind of like that i think it kind of looks cool right that looks really pretty i was going to ask you your favorite m m uh color but you don't know me i mean i have a favorite color yeah but you don't know what they taste like they don't do they taste different they don't taste different don't lie do you do the sophisticated palette you can detect green ones are kind of an appetizer eminem the brown is kind of like a hearty entree m don't say andrea this is looking promising i need to fill mine more with marshmallows i feel like i don't have enough marshmallows that looks like a s'more thank you i think so i don't know what mine is it'll probably be tasty but i don't think it's a s'more and then all we're going to do is we're just going to wrap these in aluminum stick them on the grill 10 minutes and then we'll see what they look like so that's my job mine and now the next s'mores recipe we are going to be doing is one that is a dip a s'mores dip it's just it sounds so good and this is one you could do in the oven you could do that on a campfire if you have one available i do not so oven but if this is good i may do this we're going to a cottage so i may actually try this over an actual campfire follow me on instagram if i do do that i will put it up on there and this one is super easy i preheated the oven to 450 which i did in advance so she wouldn't interrupt me and all we're going to do is we're going to do a layer of chocolate chips and you could do whatever variety you want you could do dark chocolate milk chocolate semi-sweet you could do like the salt caramel type vibe i don't know maybe like a mexican hot chocolate thing maybe a little bit of spice i don't know i'm gonna go classic today but i'm a little mad that i don't have any like salted caramel filled chocolates i keep going for the salted caramel and i'm telling you it would be so good if you do end up doing that and you have salted caramel can you send me a picture on instagram because i need to know we're just gonna do a nice layer across the bottom and then you're going to take the regular size marshmallows and you're going to cut them in half and place them on top but if this works in terms of the timing like the chocolate actually melts down and the marshmallows get nice and golden on top and it actually comes together as a dip i think this is this is a great base if you wanted to experiment with different flavor add-ins and everything or everyone could have their own like miniature one and you could make your own dip oh they'd be so cute i like that idea for like a parte you know campfire carter forgot how difficult cutting marshmallows in half is this is a lot more marshmallows oh i thought i preheated you okay well thanks evan and that took a long time to get to 4 50. are you okay do i need to send you to a doctor all right this is taking a lot more marshmallows than i was initially anticipating but that's okay i don't mind at all just sitting here and chopping up marshmallows they're not sticky at all i ended up adding in some mini marshmallows into a small corner just because i want to see if those are going to i don't know be more even and golden when i put them in the oven i don't know so we're gonna stick this in 450 for about five minutes and then it should be ready all right cones came off of the grill and the dip is already done it's worked out well timing-wise christopher look ooh yeah that looks so good do you want to taste test a s'mores dip with me that looks really good got nice and golden the chocolate i think is melted i'll do the little mini ones cheers it's gonna be so hot oh did you burn your mouth a little bit also some more yeah it's missing kind of that smokiness campfire yeah but like it's very good and it's exactly what it's billed as and you could do this over a campfire then you get that i don't know that smokiness sure i'm blowing on it this time good job learning that was good that was easy i'm gonna put this on here because i'm gonna forget i'm gonna try and grab it all right cones i don't know whose is whose are these gonna oh no they're not hot anymore okay let's find out i see no colorful on the next one this is mine okay okay mine is all melty on the inside yeah i mean that kind of looks cool it looks very cool i don't know if it's s'mores but it's it looks fun i don't know what to call this i like that a lot that is really good i can't taste yours no is it just with the addition of the m ms do you like that yeah the m ms are great in there i feel like there's one non-perfect element of a s'more it's the ratio there's just too much graham cracker for my taste having this nice thin sugar waffle cone shell you get so much marshmallow so much chocolate in there this is very very good mine needs more marshmallow though i feel like i didn't put enough in i gotta keep eating until i get to the to the butterscotch part oh i hacked it went right to the bottom not enough marshmallow i just didn't put enough in like i really stuffed mine yeah that you have to over stuff if you're gonna do this like really jam them in because they do melt down this mint is actually really good too really wow you crushed it like taste mine here you have this half this is the butterscotch yeah so there's butterscotch on one side and then chocolate on the other chocolate bite was excellent i should have dipped it in the the dip or be moaning the lack of marshmallow and you have it right here i'm gonna declare this the perfect s'more experience absolutely do this forever so you won't ever do just straight up marshmallows or you won't do s'mores anymore i wouldn't do graham cracker s'mores you're here first folks this is the way to do it yeah waffle cones are the new s'mores now we know i do like the addition of the graham cracker not everyone's thing definitely stuff it full of marshmallow but it was good i feel like we got a lot of good desserts here those jello roll-ups are so cool they were so good the only thing that didn't work was my margarita no i mean that tasted good it was good it just wasn't a slush doesn't matter it was worth coming to this video for learning how to make s'mores this is good i like these recipes if you have any others that are interesting that we should be trying out for the summer leave them down below thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you all in the next video love you all bye make s'mores correctly
Channel: RachhLovesLife
Views: 421,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rachhloveslife, testing recipes, testing weird, summer recipes, viral summer recipes, snack recipes, testing snacks, tasty snack recipes, snacks, campfire cones, jello roll ups, kool aid, kool aid pickles, s'mores dip, smores recipes, kool aid recipes, tasty, easy snack recipes, silly, funny, testing tasty, easy snacks, food, recipes, slush recipes, slush, dessert
Id: f8NLt8Xbk0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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