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who is the most affectionate person you've ever met yeah yeah exactly you're really constantly getting breath Inaba camera [Music] what's poppin good stuff back today we are going to be reading your assumptions about us this has already been a video but I've never seen a like a couple live it okay I think that might be funny I don't know what this is even gonna be like I think it'll be funny we asked you guys on Instagram to leave us any of your assumptions we asked them my Instagram and Marcus's so which one should we start with mine shirkers okay and we haven't looked at any of them yet I feel like it could be nice but it also could be me so you guys linked in a lot of assumptions oh my gosh this is a lot wow that's a lot look how many oh that's like houses alright alright about to figure that out okay so let's just start with an easy one okay well it's not it's kind of I assume that you guys don't fart in front of me does it I fart in front of her all the time he always she doesn't before and I've never heard her audibly fart ever I never farted I might have smelt it and said christen and she's always denied it but yeah she won't ever fart for me but I read from all the time I feel like I would be comfortable if it was anyone else but you but you like to make the biggest deal about things like that and and like laughs makes me feel so bad and like makes fun of me like if I was used to having Marcus with me out like listen I've caught her not flushing a few times though and that's devastating alright on to the next place okay okay we're getting these two assumptions a lot either people are saying you guys always fight or you guys never fight we always fight all the time don't we get in little mini fights all the time yeah this is how every end of every fight happens we're like we get upset and then I won't go into another room where we just avoid each other for like probably an hour or two max our mat and then we walk in the other room and see that person we just go but just kind of smile out there it's my fault I go in my face she does yeah yeah she did yesterday she came in with the blank gonna say like she says I'm like what did you say someone said you bring Marcus down to earth and keep him saying if he gets a little crazy yeah probably but I said to you - yeah honestly I feel like people have a perception of you maybe that you're like crazy and silly all the time but we're both very just like chill people I feel it like you do get silly and like it depends rather with what people I am yeah obviously that comes out more on the camera but day to day it's not always like that but I get energized when I'm with people of an extrovert yes yeah she's an introvert I assume that you don't drink alcohol no I used to know I didn't have a sip of alcohol to my 21st birthday but you assumed sort of right because I only drink red wine and I'll only have like one glass I don't drink alcohol really because I don't really like the taste of it mm-hmm like I'm like I don't like wine no yeah no she doesn't and I will drink one red glass one red left Marcus isn't easily embarrassed I would say that's a hundred percent true Marcus is never in there it's very hard for me to be embarrassed I remember the only time you've ever been embarrassed what what what was that it was the first time I thought you took me to your house to meet your parents your mom like made all these decorations in the house office a little sign and stuff it was the cutest thing ever but you were just like my gosh it was probably cuz I was that was the first major impression of my family but now that the cats out of the bag onto the rip of my mom do some goofy shiz like that I don't care but that doesn't mean one time I can I'm getting embarrassed I invest so easily Andros and that's your favorite thing to do it's what your embarrassment yes like in college he had this huge truck with a PA system and who Joe ladies and gentlemen boys because I would drop her off like other class a few times and every time I drop her off like in front of all the ladies and gentlemen during the classroom and everyone just look and she's I hope she hid her face in granted Marcus doesn't clean cook around the house and Kristen has to do it all no I do all the outside chores which is a lot I have to clean up the poop and take out the trash but I always do the dishes she always cooks so I always dish exactly fair trade sometimes it takes longer to cook and sometimes it takes longer to do the dishes it just really depends on the job someone says I assume that you are trying to get pregnant or are planning to nope we're not for probably four years from now yeah it's not on the books for us currently what we do want mm-hmm I assume that you hate being apart it depends on the circumstance if one of us is gone and having fun with friends and the other ones at the house we hate it it's weird because when we're apart and we both know each other are doing something we kind of just what then do you have anything you know we're not like call me right now you know but when one is at the house it's like where are you what are you doing you better get back home just having fun without yeah yeah this is actually an interesting one answer someone says not to sound mean but that maybe you guys aren't intimate because you're so religious because I would think that would ever I don't know is that a bad question no I mean I don't really know it that's what I mean what strange assumption I guess but I would say that's not true and I don't see why being religious would make you not be intimate maybe like they're saying I don't know do you get intimate I assume that honey and campers sleep in your bed yes they do it's actually a huge problem they sleep in our bed every night honey sleeps usually on top of my head camper lays right next to Marcus work the other way around the problem is basically ponds were under the covers and they sleep on top of the covers and so me and Kristen are usually wedged and can't move because they're on top of the covers and you're just like I don't care someone assumes Marcus wasn't a virgin when he met you I was virgin it's kind of crazy like looking back like how I did that it seems like it was kind of like like I I figured that you would especially like right when I met you I was like oh yes she is - you know [Music] Kristen makes Marcus try new foods and Marcus makes Kristen trying to experience 100% yeah that's exactly all the time really yeah I like tried it yeah I don't care that food that's something that I see doesn't clear about food at least like if it's a gourmet meal or like a deli dulles input no I know the difference and I I like it but I don't have it most people have an emotional attachment to food or like they like to be like oh and this is so good what I'm just like yeah that was bad that was good but I hate today and it's okay like I know consciously when things like dessert I'm like let's go to this place because they have the chocolate double fudge or whatever but me and you are opposite in this way you care about the food more I care about the aesthetic of the place if it's if there's not a lot of people in a restaurant I got to get out it's very weird for so cringy he will walk into a rest and it will be empty and he'll be like let's get you you care about the ambience I have to have like people around me or else I feel weird even if they sit us in an area with not a lot of people you know saying can I sit over here yeah I like to sit here like for other people uh like I don't I go away from every ya know when they walk you to the back den and you're like why am I here everyone else is up here in the front I assume Kristen is happy and content just being at home Marcus likes to be out in busy 100% yeah yeah I like to get out at least once a day I like to get out of the house but I love just being sometimes she'll say let's go for a drive yeah that's it well just go for a drive in the hills and that's it and then I'm like okay got my outside interaction no I like to live in the middle of the woods I am really good about getting out of that no you're not you don't think getting out of the hospital I assume both of you were very sheltered growing up I mean you were you into a private high school yeah I went to like pray I went to a public high school and middle school I think I think any good parents shelter their kids from the crowd just guess what I can't I'm taking them yes because they're gonna have you know after 18 years old they're gonna have the rest of their life I mean that's what parents are your parents are to shelter you away from things that you should not see or do or you know experience because that shapes your childhood so I think any good parent is gonna shelter their kids to a certain degree someone said I assume you are really healthy people honestly I wouldn't say we're like crazy healthy like but I'm pretty good pretty healthy I guess for your average people yeah we like to go to the gym we like to eat salad sometimes we also like cookies and stuff okay someone said I assume Marcus hates taking photos oh I hate it he hates it I hate taking photos you genuinely hate that he's hated it since I met no really yeah we're happy to take so many pictures like with fans and stuff it was fine no I've always enjoyed that I enjoyed the union people I'm a fan I enjoyed the people interaction of it but I don't like taking photos for Instagram like I don't like stopping and pausing my life for like to capture a moment or to manufacture a moment I'm just like but I'm glad that you're there to get photos of us because I would never have photos we didn't like stop because photos are intentional that's the thing and I hate my likes be intentional I hate feeling I can try it if you like yes which I just say but these are happy memories right and you every time we do take photos you always are like oh my gosh I love these photos so you love the aftermath you just don't love it and the like in the middle of it which I understand that Marcus helps Kristen calm down in times when she's anxious / worried yes exactly yes that's like perfectly spot-on I'm scream capping that why okay last question someone assumes that we do more exciting things off-camera but just don't document 100% yeah like I hardly film any of the cool stuff that every said yeah we should yeah but sometimes I feel like doing a video about this or filming it can take you out of the moment and especially when you feel like you're in the best moments of your life you're like you don't want to like stop be like let's get this angle you're just like I want to just live this and we'll just shoot it about something else all right you guys assumed a lot about us some of them are true a lot of added some are not true I was actually expecting meaner we had some main ones that we didn't read yeah but they weren't that bad maybe I'll sneak them in it is funny because social media it is such a tiny part of your life that when you follow someone you always just naturally make assumptions like oh I'm sure they're like this when the cameras off hmm but it's actually kind of cool and like I opening to hear what your followers actually same about you I think it this was kind of a cool yeah was it fun exercise yeah if you guys did like this video please give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to our channel we love you and we'll see you next time you'll see you next time next week because we're gonna put out a video next week right yes there's so much trouble if you don't you are a joke alright bye Monica yeah no bye
Channel: Marcus&Kristin
Views: 719,032
Rating: 4.9768147 out of 5
Keywords: kristin and marcus, marcus johns, kristin johns, reacting, assumptions, aspyn ovard, funny, couples, couple vlog, cute house, house decor, home decor, gallery wall
Id: fpW1h3wyA08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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