Test of Honour (Battle Report 02) - Seize the Outpost

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[Music] so [Music] hello everybody and welcome to another battle report and at last we are having the next game in our linked battles from test of honor so this is the uh the second game from the first one which i think we played back in july with the full intention of um basically doing it a little bit more regularly but things get in the way but we've got the time now and we're going to play the next game so this follows on from our first and i'll leave a link to that in the description below and in the corner of the video which should hopefully appear now now if you remember the outcome of the first battle haley won quite convincingly and my samurai hero was beaten and limped away with an injury and haley's left the battle a bit wiser so so we've moved on to the next one this scenario is called seize the outpost and the player who lost battle one which is me uh is player one in this battle and uh so here is the uh the briefing for me for uh for this scenario though your wounds have healed humiliation of defeat still stings and you've been waiting for an opportunity to take your revenge you've tracked your foe to a small outpost that he is guarding on behalf of his clan seizing the outpost will teach him a lesson he deserves and haley's um sort of ongoing story is your clan lord has tasked you regarding this outpost and know you privately feel is beneath you you cannot refuse the order your troops are spread out as the sun sets when the enemy is sighted and you yell for them to hasten to your side so um it's a very very basic setup we have a small outpost here which consists of three buildings which have an objective marker outside each one and for this game the recruitment limit has been set to 15 points so we've got a few more points to play around with and we'll go through the forces before we start the game um player 2 which is hayley is going to get to deploy up to 10 points worth of warriors including their hero anywhere on the table and then the remaining warriors are left off the table as reinforcements i then get to choose any table edge and deploy all my warriors within three inches of that edge and then i get to draw the first token to see who goes first the objectives are to seize and maintain control of the objectives in the outpost and after turn five whoever has the most objectives under their control wins and the opponent flees this is of course unless one side is annihilated first so we'll quickly run through what we've brought to the battle and then we'll just deploy and crack on with turn one okay so if we just have a quick look at my forces my little war band is led by my armored samurai hero from last time however he starts the game with a serious injury which was to his torso so he is actually suffering -1 strength also because he's brought this injury into the game uh he's a bit of a disadvantage because you can only have one injury before you can't take any more and if you do take one you are out of the game so he's basically on his last legs already we have two units of ashigaru spearman i have a single bowman a musket man and i decided to take a ashigaru bana bearer and basically what he does is if there's another unit within six inches of him and they try to avoid an attack they get to add one to their role so he gets to add a buff so i decided to take extra um sort of minion uh troops which which is sort of the opposite to what haley has done haley's forces are led by her armored samurai hero and art of the last game he gained plus one wits but more importantly he's coming into the game um uninjured and ready for a fight haley's then opted to take a traveling samurai as a secondary hero so he's just a little bit worse than this guy but still a force to be reckoned with she has a single bowman a single musketeer and one unit of ashigaru spearman okay so we are deployed um haley got to deploy 10 points first so you've chosen to deploy your samurai hero a bowman and a unit of ashigaru spearman so you've deployed your um your hero in the village at the outpost yeah i can see that there's a sneaky bowman hiding behind that wall at the back there and then what and then you've deployed these guys in the graveyard at least it's a short distance for them to get in the graves well exactly you know um i get to deploy my full force so i've put my bowmen on this flank ashigaru my leader bannerman musket man and more ashikari on the side so spread out we're going to go into turn one i get to draw first the uh token from the bag we've set up the skill decks and injury deck so they're ready to go if needed um and we'll just get straight into it so i will try and draw the first token okay so you want to draw one out make it a good one what have we uh what have we got and that is my hero so i have to assign that to my guy who's walking around the big hole in his chest from last time uh he will very simply make a move action so he's gonna get to move six inches up the hill okay so there's my uh my samurai hero he goes to the top of the hill and bellows down a uh a challenge to the outpost so uh it's now hey well is haley's turn to take a token um is assigned to her so give him a good shake remember the first time a fake token comes out you get to draw a skill card what did you get okay so that is one of your uh minions so you can basically activate your bowman at the back or your ashigaru spearman okay if he takes a shot at my samurai hero and kills him this could be the shortest game i've ever had okay so what's he get is that what he's gonna do is he gonna shoot my my guy i think you've got line of sight you can see him connie yeah he can all right then so hang on a second let's just work out what you need okay so the uh samurai hero is in range because it's got a range of 24 inches um what's the aim stat of the it's three three so you get free dice and you are looking for free successes okay so you finish with one success so um no that's a miss nothing happens nothing happens okay so draw another one this is for me let's have a look and it's a uh it's my samurai hero again um i'm going to i'm going to move six inches towards the uh the tree ah thank you very much okay there we go so i'm going to try and hang out by that tree okay so that was my action uh if you draw another one out this will be your turn you are a bad lady we should say thank you to carl for supplying us with the bags the last one was so small i couldn't actually get our hands in it and carl was kind enough to send me some scenery and popped it in that bag so it's amazing it's your hero so now you now you can assign it to um the hero that's on the board or you can assign it to the one who's off the board and try and bring him on so what would you like to do okay so he's got to go do a test of wits so that's the the black symbol with the brain four so he's got to do a test of wits so you get four dice and you are looking for a success or well free you're always looking for free for a success yes yep he did so he can come on so basically now i should probably say that normally this is going to be played on a three by three we're playing on a four by four so he can come in six inches um from any board edge except the one i'm on so he could come in over here um or he can uh come on anyways thanks people like to hide people in graveyards excellent all right then well if you could draw another token that would be fantastic yeah i do so that's a follower token so i will do i'm going to move my ashigaru uh six inches and they're gonna go up the hill up the top of the hill okay haley so draw another token out the bag this is for your side is it a follower or is it gonna be one of your heroes okay so you can assign that either to the samurai hero in the village your leader um or you can assign it to the chap who's just come on who's taken one action so he's got one more action i think if you look at his card it's the uh the gray uh symbol at the end that looks got a fan so he can take two so he could do another action he can move move him in a bit okay so he can move up to six inches stuck in the trees as soon as you're drawing all the tokens it's just back to you this is great magician's assistant and we have a follower again good good okay um hmm okay so i'm going to activate my archer here and he's going to move they can move for inches and shoot so he's gonna move three inches this way okay and he's going to take a pot shot at haley samurai who's just moved because now he is all out of um token so he can't avoid the attack so um we know he's within 24 inches um i have a shoot value of three and i'm just looking for free successes oh that's a hit so my archer normally has a weapon damage of three however because he's over 12 inches away that goes down to two so i'm rolling two dice and i'm trying to get three successes if i get three successes then haley samurai has suffered a heavy wound if not then he has only suffered a light nick and he'll just get a blood drop two so no so he but he suffers a blood drop which just means it's easier on the next roll so if you pop that on his card next time i roll damage i get to add one dice to the damage roll so excellent so now it's haley's turn to draw one out the bag okay so you've got a follower so you've got this you're going to move them in front of your um yes i think you may not be able to move through friendly models hang on one second so you can't move through but you can go around round just different okay that's probably a good plan yeah okay excellent first positioning well you do own one objective already from your guy over there by the uh for now excellent okay right we need a new token please okay ah my hero again that's my last one uh my hero i'm gonna do something amazing bear in mind he's already taken a lot of damage i don't think running down there into the midst of danger is a great day he's gonna hide behind this tree you should do that i don't think i should do that i don't think i should do that at all be epic uh it's your it's your turn now you might as well just leave that back no i just didn't realize it would be such an intense uh responsibility a follower so you can try and bring your uh your musketman on who's off the board so okay so yes he can come on six inches but you've got to roll first he's gotta do a test of wits okay what's his wig three three okay so free dice and you're looking for as always three successes nope so he doesn't come on so you pop him back on his card but next turn you get to add another dice when he tries to come on yeah so basically each of each successive time you try to bring him on you get to add one one dice to it till eventually you're rolling many so uh can we pick another yes another token need to get some of those turn tokens out so uh because we want to get some skills here again uh i don't have a hero so i'm not entirely sure what happens hang on okay so if you draw a token that you can't use because you've used them up um you hand it to your opponent so haley gets to act now of her hero and then we'll get to act again as well anyway so haley you get to act with uh your main hero the one who's hiding in the village yeah what's going to do now you told you you were mocking me for not coming down here is he going to go yeah i suppose you could go well you could go moving towards the other objectives you own the objective there um you don't have to stay near it it's yours at the moment so you could move over to the uh one of the other objectives in claim now so yeah so he can move to a towards another one as long as he's doing three inches of it then yeah so he goes six inches and that becomes yours need to get a couple of little tokens i think to show who these belong to like it's drawn and you get to draw another one oh so that's a fake token so that you've drawn a fake token sort of so now you get to draw the top card off your fate deck see what it is one of your opponent's characters reveals a skill card with a coin keyword or already has one face up you may take it and give it to one of your characters then discard this card okay so that card is gonna sit in front of you and yeah so if i draw a card and you could um basically take it off me yeah that's a bit mean bit bit okay so that's uh that's good so now we're back around to me so could you draw me a token please oh you'll hear her again no so i can't go so it's back to you so he knows that so he's just walked around a village and claimed them all got my triangle right okay so hopefully some stuff coming out one second i'm just going to get some tokens okay so we just pop those little blue counters down to show that they're under haley's control green will be mine and you've pulled another token so who is it oh it's another fake token so you get to draw a uh another skill card evasion once per turn across one dice to avoid rolls on avoid wrong sorry okay so basically you get to pick one of your heroes um and so either the the chap who's running around in the village your leader who's got all the wits um or the guy who's been shot already um and one of them is going to get a bonus to his avoid rolls so which one do you want to have it you've got to you have to choose now yeah when you draw the skill cards you basically choose who it's going to so either you're this guy yeah him in there okay so just pop that under his card and uh we will uh and then you can draw another token and please this one's for me so you can please draw just like well i don't want you to end the turn because i've gone with barely i've moved barely anything so uh normal isn't it yeah it's about right so yeah if you could please pick a pick out a follower that's is that no no that's the end of the term because that's the third one right so that is that is the end of term one at the end of term one haley controls the majority well all of them everything i got to move um three things and uh and now we are into turn two so we'll just collect up all the tokens and then we'll uh we'll start might decide he doesn't want me to draw his tokens anymore no i i i i will pick it out that's it hey we've got samurai hero brilliant i don't want to go with him right well um i'll assign that to him so uh i will i think we'll move him just down there towards the crates there we go um i'm very aware that your samurai is over there um so it's your turn to draw a token a hero taker hero so you can either go with your chap in the village or uh or the one who's hiding behind the ashigaru over here how far is it it's a six inch move guy i yeah okay remember if you get to move if you move him into back you won't get to base the base but if he does move into base to base and we fight some hand tan combat oh dear he's coming for me oh dear idea here he comes okay so my turn to draw a token ah see i could char let's go running back up the hill again um don't be scared can oh what the hell i know that anyone watches is good so yeah he's going to he's going to charge into combat and we'll resolve uh some combat now okay so my samurai has a aim of five so i'm gonna get five dice um and haley still has two actions left so she will get to make an avoid roll if my attack goes through though because i'm suffering from the ongoing injury my strength is slightly down so i've got five dice looking for as always three successes to land a hit and i ideally want five because that would be critical that is five okay so we can see that for a katana when you roll five swords on the strike you get the deep cut result which here if the attack results in a light wound or one dice every sword creates an extra blood drop so that could be particularly brutal however haley gets to make an avoid which we'll do now and she gave him that skill which means he gets to add a bonus okay haley so you get to make an avoid action um are you gonna use your skill i certainly am so you can use that once per turn can't you yeah plus one dice on avoid rolls so what's his agility normally i'm gonna assume it's five minutes it's the second one in the gold one the gold one is fine okay so six dice you're gonna get to roll so six dice looking for three successes if you're on five successes uh something groovy will happen i won't tell you what it is why is this oh yeah but that cancels out one so four so but you avoid the attack so uh um all that happens now is we i back off an inch and it's your turn oh it's a fake token okay so you get a you get a skill card you can never have more skill cards than your number of actions that you can have to say link will guide once up to three warriors who are more than nine inches away from any enemy can make a free move or cautious move action okay so you could use that now if you use that now um they for example they could move six inches yep i'm gonna do it you're gonna do it now okay so discard that card this is a bit weird you're like charging me i haven't even made it over the first hill come out of it okay that's concerning uh okay brilliant uh i was my turn to draw okay oh it's my hero again um my hero's gonna charge your hero again because i'm going to force you to uh make a um an avoid roll so um i get five dice again and that cancels that one out so just two so i missed which is pants because that means that uh you've still got one action left with him so i've just realized i have made a mistake the crosses don't actually cancel out swords it's only if you end up with more crosses than you do swords which means that hayley's uh avoid roll would have um come up with something but then also in my attack here so we've just agreed that we'll from this point okay that counts as just so from this point on we'll make sure we're doing that properly so it's hayley's turn now to draw one out you need to get some of your followers i mean ideally you want your um hero again hero um so you could go with the guy in the village or you've got your hero down here kind of like hitting you again okay so you're gonna charge me this time yeah okay so move into base contact and this time you get to make um five attacks um because i'm assuming your guys got five like mine oh i can't make it ah now you have a choice because i can't make an action you can choose to um either act honorably or dishonorably definitely you're gonna hate dishonorably what would be honorable honorably means you um you suffer minus one dice to hit but you get to draw a card and get potentially a cool bonus or effect if you act dishonorably you get to add dice to the damage roll um but you have to draw one of the dishonored cards and that could have a bad effect you want to go disorder all right okay okay so you want to go dishonorably yeah okay so it adds one dice to your strike roll so you're gonna get six dice uh let's and then you'll get a dishonour card at the end of all this oh dear you've done more fumbles uh than successes so you fumbled and you get a dishonor card wow okay so a fumble on a strike is a counter thrust or an accident the opponent rolls one dice one or more swords causes a blood drop on the attacker come on come on come on but you still get your dishonor card so um so flip over that top dishonor card loss of respect your next warrior that takes a test of honor loses one dice okay so that's good so that means that uh that's going to potentially um buggy you up when you come to uh take a test to see if you've already went so just leave that face up so we know to do it and then you'll turn it face down once it's been used okay because you lost that combat because you fell over basically you go back one inch and um it's my turn to draw hey followers um my spearmen are going to charge your spearmen no there we go so my spearmen have a aim of three plus one if they're all there so i'm rolling four dice oh look at all that that's a two four six seven um so that's seven with spears seven with spears impale there we are plus one two damage rolls however haley does get to try and avoid this because that movement action that they took was a free action they have an agility or free so uh free dice freaks that's a success so uh you avoided the attack that's annoying uh and you uh you you bounce back there we go but you've now uh you take a token out the bag and apply it to them because they've uh they've used it haley's turn to draw hero so you've been with your hero completely [Music] so it will be this chap over here what's he gonna do so he's got a light wound on him but um i think he needs to i think he needs to right he's gonna move a bit yeah i suppose you've got some units over here you can go over the wall yeah oh i see he's coming to rush to the aid of his uh his friend is he you can get just before the wall so we'll go this way ah followers again um i will i think i'm gonna go with my musket man who's gonna move and then take a pot shot at your samurai who's run running while running across the uh don't so i'll just move him and then work out if i can actually shoot him okay so my chat is in range um and i'm gonna take the shot i have an aim of three and i'm on higher ground which gives me plus one dice so i get four dice uh looking for uh three successes oh no so uh fortunately i didn't roll another one there now he gets a reload marker so he's gonna have to uh spend the next turn reloading um that's annoying because i wanted to force you again to use your your action uh so it's your turn to draw there's only one fake token left in there as well ah so that's the end of the turn so uh we are now into turn three okay your turn to draw fake token so you get another skill card but really nice if i could have one of those at some point defensive form once pretend declare you are using this skill before making an avoid roll this character's avoid bonus is triggered by rolling plus four swords rather than plus five okay so that's pretty cool so who do you want to give that to um i'll give it to the other hero okay basically he gets a critical success on avoid rolls on four successes rather than five like everybody else okay so that's uh that's pretty cool so it's my turn to draw now out in the bag and i got some more followers so um [Music] i think i'm gonna activate my bowman and the bowman is just gonna do a full six-inch move up the hill so he's gonna go [Music] oh i think i'm all right there we go so he's gonna go to there and um we're back to you so my men are starting to push their way up the hill follower so you could either activate your bowman or you could try and bring your musketman on okay so he's got to make a test of wits and he gets to add one dice this time because he failed last time so he's what's his wits three so you get to roll four dice no so he's off so you're gonna get to add two dice next time and we've got more followers so i'm gonna i'm gonna go with my other ashigaru spearman um who've only actually got one spear on the base because i haven't uh stuck together enough of enough spearman to do it and um i think nae would you mind just popping him behind the cherry in front of the tree there we go yeah just there it's a busy game it is it is bit different to no down time in this game follow it so that will be your bowman i think is the only follower who hasn't been that's correct what's he going to do so he doesn't have clear line of sight to my hero but he can see my bowman you can i'm going to take a shot okay you're within 24 inches you'll be over 12 um so you're going you can check yeah yeah you're over 12. yeah so um okay so you're going to get uh free dice no oh unlucky don't like these dice martin let's learn to draw and we have got a hero but i've been with my hero so it's i have to give that to you what's he gonna do is he gonna jump over that wall okay so basically the wall is gonna just lose him an inch of movement so he can basically go five inches yeah okay and now it's your turn to draw one out as well quite like that um system ah actually at the same time so that is the end of turn two so we'll just collect all the counters up and uh ben haley will be drawing the first token for the new turn okay hayley over to you ah oh fake token so you get another skill card all the skills would you get this time with nature ongoing this character can move through rough terrain without any penalty on his movement does not apply to mounted warriors oh that would have been okay so which one do you want to give that to hmm you now i think at the end of the game you get to pick one of the skills that they've gained to take into the next game to take with you so uh yeah you have i've got none okay it's my hero and um he is going to charge back into your guy there so we know what you get i'm getting five dice and i'm looking for a lot of successes that's a hit but no bonuses so you have to avoid the attack do you wish to use your skill yes okay so you get six dice and you're looking for free successes as well uh four so you've avoided it so i bounce off so you need to take a token out of the bag and put the sign into your chap your chap good old chap um and now it's your turn to draw one out uh hero again hero again so you're gonna come right back coming right back at me okay so um you're just gonna charge in five so yep five dice three three that's all you needed um i have to avoid it would you mind um picking a hero token out the bag for me please um i have a agility of five so yeah ah not only that though i got a critical success because i got five um which with a katana we shall see what that is katana quick jab let's have a look down here roll a dice one or more swords causes one blood drop on the enemy oh so he takes a blood drop as my guy so you back off so my guy just jabs him with the katana it's a real back and forth going here um so both your heroes have got some blood on them um and it's now my turn to draw so if i get the hero out i can hopefully get in there and finish your guy off it is so my hero is going to charge back in real set to here five dice nice and high that is five so that is five on the strike that's a deep cut so if i manage to wound him it's gonna be um quite a nasty one so haley um you've used your ability um so you get five dice this time four four okay you managed to do it um so i lose back off but you've your guys now out of actions as well as me but i have got this other samurai over here who's running in trying to uh cause me some problems that was a real back and forth wasn't it okay so it's your turn to draw out the bag follower so you've got your archer you've got your spearman on the hill or you've got your musketmen to try and bring on what do you want to try and do something with we might move the yeah let's do these spearing down here they're just going to charge into my spearmen yep okay shall i move those for you yeah here we go okey dokey all right then so you are gonna get uh four dice um because there is uh three of you and um yeah that's it so four dice thought that's a hit i have to try and avoid it i get three dice oh deary me no so hang on a second i'll work out how many dollars she get for dammit haley has a strength for free um so she gets free dice and a result of three or more will kill one of my spearmen anything less than that will mean a blood drop no so just a light wound and uh then i back off an inch there we go followers so oh really i should have signed that to them actually i need to give that to them so i should have taken out the bag because i had to avoid it so hang on here we go followers again anyway um that would hinder them really when they're that tree so yeah so you said that we'll that would take an inch off of their movement so can they aren't even five inches will that get them into combat it will yeah it will so they'll charge into the side of your guys so uh same thing again i'm gonna get four dice but you don't have any actions to try and avoid it um groups of followers can't act or not act dishonorably unless they've got any kind of special rules that let them do that so i'm just looking for successes oh yeah and that's a critical hit that is impale which gives you plus one to your damage my damage is three plus one that's free that's a heavy wound so you lose one guy off of the base brutal right okay so uh it's your turn to draw premium bucky right now indifferent fake token follower follower oh so you've got your you can either bring on your musket man or you've got your archer damn feel about the musket man anymore yeah go on let's give him another okay so he's gonna get to add two dice this time to his uh to his withdrawals he's gonna get five dice you're looking for three successes and then he can come on we can do it yeah he's on so you get to pick any tablet well any of these three table chucking edges behind these trees okay all right and it's my turn come on i'd really like to give one of my guys a skill so uh if i can have it um i don't have any heroes but haley does and i can see exactly what's going to happen here i think are you going to uh are you going to be ganging up on me all right six inch charge yeah okay so as i haven't got any actions left you can choose to act honorably or dishonorably he's got a blood job does that hinder me uh it doesn't hinder you it means i make it's easier for me to uh wound you um so if you act with dishonor you're going to get to add a dice to your strike now what's his strike four so he's hitting with four dice in a minute if you act directly i need to continue the way i started i think if we dishonored we might as well just because the path you're not into sort of swords and jewels you're more into broken bottles and kneecaps uh okay so you're gonna get five dice because you're acting dishonorably and uh i'd like you to do what you did last time and roll really badly please yeah that would all too so it's a miss and you get a dishonor card public disgrace that's about right um when the current action is complete all warriors in your force must test to lose their nerve no effect if you start the battle with this card so you've got a test to start all right so that action is done and now everyone's got your characters test to see if they lose their nerve oh dear okay so this this isn't great for haley so she needs now to test to see um if her uh was it all what it was it was all warriors um lose their nerve so um basically they need to make a test of honor and if they fail they go six inches directly away from the closest enemy which in this case will be my warrior they suffer minus one dice for each blood drop on them and as both of those warriors have suffered a hit um they'll be minus one dice but if you remember haley cho with her first dishonor card said the next character to make a test of honor suffers minus one dice as well so hayley the first character you're picking is going to be at -2 dice so which character do you want to go with first that guy in the white okay so what's his honor stat that's the uh the one with the four sort of diamonds uh four four so he gets two dice and then after that he has to take um basically you have to put another action um on him so that will be him done if he failed yeah he's he's failed so he goes directly away six inches so basically back to where he was and uh pop another token on his card which we can do in a second and then your other fellow um he has a on a stat of five i assume because he's your your leader and um so he'll be at minus one for the blood drops he'll be rolling four dice oh that's uh he's fine so he he stays where he is so uh the other fellow he's gone over there and you just need one of the hero tokens on his card um and he's basically now done turn to draw and it's a fake token which is the second fate token so finally i get one so let's have a look come on it's mine it's not it's agility uh vault when charging over a low barrier or if a charge involves a climb or a leap make a test of agility if passed the terrain does not hinder the charge well i've only got one here i can give that to so i'll chuck it to my samurai hero so if i choose to jump at you over a wall that's going to be quite good uh it's your turn to draw i think where you are at a minute you really want one of those fake tokens to come out is there anyone on your side who hasn't been yet it's just a bowman isn't it just the bowman so you really want you want to follow it or the fake token so it is come on bowman is he going to shoot at so he's got my bowman or you've got the unit of men who have taken a blood drop so they'd be easier to wound try and pick one of those guys all right so they are but we know they're in range um so it's going to be free dice and you're looking for free successes oh i'm lucky i think it's because you touch these guys it's my turn to draw i get a follower as well and it's going to be my bowman and my bowman is going to shoot your bowman however i'm going to scoot forward uh three inches uh you'll get some bone you'll it's not blocking line of sight but you will get a bonus i'm sure because you're in cover so i get free dice that is a hit okay so the way this works is the cover would give haley a bonus to her a void roll um so it only benefits her if she can still act so i guess while he's up taking a shot at these guys my guy basically is taking advantage to try and pop him off i don't think i'm within 12 inches would you mind just having a uh a quick measure no no okay okay so i get two dice no i just realized as well i was on higher ground so i probably should have got another dice anyway to hit you but i forgot i've actually got anyone who can act um so you really want to draw the fake token or does it mean you get my two yeah or i get the token so it's my follower so i will now go with my musket man who will reload and now it's my turn to draw and it is the uh my bannerman and he is very simply uh going to move up the hill um now we know that um and i keep forgetting about his bonus mind you it was only if there's someone within six inches of him uh i think the only other token in there now is the fake token so if you draw that out hayley okay and everything comes off the board again and we go into turn four so into turn four i have control of one which is double checked and it is just whoever is closer so my guy has control of that objective currently and those two are up for grabs so haley what is the first token out for your side a follower who's going to go you've got so who have we got we've got your spearmen here yeah my musketeer your musket man forgot about him hiding away down here and your bowman so who do you want to go with spearman so what are they going to they have to go for the closest target if they're going to charge so it will be them so you're going to charge into them okay so when you've only got two people remaining um you'll see on the card it will say two or three left you get plus once your aims you're gonna get four aim um so you get four dice looking for free successes yes yeah you've done it so i have to take and avoid action um i have an agility of three no so now what is your strength i believe it's free free okay so you um you get free dice and you want to get three or more to kill one of my men anything less than that will put a blood drop on them it the other unit's the unit that's got the blood drop on it already oh yeah so there you go so you've just killed one of my people my turn to draw and it's my hero who is going to charge your hero of course god just combat if this was cinematic you know i think it's quite cinematic you just have to you know fight in the pouring rain like blades flashing don't say that uh right here we go that is all just so no well there we go so that is a hit you have to try and avoid are you gonna use your ability yes so you get six dice so that is a hit now um my chap suffers from -1 strength because he's already taken a heavy wound so i get four dice your guys got one blood drop so i get to add one dice so i've got five dice and i'm looking to give him a heavy wound five all five so that's a critical hit on the damage roll okay so on the katana a um five swords on a damage is a follow-up which we can see allows me to take a free charge action after this if no enemies are in range i just get to move up so after this i'm going to get to do a charge um so haley has suffered a heavy wound she now has to take a test of honor haley has to now take a test of honor to see if her uh warrior stays fighting so he has an honor stat of five and uh basically needs to get three successes or he's dead otherwise he gets a injury card three so he takes the top injury card from the deck which is that one there yep leg injury okay one going one battle the character suffers minus one agility um he now backs off one inch but um i get to make a uh a free attack because i got the follow-up uh result so i get to make a free charge so your guy backs off and my guy just charges in again for free okay so my guy follows up again with five i just basically don't want to give haley the chance to um recover so five dice and i'm looking for three yeah all five so that's um i don't know if he could i assume he gets that's a deep cut so uh he will do a lot of so if he doesn't get the kill he's still gonna have done a lot of damage so hayley has to try and avoid uh a minus one dice this time because of the leg injury he's just suffered so he's gonna get four dice no so now he's uh that's it he's taking a heavy wound he can't take a test of honor to avoid it um i just now need to get in so how many blood drops has he got he's just got a one hasn't he so i get five so what i'm looking for here is three or more and he's out no oh god is that a fumble on the damage rob maybe so a fumble on the uh damage roll is glanced off which means he's forced back with no wounds so not even a light wound uh basically i've just run into him i've stabbed him in the leg as he falls back i've taken another swipe at him and it's glanced off his armor so um after that my guy has only taken one action because remember the follow-up was a free action but did force hayley to use one of hers so uh it's your turn to pick one out great a follower i think you wanted that really did you so you um archer or musketeer um he might be hindered um i will take a look so you've decided not to use the bowman no no um yeah the musketman who i'd forgotten about at the spearman okay so they are uh just here he's hiding in the trees so he's gonna get free dice and he's looking for free successes ah so miss and he takes a reload marker oh my hero so my hero is going to um i'm sorry i know it's i know it's not original but i'm just going to carry on so five dice again he's out for revenge the thing is because i've suffered a wound as well i can't allow you to get an attack on me uh oh no that's a fumble oh dear okay so the result means that it's a counter thrust or an accident opponent rolls one dice one or more swords causes a blood drop all right but my guy does back off real back and forth here okay haley your turn my hero which hero are you going to sign it to i wonder i might do the one that ran away because he's in better form you just don't want to risk your guy falling over on his own spear yeah i think we're in six inches he'll be fine yeah so he's gonna charge yeah okay basically what the hell are you doing to my friend okay and uh so you're gonna get he's got four dice on the attack that is a hit i have to try and avoid this um so that uses up my character's last action and it's gonna give me five dice to try and avoid it not only did i avoid that i've avoided it with panache uh katana on the void is a quick jab which is just um roll one dice one or more swords causes one blood drop on the enemy another blood drop so my wounded samurai has taken on both of haley samurai um we're all we're all injured i've got a hole in my chest still from the last battle haley's got an injured leg both of them are bleeding and now it's my turn uh so hero i don't have any heroes so i've got to give that to haley thank you um we'll go for the lesser inches okay that's the the guy with a nagatana you're your main hero um i'll take it you're gonna charge yup now i don't have any actions left are you going to act honorably or dishonorably dishonorably again so you get plus one to your attack so you're going to get six dice come on a decent dishonor roll three so you hit yeah okay and uh but let's let's turn that dishonor card over uh you're next worried it takes a test of honor loses one die so it's the same as the one before okay i can't avoid the roll so what's your strength characteristic uh is that the red one yep five okay so you're rolling five dice come on this could be eight with a nagatana that's a move up afterwards which is a free move action after this is done um basically my guy uh doesn't get to make a test of honor does he get to make a test of honor hey so because my guy had already suffered a heavy wound he's cut down well i think he did a fairly good job there he did a fairly good job now you get to make a free move action to follow up so you could go and retake that objective yes i think we shout either uh yeah with this guy well yeah yeah it's him that did it so that now turns blue okay so i need to draw one now uh see if my main can um come in there remember he as this is an ongoing campaign oh it's a fake card so i still have to draw a fake card so i get to draw a skill card it might be something that affects me perfect a when making a shoot action the character making all one thing hinted by the shot so i'll give it to him but i'm just going to turn it face down and it's hayley's turn so i need to get my men down there to take the objectives and take out haley samurai who are just sort of lurking around the follower follower so it's just your bowman i think who's he gonna go for the one on the hill you have to yeah okay so um he's going to be free dice oh it's a hit um my guy hasn't acted yet so he'll make an avoid roll succeed my turn to draw not much left need come on follow a token so i have not acted with this unit of ashigaru who i'm going to act with and they are going to move down into the outpost there we go and now it's your turn i think it'll be like fake token so that is the second one so you get to draw a card that's an order once per turn this character can spend their action to allow a friendly follower within six inches to take an action instead the action token is still placed on the character it cannot be used to avoid action okay so who do you want to give that to give it to my bowman i feel he might be useful coming up with that no no it has to go to one of your heroes oh sorry um let's go to this guy he's a bit less injured and my action another follower um so i will go with my musket man hmm it's got three inch move yours is in the trees um i'm gonna go with him i'm just gonna move him six inches i think and try and prep up the next turn he's just there now looking down into the compound and uh now it comes down to i've only got one thing that hasn't been so there should only be two tokens is it the fake token no it's a hero it's a hero what you've got oh okay there's a hero left in there what's he gonna do is he gonna charge the spearman you must yeah no no okay so he is going to get four dice and uh just yeah as normal looking for free successes oh dear yeah that is terrible okay so the fumble means it's a counter thrust or an accident so i get to roll to see if he gets a blood drop on no he doesn't but he does back off one inch and now there should only be two left in there and it is so it is my follower is my bannerman the bannerman will move up to there and then the last one out is going to be the fake token or it should be if it isn't then we've uh something's gone wrong yeah and it is so they will come out and we go into the final turn i've got to basically get rid of her samurai and move down into there um and then hayley's drawing the first token okay so you're drawing i have a fake token so you get to draw another skill remember each of them can how many skills have you drawn you've drawn one two three four five well only four of them are skills i wanted because one of them is just about nicking one of mine if you get it so um this could be my last one is it um yeah one of them you can only have a maximum well i think one of your loyal yeah this will be the last one because it has to be given to your um main hero because he can have three because he's got three actions okay exceptional armor oh come off it if an enemy damage if an enemy's damage roll against this warrior does not include any swords on the dice it counts as glanced off and does not cause a blood drop okay that's brilliant right so it's my turn fate token as well which is useless to me now because um you have no fate i have no fate unless i get something ah what's this this looks cool knock down after making the melee damage role if the enemy warrior has not been cut down his character may take a test to strengthen the testes past the enemy is knocked down so that goes there and it's your turn to draw one out hero who are you going to go with so you don't necessarily want to risk the uh your main hero is he going to charge into the spearmint again why not okay so you're going to get four dice for that attack and uh let's see if you're hit no no but you didn't uh fumble i need one more fate so you couldn't return is over so i really don't want the fake token to come out because that'll be game over what does that mean it means you'd win um so i'm going to go with my i'm going to go with these samurai uh well these guys here who will charge back into yours so they're going to get four dice because there is three of them uh there so they get four dice and uh let's see oh do they get a bonus of being uphill they are on higher ground they get plus one no it's a miss right garden this is getting really really it is yeah we don't so it's a follower follower who are you going to go with it's pretty easy oh i should have moved those back sorry isn't it can i bring these guys in oh they got um they have to do the nearest target if they're going to charge well your boatmen could shoot there's going to shoot at those okay um they are going to be where you're going to get three dice and hang on one second they are going to move in 12 so it's going to be injuring him a bit easier oh and he's fumbled he said he's had an accident basically is he shooting himself probably um so like the bow string is snapped and if i roll a sword he takes a blood drop no so uh now it's my turn to draw come on no fake totem that's a hero token i don't have a hero so i have to give it to you oh machine so where you going you're going with the guy the unarmored guy again he's charging in yeah forcing them back up the hill slowly out of the outpost um so four dice that's a hit um i can't go i can't defend it because i've already been so oh dear so you get to roll so what's your strength strength yep four four and i've got a blood draw i've got a blood drop on me so you get five dice and uh yeah just get as high as you can four that's a heavy wound that is enough to kill he cuts one of them down and then they back off an inch going up the hill i don't want the fake token got to try and get in there it's a hero token so that goes to you uh well no it has to go he hasn't got any actions left so it's going to be your guy your main guy yeah yeah come on then charge up there as well i suppose i think he can make it six inches yeah he's fine so he can go into the side of them okay so he is going to get five dice i believe oh so yeah i'm i can't defend it so you go straight into making the damage roll he's got a um five damage i believe no oh she should have added one more dice so you had one result there so add one one add just roll one one dice no okay so it's another blood drop on them to samurai now beating my men back out of the outpost i don't really know how this is gonna go i don't think i can do it but i'm gonna try i get followers which is good i actually get to act um i'm gonna go with my bowman who is gonna shoot hayley's main guy i get free dice i'm on higher ground so i get to add one i'm definitely within 12 inches so i'm going to roll all my damage dice and he should have a load of blood drops on him and i want to kill him oh no just be your musket guy or your it's your musket guy or or your spearman i have to go through the clothes yes i'll have to charge them well you don't have to you can make a test of wits to try and charge somebody else here they go charge you can take your test of wits to try and charge somebody else yeah i'll do that who do you want to charge i want to charge them okay so you take a test of wits what's their width that's the brain that is the brain yeah three if you pass you get to charge who you want otherwise you have to charge the unit in front of you nope so uh they think about it but they charge these guys instead so uh you got two guys so you get three die uh four dice yes that is a hit i haven't acted with them yet so i get to try and avoid the the role or the uh the damage i avoided it can i have my token out please because that's just what i needed was another token coming out of that bag come on not that fake card you mean this one no that's it so that is the uh the end of the game well well we know who's won because you could say you did you did fight hard you did fight hard i thought i had it i had it i thought my hero i couldn't believe how my how well my hero did he but the running battle that we had in there we're between my hero and your hero i thought what i thought once i'd injured you i thought that was it no no you well no because because you acted with dishonor um so you know sometimes it's a bad thing to do is the right thing too it is so what we're going to do quickly haley's obviously won the scenario so we're just going to go into the end step to find out what happens to our guys and what we take into the next game okay so we're going to start the uh after battle sequence so we start with retaining honor or dishonest so i don't have any honor or dishonor cards haley do you have any honor or dishonor cards i have this one up so you have three so you have more dishonor than you do honor so if you finished a battle with more dishonor cards and honor cards and your hero takes a test of honor but it's affected by any face-up cards so so your hero takes a test of honor uh he has a honor a test of honor normally of uh five but he's minus one because of that card so four dice this is where i get to repent myself no this is where well if you commit sepaku that would be quite good ah so you passed it so um if so no no that's it so you don't take any of those cards into the next turn okay so the next thing we do is master skills so out of all the skill cards we gained we get to pick one and assign it to one of the characters that gained it and he takes that into the next game so haley which card have you selected i'm going to keep invasion so it served me quite well yeah um now my character only received one while he was alive um so i think i should have just discarded the other one so i'm going to keep revolt which you know i'm sure will come in handy when he's if he makes it out of the uh if he makes out the infirmary and we'll just move on to next stage okay so next we have to roll on the aftermath table so after the battle before clearing away blood drops and everything roll the standard d6 on the relevant table below for each of your characters and you suffer a minus one if uh they were cut down so i get to roll a d6 serious injury which is what you had last time the character was badly wounded in the battle he's still far from recovered and starts the next battle with an injury card if he was injured in this battle keep the same card otherwise draw a card remember that a character can only have one injury card so i think it only makes sense that he actually keeps the injury that he's got as a as an ongoing injury um so um i think if he keeps that one um that chest one just isn't healing so now we've got a roll for you now um you oh you get to if they finish the game on the table without an injury card then you get to add one so you're did the other one suffer an injury card it's all characters okay so do the one with just the blood drops first so this is the uh this is this fellow here yeah okay so just roll one d6 and whatever it comes up with one again one again oh oh dear but for victory uh it means uh oh no so he gets to add one drained this character is still not a peak fitness he loses an action in the first turn of the next battle remove one character token from the bag and place it upon his card in subsequent turns he returns to the full number of actions so we'll make a note so next turn first turn he'll only get one action and now we roll for your um main hero so you're rolling and it's this time you're not adding one because he's got an injury card so just whatever you get five long hours of practice have paid off from the next battle the maximum number of skill cards the character can have is permanently increased by one this does not change the number of cards in your fate deck brilliant so as haley could only take um three cards this time next time should take four so we will make a note of that and um i think then we just have a have a look discard all other cards that is the end of of the game so haley wins uh my attack on the outpost has failed um my guy has still got this massive hole in his chest he's got a sucking chest wound that he's uh with an open chest he did quite well i know i'm more annoyed at your leg injury doesn't go into the neck next battle so your guy with the leg injury has uh he's he's learned from uh from nats he gets to take more skills he's now also more more sort of agile uh but your other chap is a bit tired so um the next game yeah he is he is what did you think of that i thought it was very good very uh very fast isn't it especially when we i do like it epic you did the battle backwards and forwards through the uh through the outpost was very weird it could have gone either way should have gone didn't expect it to be my way to be fair i was i thought i one moment i didn't think how cool would it be if my guy was suddenly battling battles and forwards what i really like is how if you screw up on an attack i you could take a little bit of damage off me to ricks and chavin i i i think that but however i think the people watching this are going to disagree um that is the main thing anyway guys thank you very much for joining uh us for this um we will certainly not leave it as long before we do the next one because i think both of us are eager to know what happens to our guys we haven't actually named our heroes yet so if anyone's got any suggestions for names uh suitable japanese names for our heroes um drop them in the comments below we'll pick our favorites and and then we'll actually assign them otherwise we hope you'll have a great christmas and we will see you all again soon take care see you later
Channel: 7th Son
Views: 820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Test of honour, samurai wargame, historical wargaming, battle report, hobby vlog
Id: p0lp4PxcbH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 29sec (3689 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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