Testing Pet Owner Cleaning Products

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hey everybody welcome to another video where I do whatever I wanted today I don't want to refill the intro even though I was getting my face dirty no today I want to test products that people that own animals should use to clean them I'd be saying how what's the title I'm gonna test products for animal parents to clean with what how am I gonna phrase this I bought things that you clean with if you own animals okay I would say so I went on Amazon I will put a link below to my Amazon it's kind of like a playlist thing where it shows all the things I test and if you want to buy them the link is handy-dandy there will be in the link below but we're gonna test all these things today I got a lot and by law I mean five I've got five so ready let's begin okay so first up it's gonna be this this is a broom that you do this with it says it picks up dog hair really well dry or wet the floor can be dry or wet and it cleans up everything I don't really know I'm gonna have to look at the instructions on how this works I don't know if I trust it when things are like I can get dog hair really well I don't know you know what gets dog hair really well a Swiffer but blaze barely sheds and his hair so short and whatever that you don't notice when he does shed so he's not an issue it's soup that dog sheds okay so I just watched the little demo on Amazon and apparently you take this and you just wipe towards you it seems and it gets all the debris and fur now down here is very dirty so I thought we'd start there and then we're moving on to the rug because apparently works on carpet first we're going to extend fantastic and we're going to why oh wait that works wait a second wait a second this is working holy poop circles oh do you see my pile guys look at my pile of how average in a room Bo over there that I could be using but look at my pile let's see how much this cleans we're gonna go clean everything look at that pile of fur dirt hair that is my office not the carpet we haven't hit the carpet yet just the small little hardwood on it and half of my living room I didn't even do the full living room because I was like I was getting distracted and I was like I need to film not clean my whole house right now okay pros and cons one pro it works con this Swiffer is definitely easier to use but with the Swiffer I have to like empty it out or change it halfway through my cleaning because there's so much dirt and fur and hair everywhere but this you don't have to I will say con this takes longer just because you kind of have to keep going over it and keeping the pile together with the Swiffer it does stick to the Swiffer also better than a broom because a broom kicks up dust this very much keeps everything on the ground it doesn't create a dust ball which I really like so I'm gonna say this product is great on the floors I have I'm gonna pick up this pile and then we're gonna see how this works on a rug and then it says it can be used in your dog's crate which is full of snoop air and no matter how much I shake it outside it the hair doesn't come off so we'll see if it works in that alright so we're going to sweep the rug and see what comes off no that that didn't that didn't do anything I don't like things grabbing onto fabric so just took this outside and shook it I don't know the camera can really see it there's still white dog hair all over it so I'm gonna try and use the thing [Music] do you see that that clump of hair I created I didn't create it you created it I just put it all into a ball right here that actually worked pretty well nope we have a way to clean your little pad for your crate I just took them fur off can you not for like a second I'm gonna say I love this and this products win so heck yes so far video 100% amazing now in case you don't want to sweep or do any hair removal you can just put this on your dog this is the next product it's a shed defender basically you're putting a giant onesie on your dog so their hair can't come off we're gonna put this on snoop it says it reduces anxiety that dogs got a lot of anxiety so let's figure that out also it says it can replace medical cones cover hot spots help with skin conditions alleviate allergies and contain pet hair so is multi-purpose really so we're gonna just gonna see if it helps with the shedding I've never put some clothes on so I don't know ok let's eat dog I'm really scared of catching the peanuts pieces up here right okay I'll pass the penis okay my only thing is what if he needs to pee or poop there we go I am dead this is so cute to me to cheat oh good boy look at how good well this varies hair on my shirt but that's from like cuddling him earlier do you guys know tail whooshes OH do you love it not as amazing as it was if you let me put this bond you know there's hair on the outside from me petting his head and petting the rest of his body oh yeah we'll say you're not getting fur anywhere except from your head okay he's walking in it oh don't quite know how to walk blaze is like what is happening puppy you look so good you look so good like do you hate me you should because you got multiple treats for this are you getting cuddles and kisses is it reducing anxiety I need your full review Snoop is your anxiety down it should be your confidence should be through the roof okay I'm gonna just whop you here force you're a good looking dog just like on the red on the Reg you're adorable cutest little face puppy-dog eyes kisses that could make the hearts cool but right now how you feeling I love this so much definitely reduces shedding I will say having your dog wear this on a daily basis for around your house I think a little extreme one that cannot pee or poop in it but I could see you needing like if you need to throw your dog in a car or on an airplane and you don't want to get fur everywhere that would make sense a lot of dogs do respond well to tight clothes to reduce anxiety and I could see if he had a wound or scrape or something on his upper legs or his backers stomach trying to shake it off that this would be used to prevent him from licking or biting at that though I'm gonna say this is a good product he doesn't seem to be super comfortable but he's not uncomfortable don't hate me dude are you happy you're not wearing it yeah you've got to play with hoes for this video you have to wear this so obviously this is a good product it's not practical for every single day around your house again they can't pee or poop in and we need to get used to it but also they might overheat maybe in the winter would be great it is a thin sheer like workout material so that's nice imma say it's a good product is when he goes into the car it looks like he vanished and all his fur was left behind so I think it's cute okay soup doesn't want to wear that during the day maybe your dog's like I don't like that it's hot and you want to cuddle your dog and you're like I need to cuddle my dog but I also don't wanna get covered in hair but let's just get covered in hair and take it off with this removes fur while washing and drying oh well that was the opposite of what I was thinking we got what this one so far and shred it okay so in case you do cuddle your dogs a lot and you have her all over you you can wash your clothes with this and it grabs all of the fur well that's cool if it works man wait I feel like this is gonna make a lot of noise in the washer and dryer like it's heavy it's gonna be like boom boom boom boom boom for 45 minutes in each machine it doesn't stick to clothes only fur and hair and it becomes even stickier in the dryer and it pulls additional fur into the lint trap so I'm a little hesitant about this I don't want to break my washing machine but you know what we're gonna try it anywhere we're gonna do a load of clothes tonight oh oh oh they're sticky oh they're sticky and wobbly oh yeah oh we're gonna put these in the washer and dryer sometimes I'll do a load and then I take it out and there's fur all over the washer so you know what yeah we're gonna do this we're doing this tonight fantastic let's go to that shot [Music] so say another night I washed the clothes I put in dog towels and we're gonna see how much lint and fur it caught it had some on it when it came out of the washer I put it in the dryer let's see well there's none what in the world there's no fur on this and honey there was fur in that load because I put the dog blankets in there oh my god this is just depressing it's hot it's barely sticky it's got lint on it but there's no dog fur pan I wanted this to work dang it it did have stuff out of the washer but it wasn't like full it was like ten pieces there's like two pieces of fur on this all right well this is a bust alright two more products this one which I'm excited to try but I don't know blaze it let me do it hey well that's pause so this is a soft gentle silicone bristle brush thing so when your dog like like it's wintertime they go one in the month or something and their feet get dirty well instead of having cuz I in the winter I literally stick him in my bathtub shower and just spray down his paws multiple times a week because they get so gross and he runs around my house but with this you just fill this with water stick your dog's paw in and do this and Boop and apparently it cleans the whole paw and you just pour this out and that gets rid of all the mud so you don't have to worry about giving them a bath or a foot bath every night you can just do it in this way is you're ready to go playing the hose get muddy and try this always you pooped I gave him a carrot and a puzzle ball now he's just wiped out let's do that okay we're just gonna play the hose game get them real muddy they don't clean his paws [Music] okay so fill this with water then you force dog to put oh oh there goes the camera to put their paw in water give me paw no don't drink it push your paw he does not like this come here please now everything's all money and your pie is not clean let me just shook his whole body no at me come here good boy you did it he did not do it at all good boy okay so this only works if you have a dog that will just let you do whatever is in the world you want he's always had a thing with his paws he will not let me put booties on him he doesn't like it so this is a fail unless you have an extremely cooperative dog don't lick my armpit bro you're happy you got to play in the hose so whatever this fail okay last products now this I got because it's new placin blaze is a very low maintenance cleaning wise dog except in the winter when he runs in mud that is his flaw it's snoop snoop is a dirt fur mess and they both do great in baths they'll both let me give them baths but blaze dries in about five minutes flat we take a bath take a walk he's dry snoop on the other hand takes five hours to dry so I'm hoping this will help it is a doggy place clean dog chamois okay so this is to dry your dog with after they take a shower which I'm very excited about this snoop I feel that in the winter when he has to get a bath and it's cold in he's way he's cold is wet so this I'm hoping dries him off because normal towels we used cheap towels or beach towels for the dogs but and I feel like they don't absorb as much so I'm excited to try this one out okay I give them a bath let's go give him a bath [Music] let's try this out oh yeah oh are you okay feel the towels wet so exciting to be out of that shower huh I am so excited all right you are it is clearly covered in his do you need something it's wet but like I feel like there's dr. Caroline out I'm gonna need to clean my bathroom now because of you sir oh I'm a dog how does he feel I mean he's still wet but he's not dripping okay from all of my oh I'm not in the frame from all my dog experiences there's so much hair in my mouth bro I am faith many a dog and after one towel once the towel is completely soaking wet my dog is still usually dripping he's obviously still very wet but he's not dripping and like that's the goal and now I can go take him on a walk dry off no water's coming off of him right now so you're gonna get fur in your mouth now - don't look up there it's not a place to look so if you think your dog is gonna be completely dry after this you're wrong he just makes them not Brett and it does absorb more than a normal towel and it's not dripping which is it where do you think you're going did you get a run around the backyard all right so I'm gonna say this towel that's what it says I'm gonna say it's good I'm gonna taste good let's go let him get the zoomies in the backyard ready undo everything I just did that's nice thank you make sure create the biggest dust ball yeah happy dog okay guys that's it I hope you enjoyed this video if you've got pets that are a mess or maybe you've got a kid that's really messy I hope these products help you I'm not gonna give any of those away but maybe I can where'd you go my glasses where I put it place oh here it is literally right here I'm gonna give this away it's a painting I did I did these two paintings in my last video you can check them out the link will be at the end of the video but I did a critic pouring and I don't have a place really for this one I didn't like it first and now it's kind of grown on me so maybe you like it too but I'm gonna give this away you have to tweet or Instagram or Facebook or social media some sort your favorite clip from this video not a screenshot a clip so this one you have to be a little more savvy if to screen record you gotta do something film your desktop I don't know how you do it but I want you to post a clip of your favorite part of this video be subscribed and tag me in your post and you're in a running to win this beautiful acrylic poor painting that I failed that but ended up kind of liking it and I'll sign the back for you alright guys that's it make sure you subscribe to see videos every Tuesday and Thursday on this channel like this video if you liked it make sure you're checking out my podcast all things Internet make sure you're following me on Twitch miss are baller and my vlog channel miss are baller and on Twitter miss are baller and on Instagram miss are baller I kind of make it easy for you guys ok I love you so much though and remember above all else stay awesome possums [Music] you
Channel: Rachel Ballinger
Views: 1,289,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rachel, Ballinger, Novaqua, MissRBaller, video, fun, funny, testing, test, pet, owner, animal, lover, cleaning, products, tools, gadgets, dog, fur, mess, dirty, muddy, paws, bath, towels, stuff
Id: U_Jx0UiqnRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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