Making a Piñata Cake!

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no one asked for this video no one wants this video and no one's gonna watch this video but just sighed know I have a bug bite on my forehead right there and it itches so much I have a bigger one on my cheek but she don't itch ah something cold yes way might wear I should tell you what's going on my birthday was this earlier this month I had fun it was a good birthday but I realized there was no pinata if you know me you know I love a pinata my whole family loves pinatas Kenyatta's are fantastic I realize I didn't get one this year I didn't purchase one for myself I didn't get to smack one no one else got to smack one in honor of my birthday and then also I realized and fully get to enjoy my birthday cake because my dog ate it and then I saw this thing it's a pinata cake that's what I've named it I don't know what it's called what is it called hold on I have it here oh it's called the pinata cake that does saw a picture of it I didn't know the babe I don't want you know what we're gonna redeem my birthday a little bit I'm gonna take it back cuz I know everyone's like really you're freaking with the last month your birthday is during quarantine which I think eventually everyone's will be you get to drag it out a little bit longer so I've just I'm gonna bake a vegan pinata cake from scratch again no one asks for this and no one wants to watch this therefore no one will watch this but I wanted to do this and I love using my mixtape and you know what the more I'm in the kitchen the better I get at being in the kitchen let's make a cake let's bake a cake cool what are we doing hey what are we I have no beef I am white okay and it's been hot today it was one of the days when I was like 97 here in Los Angeles my brain is gone my mind's gone I've changed my shirt six times I need to take a third shower what are we doing preheat the oven to 350 great okay perfect let's make it hotter in here well back if you can't handle the heat get out the kitchen I'm gonna need to be here okay so this has instructions on a cake but I'm not making this cake because it's not vegan I'm making a vegan cake oh I don't know what to do bake 50 to 60 minutes no and I've been doing it again alright well then we better get to cookin sift flour into a mixing bowl 15 I know that it I need the kachunk kachunk I'm looking for my sister did I ever buy one I thought I had one no I had a sister because I've been yelled at by you guys before about it this goes in here like that that's one cup and then we sift it my best so it's finer I'm making this up I have no idea why I'm doing this look at me I'm a real baker I've all the tools and then 1/2 cup now add sugar baking soda and salt easy this is a lot of sure don't worry I have another bag of sugar for my whip coffees well that's too much sugar nailed it one and a half teaspoons backup sawed out those aren't the correct ones I don't want to nail this like I don't want this to be one of my normal mess ups I want to actually do this correctly so I'm gonna double-check everything and do everything it says to the tea and then I'll mess it up when it comes to baking it in the weird contraption wait I don't even get to use my mixer I have to hand whisk this stop it wait I'm reading the instructions and it says hand mix I own this I was excited to use this ok it says to add all this stuff to the bowl but then it doesn't say mix and then it says next step add soy milk later I'm mixing the dry ingredients together sorry but it's happening because I want to use this for something I'm mixing them together and you can't stop me that looks great I did it look at that they have been mixed together I'm better I wanted to use my KitchenAid at soy milk oil vinegar and vanilla use a hand whisk to mix and Jessica fine until just combined not until well combined till just combined one 1/2 cup soy milk I'm using the liquid measurer because you all yell at me when I don't do that as well there was exactly one and a half cup left in this not what I was expecting to happen but not that you know what we'll probably be able to use this and we make the frosting because we can make the frosting by hand - because vien pre-made frosting is garbage this seems wrong this seems wrong doo-doo-doo-doo canola oil have a cup of canola oil this is a lot of oil and soy milk do not mix I want one tablespoon of white vinegar oh yeah she's still good and three teaspoons of Analects wrap three teaspoons of vanilla extract is it supposed to be that I trust this vanilla I'm gonna get a different one I have multiple that one looks muddy yeah that's how it's supposed to work I'll show you guys what it looks like right now with my handy dandy Bloggie subscribe to my channel I post new vlogs every Monday Wednesday Friday they aren't that entertaining but now you can see what my banner looks like that looks so unappetizing I dropped with vanilla that is in a glass bottle but it landed on me one not glass part whoaa praise baby Jesus thank you for having my back on that one okay I use a hand whisk the mix until just combined and yes this was a kitchen gadget whisk with the spatula so I think I have to say I've grown to love it okay I don't know what just combine this like hot baking was supposed to be way more scientific that seems like it has just been combined now I have to add the sprinkles and fold in gently I hope you guys have seen the scene from shits Creek on what it means to fold in the cheese I felt very proud of myself but I know what in the world folding things fold it in you just fold it in listen one of the other reasons I'm doing this is because I have so many freaking sprinkles from all of the videos I've done in the kitchen I don't use these ever only when I film it I don't do cooking videos that much and it to be baking videos okay half a cup of rainbow sprinkles so when you fold it in you scoop from the bottom and flip it up scoop from the bottom flip it up so this is how you fold scoop it from the bottom fold it over scoop it fold it scoop it fold school Pitbull then scoop it Oh until all the sprinkles are inside oh we're making a funfetti cake did I mention that okay so I've made it batter I have the batter the batter has been created cute what happened to my oven why isn't it preheated I preheated that right oh I'm losing my brain I was wondering why I wasn't getting hotter in here I'm very confused I'm going to separate this into two different bowls because I have to cook it twice because it goes on top of each other I think I've separated them from between Jew bowls now what we're supposed to do is pour one into this like soda tea so I have a very strong feeling that this isn't gonna work it is supposed to rise so that it comes up to like here I don't think that's gonna happen I think this is just I'm just gonna make a cake at the end of this I think I'm just gonna have cake cuz in this they say split up their cake into two but that's their cake it's not my cake alright this is to bake for 50 to 60 minutes at 325 mine says bake for 30 minutes at 350 so we're gonna put it in for 40 minutes and then we'll test it work I want cake all right set my alarm for 40 minutes and I'll see you guys then almost maybe a little bit I don't know it's been 40 minutes I did the toothpick thing all the way down and it's clean which means it's done right okay so I have to transfer this to a cooling rack and then put the second part of the batter in the oven for 40 minutes ago oh whoops I guess I didn't spray that enough but see my mom do things like this if you don't come out I'll save it well I'll try to hold on can't tell what happened was it just not stickiness I sprayed it one yeah it's okay that's okay hop on my cam you know what little frosting now you guys know you can hardly tell so the next one we have to figure out how to make it not stick to the bottom they don't make this easy do that alright imma rinse this pour the batter in stick it back in the oven I guess use more spray next time okay so the second one turned out better I cooked it for five minutes less and I use way more cooking spray it's definitely more spongy than this one but now we're going to make the frosting then put it all together frosted and and cut into the this bad boy powdered sugar we got four and a half cups of powdered sugar Wow and it says to use an electric mixer so I actually get to use my standard I guys I'm surprised that these cakes well I mean obviously they didn't work that well that one fell apart but surprise it's working even a little bit I was very skeptical when I put them the first one in the oven one two three four I know I'm gonna have enough for this and a half I love the air of powdered sugar vegan butter half a cup this isn't softened so I'm gonna chop it up so it's easier to mix I heard that somewhere one time don't ask questions three tablespoons soy milk luckily I have another soy milk whoa one two three that was not precise at all and two at its paws but not strapped lock start slow cuz it's powdered sugar and it's doing exactly what I didn't want it to do which is just stuff about powdered sugar in the air ah I got a do scrapey scrapey get out of the pole get out of the hole you're in a hole and you shouldn't be so get out of the hole this thing gonna drop Wednesday oh yeah science was happening in this how long thrown in this part until thick and smooth well she's getting there she is getting there is it done I don't know if it's done how am I supposed to tell if it's done like mmm she crunchy why is your crunchy hmm why am I told me to sift the powdered sugar oh well okay now it's time to put the cake together what do I do oh I'm supposed to allow the cake to cool in the pan for 5 minutes that's what happened so this one will be the bottom because it's very broken oh the inside is machine that's good I was just planning on putting sprinkles in it so it looked cool when I opened it that was literally my whole plan just a massive amount of sprinkles falling out of it do little sprinkles we're gonna have a rave different sprinkles y'all is a sprinkle dinkle up in here it said what kind of dinkle I said a sprinkle and then you basically just flip this on top yeah what a great-looking change guys looks like trash okay well now it's time to frost it great this is gonna look so good when I'm done nice there's a bit of best cake on the planet watch out Cake Boss here it comes beebeep all right let's frost this b-word nailed it boom she's done she's frosted she's hit she's cool she's with it let's get it yes yes to every single part of what's happening on tick-tock they'll have a spinny plate I'm such a good Baker we're gonna watch those baking shows like how do those people memorize every single baking recipe cuz I'm like cooking I get it like you kind of like do things to taste and like they taste those they go well baking it's like you did it or you didn't and you don't know until the end there's so much frosting involved here Oh Omar was so much sugar don't lick your fingers Rachael honestly one of my better frosted cakes I just realized I was probably supposed to put frosting in between the two cakes really that I mean I think that looks great don't you agree we know what I bought for this I bought glitter this is edible sugar art oh my I hate this I hate this so much I mean how do you get the sprinkles to stick oh god they're just falling everywhere whatever I want to transfer it to this plate so it's clean looking oh now it looks so much better looks so stupid but he puts clothes up here we have the most delicious delectable definitely not burnt vegan confetti cake with a surprise inside it sparkles it's colorful and it's filled with sugar should we bust into this bad boy ready back at the right side that's not its best side I think that's its best side all right we're cutting into it we're gonna see the surprise inside it sprinkles you saw me do it okay here we go oh oh oh she glided open quite nicely okay oh oh you what does it look like it's stuck give me a second I'm not good at this ready [Music] [Music] look at that there are sprinkled and confetti I was definitely supposed to put frosting in between the cakes did I know do I regret it maybe like three percent but I just realized no one ever talks about how the fact that your piece of cake looks really stupid like there's just a whole hidden your piece of cake all right we're gonna try this cake y'all part of it was just to see if I could do that but I did it so let's see if I baked a cake there's so much wrinkles I think I did all right wait a second I did everything right how is that even physically possible for me this is a way you could put ice cream in your cake Guga put toys in it do look what hand here look put diamonds in it don't put diamonds up someone's gonna break it to all so where do you getting the money for diamonds I don't know who you are why am I saying that eat your cake Rachel oh all right guys that's gonna be it if there's nothing left to do because I made a banana cake happy birthday to me now the birth is officially over it's done I had a cake my cake put my dog in it so like now I get to have more cake and I got a pinata I got to whack it open and by that I mean slice do it cutely all right guys subscribe easy booze every Tuesday and Thursday on this channel also subscribe to my vlog channel and my podcast channel all things internet new episodes every Monday love you guys so much hope you're saying happy healthy safe smart joyful hilarious grateful humble beautiful I'm gonna eat some cake have a sugar high take shower crash into bed love you [Music]
Channel: Rachel Ballinger
Views: 391,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rachel, Ballinger, Novaqua, MissRBaller, video, fun, funny, baking, making, cooking, a pinata, pinata, cake, confetti, vanilla, vegan, sprinkle, surprise, inside, candy, colorful, trying, testing, try, test
Id: amvoKy7M_G8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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