Testing 65 Minecraft Myths in 24 Hours!

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apparently you need silk touch to mine a chiseled bookshelf okay so we have a silk touch ax and a regular ax wait it actually doesn't mine with the regular ax and it mines with silk touch why is that a thing I'm assuming that's a glitch because that's really weird can a sniffer egg float yeah it can float is there something the sniffers are hiding from us wait will the egg hatch in the air okay yeah it does I'm sorry snifflet I didn't know it would work can the new Mobs go upside down okay so we have a dinnerbone name tag and yeah it works for a sniffer and it also works for a camel this looks so weird can you breed bees with the new pink petals yeah you can but the only reason this works is because they're a flower can you put a baby sniffer in a boat so we already tried with a big sniffer and it didn't work but yeah it works on a baby sniffer this is true wait maybe you can grow the sniffer in the boat no never mind it just gets teleported out another mob that can't fit in a boat is a camel but yeah it also fits in a boat as a baby although the same thing happens when you grow it unfortunately can you bounce off of a slime so obviously you can bounce off a slime block like this but does it work on a slime no it doesn't work but I don't understand why they are both made from slime balls this string make lava quiet so I turned subtitles on and right now you can see the lava sound is being made so let's put some string on the top and yeah for some reason the lava sound is gone that's so weird can you shoot through a bamboo trapdoor no you can't the giant hole is in real life I guess what about a cherry trap door yeah if the bamboo one didn't work there's no way that one was working striking a villager with lightning makes it a witch yeah this one is true and it really makes me wonder what's striking a person with lightning does you parrots dance when you play music yeah wait they're going crazy unfortunately this doesn't work when they're on your shoulder though does frostwalker work on armor stands so let's just make this device real quick and yeah it turns all the water to ice that's so cool oh and I also just noticed that ice has a melting animation I've never seen that before can you light two end portals at the same time no only one of the portal slides but I don't really know when you would need this anyway can TNT boost an ender pearl okay I don't think that's how you're supposed to do it yeah I don't know if it made it go any further but it definitely got boosted do frogs eat silverfish no it doesn't look like they eat these guys this one is false can you hold dirt on top of a chest to open it so we have dirt and we have a chest and as you can see it can't be opened and yeah hoeing the dirt makes it open this one is true can piglens use a totem of undying here you go man take the shiny object I think it has to be a baby because the big ones are already holding something and yeah it actually works the baby survives with a totem you can light a campfire by setting yourself on fire alright as you already know don't try this at home no it doesn't work I set myself on fire for nothing can you jump nine blocks with these three potions so we have speed slow falling and jump boost and yeah it works I jumped nine blocks apparently mobs can't climb azalea leaves so I am able to climb these leaves just fine but yeah the stupid zombies can't get in this one is true apparently two wardens can't kill a witch so let's put a witch in a cage like this and yeah the wardens attack the witch but it never dies because of its potions it's true can you put powdered snow inside leaves so everyone knows you can water log leaves like this but what about powdered snow logging no you can't it's false can a zombie piglon spawn riding a Strider so let's just spawn a bunch of Striders yeah it's true and even as a fishing rod thing to control him as well can you trap animals with trap doors so if we put a bunch of trapdoors like this and then spawn some sheep inside they shouldn't be able to escape yeah they can't follow me I guess we know why they're called trap doors now just reinforced deep sleep protect you from the warden okay so I already have Darkness this isn't looking good okay yeah he hit me this one is not true you can run underwater with mud this one sounds stupid but yeah it's true alays drop items on notebooks Okay so so if we give him a diamond and then throw some diamonds over here he should drop them on the snow block yeah it actually works that's so cool can a dog survive a hit from the warden so in order for this to work I have to tame him and yeah it's true the dog survives a hit can you make an iron golem underwater no you can't what about a snow golem okay yeah the snow golem works but I don't think he's making it out of the water what about a Wither yeah this one is definitely not possible I can't even place the heads do ocelots attack chickens this one is kind of weird but it's true oh and they even sneak up on the chickens when they are really far away that's kind of cool apparently a dog's tail shows how much health it has so as you can see his tail is all the way up now let's do some animal cruelty and yeah his tail is all the way back down and you can even see that I healed him and his tail went back up this is true can fish live in Mangrove Roots okay that one didn't work but yeah it works when I click on the bottom he's inside of the mangrove Roots so pumpkin stems always face West so if I place one pumpkin down it's kind of facing west it's more Northwest though and yeah each one of the stems faces the same direction this one is true what about sunflowers do sunflowers always face the sun when you place them so it looks like they are facing the sun right now but let's try moving the Sun and no they still face the same way this one is false can you use eggs to break leads yes you can and this works with pretty much any projectile except for fishing rods for some reason they just do this apparently bats don't drop XP alright let's try to kill this guy with a bow Wow first try yeah he didn't drop XP this one is true can you kill blazes with water bottles so I've heard of killing blazes with snowballs but never water bottles yeah it works but it's gonna take a lot of water bottles to kill one of these guys so a Sorter and ax is a way better method can you use Frost Walker on a boat okay so I have Frost Walker boots on and no this one isn't true but why would you need a boat with frostwalker anyway do llamas attack wolves okay the wolf is literally sprinting away and yeah it's true I didn't know llamas had any enemies except me of course can you put a boat on top of your head so let's just break this block and yeah I have a boat on top of my head now fashion has really been taken to new levels can you put armor on a villager yeah he's taking way less damage now this one is true the stained glass change the color of a warden Sonic Boom okay let's just provoke the warden again no this one isn't true it's still blue do anvils bounce off slime blocks all right let's drop the Anvil no they do not unfortunately can a group of wardens Blast away the Ender Dragon alright let's spawn a ton of wardens yes true they sent him flying apparently nether fences can't connect to other fences so if you have two types of wood fences they'll connect like this but when you place nether fences it doesn't work that's so strange apparently you can't sleep while poisoning also don't try this at home no poisoning yourself yeah this one is true it just kicks me out of the bed can you share a goat for a goat horn I really doubt this works it makes no sense yeah you can't do this you just gotta wait for them to Ram Into You Can You Escape Phantoms by going underwater nope it looks like these guys can swim as well if they weren't already annoying enough I guess the only option to get rid of them is by sleeping do foxes get stuck in snow when chasing chickens first it's the ocelots killing chickens and now it's foxes everybody hates these guys but yeah they get stuck in the snow for a second when chasing them that's kind of funny apparently gas can't swim okay it's definitely not true he is still chasing the underwater can you look at Enderman through glass so this is me looking at an Enderman without glass not good and this is me looking at one with glass yeah he doesn't attack me anymore it's true does name a Vindicator Johnny make him attack all mobs this one is kind of strange I don't know what Johnny did but yeah it's true for some reason he goes on a rampage can you stack two types of slabs so apparently if I put two slabs like this against the world border and then push them together it will make a cursed slab yeah it does that's so weird do cats take no fall damage I'm pretty sure this is a thing in real life so it's probably true yeah it's true he just eats that fall will tadpoles follow you if you hold a slime ball so we know that this works with frogs and yeah it also works with tadpoles this one is true can a wardens survive a Max height fall yeah it's true he survived I guess cats and wardens are the same thing do potions of healing hurt Undead mobs yeah it's true and the opposite works as well you can heal Undead Mobs with harming potions can you breathe underwater with torches so everybody knows you can breathe underwater with doors like this but what about torches okay it kinda works but the Torches break so it's not technically true can you bridge to the outer end Islands so obviously I could sit here and Bridge like this but that's boring I'm just gonna fly instead yeah it's true you don't even need to kill the Ender Dragon to get here although it's probably faster that was like a thousand blocks
Channel: Eider
Views: 856,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D3FF7qxfG2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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