I vlogged our easter weekend at home and...it was emotional [VLOG]

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into a good day i'm gonna turn into a good day i'm gonna go get you a knife and fork you're gonna sit and wait quickly okay yeah i'll be back say french toast french toast okay you wanna help me make it [Music] that was so good have a look [Music] thank you yeah good what you can do is you can bang it like this with the other hand so it comes out you do you go good you're doing such a good job oh that was good that's good we'll do a little bit of agave nectar in there to sweeten it up a little bit okay we need to pour this into here yeah that's pretty good help me pour it good okay ready get the pizza bread out and put it on the egg no no no now put it on the egg and we've got to soak it flip it over it's a bit sticky go go go flip flip flip let it go don't don't don't break it don't break it and then move it onto the pan you guys sit up and i'll bring this out to you guys are you hungry yeah yeah are you ready to eat yeah okay okay it's a bit hot so you might have to blow it a little bit oh my goodness look at that that looks so good are you so happy yeah so thanks mama thank you give mom a kiss you're welcome if you love it look daddy's got one too that doesn't have to be much fun that's going to be my strawberry yum yum no don't touch my one yeah say cool so official good morning happy good friday i'm a little bit sad because we kind of forgot that we have to book into church and usually we go to the good friday service at our church but we tried to book in last night and it's all booked out i feel weird like it's good friday when i'm going to church but i just thought it would be fun to vlog like our easter weekend because i really really miss just like chatting to you guys and doing a personal vlog can i just say i have never appreciated showers in the day until i became a mum like having showers in the day is the ultimate spa day for me i actually love family mornings because i feel like i slow down and i get a lot done so i put a big load of washing on like i put our sheets in the washing machine i put a load of washing on the line i had a shower i washed my hair i shaved my legs like who is she i feel amazing i'm going to lather up with my strawberry and vanilla butter me up this one's my favorite this is the original coconut and lime but this this is my girl right now and speaking of oh by the time this vlog is up my new bike up free pity party is live it's super super creamy so this is my natural deodorant putty but it's the new one with no bicarb so if you have sensitive underarms you can literally like i just shaved my underarms you can put this straight on and there's like no burn no tingle at all there are a lot of people who are super sensitive to black up so we decided to do a new version with no black card i will link both of these in the description box below but basically me times la bang like a collaboration obviously our wedding is in less than a month what the heck i have so much to do come in here fox he's naked oh he's snakey so i have a lot that i need to do today but you know at the same time i just want to have a family day and enjoy it and take it easy so i'll try to have a balance of like being productive doing some wedding planning cleaning the house like i just like to have a clean house rudy nudie boy let's go we're switching to phone vlogging because we're going to go for a walk and i just don't want to bring that camera it's too heavy and annoying but outfit of the day white fox boutique are you ready to go are you ready to go are you ready to go do you want to bring this everyone let's go everyone [Music] yes whoa hat voice um why'd you have to say anything good boy [Music] classic fomo what do you reckon it's time for nap so these bottles at the moment they're literally just like a comfort thing not a nutrition thing so we just give him a little bit of almond milk i actually get a lot of questions about what does fox eat does he have gluten and dairy yes he has a little bit of both however when we were giving him like cow's milk bottles which is a lot of dairy he was getting a rash all over his torso like all over his belly and his back and as soon as we swapped it back to almond milk or oat milk it went away so we are still giving him a little bit of like cheese and dairy and like butter and things like that i think he might be like myself and kurt kurt was lactose intolerant since a baby so yeah i think he just kind of takes off to kurt in that way but in saying that i want to give his body the best chance of you know accepting everything and trying to digest everything i think he's fine with gluten so he does have like sourdough bread and normal pasta a lot of our main meals he just eats what we eat and we eat a gluten and dairy-free diet but if we go out and about he can have like whatever he wants good night darling here you go i have to like lay here for about 15 minutes or so for him to go to sleep it is a bad habit and i feel like before you become a parent you think my kid isn't gonna sleep in my bed i'm not gonna lie next to my baby's bed for half an hour to make them fall asleep they can just cry themselves to sleep that's fine but i feel like when you actually become a parent everything changes i am a very similar mum to what i thought i would be and what i want to be but like sometimes you really just have to do things that you never thought you'd do so at the moment he's in like a sleep progression so to get him to fall asleep we have to lie next to his bed for like half an hour or sit in the rocking chair and literally watch him fall asleep and while it's not a great habit to get into it gets him to sleep and at the end of the day i just want him to have a nap if he doesn't have a nap we all suffer so i would rather just sit there for half an hour or kurt just sit there for half an hour and he falls asleep don't come at me especially if you're not a mom don't come at me this happens every single good friday i don't prepare to like have enough food because i'm pretty sure the grocery shops are closed i really want eggs i usually have two eggs and kurt has like four but i do have cookie dough which is like not what i feel like right now i made cookie dough for these sunny iced easter egg cookies i'll put the picture up here i made them for the sunny app i made like a double batch so that later on today we can make cookies but i just got off the front of my mum as well because i'm planning who is going to be at our house for easter sunday lunch because i want to make like homemade ice cream i want to make like an easter themed ice cream and maybe like fish and things like that so maybe i'll just make us an egg each this wasn't meant to happen if i have a day off if i have a day where i have like no set schedule or i can do whatever i want i just want to cook like it's genuinely my favorite thing to do hence why i love sunny so much i just love making new recipes with that leftover cookie dough that i showed you guys i was going to make cookies but i've already got cookies in the cupboard from what i made yesterday i'm going to test out how it works as like a pie base like a sweet pie base because that's like a cookie base i don't know it could work it could maybe not but i just made the most amazing caramel filling like i want to make kind of like a banoffee pie but like healthy dairy-free gluten-free not vegan because there's an egg in the basement it smells amazing i know and it's only like three ingredients so i'm trying to make this one like simple but look really decadent so that's gonna be like a caramel filling with like banana and like coconut whip so it'll take me a few hours because they have to like set in the fridge and then this one just to eat now yeah i have yeah i don't know if it's gonna work i had some extra dough left over so i'm gonna try to make it's like a play off the apple pies from mcdonald's but it's not apple i didn't have any apple i didn't have any apple puree so what is it then strawberry i think it worked oh it looks alright let's open it up it looks like one of those like fruit muesli bars things doesn't it look like kind of like the one from yeah it does put a bit of sugar on top of that it's a cookie it's so it's like a cook you don't need extra sugar okay yeah yeah is this your pre-workout yeah this is my pre-workout oh that's good that's good stuff right there oh it feels gooey oh yeah it's good isn't it i didn't expect this to be like an approved recipe kind of thing it was just like to get rid of the extra but i think i'm gonna have to make this again and put it in the app guys sunny app is linked in the description box below we upload new recipes every single week bye we sarah this is the app so this is what's new this week you can swipe across if you like the look of something let's say we love the jerk chicken and you can favoritise it which i already have and then you can filter by dietary requirements so you've got dairy free gluten free low fodmap paleo so you can tick those and then filter and then if you can't decide what to eat sunny will decide for you you go to recipe relent spin and it says you should try oh wild child salad what a fantastic pig this is one of my favorite salads on the app anyway fox here you go oh you're all ready fox has just woken up from his nap and i've made him a smoothie bowl with frozen mango frozen banana and frozen strawberry that's it i'm gonna give dad some yeah just a little bit say dad oh yeah i can't wait to put this on sunny it's like a spicy satay tofu bake that's why i baked it okay it's not to a table don't let abby get it that's this is risky do you want daddy to carry it okay then you sit there hang on a sec you need to wait a little bit okay because it's a little bit hot we're gonna play a game i'm gonna go get you a knife and fork you're gonna sit and wait quickly okay yeah all right can you wait for daddy to come back you're not allowed to eat any of it you promise no handshake promise okay all right don't eat any yet i'm gonna go get you a knife and fork and then we'll come back we'll say grace quickly yeah yeah blowing it don't don't know what did i say i gotta get a knife and fork when i come back you can eat it then just wait a bit okay i'll be back did you wait for daddy yeah did you eat anything yeah no wait time i think you waited you look like boy well done here's your fork hang on put it back down say grace close your eyes close your eyes thank you for this meal blessing onto our bodies and thank you for this amazing long weekend lord and um thank you for dying on the cross for us as well jesus name and prayer this prayer amen amen what are we eating um sitting at the kid's table i'm having spicy sauteed tofu oh my gosh when i upload this to sunny you're gonna die um honey soy chicken skewers mix it up some rice and quinoa and then some vegetables which were baked in that spicy saute sauce no that's mine what an afternoon though beautiful look at that [Music] is this one you want this one yeah [Music] what song do you want to wear i don't know what that is [Music] yeah what's minnie eminem eminem eminem yeah all right hang on you like this one you want eminem no [Music] wrong wrong it's saturday it's the next day and i had a really tough mum morning we're obviously going through like the tantrum phase even my mom has said fox is like a highly emotional sensitive child like a lot of children and again like a lot of two-year-olds they go from zero to 100 and i just probably experienced one of the biggest tantrums i ever have the hard thing i feel like about tantrums is if they go for a really long time it's like having your child who you love and like you want to make everything okay having them scream at you and like uncontrollably flail around the ground basically for an hour it's like it's just really tough and i've been reading a lot of books about you know sensitive children and fox definitely is definitely sensitive like he's he he has a lot of tantrums kurt is his favorite person at the moment and he can't deal with when kirk goes to work or has something to do and this morning kurt had to go for a haircut and you know we prepped fox and explained everything and we're really good at keeping fox in our loop and we explain everything we you know we treat him like one of us like that and kurt explained that he was gonna go get a haircut and he would be back and basically fox broke out into one of the biggest tantrums i've ever seen and was like smashing his head up against the front door and like anyway so for like an hour i was just doing everything that i could you know that i'd read from the books of like how to sue their sensitive toddler and you know validating their feelings and saying i know you missed dad i know you wanted to come back he's coming back soon what else can we do while we wait do you want to go and play play-doh do you want to go for a walk do you want to ride your bike and anyway i tried everything and then it wasn't working he was getting more worked up and like becoming self-destructive and like you know who's gonna hurt himself so then i just tried to remove myself from the situation to see if he would self-soothe and he just got worse and i just like around like 45 minutes of this i just like broke down myself being a mom is so much harder than you know i realized but also i also have struggled because none of my friends have kids like none of my close friends or sisters have kids so selfishly i'm getting frustrated with my sisters and my friends like during this tantrum one of my friends messaged me and was like let's go for a walk i don't care if you're busy like you need time for yourself and i'm just like you don't understand like i would love to go for a walk with you but i have fox screaming at me right now and i just like i selfishly am craving that connection with someone who has a kid and can understand that you know that selfish life is gone and i'm totally okay with that i love being a mum and i really do feel so blessed that i have fox but it is really hard it's really tough when your whole day is completely for me dependent on my child's mood because i'm a stay-at-home mom you know as much as i have these big businesses and companies like sunny and sarah's day and the health code and we've got kj tills my main job is being a mum and if fox is having an off day that dictates my whole entire day as well so cat's back now howdy in my insta stories i say i tried to vlog today but i couldn't this is kind of what i mean like there's some days that he's just having tantrums and it's not fair on anyone to put that on a vlog i don't i don't want him to watch back on one of his tantrums and i don't know like you just need to know that this phase of motherhood and parenthood is tough yeah terrible twos understand it now a bit too much of the yeah the boys at the moment that's for sure yeah and it's hard being the mom i feel because i do a lot you do a lot like sarah takes on you know three companies and deals with fox a lot of the time when he's when he's going crazy and it's a pretty thankless job at this age i still love you do you love me no [Music] say yes i love you mom say i love you mom but it's okay what a day back we're gonna we're gonna turn it into a good day i'm gonna turn into a good day [Music] and i just feel like a failure when he's like screaming at me and i don't know what to do no it's not you're not a failure at all i know that but it feels like that you know there's times when it happens with me as well but uh that that this morning was on a whole nother level anyway if you have any recommendations if you've had a toddler like this please only if you're a mum it's really hard when people give me advice who don't have kids i'm like you can't relate you actually can't relate if you have children and you have experienced these intense tantrums and like zero to 100 please comment below i actually want to learn i want to know what's your strategies to calm them down i need to blow my nose i need to go get groceries or tomorrow because i've got my parents and my sisters coming i honestly don't want you to feel sorry for me at all and i don't say this to be like woe is me it's just um to show the realness of motherhood and sometimes it's really hard and sometimes it's really emotional like today you want to say bye i'm going to stop feeling sorry for myself now because i am a little bit and it's going to be a better day and i'm gonna go get groceries and organize what i'm gonna cook tomorrow for easter sunday we're gonna change the vibe we're gonna change the vibe we're gonna do a workout mind over mata i'm a good mummy and i know that and i'm just going to change up my strategies whatever that means guess what guess what the easter bunny came last night do you know what he brought i'm gonna get chocolate all right we're ready are you ready to find all the eggs and put them in your basket you excited let's go quick go get them go find them oh my god oh quick put them all in the basket oh my gosh oh my goodness oh look at that one that's a big one quick more there's so many everywhere oh the big one there look at how many there are oh wow look at that one yeah oh my goodness there's so many let me see how many you've got so far oh my gosh you have so many there's another one i reckon the easter bunny has gone boing boing boing all the way down there there's some here in the grass oh what is that green is it bunny is it eggs is it a chocolate bunny oh wow that's a big one that's for you do you put it in your in your basket the chocolate bunny no okay okay we don't like the chocolate bunny all right thank you easter bunny good boy is it young don't get on your shirt we gotta go to church i tried to show him like a jesus easter youtube like what is easter and he was so confused maybe you'll learn at sunday school today i don't want any doubt that you have mommy pants i'm gonna go get a wipe because this is your church outfit you're just living your best life curt fox and chocolate your two favorite things good we're gonna walk this way okay i've been such a bad blogger today because i've been busy doing everything in the kitchen my mom is here mom everyone loved you in the last vlog they're like they miss you you always say that they all love it and you always act surprised who else is here lily's here my dad's here hello my nanny's here say hi nanny hello darling and the girls i had two cheese platters they did look really beautiful like my family don't really eat a lot of food so people just like peek and it goes to waste but everyone everyone's hungry today so i've got a big salad which is like the fresh component of the meal raw veggies and some goat's cheese in there and then i've got some corn boiling in just some salt water oh you want me to see from the sunny app you have to make this on sunny they're so easy bruschetta stuffed chicken thigh bruschetta's stuffed chicken thighs yeah the girls yeah the girls yeah and then just some roasted vegetables i'm hoping that's enough i really no no no you forget the main part my my part of this this whole cooker is the brisket it's already pre-cooked for like eight hours i think pre-cooked and pre-smoked but then i'm just slamming around the barbecue smells delicious out what a beautiful day it's like summer i hope it's for our wedding [Music] you have coconut water do you yeah [Music] [Applause] yeah where you going you going in buddy one oh oh buddy high five high five over here big high five [Applause] thanks buddy oh [Music] [Music] i made it oh [Music] you
Channel: Sarahs Day
Views: 403,154
Rating: 4.9646325 out of 5
Keywords: day in the life, daily vlog, week in the life, my life, honest, raw, real vlog, young mum, toddler, toddler tantrums, weight loss, fat loss, workout routine, healthy cooking, healthy breakfast, my healthy diet, body transformation, abs, weekend, family vlog, couple, couple goals, healthy pantry, groceries, haul, what I eat in a day, full day of eating
Id: sH41e4qCzcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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