Testing Aesthetically Pleasing Kitchen Gadgets!

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hey everybody I'm Rachel and I test things so you don't have to and I'm doing something that people seem to appreciate on this channel which is Test Kitchen products we always want to make our experience in this hell hole a little easier a little more comfortable a little quicker so I like to test products that are supposed to do that let's check what we got I got a sink organizer a magnetic knife strip I already have one see it's one of those but this one's cooler let's see if I can hang it a soda shelf thingy lights you put under your cabinet to make it look cool electric salt and pepper Grinders and these thingies that grab things for you I don't know I don't trust it ready let's begin all right let's start with something simple right here look at this lone hand soap dispenser sitting there without friends looking unproper whatever shall we do that's where space a comes in I don't think we're aiding the space I guess we're making it look better I don't know so this is literally just the stupidest thing in the entire world but it will make things look better it's just a little shelf you put next to your sink why' I smell it why did I smell it I don't know you've made a bed you've made a soap bed it's a drying pad oh so you can put wet things on it you're supposed to be able to put your sponge on it if you want yeah okay let me just let me show you how stupid this looks dumb it looks dumb and it's disgusting look at this look at look at it foul not anym are we ready for this transformation transformed we don't have a sponge we use this thing I supposed to put that there wow this space it's been aided so if this looks like something you want get it here T oh look at that it's supposed to you can dry things on it got it got it that's what that space needed all right now it's time my ring light isn't moved you got to work with me ring light did it boom the coke colola dispenser yes yes why does it say fragile all over it is this fragile I don't think it is oh it's cracked oh it says fragile and it was still banged up look at this look at this it's broken all right well I'm still going to see if it works that's dumb so we don't keep cans in our fridge because we have a wine fridge but we don't drink wine so we put all our cans and whatnot in the wine fridge in the other room so come with me all right here's our little wine fridge is this a bottle of wine sure I don't know people bring over their beers their seltzers and stuff and leave them in our fridge and we don't have much room in here anymore it's a mess all right also that's from last week's video so it's looking cluttered I'm going to see if this thing can make it look any better now one issue I think I'm going to run into why is the air being taken out of that that's weird is it doesn't fit these types of bottles cans and that's that's mainly what people bring over but I'm going to see if I can work we have a lot of these October Fest hold on let me see it does fit so many October fests here we go sour oh will this close it closes everyone relax it closes okay it's freaking out about nothing it won't fit these oh God just organizing my fridge for a video that's fun it's taking up a lot of room I actually feel like it's taking up more room than saved because most of our things are this size the tall ones also you can't put different flavors in because you can't see them it has to be all one thing but if you're someone that really likes like Dr Pepper and you buy cases of it this would store it well except for the fact that it came broken there's that PL out I guess it has a lid so you can store stuff off if it's like super tall shelf I don't know I'm not blown away by that I feel it's very simple and I also think that like Coca-Cola and Dr Pepper and things like that that come in can that size come in containers that do this like they create it unless you just don't like the look miso what are you barking at unless you don't like the look of these and you're like Abby and you like to put everything clear plastic or glass containers and that makes sense but watch out it come's broken sometimes hi all the animals are yelling at me can they help you thank you you want to play with this yeah that's what I thought it's now time to test gravity electric salt and pepper mill scent so this is to be Fancy without hurting your wrist or maybe you can't use both hands or you've got arthritis some some reason Maybe you could be lazy or you could have a reason where you can't use a normal twisty twist but you really don't want to buy ground pepper or fine salt you want it fresh and go what is how you oh oh I need batteries oh my God you need a lot of batteries good God we might just do this with a pepper it takes six AAA batteries for both yeah you guys are just getting pepper out of me I'm not I'm not using 12 batteries here unless it came with batteries no it didn't why would it I'm not using 12 batteries to test this product you get six batteries don't be greedy I'll be right back I have to go take a journey to the garage all right I've inserted the six freaking batteries I have put in the pepper corns I asked Abby earlier I was like can you get whole Peppers at the store and need the like the big round things she peppercorns yes I need peppercorns I forgot the word she helped me figure it out anyway here we go there's no button on this oh my God you just turn it upside down and it goes look it you just turn it upside down that is a lot of pepper oh my goodness all right this is how finely ground it is you literally just turn it upside down you only need one hand now I have tested products for many a year too many years I should have retired but one thing I have learned is if you don't understand why someone would need this product this product was not made for you I personally just shake pepper out of a little thingy we have it in this little bowl and I just grab it and if I wanted fresh pepper from a pepper corn I would use a thing above now not everyone has terrible taste buds like I do so they like fresh ground pepper and not everyone can use two hands or even just have the strength to press a button but they deserve fresh pepper so if you need fresh pepper freshly ground in a moment's notice with just a flick of your wrist then this product is for you I personally can't ever see myself doing this it's a little loud it screams at you a little bit like during a nice dinner party you're like oh Susie where did you get your degree from and let me know more about things that people talk about at dinner parties that's loud that's very loud it does happen quite fast that's good pepper that smells pretty good uh it does happen quite fast so you don't have to do it for very long but sorry that was pretty good I got a cheap one cuz I didn't want to spend a lot of money on this it was good now you can do this with salt as well but again batteries I you just turn it over and it works that's crazy good product good freaking product next okay I had to look up what these things are actually for cuz I didn't want to do it wrong I want to make sure I got it right and this is to grab hot things out of hot things so a bowl out of a boiling water a little pan off the stove a plate out of another pan or out of the microwave we can do the microwave one all right we don't even have to heat it up we just put a plate in the microwave and see if I can pull it out with this thing microwave plate it's in there feel like you should be able to see this let's move a little more just come with me do you need to see do you need light here we go and action oh my plate is so hot from all of the [Music] microwaving I expected it to not be strong enough that's oh that's strong I like this itself is really flimsy and easy to handle so I didn't think that it would be sturdy there is a little bit of how much weight can I put on this how much weight can this lift I'm intrigued oh that's heavy too that's place oh [Music] yeah oh they're like hands that can't burn ah this thing's heavy these are great cuz you know sometimes you don't want to put a mitt on and sometimes you just want to use your hands it's so simple it's so simple next product you know what this kitchen it's crooked it's crooked you know what this kitchen is missing Neon Lights like a teenage boy's room who's obsessed with race cars but I got the ones that you can make just like a warm light but these are supposed to go under your counter top get ready cabinets hi Stevie did you want to be in the video again come here there you go have you ever been on the counter probably not so let's see if I can figure out this is a big remote there's music involved Snoop just came in here and burn burped in miso's face can you guys me gross somewhere else I wanted to you throwing up all right I want to do this right so I'm going to turn off the camera and read the instructions okay all right so they're basically just peeling stick so I wipe down the bottom of this told you I'm trying to do this right I'm going to peel do a little sticky oh okay oh okay comes off in pieces nice all right you see what we're working with doing this this does not want to come off I'm not wowed yet it's pretty easy to install I'm going to give you this under Angle action shot here you literally just stick itop and then turn it keep sticking it okay and then you can to unplug it boom so they're all lit up under there now I have a huge gap from that cabinet to that cabinet and they're like oh well we have have things for gaps you just hook all of these up to each other that won't fit this is for like an itty bitty Gap this isn't for a massive oven range Gap stick them all together this also looks dumb I'm still trying to get it connect to Bluetooth cuz there's an app for it that you can I think create more colors this is very basic whatever you want here's the blue hold on let's go blue yellow pink and the green oh so what I've done it doesn't look good it really doesn't but it is what it is I just wanted to show you this to you guys so I have it stripped all under the cabinet here and then I've hit put the connectors up there and then the lights back there connectors and then lights I don't think this looks good but I wanted to finish the project okay let's do blue again it's dumb all right yeah it's hooked up so I can change things from here and I basically get this giant color wheel that I can change to anything I want more an orange that's nice that's nice I can make it not as bright I can make it Uber bright there you go uh these are pretty cool if you have the right setup for it our range being in the middle of this makes it a little um a lot of people put it on the ground like under the cabinets there and like around the cabin down there uh I think that would look pretty cool it depends on what you want how many feet did I get I got5 m I don't know how far this is 5m do I look like I know what 5m means I don't know these are cool it was actually pretty easy to set up so Nifty next product all right the goal is to replace this magnetic strip with this one cuz it looks cooler okay now the problem is oh oh yeah that is screwed in never done that before let me get a screwdriver real quick hold on all right I can put this back up if I mess up just so everybody knows this is fixable if I'm an idiot GL we're all the ingredients on that now if I could that and then does that look good does that look good does that look good all right let's figure this out I think I need think I need my drill here's the thing my tools are in my truck my truck is at the mechanics so what we're going to do is we're going to use the screw bowl for one and then they gave us sticky stuff that we're going to use on the other side okay we're going to make this work everybody we're going to get her done because we can we can do anything we want we can do anything we set our minds to just have to be creative and work hard enough okay make it a little tighter boom all right and now we just put sticky stuff on the other side and we're freaking set I'm going to cut this I don't need the whole thing I don't need it look at my and that looks like oh did not stick it didn't stick we got to pressure it pressure it pressure sham that's a nicee magnetic strip deal with it I'm going to do it right when I get my tools back for just the sake of the video doesn't that look nice that looks nice all right everybody that's it for today I hope you enjoyed this video I think I've made some positive the dogs are running around some positive changes to this kitchen and I did it all without having to cook thank you round of applause to me thank you I love you guys though please subscribe to see videos every Tuesday on this channel if there ever any products stores websites you want me to check out and test things so you don't have to please let me know down below I go through my comments and I take what you say to heart cuz I'm here to entertain you also make sure you're checking out my Vlog Channel my podcast Channel my Snapchat my Tik Tok and my in Instagram my podcast set yeah that's all of it I'm everywhere and nowhere all at the same time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye
Channel: Rachel Ballinger
Views: 95,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rachel, Ballinger, Novaqua, MissRBaller, video, fun, funny, comedy, humor, Rachel ballinger, ballinger family, vlogger, influencer, testing, testing products, product haul, does it work, viral, viral products, honest review, product review, kitchen, gadgets, products, tool, cook, cooking, test, try, trying, buy, buying, bought, review, reviewing, the, best, worst, asthetic, asthetically, pleasing, cute, boho, vibe, remodel, spruce, lights, cans, organization, organzing, Aesthetically, aesthetic
Id: EZMi3Z9K22A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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