Testing Clothing Helpers!

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oh hello so a while ago just jumping right in here splish-splash taken aback a while ago I saw on the interwebs a guy who discovered a t-shirt folder and he loved it and I was like oh man that looks cool I wanted to buy one but then you know I had to justify the purchase by making an entire video around that thing as I often do for all of my videos there's always one thing I want I'm like how do we make this a business purchase that's out most of my videos come about she's coming about we don't know anyway so I thought that no that I was like okay what else could get I've had a few other items I'm like I didn't know what category this is like what are we even testing I'm calling it clothes culpers so we have things to unshrink your clothes we have things to help your bra straps we have things to help get your bracelets on because bracelets you can only use one hand and it's a two-handed job like like this you're like this you can keep quite and you like isn't your mouth the whole thing and I also have something to help organize your shirts in your closet and the thing of the Dower the thing to help you fold your shirts all of these are clothes helpers some fashion out of our what it is we don't know why are you know we don't even know we don't even know so uh to my closet don't judge it it's it's not pretty I don't even have closet doors oh we need to go there I know I'm supposed to save like the big thing for last well let's be real I don't want to cuz I'm impatient so we're gonna test out yes this is how I organize my video products put them in bags and label them so we're gonna test out the t-shirt folding thing which also corresponds with this thingamabob this helps you organize your shirts I don't know how yet because I haven't gotten that in depth with it it's an organized system so you fold your t-shirts and you put them in these painting tres the best way to describe this oh this is terrible okay we're opening up the folding thing this I'm so excited about look at her can you see her cuz I can with your instructions cuz I don't know what I'm doing I'm so excited it's like so you can see too cuz I know that you're really excited too cuz this is just this is just an exciting moment for me now up here yes so you have to move the camera again we'll do a before and after shot these are my pajama and workout shirts okay this is how they currently look now we're gonna see how organized these can be okay so like I fold my clothes like they're folded just it could be better so what I get you do it backwards upside down backwards so here it is it's like this and you go one side the other side ready the other side oh she is beautifully done ladies and gentlemen oh look at that pole compared to that fold this it's night and day difference okay now then you put this on here this I'm gonna be the most organized closet in the entire world a Bam Bam jischke man yes this is fantastic dude some more do it some more never stop can't stop won't stop never stop oh and this will keep your clothes from getting so much more wrinkly than they have to be VP yes I me oh this is good I don't think I like these plastic things I don't know I feel about them yet we'll see anyone that's ever worked at a clothing store like Rachel you're an idiot it's not that cool listen I've never worked at a clothing store I've worked at a restaurant I've worked at a magic company I've worked in a stockroom I've worked as a tutor I worked as a personal assistant I have never worked in a clothing store god bless all those who have because I know you all have stories to tell but let me tell you cuz some owners never pulled that a shirt with a thingy oh my god this is fun how is it so perfect every time god this is fantastic no bump god you're gorgeous you're absolutely gorgeous I'm going to be doing this all day this could be my entire video is just this what ha ha oh are you perfect cuz I think that you are I'm gonna keep doing this and I'll show you when I'm done so this is the before and this is the actor watch ahh boom look how good that look compared to that mess of what I thought was organized oh so basically I'm gonna break you down I don't you drink my coffee get dogs these days try to get on that coffee trend you're not an Instagram model you can barely look at the camera on command I don't know how much I like the plastic things they definitely take up a wider space like I think it added an extra inch instead of like organizing it to give me space it made the width like an inch more than it needs to be also like I can't pet you in here because now have a handful of fur what's the thing you've distracted me so much also I feel like when you're putting clothes away I think it would just take so much longer so I'm fine with just folding them with this beautiful thing that look at how small it folds up to like it is a t-shirt itself I can put that right there boom bada bing bada boom I find with just that obviously this does look really nice and you can see your stuff and the point of it so that you can do this and grab a shirt and not mess up the whole kit and kaboodle thing it takes a while that's my only hiccup but look how good that shelf looks compared to that like now god that's beautiful so plastic things anything if you're okay with the extra time and how much wider they are both folding thing I highly recommend getting yourself one cuz I was fooling like hoodies and sweatshirts and t-shirts and tank tops with it it folds everything so get on that what's our next thing oh we'll do the bracelet helper oh yes we will okay so for this it's not gonna it's not gonna be the best angle but like also this is where I keep my eye board for a minute but it's technically not dirty but I've worn it pile so what I want to put it in like backing the drawers but I don't want to put it in the dirty laundry and so I put it on top of my shoes you feel me we all have that pile right I have some people have it like on a chair don't act like you don't have that pile all right here it is Oh have to find a bracelet do I own a bracelet give me a second got a bracelet but I think one of you lovely people gave me it's a Ram's bracelet so what you do I like this how are you if you're by your lonesome which sometimes we are how are you supposed to get don't grape my coffee oh my god dogs I'm gonna forget that's there this is a bracelet how am I supposed to connect that how am I supposed to do it how I have one free hand how am I supposed to connect that doohickey to the chain by the help of this thingy there are multiple versions of this so I got the one that it was delivered here the fastest which would be like nah December ok I didn't read any instructions didn't come with any but I'm assuming this is what you do okay oh my god this is so great ok so why did I do this with my left hand being the functioning hand lord knows it is not so oh that worked so much better than I anticipated like I thought I would struggle with it a little bit I knew what I would get it like obviously it's better than nothing well holy poop it works good now I'm just distracted if I don't own many bracelets I'm gonna do it on this hand cuz I want to select my left hand was trying to function and we all know my left hand don't function and we just out there trying to function we have your truck okay pick up the bracelet how do they expect me to put it on my body here we are so simple so simple and you know what I bet you could use this for dresses too with the zipper in the back like clip that as you're putting on a pop-up ow push it pop up ow wash up pop up ow so simple you know I was looking online and there was a bunch of versions of these but they all look like this like an engineer dude made it in his garage because his wife wouldn't stop complaining about it if someone paid out this is patent pending pending because it's so basic but if someone made like a prettier fancier like you want to put it with your jewelry type of things it could go places cuz this is very basic like spice it up obviously this costs very little spice it up though because that is a genius invention Bravo brought to the oh what's the next thing bra straps these came with no instructions either so I ordered these a very long time ago I saw them on Amazon let's say six months ago and I went I need for that for a video and then just never got around to testing them or making a video around them until now so my biggest pet peeve with women's fashion well there's multiple like how none of our pant sizes are the same like you go into a store and you're like a five in one store but you go in another and you're a 10 you go on another near a zero anyway what size of my they don't make any sense also our pockets are too freakin shallow so why is everything so tight so annoying everything is so tight anyway but another thing mainly is when you're wearing Mesa's is that the dresses are made with no regard to bras whatsoever they're like what's a bra there are some women that just can't go without a bra yeah there are some can't anomalous to wear pasties no one wants to wear a pasty okay so one of the things that happens is sometimes their dresses that are cut like this very chesticles but you're like I don't have a bra that does this cuz like strapless bras so those things will make you sag down to your feet which is nothing wrong there's something wrong with saggy but sometimes when you wear a dress that won't look lifted you can't wear a strapless bra so someone invented these they have multiple colors I have multiple codes there's grandpa tees there's no instruction so I'm just winging this but what you do is you place I'm guessing because they didn't give me instructions it's not the sturdiest that definitely can slip out I don't think you'd want this slipping out it's also very bulky I don't know how much I trust this okay so it's supposed to make it let's see tighten this side let's see if with or without it if there's a difference so our dress is like this all right here we go oh one dancing on the dance floor I'm dancing this our dance don't invite me to your wedding cuz this is how you get me over there so this is what I do my girl pop pop pop pop we stretch out or we go stretch down stretch or use the stretch oh won't take it off my coat and putting it on taking off my coat I've put nude on Oh what do you over here what do we see how this straps are too coming back up on my shoulder where it's supposed to be with like I made to do this dresses were not made for me and this one stay put now I'm gonna have to say you're gonna need a poufy dress a poofy shoulder dress in order to keep this from showing cuz this is quite bulky yes it's movable yes you can push it but it's kind of bulky and also I don't think you would last all night definitely lasting longer than nothing and that bras suck but I thank you for your service okay okay here's my conclusion it helps I don't think it's perfect definitely is keeping me more in place but I don't think that would be very high table to see this see this is what I'm talking about so you have my normal straps you can see cuz this is such a swoopy Nike do P do and so all day you're gonna be doing this kind of pushing it to the side all day but with this you can't see strap accept I kind of look like I'm wearing a shoulder so that's basically it so if you've got some poufy shoulders and a wide swooped neck these are definitely the product for you they stayed in place and I'm pretty sweaty and movie and I didn't abandon post I'm gonna give them a c-plus to a b-minus it really depends on the poufy shoulders if you have poufy shoulders I must say they're probably like a B if you don't they're a C and that's all I have to say about that too the last product alright sorry I'm exhausted because I changed shirts again alright last product this helps you unnoticed acts like you put your clothes and conditioner or something but this is the language I can't speak others English so what I do is I have to find some my shirts that I've accidentally shrunk that shouldn't be hard to do cuz lord knows she's done that I think I've done the conditioner hacks before I don't think it worked though damn I can't remember oh yeah I did it with this shirt should I see if I can get it longer let's see if I can get it even longer than the conditioner made it rid of a lot of the clothes I think I accidentally shrunk this sweater yeah I think yes it is a crop top but I think I'm not supposed to put in the dryer to accidentally put the dryer so these three articles of clothing let's see if we can uh untruth them okay so the instructions say to really sink full of a gallon of warm water I don't know what a gallon is oh my thing gross we're just gonna fill a single water NACHA gallon is notice most important entire bottle it like that's a lot that's a lot let's take note of how short these are now though so on my shoulders okay alright we could scientifically measure it I don't want to and this one it barely covers my nips yeah I definitely shrunk this one that seems like enough if you when my clothes I'll be mad about one piece I don't care about the other ones this just looks like they put a little bit of something in a bottle of water so they could charge more for it soak the clothes there now they have to show for a half an hour and then we pull them out rinse them stretch them and lay them out to dry alright cnnf our it's been a half hour I was doing I worked so my hair is up now time to okay well this was unexpected it has taken some of the dye out of I believe my tank top which has been washed multiple times in life more than multiple so it has leaked color and then you're supposed to hold water we're just kind of ready to rinse because it's supposed to rinse rinse it with some cold water oh good you see the splotchiness of it good good good you know splotchy that is next one smells like the shampoo and conditioner and a bad slaw so smells like this one's not very splotchy well sex to me Jojo yeah I'm pretty fancy I've got cool friends I don't know why they like me bring nothing to the table really women's support I guess alright there's that one we will stretch out and then the last one I really like this sweater so I hope it didn't ruin it supposed to lay these out on a towel now see what we can do outside all right so it's pretty hot outside right now it's 86 at 6:30 at night unusual direct pass outside all right so now we gotta stretch them out blaze is staring at me through the window can you see him go away go do something else I don't know the proper way to stretch I think this is fine oh you finally came outside after staring I mean stop early through the window we'll let those dry and we'll check on them tomorrow okay next no it's actually two days later I'm not gonna lie to you it's two days later but he's right outside on a towel now let's see what they look like all right you know what I want to say I think this one did grow a little that's what we're gonna say we're gonna say it grew not that it stretched out but it grew I think this one grew a little I think this did alright oh wow this one did a lot this very much stretched out that is a lot that stretched out a very much amount scientific terms there I'm very much a mouse Wow okay all right now let's see the sweater ruin this well this doesn't feel good this feels scratchy now this was a very soft sweater and now it's scratchy oh well I guess it does it's supposed to be very short just to begin with I think it maybe gave it like half an inch but this one definitely stretched out a lot so maybe it has to do with the fabric how much I stretched it I didn't like really tear into this one I didn't want to make it wider but I don't know I think we'll say that one does work cuz it definitely did on the purple and I think it did a little bit on the red I think it depends on the type of fabric you're using so that one worked alright me but I had to use the entire bottle in order to do it that's a lot I feel like maybe you should just do the conditioner method that I tested one time I don't remember the name of that video I'm sorry I did not wear the right bra tank top here I'm epaulet good we're not in the on trouble okay so that's it I hope you guys enjoyed this I did I ended up organizing my entire closet I regret nothing I made it look really cool I think my feelings still stand on the plastic things like I think it just is a personal preference but the t-shirt folding thing is awesome the bracelet clasp thingamabob is awesome I did get my clothes on shrunk and you're gonna need some poofy sleeves for that bra strap business but that's it hope you guys like this video if you did please hit that like button also subscribe to see videos every Tuesday and Thursday on this channel also check out my vlog channel I post vlogs every Monday Wednesday Friday and my podcast channel all things Internet where I post new podcast episodes every Monday with my mother that's the end of all of this we think the coffee I just drank made me need to go poop [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rachel Ballinger
Views: 711,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rachel, Ballinger, Novaqua, MissRBaller, video, fun, funny
Id: iMNL-g8AbiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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