Make Lunch With Me!

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did it work did it work don't tell me this is my first ever live stream where i'm not gonna have technical difficulties in the beginning stop wait did it work am i so proud of myself did this work hello i don't see anyone dang it no one's talking is anyone here what is happening live there it is i see you guys oh i did it after eight years of being a youtuber i finally had a live stream with no technical difficulties hello welcome to cooking with rachel uh apparently a thing i do now oh wow chat it's called sass hi everybody hi everyone this here hello i'm gonna post on instagram and twitter that we're here so give me one second you know the dealio you that's it save can someone tweet me the live stream link look at you going live on the first try thank you katie i know i know oh okay people tweeted it to me thank you i just need the link i'm really proud of myself all right cappy i don't want that link remove this link there we go we're doing it hi all right we're going to cook in a second i'm just going post that we're here okay i'm live there we go just screaming at people paste it tweet it there we go hello everybody so you may be wondering what we're doing today um we are going to make lasagna roll-ups that are vegan because um i don't eat meat or dairy so we're making lasagna roll-ups vegan y style a girlfriend came up found the recipe for me a lot of you guys were coming up with different things pasta wise and whatnot and i love lasagna and i never get to eat it so that's what we're doing um i'm here alone so i have to cook all by myself which if you know me you know is a disaster i did a live stream on thanksgiving where i had you guys thanksgiving dinner with me what is happening with that's just this is me am i just all right i've ruined yourself we'll just make it even on both sides so on thanksgiving i cooked an entire thanksgiving meal for myself by myself and you guys seem to like it so we're just if you guys keep liking this we can make it a thing but um i'm going to try to make this i don't want to go past an hour but knowing me it's going to go past an hour so there's going to be an hour hour and a half maybe so we'll be here for a while you can come in you leave whatever make your lunch eat lunch with me whatever you want to do okay how do i know how okay there's cooler here should we start let's start i'm excited okay so i'm gonna take off my shoes i don't wanna wear shoes first off i just want to say hi to people real quick i want to say hello you guys are here you're so nice someone's eating takis mia is eating takis i love cooking with rachel i'm really bad at it and i'm a spaz so girlfriend was like why don't you make something simple i was like no no i'm not if i'm going to do something i'm going to do a vegan i'm going to do it wrong but i'm going to do a bake so she she'll she'll understand what percent vegan are you i'm not i'm not vegan anymore i'm i don't eat meat and i don't eat dairy but i eat fish and eggs so i'm a i don't have a label stop trying to label me i do what i want uh hi you hear my boredom you're welcome rob okay should we start i think we should start now my sister gave me this for christmas i don't think i've have i busted this out yet i don't think i've busted this out this is my new apron oh no i have to tie my back [Music] this is my new apron gotta wear this okay the chat is very fast so i will go on twitter eventually just let me do this okay oh i have to put my hair up huh that's you know what heron was on your roll-ups ah this makes me look like a naked kid i'm not wearing shorts there's vloggers in my shorts hi oh i'm so excited i hope joey comes over soon i don't like that i'm alone but if someone were here listen i did this when i knew no one else would be in the house because i knew if there was someone else here i would trick them into cooking this for me i am a master of tricking people into cooking for me and i wanted to try to do it myself so no one's here it's just me we're gonna do it i took off my apple watch i've silenced my phone no one's gonna distract me i'm not gonna get help from anyone all right lasagna roll ups let's did my hair just pop out it did oh that's cute that's fun i just i realized the other day i'm really bad at buzz like i don't know how to how do you do this i don't know how to do it i like thought i did and then i just it also doesn't help this is happening to my hair tie that's a thing at the moment hold on hold on one moment i got this okay here we go let's do it all right first thing i have to do i'm not going to watch the video for visual instructions i have to cook the lasagna noodles i have lasagna noodles i have no idea if this is the right one i don't know what i'm doing okay lasagna noodles in a large pot filled with boiling water and salt according to the package directions or until al dente i don't know what al dente means does it what does el dente mean okay directions bring water to a boil add salt to taste am i supposed to taste the water just taste water hold on where's my hat oh it's up there okay i got this here i'll move you so you can see me fill up my water just a moment you can come with me hello i didn't clean my kitchen for you just so you know we're gonna make that happen they didn't tell me how much how much of these i have do i cook all of them i just cook all of them i have to boil this for nine to eleven minutes or until desired tenderness stirring occasionally so cooking takes so long like we're gonna be here i wouldn't be surprised if we were here for two hours just in all honesty i would not be surprised all right well let's see what twitter has to say since you follow me on twitter miss our mahler let's see here lydia's excited rachel and colleen not treating direction colleen i don't read directions i read directions i just don't want to watch a video colleen doesn't read directions because she doesn't need to read directions okay here we go okay salted to taste what salt can i use sea salt himalayan i don't use this i gotta taste it tastes like water okay perfect off to a good start everybody all right you boil okay so when that boils what do i do come back to me hello all right i have to bring that to boil okay i have to bring it to boil so oh is there something i'm supposed to do while that's happening um okay ladle a half a cup of marinara sauce in the bottom of a nine by six baking dish okay the pictures were glass oh this says okay this is eight by eight don't want that this doesn't say what it is well in theory if that's a nine by if this is an eight by eight then that would be a nine in the bottom of a nine by six baking dish who has a 9x6 baking dish what the how big is this let me get my tape measure one moment please one moment everyone remain calm i'm back well this is a 13 by nine i don't have a nine by six can it can i use this one it says oh you can use a larger pan oh i didn't read the parentheses i read directions okay so we'll use this too perfect put this away tools come in handy tools come in handy everybody okay so i'm supposed to ladle i have a ladle my ladle is burnt on the bottom that's no bueno okay no it's not burnt that's just crusted on food [Laughter] okay that's just pressed up on food great but clean i don't half a cup of marinara sauce okay we got this why are you all seeing snoop sleeping in the living room with blaze all right um half a cup so most people would just eyeball half a cup i don't like messing up which is why i don't cook so i'm gonna measure out half a cup let me exist okay that's half a cup i could have no i would have never been able to eyeball that that looks like a full cup to me all right oh this smells good oh i'm excited about food all of a sudden i just got really hungry okay what am i supposed to do ladle half a cup of marinara sauce into the bottom of the baking dish set aside using this in this moment seems a little extra i'm just going to pour it into the baking dish and not ladle it why am i just saying poop now what are you guys what is she making i'm making lasagna roll-ups okay there's food there's food crusts on the bottom of this too why is there food everywhere ah okay here we go ladle ladle ladle that's dreidel trail dreidel all right it's like wait that's a song i know and i don't know why here we go that is not enough that's zero percent enough i just assumed that this is how it was supposed to look i'm gonna add more because i want to because this is a bigger dish than it was supposed to so half a cup wouldn't make sense right i'm free balling it okay set aside got it i'm nailing this still not boiled not even a little bit i made a mess hold on a second i'll be there in a second here's my foot hold on i'm just i'm just rinsing this okay hi i'm back oh i got i got things on this hold on i don't like i don't like when it's a messy when it's messy okay there we go lasagna roll-ups i'm making lasagna roll-ups um hi everybody ballinger's number one okay um while lasagna noodles cook they're not cooking i'm trying to boil water still oh my god i just have to wait around until the water boils this is ridiculous no wait hold on oh i can dice the onions the garlics and the mushrooms right now okay i need garlic onion garlic mushrooms okay so i have to dice an entire onion that seems extreme that seems unnecessary okay well time to dice an entire onion everybody ugh this is gonna be a lot of work don't worry i came prepared wait so what exactly how exactly do okay there it is i i don't like when they don't tell you what type of onion um because there are multiple types of onions and i didn't know which i went with a sweet onion um because i like sweet things so i decided to do that but tell me do i get a yellow a sweet a purple there's a lot of different types of onions get out so how are you all doing today how's everyone feeling did everyone sleep well last night um just tell me about your day i want to know about it do i i feel like i have a tool for this do i not do have i i've i've tested onion dicers before right i i should have a tool for this i feel like i should have a tool for this otherwise i gotta do this all on my own do i have a tool for this let me check twitter does anyone know if i i've tested a tool for this i know i had my goggles i mean the rollovers are going to taste like straight onion maddie i'm just doing what the instructions told me to do hold on roll form is better yeah okay what entire onion sauteed is like half a cup it's not excessive rose taylor thank you thank you for the validation and assurance that was so kind of you thank you so much you didn't need to go that extra step for me and you did i appreciate that okay i don't want i don't like that part of you okay so i'm just gonna we're just doing things leave me alone we're just i'm just gonna cut i'm not gonna look if i have anything to dice them dreidel okay i have draeno's radial dreidel stuck in my head cool all right that's fine i don't know why [Music] so i don't i remember that i had a dream i hate dreams remember that i had a dream last night but i do not recall in the slightest what it was about and that makes me angry because like my brain was doing things and i wasn't in control of them and i have no recollection of what it was doing that's me i could go on about how much i hate dreams oh my all night all day it's not nighttime oh um i'm recording a podcast my new podcast should i talk about my podcast today should i i'll talk about my podcast i'm creating a new podcast while i sit here and dice my onions i will tell you guys about this i'm creating a new podcast i'm still doing all things internet with my mom um and that's every other monday and then i'm going to start doing a new podcast called rachel i can't believe i but i had no plans to tell you about this but i've decided i want to uh oh my god i can't believe how much onion i have to dice right now this is like it's really rude i didn't want to do this much work um anyway also don't yell at me if i'm doing this wrong mind your business i don't care i'm just doing it and if it happens it happens life exists okay oh my new podcast right what if i just kept trying to introduce the fact that i have a new podcast but didn't tell you anything about it i kind of want to do that right now what i don't i don't even know how i'm dicing these onions at the moment i know i have a chopper i know it's somewhere in this household i don't want to find it cooking alone is boring why do people do this i guess some people find it soothing because i like don't like people i forgot how i'm cutting this onion let's just do this and then we'll do this here it is oh look at me go i'm so good at this i'm gonna chop my fingers off get a hold of joy and tell her to take me to the er if i chop my fingers off thank you thank you is my water boiling yet it's not even boiling yet this is taking forever at least i'm doing something while it boils i have a whole other half an onion i gotta do this too this is ridiculous it's absolutely ridiculous oh the podcast so it is called rachel uncensored and it is going to be the only place on the internet where you get to see it joyce texting me excuse me it doesn't recognize me with my goggles um oh joyce says i have an onion cutter [Laughter] um where joy joy cooks here more than i do so she should know where it is i don't know where it is i'm just whatever i'm almost done i'm more than halfway through that i got nothing else to do at the moment except crush my garlic and something with my mushrooms i got to do something with mushrooms i don't remember there we go um joy come over you want to taste my lasagna roll ups joy come here come taste my lasagna rolex bring the puppy and king louie you can also bring suka but he's quite large i don't know if you want to handle he'd have to bring his crate and whatnot but bring bring the puppy for sure and then come taste my roll ups i don't know see the thing is i don't know if they're actually gonna be good because i'm the one cooking them so i'm gonna be extra i'm either gonna like critique them too much or just be excited that they were made but come over like right when i'm done so i don't i'm trying to trick you into making them for me all right you know the how on cooking shows they always are like the main thing that like when everyone's competing for like their own cooking show or something the one thing that they always kind of fail at is talking while cooking that's the only part i'm good at that is literally the only part i'm good at is talking while i'm cooking i can tell you exactly what i'm doing which is just dicing up a bunch of onions but it's taking 6 000 years um but that's always the part where like people are like they do like they make crickets happen and it's all awkward and they can kind of pan in on the sweating i can do that part i just can't do the cooking part it's just come on people talking is way easier than cooking you just move your mouth and let whatever wants to come out of your mouth come out people that think before they speak that seems like it takes a lot of effort i don't remember the last time i spoke before no last time i spoke before i spoke i should think before i speak that's up people often sometimes are like why don't you do more live streams i'm like it takes a lot of energy because it is i'm non-stop for like an hour or two straight because you can't have just dead air oh the podcast ah okay fine so the podcast is called rachel uncensored and it's gonna be the only place on the internet where you get to see a version of me you've never seen before it's i'm still myself on the internet i've always been myself i just i don't censor what i do censor what i say i i've been on the internet like eight years and i don't cuss some people think what i do is cost like some you the words are up for debate but i'm going to sit down with a different friend um you'll have repeat friends like joy will be on multiple times but i'm it's just going to be me and one other person whoever i choose that week we're going to sit down and have a drink and talk about whatever we want and i'm completely uncensored i will talk about i oh i'm gonna drink on the show but um i'm gonna cuss but i will talk about like life experiences that i've always been like more private about or just kind of censor myself about because i know i don't have a kid audience but i do have like a younger audience and whatnot so the podcast will be a little bit of a older demographic um it's going to be more of an adult show than a teenage kid show i'm sure teenagers will still watch it but um yeah it's going to be something along it's it's me uncensored it's going to place the internet or you can see a version of me you've never seen before so i've recorded one episode with my friend emily and oh god and then i'm going to record another episode with joy today and it's a lot of fun um me and i only talked about our last toxic relationships and things like that so that's all it's it's fun okay i diced my onions i need three coats of garlic minced still hasn't boiled oh i brought out garlic why am i getting garlic i already brought it out i was prepared a britney will definitely be on it and uh each person that's on um i the drink of that day is whatever drink reminds me of them so uh i don't know it doesn't have to be an alcoholic beverage like i don't have my mom on and hers is a plain black iced tea like it doesn't have to be alcohol uh but whatever drink reminds me that but if they want to drink them welcome to but i've noticed it's easier to get people to talk and open up well they've had like one or two beverages in them of alcoholic source so that's a thing um but i don't know when it's gonna launch and but i'm already starting to record it my podcast people are already trying to get brand deals for it so i'm sure it'll launch within the next month and i'm trying to get a bunch of uh episodes recorded now so like it's just easier and unlike all things internet i can record it whenever i want i don't have to wait till like the end of the week or whatever uh so it should be a lot of fun and i'm gonna have it be alternating with all things internet so it'll happen every other monday so just one monday you'll get all things internet and then the next monday you'll get raised uncensored and it'll go back and forth like that for a while um yeah so i hope you guys enjoy it i'm very much enjoying coming up with concepts for it and ideas for it that's the same thing as concepts and uh it's a lot of fun we're gonna play fun games and do fun things so that's it i'm excited i hope you guys like it all right turn the heat up for the oven turn the heat up for the oven what are you telling me to turn the oven on for the lasagna because i'm gonna have to cook it i will have to cook it at 360. but it doesn't tell me to do that yet it's no um the stove is up as high as it can go so i don't need your sass about that thank you for the suggestion people these days always suggesting things pre-heat okay i'll preheat it now everybody fake 360. yes okay it's preheating calm down i just didn't want it to get so i didn't want it to be hotter in here than i needed to for longer than it needed to does that make sense i didn't want it to be hot in here for longer than it needed to be that's what it is because it's currently like 95 degrees outside so i was just trying to not turn on more heat until i absolutely needed to we're good though we're good okay you know what i hate about cooking cutting up onions the like it just kind of gets stuck to your knife and so whatever you do with that knife the rest of the day is just gonna have onion on it okay and then one small can of mushroom spice i didn't buy a can of mushrooms that didn't seem i had just these and girlfriend was like don't use a can use the ones you already have in the fridge because she hates wasting food she's very on top of that we do not waste food in this household um so i don't know how much a can of mushrooms is so i'm just gonna cut up some mushrooms am i supposed to slice okay so i'm just gonna slice up some mushrooms until i feel it's an appropriate amount of mushrooms because i don't know how much is in a can and i'm doing what i was told by using these and not a can so we these are way easier to slice than an onion get some that's a fun kiss lid on pot oh my god you're so dramatic screaming at me fine i put a lid on it i put a lid on it because that would make it boil faster because you're containing the heat is that a science is that science i don't quite know i got a tweet yesterday of someone saying please do anything but a live stream i hate them i hate all live things with a passion so i'm sorry to that one person if you're watching this that i did a live stream instead of a main video i sincerely apologize but there were more excited people than unexcited people about this there you go how many mushrooms am i supposed to do here let me look let me see if there's pictures i love pictures my whole arm is tingling that no i don't like that anymore okay that doesn't feel good i am unhappy i'm unhappy at the moment okay look at my little plate of things i made a plate of things okay hold on let me see if there's a picture of how many mushrooms just a can of mushroom i've never done canned mushrooms a day in my life i also haven't got a lot of stuff in the day in my life here we go um what wait that picture says something else hold on oh and then i'm supposed to add soy sauce and spinach how much spinach 3.5 ounces of fresh spinach how am i supposed to weigh out 3.5 ounces of fresh spinach who does it who has them whatever here we go i have no idea this was enough mushrooms i'll just add some more i like mushrooms so that's not really a big deal for me is there anything in here joy can't eat no she eats mushrooms she's fine okay the pot i covered the pot i'm still screaming at me i don't enjoy getting screamed at oh it's boiling look at you guys you were so smart telling me to cover the pot with the lid okay so now what um add salt to taste i did that oops did i do that too early my bad add pasta add pasta stir boil 9 to 11 minutes or to desire tenderness stir occasionally the hardest thing about cooking pasta me is knowing when in the world is done i i genuinely do not know okay oh this one broke okay that one's a no-go am i supposed to cook all of these okay here we go they don't fit in the pot they're too big yeah this is the biggest part i got who is it pot bigger than this okay cook it for nine minutes start okay um this is no good this is no good this is no good this is no good because we're doing roll-ups you gotta have it all uh fit together i'm assuming okay okay okay now what okay so that is boiling now hi next instructions took a second took a second for myself didn't need to do that while the lasagna noodles cook here we are heat oil in a pan over medium heat and add the diced onions garlic and mushrooms got it got it got it okay here we okay here we are got the stuff [Music] got the stuff i feel like this i can't wish see how my noodle isn't in the pot because my noodles are too big for my pot i'm stressing okay um okay this is oh no i want that one just okay i'll alternate who's in the water oh there we go okay we're almost we're almost mushy enough to be in there oh where was she enough okay stirring occasionally i stirred right oil easy goes i feel like i want to use olive oil because i feel like that's what it is an italian dish and for some reason olive oil is italian in my brain i don't know why okay oh that was a lot oh god that was way too much just shot right out okay let that heat for a second and then i do all of this at once while lasagna i'm just gonna add the diced onion garlic and mushroom saute for about four minutes oh my god i'm gonna have multiple timers going i have to do everything to the exact moment it tells me to okay four minutes that's ready has anyone stop saying colleen call colleen everyone i'm not calling my sister what do you want i'm busy i'm literally busy right now i am cooking you guys is she here hi colleen if you're here other than that i i'm busy i'm very busy okay here it is and i'm gonna add these and then saute them for four minutes here it is oh and i like that we're all assuming i know what saute means so i think sauteing means you just do this a bunch the whole time right you're just doing this oh i forgot to set my timer sorry okay my noodles are boiling i'm satan here it is here we go stirring occasionally i got this look at me go look at me go okay oh no my onions get back in there they're trying to escape okay i'm doing it so good at this here we go oh why are you boiling what are you doing why are you over stop that rude the water's trying to escape the pot i gave you a nice home that is a good pot and i gave you good organic noodles i went to whole foods this morning stirring occasionally stirring occasionally okay again i have no idea how to tell when those are done i'm just going by the time frame they gave me dogs don't come in here there's onion how y'all doing how's life going oh i can look at twitter while i do this this is mindless okay twill uh i want to see the cats they're sleeping and i don't want them to come in here because i'm dropping onion every everywhere some people call my dogs cats just i don't know why you're so good at stirring onions in a pan thank you danny thank you i know i am this i'm good at this i'm going to constant stir ah oh looks like it's way too early for that nine minutes to be up that's preheated the oven is preheated are you all happy now it's just gonna be hot in here for no reason for a couple extra minutes i did not need to do that all right oh i was on twitter oh al dente still means a little undercooked so like a little crunch to it thank you adele satay master thank you lucy i forgot how stressed you get when cooking tammy how could you forget i am just one giant stress ball when i cook i'm not good at it i it's not soothing like i think a lot of people love cooking because it kind of relaxes and soothes them and gets the creative things going not me not me at all does all the opposites i have an issue sauteing means brown it girly it's browning i think yeah this is browning sure looks great it's my timer about to go off 44 seconds got things on my fingers all right and then i'm supposed to add what i'm supposed to add what am i supposed to add soy sauce and spinach 3.5 ounces this is five ounces so i'm gonna have to eyeball that of spit that's a lot of spinach and then soy sauce how much soy sauce a half a tablespoon of soy sauce okay i got that half a tablespoon got that where's the soy sauce i have soy sauce i have it i got it i don't like this one where's my gluten free okay i get it i'm trying to get my soy sauce hold on i'm still here joy girlfriend are you watching do i have other soy sauce besides this one i don't want coconut oh i got it i got it i got it everybody i got it i got it okay so i'm adding the soy sauce okay did that seems a little weird to add soy sauce to a italian dish but okay and then spinach i'm trying oh my god i can't get into it oh my god okay so this is five and then i was dropped it this would be yeah that seems right and then saut cook further for another 30 to 60 seconds then turn off heat oh my god all right i forgot to stir occasionally now that there we go we're getting there i'm going by this timer because that was at 45 seconds when i looked over at it so everything's gonna go off at once oh god [Music] okay what what happens when this goes off turn off heat and then just add hummus with a spoon oh my god all right how much hummus i have hummus are these done oh okay that is literally boiling water how do i know what how do i i'm gonna cook it for longer okay how much with a spoon how much hummus fresh women oh uh one and two-thirds cup harness i don't think i have enough hummus my hummus almost also has this in it girlfriend said i had enough hummus and now i don't believe her hold on one look at my new spoons that i got okay hold on one and two-thirds cup hummus all right so here's the thing i don't think i'm gonna have enough hummus i think it said i could add something else instead like cheese or something yeah this is i'm not gonna have enough hummus i'm just gonna add more cheese this was not even a cup this was okay all right well we're gonna figure it out um add the hummus and stir with a spoon okay to this to this let me see the pictures yeah you add the hummus to that okay okay sure are you done yet i'll get to you in a second okay hold on my ac is going off because you guys made me turn my oven on early just saying okay okay do you do not enough well we'll just add cheese to it what does that yeah okay i mean it looks like it did in the picture okay i'm gonna deal with my pasta because i think my pasta said hold on what am i supposed to do with the pasta oh this was the drink uh draining the pasta in the colander rinse immediately with cool water and place in a tray alternating lasagna and the condiments what what what what okay hold on what i need a thing i got this okay you're off i gotta do this okay oh god all right hi i don't know what to do with this pasta i'm god i'm stressed okay hold on look my sister got me mashing oven mitts too okay i got this here we go one two three well first i'm just gonna do this because there's no need for all that okay i'll get there it'll get there hold on okay cool down immediately good cool do it be cool attack get cold stop cooking no one wants you to cook anymore okay i did that great just screamed at some pasta for a long time okay [Laughter] lay the cooking notes on a clean surface and place about 1 4 cup of hummus mixture on each noodle and spread evenly roll the hummus lasagna noodles and place them in the sim steam seam side down the baking dish i understood that somehow okay i got this i got this all right hold on hold on okay clean surface i got this here okay so hi welcome to me i think i'm supposed to do this i don't think i was supposed to do this many okay that one was not cold cooled down okay and then i'm supposed to add i'm stressed hold on there was something that said let me go up let me go up hold on it said something uh or vegan ricotta cheese i have a vegan work how to cheat i have mozzarella i don't have i feel like hold on hey give me a second i'm feeling do i have vegan ricotta no i have mozzarella and this spread stuff hold on oh wait oh i got an idea don't ask questions i have something those questions okay let me exist okay here let's stir this up i think i did something i had this like weird uh vegan spread stuff that's supposed to be a cheese but it's like kind of more of a um cream cheese business but i think it'll work okay so i'm supposed to add this to each roll let me see how much they they've provided pictures okay here we go oh there was too much of that stuff okay hold on i got it man this is very stressful for me okay here it is that seems like too much all right and then okay well i guess we'll do multiple one time here it is huh okay hold on a second here we go [Music] okay so you do this too much there it is they're very sloppy i'm not i'm pretty sloppy with this here you go over there you were too much i'm trying to look at the pitch who's at my front door says someone's at my front door i have dogs better watch out oh it's just the mailman okay that's nice okay hold on and then i roll them up and place them oh wrong hole okay i got this you roll you roll them up okay i know how to roll i can roll things rolling with the homies and place them that side i think i did it i think i did it i think i did it okay hold on here we go here we go oh i'm so good at this okay that was okay so we had too much in this one that's okay it's okay oh and then i get to do it again i'm so good at this how did i get how did i get good at this okay that one's broken but that's okay okay oh they're sticking together no you're not allowed to do that it's against do not stick together stop it dab it all right that one's ugly i don't want that one see this is why you were supposed to stop cooking it's okay i don't think i'm gonna use them all anyway here we go that seems good okay oh my goodness i'm amazing i can't believe i feel like i'm actually achieving this which is kind of mind-blowing but like i follow the well the thing is we don't know how it's gonna taste because i didn't i used weird hummus i didn't have enough hummus and i use a weird other spread so who knows how this gonna turn out but i'm excited the fact that like it's looking good so far there we go ah guys then we have to cook it then we have to put it in the oven but only for like 20 minutes so we can we can hang out for that 20 minutes all right we'll be best friends you know my best friend smells all around no can't cuss here save that for the podcast this one is a mess and that's okay we don't care what you look like as long as you taste good we just want to eat you you don't care what you look like in the meantime guys i'm blowing my own mind uh i think we'll just do the three more of these the face of the last ones so we'll just use all this [Music] oh are you all proud of me i'm proud of myself rolling with the homies rolling with the homies oh my god i'm exhausted if this tastes like butt i'd be really upset with myself so this i feel like i did well on this one i wasn't as stressed as i have been in the past i'm proud of myself whether this turns out well or not just i tried my best and that's all that matters in this situation my chair is squeaking so much nope okay and one more guys guys guys all right i gotta rinse my hand who's texting me sexy oh no i got stuff on my phone my girlfriend oh no okay rachel you can wait two seconds for your responders hold on i'm supposed to do something i think i'm supposed to put marinara sauce there's water everywhere i think i just broke my phone that's okay i'll get another one okay okay i think we're gonna see him roll up each other remain ladle the remaining one cup of sauce over the noodles i'll do what i want don't tell me what to do don't tell me to ladle i ain't wiggling i'll just spread it around okay hold on i'll use this what does the picture look like that's a thing okay mine did not look like that but that's okay i add more sauce that seems to be what the picture looks like okay i definitely needed a different type of dish but are we really expected to own every size dish that's ever been created when we want to make something like that just seems absolutely ridiculous okay happening back what did my girlfriend say hold on oh okay she didn't say anything she liked something i said rude okay that seems like enough sauce that seems like enough sauce okay um now what now i'm supposed to add vegan cheese on top i use my own vegan cheese sauce i'm going to add seven ounces of vegan cheese how am i supposed i'm just adding mozzarella on top um hold on i have a one how about this i'm just gonna like cheese grate it on top that seems right right i did not need to cook all these noodles shoot i kind of want to eat a noodle though hold on oh how many ounces is this eight ounces so almost all of this is how much i'm supposed to put on top of that i just put all of it on okay i was just gonna cheese grate it that seems like the correct idea right hold on hold on there it goes look at me this looks delicious i'm loving this okay i'm over it i have to do this for the full thing geez louise pumpkin freeze it crumbles how you guys doing stupid boys are asleep you are correct they're sleeping they're sleeping oh god this is just you hang out there for a second vegan cheese man the one thing vegans will never get right you really can't replace cheese but that's okay dairy's not good for me and it does my tummy doesn't like it anymore uh huh okay that seems like an insane amount of cheese how to add a little more move it here a little bit over there and we're done perfect okay um bake for 20 to 25 minutes garnish with parmesan cheese i ain't doing that all right here we go we all keep our baking pans in the oven right that's the thing i'm exhausted i'm actually look at this mess there's all right guys let's clean up [Music] all right we're gonna clean up a little bit just is my internet going out i'm choppy is my internet going out i hope not oh i'm back i'm back sorry my internet was chopping for a second i don't know if you guys saw it but i saw it maybe my computer didn't like me or something i don't know okay there's so much food on the ground whoops um i got a collar when i'm done um i'm distracted i have to clean hi okay let's check twitter first i've been ignoring you guys for a long time okay good the the internet didn't go out for you perfect uh you did so good what's going on right george that looks delicious i'm gonna take this off i'm very i'm sweating i'm very hot right now because you guys made me breathe the oven all early and whatnot i'm truly exhausted how do people cook i don't get it okay you're literally sweating maddie i'm aware i'm aware of the precipitation coming from my face my computer doesn't your computer doesn't like you thank you cammy do not keep my i do not keep my pants in the oven but you do you bae thank you that was almost more cheese than onion guys i'm just doing what the instructions told me to do i don't know what you want from me uh okay your hair your hair still looks good though this looks great thank you i am basically i will i can't i don't think my hair looks good up i love your apron thanks colleen bought it for me just keep breathing and breathing thank you guys all right take it down i gotta do my breath all right hi how's your guys thursday's going isaac are they good i hope they're good um this is elvis that's caked onto my spoon joy when are you coming over i'm bored come here this is a freaking mess this is a freaking mess this is also why cooking sucks because you have to clean everything after like if oh unless someone's doing for you as you go like this is insane okay my hand is gross [Music] what are you guys saying on here i'm going camping tomorrow cool emma have fun i hope you enjoy that do you like flynn yep i very much like my nephews all of them drink some cold water rehydrate i did make i did fill this right before i started thank you for the hydration reminder oh my god i also got myself a kombucha i used to drink kombuchas like every day and then i stopped because i don't know why i stopped i don't know that was i just weirdly stopped i think it's just they're expensive i don't know but i got one today because i went to the grocery store by myself and i saw one i went that seems nice you want to see my pile of trash i made a pile of trash i'll put it aside we have to ha because we're going to eat here we're going to eat here we have to have a clean eating area i got to put away my onion goggles hold on how much longer 16 minutes oh my god this is ridiculous all right let me clean this and then i'll sit down and talk with you guys hold on how's everybody doing i'm baking a cake that seems like stressful fun too are you just as stressed as i am or do you enjoy baking baking isn't exact science you can't mess around with that like that stuff is real cooking you can do it to taste baking's very much down to a tea i don't know how people figure that how do you guys figure that out how do bakers that's one thing when i watch a cooking show i'm picking up the onion off the floor so dogs i'll eat it when i eventually come in here um i'll be right back uh so when cooking shows when they have to bake something from scratch and they're just like yeah i know how to do this without any instrument how do they do that how do they know i know there's cheese on my butt because there was cheese on this seat and i didn't wipe it off and now there's no cheese on this seat so i know it's all about i took us all right i'm on twitter i love unedited rachel yeah it takes a lot of energy we've been live for an hour i figured it would be an hour and a half maybe two hours i'm not surprised oh i'm art someone says follow and i'm literally all right i'm literally already following you you just asked me to follow you and i'm already following you maybe check first before you ask because i already did it you are officially a chef uh gage i appreciate the sentiment but i do not think i am i love your necklace this is my chain my girlfriend bought it for me thank you very much stressful fun yeah that's it no wear your onion goggles while you eat i'm not lucy i'm not wearing my i already sported those for you you don't get them twice i love your outfit thank you i threw it on and then i took it off to put a bra on and i put it back on i don't have twitter well marley get twitter that makes it easier all right let me i'll read comments for a second um i'm glad you enjoyed the survivor tree andrew you're the one that got me that it's on my mantel i loved it i'm making pumpkin bread in the summer bella that seems like more of a fall winter thing you can't make pumpkin bread in the summer that's not that seems wrong i guess it's wrong make lasagna for lunch and that's definitely a dinner thing um mina has crams help how do i deal with it i have a full proof proof there i got excited forgot how to speak i have a foolproof method on how to get rid of cramps this first side of them you take two middle i suggest the one with caffeine the one without caffeine i don't think it's a strong so you take two middle you eat a full banana you drink a full glass of water and then if you have cbd oil cbd oil does not have to have thc in it which is the part of the weed that gets you high you can get cbdo that comes from him or weed doesn't matter but it's just cbd you do not take the thc you take a mile of the cbd oil and then if they're really bad you put a heating pad on your stomach and in 30 minutes you will no longer have cramps it is my foolproof method it has always worked for every person who has tried it it's the rachel way i get really really really bad cramps so after a few years of dealing with that i figured out the correct method and i don't know which part of it is like the best part of it you have to do all of it because we ain't gonna risk it my nose is all ready and i don't know why okay i swallowed my spit i'm attractive is joy coming she's coming over today at some point i don't know when she's got a life she's got things to do she just can't come over whenever um i just cry in pain harry you don't have to cry in pain when you have cramps you can fix it so there's that flashbacks used to twitch yeah i used to drink kombucha all the time on twitch shannon you made me this bracelet thank you i like it it's i'm like the only bracelet i wear actually some some people send me um rainbow bracelets i've been wearing those every once in a while go pat in the racial way i can't patent the rachael way it's just a bunch of it's just a process you can't fat in that process remember when you gave us the trick to get rid of hiccups i've been waiting to test it for years and every time i go they disappear before i can well sierra then that maybe you're scaring the hiccups away because they're like oh no we don't want to try rachel's way so they just go away i have the cure for cramps and the cure for hiccups you'll learn things about life something just shipped from amazon kyler got my merch thanks kyler i will have to try the racial way one day rosa the next time you have cramps that's when you should try it when she's a doctor i'm a chef and i'm a doctor there you go you're so smart about health wow no i just have no time for small inconveniences that don't need to happen i did nothing to deserve hiccups and i did nothing deserve crams so they are inconvenient they're annoying i don't have time for it it is a waste of my time and my time is valuable so i figured out how to get away from them how to get away from them how to get them how to get rid of them i'm sorry i'm talking so fast i'm gonna breathe i'm gonna breathe um where are the pups they're still just chilling in the living room they're sleeping watch gremlins gremlins gremlins watch gremlins i don't know what that means gabrielle i don't know what that means please do the dishes please do your dishes i will that's not very entertaining to do on a live i'm just washing my dishes i don't think that's how i should do things here um yeah guys i'm not gonna call my sister because you can stop i'm gonna go to twitter now i always forget that the youtube comments people just comment the same thing over and over again on twitter you they don't so i forgot that i always go kind of go back to twitter when i do these things please go live doing the dishes what is with you guys did you turn your oven off no it's at 360 and nine more minutes you can see it right there it is it's telling you that hold on backwards it's telling you that you're on it's on i'd watch you do the dishes well that's okay uh rachel has three jobs youtuber cook and doctor well at rid body would you guys have uh not a name on twitter like this person's is just a smiley face how do you want me to address you i don't know how to talk how to talk to you your your hiccup hack has helped me so many times you're welcome alejandra what's the hiccup way also please follow me okay let me follow you do i already follow you no all right sorry earlier um so with the hiccup hack i did a video about it i did a learning sunday many many years ago i was like four or five years ago so i'm not offended that you guys haven't seen it but you get a glass of water and you put a straw in it it has to be filled to the top put the straw in and then you plug your nose and your ears at the same time take a deep breath and drink all of the water in one breath and then your hiccups will be gone you just drink it through the straw so you look like a buffoon you're doing this and you drink it out of the straw in one breath and you drink all the water and it will it'll get rid of your hiccups it works for me every time afterwards you'll feel like you're about to hiccup for like two minutes but it never comes out so that's all do you still wear a freaking mask yes i still wear a freaking mask even though i'm fully vaccinated and california doesn't require it but you know why not better safe than sorry um what's my favorite plate slash mug people have favorite plates people have favorite plates i get a favorite mug because the mugs can say things and i've got a lot of mugs people have favorite plates you can't even see the plate you put food on it you can't even see it poopy helps cramps poopy helps cramps like pooping helps cramps i poop a lot when i have cramps but it doesn't help i'm burpee i need to not drink any more kombucha that is carbonated to the extreme uh have i ever been to michigan yes i have doo doo
Channel: Rachel Ballinger
Views: 311,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rachel, Ballinger, Novaqua, MissRBaller, video, fun, funny
Id: vcs0LfrKlQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 34sec (4174 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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