Dominions 5 Nation Overview - MA Jotunheim

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all right good day my friends happy december and welcome back to the dominions five nation guide you've had a very few uh you've had a few quiet months from me as the rush towards the end of the year has absolutely flogged me at work however i'm now on christmas break i have a clean run through to the holidays and after a long year there is nothing i want to do more other than perhaps sleep a little then recognize the the patrons and supporters who've sort of stuck with me while the raider videos has been lower so what i'm going to try and do in the lead up to christmas is try and do a video pretty much every one to two days rather than the usual two to three at best a week and occasionally just one a week i'm going to try and really up the pace i'm going to try and clear a backlog of patient patreon requests uh in recognition of the the guys and gals who have stuck with me over what has been i imagine for a lot of you a bloody difficult year and what better way to get back into it than to close off in this video and next uh the yurtan line of giant nations some of my favorites in dominions with two back-to-back nation guides and depending on the preferences of the person involved maybe we'll look at vette heim too but today we'll be looking at uh m.a yertenheim the middle incarnation of the of the national line will be following the same structure that you know and love we'll be taking some knowledge around the unit types where there are repeats and summons i'll uh i'll take some knowledge as a given but we'll go through the law evolution we'll have a look at the commanders and units at least the new ones and summarize the ones we've seen before look a little bit at the new summons and then we're going to get into strategy because one of the great benefits i think of doing these nations in order or or building them up one after the other is that as you look at the ma and la incarnations you can spend more time in discussion talking about strategy and ideas and execution and less about just covering the basics of the nation but cover the basics of the nation we must do so let's have a look at jurtenheim's overview and here's the um here's the basics um eutenheim is the evolution of nephilhine but by the time you get to the middle age um the the nephils are no longer common where they exist they are no longer their summons only which represents the law of them being very very few um in number at this point instead you have uh uten leaders ruling the nation whereas once before they were just the the humble lieutenants and by their side you still have the um the hags from before and also more and more of the little everyone's favorite little goblins of the dominions universe the fetti now the veti means that this is really now goes from being a size 6 size 4 nation to being a size 4 size 1 2 nation which is a great transformation for it the vetti do bring a lot to the table so while the middle age turns down the sort of almost mythical power of the giants because you have the nephils disappear you still have a powerful giant lineup supported by the vetti now the other thing to note in in the law sense is that eurotenheim continues not to be a particularly unified nation um if there is a it has survived the various wars that it's fought with the elves and what not like the giants continue to exist but it's still basically just a collection of yeldoms there are individual yales there are chiefs that have their their own forces and lands that very very very rarely join forces and perhaps this explains well despite being really powerful creatures that and the constant war with the elves if not for any um intervention by an ascension war or human player or pretender god um the the lands of uttenheim don't really amount to much they don't really achieve much going into the late age they just continue this period of decline wherein giants are steadily displaced first augmented by the vetti and then uh displaced to begin living amongst humans going into the late age and that greatly frustrates um some of the gigia and their super uh their super incarnation the young videos who are like basically super gigas [Music] these are which we'll talk about in a minute and that basically pisses them off and they bugger off and you're left with a human cross giant nation by the late age but in the middle age you are still as befits than a at the age in that transition point this is still a giant nation it's yarls with uh the hags whispering in their ears and the vettii sort of live alongside them now in terms of thinking about the structure here you have yurtan yarls ruling the mainlands the gigia influence them and then the vettii serve the gigia so the vet here like a super rural forested population that serves the hags and the hags have influence over the years but the yurtan troops and whatnot seem to answer to the yarls themselves so you've got an interesting sort of feudal tribal nation that lacks the that lacks the cohesion the cohesion the industry the organization that you see with the nations that really sort of go bonkers with expansion um that's the humans uh that's i guess the law says um the law says abyssi is very successful and i guess abyssia has numbers in industry as well it's just it's just an interesting comparison that um basically the unions hang around in in the dominions equivalent of scandinavia doing not very much but everything is different in actual games of dominions where well let's just say utenheim tends to do a fair amount let's talk about this roster this this interesting hybrid roster you get some units that you have in the middle age will be familiar to it to you and so i don't have to go over them again uh the urine militias so the bondi the yavalines who these guys haven't improved anything since the early age but they still remain they were serviceable and they remain serviceable particularly the javelinist because 23p is saying throne damage doesn't go out of style neither does a length 4 spear with 24 damage and the ability to a few repels hurlers haven't gone out of fashion either hurlers are still a hilarious way to kill things by throwing a 36 damage rock at their face and it's still the case that mega bless super dodge high defense sacred whether they're white centaurs whether they're ponyboy elves it doesn't matter they still have or tend to have serious problems with having 36 blunt damage just piffed at them so the hurlers have not gone out of fashion either the huskars the gertie huskars the herdman this this urtin lineup there's been very little in the way of technical advancement tactical advancement that the troop lineup is basically the same what has changed instead is you now have a vetti lineup vide archers vetti wolf riders and moose writers and by the way i'm not sure vettii is the correct pronunciation and i'm also really going to struggle when we get to that word there which looks like gold to an english-speaking speaker but i've heard good i've heard guru go ah both of which i think are heavily influenced by other languages i think people are just very confused and unfortunately the one person in my family who speaks danish which is usually my best go-to for um nordic pronunciations even though yes i know danish is a long bloody wave from old norse i haven't been able to get in touch with them in time this video so i'm just going to embarrass myself with good and see how that goes and get laughed at later by people from that part of the world but hey i'm australian let me go with it anyway very very very very on a mousse yes you tend to have moose as a species in your nation too and then two versions are basically super yurtans who take the role that used to be filled by the nephils let's have a look at the vetti first the vediarcha is the there are types of units in dominions um and lots of units compete to be what is the cheapest archery platform i can put together because people tend to get excited when they have super cheap archery platforms uh slingers are an example marcata arches our example and the vettii is an example as well the problem is the reason people talk about how good cheap arches can be pygmy arches is another example is because flaming arrows works really really really well on cheap arrow platforms and this is not a nation with flaming arrows abilities so while you do have what he here is for its price a quite effective stealthy short bow unit with a actually reasonable dagger attack at 11 attack like this is not a bad unit for six gold size one it's even got 12 magic reasons shitty morale because it's a freaking goblin but a good unit that is not as good as it could be because it has no there's no flaming arrows capacity built into the nation if it did have flaming arrows the vedia archer would probably be significantly part of the meta uh the verdi himself so the non-very archer form what you gain here is you get a shield and a spear the shield gets your defense skill up to 12 from nine so and at size one that and eight hit points that might be enough that might be enough to take maybe one hit and if you have six in a square it's not likely you're going to take more than one hit um quickly it's going to take a while and you do 12 piercing damage which is you know it's human standard that's what a human sort of militia like infantryman does only you do it for seven gold in a size one package which isn't bad plus you're stealthy and you resist cold you are a little slow though so very very of this size and to an extent also the wolf riders we'll look at in a moment are useful because they fill squares you have size 4 giants so size 1 troops can share squares with size 4 giants what this means is that whereas normally your size 4 giant would take 100 of the incoming hits like that that um well axe worries don't exist in this era but that that high damage infantryman that's going to come up and like bonk your giant you'll find let's just say you're fighting an ammorian lichter you're fighting an amore lichter and he runs up and he wants to put his you know 30 stupid damage mega bliss axe right into your giant infantryman if you are sharing or interleaving vetti with your size 4 giants then when that axe swings it's got a chance instead to just hit a vetti and yet it'll completely annihilate the freaking vetti but that seven gold vetti has just saved the life of say a 40 gold gowdy huska who is actually capable of killing the elector and thus keeping that guy alive while also adding a bunch of attacks which if nothing else serve to harass down the defense of your opponent and mean that that you know 29 damage axe is much more likely to hit its target so the vetti an important role of filtering through your line um and reducing incoming attack density while increasing outgoing attack density um and also just tanking hits for your giants so i like them you also have wolf riders wolf riders are a little expensive for what they are so you've still only got eight hit points but you're paying twice the gold um you get an extra attack and you get two extra defense points but you're doubling you're doubling the gold cost relative to the number of hit points you have and you're going up to size two but you've got 18 map move you're stealthy you've got snow move forest survival you've got pillager cold resistance this can be a rating unit um they're going to take attrition against anything but the lightest pd but they can raid they can raid they can pillage their mobile the other thing that all these units can be good for is patrolling you can get a lot of eddie if you need to patrol if you're not going to use summon patrollers you can build up vetti and use them as patrollers so that's an option as well but just in general having stealthy little size ones size twos are handy also these units are all recruitable in forests and require no special infrastructure so at the start this is particularly important the start of the game that's important later as well if your thoughts are busy or before you have forts if you have forests you can pump out troops you can convert golden troops and because the the problem you have with non-fort recruit trips a lot of the time is if they require a lot of resources well without a fort you're not going to get many anyway vetti cost like four resources and nine recruitment points so you can you can actually get decent numbers them out of your forests wolf riders 18 recruitment points four resources and vidyarch's three resources eight recruitment points actually cost fewer recruitment points to get the arches the moose rider is funny i just don't like it so the moose rider is vetti trying to be a giant it's also a hybrid unit and as you know hybrids in any situation don't tend to do everything well they just tend to do everything in a mediocre sense unless you're the f-16 in which case um yeah you're just you're just a really good deal for everything like fantastic multi-role aircraft so most riders 25 gold 38 hit points you got a lot of hit points but you've only got four protection nine attack nine defense but my question is what is this unit trying to be um it's got two short bows so it kind of wants to be an archery unit but who wants to pay 25 gold for something that shoots what is basically two short bows like no one wants that um and then you're like okay it's got a kick and antlers attacks so it can go out and it can do some reasonable damage on the front line maybe but your giants do that and your giants do that without having full protection and with better stats they don't have two attacks but they've got one much better attack and they're much more survivable and they're not much more expensive so i i give moose riders a pass like yeah cool this i think they're stealthy i think they're funny um but i think that's a no from me then you have two sort of super super um who are both capital only ones one's non-sacred one is sacred uh roof heaven the wolf brothers um these are skin shifters these are yurt and skin shifters uh that you all know and love so these guys are kind of cool uh they're a little psycho um they wear enchanted wolf skins and when they're when they would die they're capable of shape-shifting into walls so what does this unit give you 70 gold five resources 38 recruitment points and not sacred so instantly you should be looking at this and thinking aha this is a unit i can recruit before i clear my cap circle and thus have resources and it doesn't require a bless so uf headings should just twig as something you can recruit early on if you go dormant or before you've cleared your cap circle and you can't uh recruit anything that's more uh resource intensive they're a great gold sink you get 40 hit points they're a size 4 like all yertans 12 protection is is okay they're going to take a lot of hits but you know 12 protection is okay attack skill 12 against feels 10 but they're fast they have high magic resistance they have fantastic morale and they have the classic susceptible to shock but cold resistant snow move forward survival and regeneration 10 built in just built into the chassis 10 regeneration which means if you are using these guys early let's just say you've got a dormant regen bless you you've got something that can do the whole regen giant expansion early the problem is they don't have quite enough protection to survive certain indie types but against others they'll shrug it all off and then they come to the table with a 26 damage spear length 4 spear so they can do a little bit of repelling and when they hit something like they they hit 26 piers that's 20 off the top of any of their protection then you put the 26 damage in they're going to hurt if they hit they'll hurt they're not berserkers so they don't get like that sort of attack boost or protection boost which is a little strange but they are also more survivable they're seen because when they turn into their werewolf form they go over to being a two attack still regenerating and they've got their extra hit point pool to play with so ulf hadn't the kate it's a case of knowing what they do and do not counter and they're really suitable for deployment early on or if you have little bless or if you've got a dormant or i don't know why but if you haven't imprisoned less if you have no resources there's a lot of cases for the ulf hidden i use them one mode of expansion is to use them in the expansion phase that's the one i favored in this test game which is the first time i picked up uranium since i subbed into a game some time ago which we'll talk about a little later because it plays into my experiences here uh flimsgerding uh this is the new kneeful giant it's not truly an ethel giant it's it's the case that um these are basically so if you remember uh uh or however you pronounce that guy's name the abductor the the nifal hero giant from the early age well he's still around in the middle age he's the last knee for y'all he's still around he's still a hero you can still get him um and these guys um these these guys basically they bunk at his house um they're they live at his house they got his blessing and they're basically paragons of all that nefal virtue once was and as a result they're basically baby nephil giants they're only 100 gold which makes them considerably cheaper than they once were they've got 41 hit points which is unfortunately weaker and smaller than they once were at attack 12 defense 14 they're respectable 43 resources is expensive as is 40 rec points but says 100 gold you get 20 protection 13 magic resistance 14 morale and then you still get not as much as the early age but you still get chill aura cold resistant and ice protection one so in cold three this is 23 prot which is very respectable and a chill or it still puts people to sleep it's not as strong as it used to be but it's still there it's respectable your attack skill on your sword is a 13 attack 29 damage swing which messes whatever it hits up 29 i love giants in that sense like you just casually throw out numbers like 29 damage why not and of course sacred so you're paying half upkeep on them so they have the same upkeep as two moose riders what would you rather have one thrimsharing or two moose riders that's that's that's a very simple question to answer and they'll take your bliss and the bless that will allow you to solve this susceptible the shock issue and give them regen and you're good to go this is a much more use i think this is a pretty usable sacred uh for expansion and early warning they'll beat up a lot of stuff they're still vulnerable to specific giant counters um they have all the all the strengths and all the weaknesses of the newfound giant are basically turned down a few notches in the same thing cool let's talk about commanders we still have a urine scout he's still memey and stealthy which makes him a bad scout in the sense that you can't spam him but it's still funny because if you have a cool bless you can still go and meme out on people with the scout uh the chief is your stealthy rady commander who can lead your wolf riders and your veti and all that um very cheap 40 leadership spam them recruit them in forests don't have to wait cap turns that's uh sorry fort turns it's cool uh the hearst the good and the yall all as they once were basically um the girder still gives you price level two um and more importantly a low resource cost so when you're trying to make every unit count in the early game uh it can be a better deal than the al the owl is the better commander gigia we recall from earlier age then then we've got new stuff well new and change stuff let's go with the least change first we still have the scratty the scratcher however this is a bit of a the scratcher has sort of gone down down a few notches um the scratcher in the middle age is no longer sacred so you don't have that half upkeep anymore you can't take a bless anymore so you can't build regen in but they're not they're not cap only and they're not sacred which is both fine traits and there's still water two blood two with a random which is still a respectable set of paths you can still get up to blood three here um so the scratter are still here to do two essential jobs for you um they're still here to be some of the best turbo communion batteries in the game they still are because they still have inbuilt regen in their werewolf form um and they're still here to thug for you they're sure they have more upkeep now but you don't need a temple to recruit them and they're cheaper which partly compensates for both of the previous problems so even though the skration have been downgraded from their earlier incarnation they're still fully capable of doing their core their basic core jobs same with the the giga it's the same basic unit it's still capable of doing the same basic tasks then we got some new uh the thrum's good uh god i must be i must sound so weird trying to pull this stuff off but hey i'm i'm doing my best here friendsguarder someone can judge that in the comment thrimsgodar is that the plural there we are uh slavic languages as a background are not good for understanding nordic languages not really this guy i don't think he's great what you're paying here is a cap only resource intensive 245 gold priest 2 and he's a priest too so i don't like him i don't like i don't like priests 2's the the system for automatically calculating costs which the developers then use to calculate and then may adjust up and down for specific cases it considers price2 really expensive and i don't think anyone else considers price 2 that good so you end up with units more expensive than it should be it's water one random air water um death it's a shitty researcher for its price has ice protection cold power one so what you got here and a 39 damage battle axe by the way what you've got here is something that can hypothetically be like a heavy thug heavy sacred thug it can try and do what the scratter used to do it can like quicken self mist form or whatever the whatever the case may be um depending on how you kit it out it's got quite a few hit points if it's if it's sacred uh sorry if your bless includes regen it can regen itself it's got cold power so it can run up to like attack skill 16 defense skill 14 which is not great but it's something um and your ice protection can push you up to like prop 19 problems there's no head protection so you need to put a helmet on um like it's there it's there i just haven't seen them deployed in very great numbers because most of the people are too busy recruiting young videos instead which leads us to the on video and the vettii hag let's talk about the vettii hack first because i think the vetti hag is awesome it's awesome this is a complete shitbox mage and i love shitbox mages it's a mage that is is just it's just the real basics so what have you got here for 40 gold 40 gold and you're basically buying no frills here you pay 40 gold you get seven hit points seven attack skills six defense skill you're not paying for anything you don't need six morale which is trash so you don't pay for anything more than you need it's slow it's old it's but it's cheap and you can recruit it outside your thoughts and it's not sacred which means you don't need temples to recruit it and even though it's only got five research ability that means that you can recruit for 40 gold outside your thoughts in magic three not everyone does magic three but i love doing magic three as m.a urton you get eight research points for 40 gold outside your forts the funny thing is that also this slap attack it's one armor negating magic damage that also shrinks the target when you slap it which i think is hilarious like that's just a funny attack and then random path so look at this for a moment and think about it you have astral death nature blood so from right to left right congratulations that's your blood economy you have a quarter of these 40 gold mages that you will be out of every forest that's your blood they give them sanguine dowsing rods they're blood twos for 40 gold congratulations you have a blood economy i did sub into a game as urtonheim once it was one of the ones that lucid was playing in i only played a couple of turns because my schedule got in the way but when i it was and it was in the the probably the uh the very late middle or early late game i think early late game is a failure description um and when i took over um jotunheim had a blood economy that was doing like 60 blood slaves a turn like nothing it took me five turns to turn that into 400 slaves a turn by deploying lots and lots of eddie that were just stacked up in labs not deployed on blood hunting duty mass sanguine dowsing rods deploy them get the patrollers in place like mass summon patrollers get everything out start burning the lands down and we were vampire we were vampire central five turns later um this is just a cheap way to get your blood economy going and i love it nature1 well they're on research duty because at if you if you do go magic 40 gold for eight research points is super functional that's super fine and they can hold a research booster as well as anybody else so if you can get yourself a source of research boosters which is hard as jordan it's one of the weaknesses of the nation it's hard to get research boosters they can hold them just as well as anyone and you're going to cry less when the lightless lantern gets them eaten by horus so um nature one they're researching or or admittedly they are stealthy so you can go you can literally go swarm raiding with these guys they're stealthy they can carry a gem you can go swarm rating with some 40 gold vetti hacks so that's perfectly fine death 1 no one should complain about death 1 for 40 gold at the start of the game if you get a few of these in your capital they're the ones who can run reanimation and get you some giant long dead and get you extra expansion parties and chaff early on uh later on sure they can they can research they're in the research category and then astral won 40 gold for an astral one for 40 gold to block mind hunts 40 gold to go do magic jewels like you're going to run a heck of a if someone rolls at you and they're an astral nation and you can throw 40 gold mine magic jewelers at them you're going to make people cry um you want to burn a communion like yes normally um the yurt and build is the turbo communion where you have the the scratchier just suck up as many casts as you need but if you want a communion where you just you just want like a four path boost um this is how you do it yes you're going to blow the blow the vetti up but like 40 gold 40 gold i i like cheaper majors that only that are only trying to do one thing and this mage while it's trying to do lots of things any given vetti hag is only trying to do one thing and so you're not paying a premium for stats you don't need yes in the late game they get absolutely murdered by remote attacks whatever but they're stealthy you can hide them you can protect them and they will research and they will run your blood economy and they will be there when you need them in combat and that you you should have a million of them shove a million of them they have basically no infrastructure set up cost just i like the vedi hag it's a great addition to the nation and then at the other end of the spectrum there's the yan vidya the nvidia is a super giga it's a young video that's trying to do even more um so what are you paying for here basically when it comes down to it what you're paying for and yes it's got it's got add-up cross-breeder and death curse and all this cool stuff but if we're doing a national overview what you're essentially paying for is the fact that you go from having one one one and then one random two one one one and then four rolls at the random of which three are one hundred percent so you're basically rolling the die on getting higher paths hypothetically it is possible to get a death five year a blood five yan yan vidya it's possible to get a nature five yarn video or an astral for young video it's just incredibly unlikely but rolling the dice on your nvidia is one of the ways in which if you don't have a given path on your pretender or you can't get there using scrater or whatever you're going to get these higher paths a lot of these combinations are useful to greater or lesser degrees the question is is the premium 350 and 2 cap turns as opposed to 165 gold and no cap turns worth the extra randoms as opposed to just having something that is either an astral and then cross or death 2 or a blood two or an n2 all of which are useful and the answer is not early on but once you get past the early point then probably because you're going to want some stuff that goes up to those higher levels you can get to blood three fairly reliably using skratir but you can't get the blood death cross on the scratter so if you want to roll some blood 3 death 2 or whatever in order to start thinking maybe i'm going to play the vampire game or whatever rolling a couple of yan vidya is the way to go so it adds to the nation by being there but i'm not sure i'd spam them all the live long day at 350 gold non-sacred that said you can get away with a lot of indulgence spending when you're yertenheim because you've got this cheapest vetti hag to sort of hold things up for you so this is the troop lineup it's similar to before and the mage lineup is similar to before it's still got a functional deployable thug he's just been downgraded a little bit but made cheaper as a result but you've got it's a nice little utility picks to help augment your troops in exchange for losing a recruitable super combatant chassis you no longer have a recruitable super combatant in exchange you've got little line fillers for your troops and you've got the immense utility that comes from being able to spam 40 gold mages that can be blood hunters or undead summoners or swarm raiders or magic jewels or all those sort of things from every forest with a lab so there you are we're going to do a quick pivot we're going to have a look at the summons which are mostly the same but we'll look at what's different and then we'll come back we'll talk strategy okay here we are with the two new national summons everything else here is as before uh the drago the rinvetti the dwarves of the four directions the garden illiwinter they are all as they were so i'll direct you to the early age neither home video for them none of them are like super relevant anyway other than ill winter and if you build for it dwarves of the four directions can be funny you get summoned glossos and you get winter's call summon glossos is an early game is a fairly early game summon what you have is a death 2 summon so death 2 is a death random giga which for 13 gems so just over one per unit one on the front one and a third is per unit you get a glosso a glosso is a size 3 sacred 8 protection boar with lots of attack but very little defense skill good morale and magic resistance it was this fire it's dark vision it's stealthy it has a heat aura and it's a sacred trampler so whenever you have a summonable sacred as a as a nation you've got to look pretty closely at it because being able to summon sacred is pretty cool um it's it's part of what makes nazca so booked is the fact that they can get condors now condors are better and cheaper however so you've got to think about this now this unit depending on your bless is probably going to be regenerating three hit points per turn which might help it survive i think it's niche but i don't think you rule it out um if you're fighting in the dark it's going to slaughter unprepared enemies that forget it exists especially if they're human sized because in a dark environment where it's much less likely to get hit that regen will keep it alive even though it's only protection 8 or if you can put some protection buffs on in the early game you can't really stealthy means you're going to get it where you want it to be the heat aura is an interesting one that people do not expect out of um the need for line of nations like heat aura really you you expect that um so the answer on is this worth it comes down to what is your bless the more hellish you're blessed the better a summonable sacred is um you do have death income so you're gonna be able to summon it the second is what are you fighting in what terrain can be fighting in caves if you're gonna be fighting the dark or if you want to troll some people by raiding with this thing i guess you could um the problem is you're going to need oh it doesn't say it's magic being i would have i would have sworn this thing was a magic being and thus you could only lead it i might some i might summon some back in the game and check um if you can leave this without without magic leadership then i'd be like sure this will make mincemeat a pd and is 13 death gems a lot of investment for something that kills pd i don't think so like not really um considering people put brands and things on on stuff all the time um to thug them maybe maybe some glosso like are okay for conjuring it it's okay winter's cool however is better than okay so you get it at blood six blood six notably is one level before the blood 7 cut off where you start getting the things like vampire lords and things like that which let you really play the immortal game it's blood 3 water 2 which means this is a blood scratty can cast it just straight out the box so you're gonna have access to the spell because you're probably gonna get to blood six and you're definitely gonna have enough scrutiny that you get one with blood two water one and in exchange uh for 86 blood sleeves you get basically what is a cheap upkeep and equal y'all the your good old friend the super combatant from the ea and this is why i'd say yeah you haven't really lost the need for y'all you haven't really lost the recruitable super combatant the difference is now you pay blood slaves for them um and thus they're not capital only and they're not limited they're still the old old fun guys that you you know and love they're still water three death two holy two they got a random they still have 75 hit points they're still size six they've got that iso protection three which can make them really tough they've got a incredibly strong cold aura they've got cold power they're still the the devastating scs you know and love only now they cost 86 blood slaves and that's cheap for an sc that's cheap they're not immortal unlike your your vampire lords which is what i started spamming as urton when i took over that game like i put i think i put like a dozen vampire lords out in like one or two like three or three turns i think because i had to recruit one or two and then they created two or three more and then those created four more or five more on the turn after that whatever that was they were going nuclear over the course of those turns um but 86 was slaves is a really cheap price um you need to remember blood slaves are not worth as much as gems so if i reconstructed this question and instead said hey is a nephilial worth 20 gems people would say yes so it's worth 86 blood slaves you can have a bloody income that lets you summon three of these a turn four of these a turn it's doable um once you get to a certain stage of the game at the very least you can recruit one or two and that's a lot of sc's to be putting out and augmenting your basic forces so i think winter's call is is a good spell if you're fighting on the everything i said about nephilials in the early age of pliers the difference is you don't get them early on you get them later on but when you do get them later on you can get them in very significant numbers because you're now playing paying blood slaves rather than gold and you should have a lot of blood slaves um give me a sec we'll talk about heroes okay heroes and i don't have worthy heroes loaded so this is the this is the vanilla lineup first we'll look at we'll load vanilla um we're heroes in a moment there are two returning heroes that are there through basically the whole line the difference is in late age anger border goes to veriheim whereas tiatse stays with uh utkart so tiatse and gaborda are still around and they're still their old bad ourselves uh tiatsee is still like your best super combatant hands down he's also your air magic access because he comes with air three he can turn into a flying monster he can collect he can still cloud trap he has the air death and air water cross um ice protection three cold power shape changer into the eagle as you all know and love which gets you up to air four if you need to be at air four um he's fantastic and every all the analysis that i gave you early on um not early on in the niflheim video still applies here he is everything he is access he is a super combatant he is a surprise he is a battle support mage to throw some serious air magic um into your armies your critical armies when you need to surprise people uh and he's still a fantastic candidate for being twice born so you don't lose him and i think once you twice born him you're a little once he's died the first time you're a little more careful with him um but he's he's great and he's one of the reasons that um a lot of urtenheim builds i see still luck three he's awesome he can't arrive before turn 20 but he's badass he's awesome you can get a lot of use out of him anger border is still your best astral access she's still like turns up to summon vampire lords sometime after turn 20. um she's still capable of doing battle stuff by teleporting and whatnot but she still can't walk around the map for because she's old and crippled not crippled but she's certainly very slow but she's there for the death three blood three she'll make your she'll get you into the serious immortal games you're going to give her a stick she's going to be death 4 she's going to get you all the way up death if you need she's blood 3 which is like starting to get serious blood numbers very easy to boost up from there and like i said she's she's ultimately there to get you into the immortal game if you want to be there um so you can't complain about that anger border is a fantastic magic access hero then you've got some new ones uh sports niall is a wolf lord uh he's not particularly special um he's a super he's a super very wolf chief basically um that's that's basically it um like cool story bro turns up with three wolves these these two are heroes for the same nation and it just shows you that like the definition of a hero is pretty broad right like do you want to be like a wolf dude who comes with three free wolves or do you want to be thiazi the abductor who destroys entire armies for breakfast like okay but hey no turn arrival limit so you might get him early uh gulveg the undying um so gordon veg is a m.a yerton only she's a giga uh of tremendous power um i mean read the law and she's actually pretty interesting in her youth she visited van gaal where she was stabbed to death and burned three times three times she was reborn uh when the vanadrotz realized that they could not slay her she was allowed to stay in the blessed halls for a lifetime and a half she mastered the magic of the vanir returned to eurtenheim where she became one of the most skilled sorceress in the kingdom skilled in seath as well as galdras songs and illusions so basically the elves she turned up in the elvis elvish halls the elves tried to murder her and i i i say try they tried really hard they killed their three they killed her three times they burned her body like they they weren't messing around so i want you to think about this for a moment so giant turns up to the elven capital they stab her to death and burn her because you know their elves and she's a giant that's just what they do it doesn't work so they try again they try again and eventually figure out how they can't actually kill her um so they're like oh well we can't murder you so how about you sleep on our couch we teach you everything we know about magic and in you know a couple hundred years you leave it's it's really bizarre it's like a soviet spy gets captured in the u.s during the cold war they try and hang them it doesn't work so like well you know the hanging didn't work so here let's teach you everything we know about building hydrogen bombs and you can hang out in uh like cia headquarters and hang around darpa or until you head back to back to moscow um it's a bit of an old story but it's very nordic um anyway in terms of actual practicalities what does goodwig give you well goal of egg basically gives you a really cool immortal mobile stealthy rainbow mage that is just just great to have um she takes away some of the pressure on tiatsey to be in on the battlefield to provide you air magic she's there with high nature with nature with death with astral but gigias bring you know a lot of those paths but she brings air and she does it in a chassis that can cloud trapeze in a chassis that can go into communions and so give you really big air boosts um and she's ultimately she's immortal so if you've got a bundled up with an army she's very unlikely to be soul slain she's natural magic res 18 drop annie magic that's magic res magic resistance 22 drop an anti-magic amulet on her as well she's going to be anti-magic magic res 26 she's not going to be preferentially targeted by any soul slay effects over all the other units in the army that are going to suck up those soul slays so she's likely to be she's likely to be properly immortal which is fantastic so you can deploy her you can use it a site search when you're not at war that's a really good use of her when you're not at war because she's searching five paths at the same time and when you are at war you can deploy her basically disposably now if you're not deploying with an army she's also very trollingly an immortal wind of death caster she's a whaling windscaster she's a wind of death caster she can do all sorts she can do battlefield nuke shenanigans she can do wrathful skies with proper gearing um although that's a little bit harder but she's capable of doing wipes while also being immortal and as most dominions players have felt at least at one point immortal units that can do battlefield wipes or spikes are brutal and everyone hates them and that's fantastic so let's now load worthy heroes i have not in fact loaded m.a ertenheim with worley heroes so i actually don't know what we're going to get here so we still have gulveg and sports now and thiazer so looks like they've done some fixes fixers and inverter commas sportsneal now summons a wolf rider per month i i guess yeah okay all right so they've given him just a little bit extra he gets personal luck which makes him harder to kill he automatically summons a wolf rider every month that makes him less less completely uh and you've got sadie who is okay and they've added scotty and loki okay so we've talked about this before we've talked about these before um loki with helheim and scotty with niflheim so scotty gives you just a cool stealthy sacred giant water 3 and h2 useful interesting not completely world changing like it's certainly no anger border or thiazer or even but it's something low-key loki gives you fire um now loki increases unrest and his stealth and you're sailing so he's got a lot of utility but at the end of the day you're going to look at loki and unless you've gotten independent fire mages you're going to see oh he's got fire he's actually fire three air three blood three all which are good paths so yes he's a spy yes he's glamored yes you can send him into enemy capitals and get their graphs but really what you're going to use lukie to do is get yourself a couple of fire gems and a fire income you're going to summon yourself up some flame spirits and those flame spirits are going to make you lightless lanterns or he's going to join an army and cast flaming arrows and surprise everybody but really he's there to break you in a fire um nice little addition there so cool little editions from worthy heroes they make sports now suck just a little bit less scardy and loki are good encouragements this is a good hero lineup this is this is something that is worth going luck in your build i think so let's go back and talk about uh scales tactics et cetera okay so what are your broad tactics as urtenheim and the good thing about having done the e4him already is we can we can talk about where it's similar and where it's a little bit different the the early plays the basic army plays of uh gutenheim are a little bit different from nephelheim and you've got a couple more options available to you you still have the option of going ordinary urtin troops and if you do mixing them in with vetti you're going to be recruiting from your forest in order to solve that attack density issue is a good idea if you're going to be deploying ruth hidden um as your expanders then pairing pairing alt hidden up with vetti and then getting good at timing them so they arrive facing the enemy at the same time the very have to be positioned ahead so this is this is an area where you've got to get practice your scripting a little bit but if you can get them to merge in the right way you can get some really good expansion parties against a lot of things roofhead can actually expand without support and rely on their shape changing in their regen and their bhp pools and to a limited extent repel but to improve their survivability you can mix them in with veti if you have an awake regen bless regen and shock resistance is probably the minimum i would go but there's a bunch of blessings available to you but i've seen regen chakras used in two games now and it's worked reasonably well both times if it's dormant you can time it so you've got threads heading out when you're ready to go or if it's awake you can open with them as soon as you've taken your cap circle because they're too resource intensive to spam a lot of them early um frims herding can basically do zero attrition expansion with regeneration against most things um they've got very high protection decent hp pools you add regen over the top they're not gonna die to most things um they're vulnerable to things like barbarians like giants tend to be but against just about anything else 21 22 prot and 4 regen a turn is going to take them through and if you need to fight things like barbarians with them desperately again just layering up [Music] is the way to go so you've got options to expand um you're not going to be doing like thug expansion or super combatant expansion or anything like that you're going to be using ordinary urine troops mixed in with vetti or you're going to be using specifically oof headen because these are the most gold efficient way to get really heavy combat power early on without spending resources this is particularly important if you go like sloth one um as i think you are capable of doing as this nation really the only units that desperately need lots of production that you want lots of are in fact your capital only sacred and going pro just to get capital only sacred uh that's very expensive when you think about it so wolfhead or fednard early threes herdings after cool that's that's your early game then you're going to transition into your middle game and your middle game looks an awful lot like niflheim's middle game in a sense you're still going to move into at the same time two oh sorry one more thing in the early game when you're doing recruitment when you're pumping out as many roofhead night as possible you're going to be able to fit a couple of very hands into the recruitment cycle and this tip comes courtesy of hair a lot so i've seen do this if you roll a death random on your vetti hags early they can be the ones who start popping really mage turn efficient reanimations to get you more giant undead early on which might give you an extra one maybe even two expansion parties in the early game depending on your death gem income um which can speed up your expansion somewhat i think in my test we've got what like a 26 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 province expand um with a dormant bless so it was opening um into trim's headings so simple enough early play uh moving into the middle game so the middle game looks similar to nifls in a sense um you're still going to go like blood one foul one inch two sorry alt two inch five so you're still going into um a middle game where you intermix the army and it is more of an army it's not so much the giant phalanx although swimsuitings can sort of do that sort of job instead of the giant phalanx it's more of a conventional army mixed in with some sacred but the core sort of destructive ball of your force is still going to be the skelly spam communion with scratchy turbo communion so that's going to still be your death ball it's going to be yurt and hurlers to knock down the walls it's going to be some gigas and some skratir and they between themselves are going to summon infinite skeletons at people and kill them you can of course mix in all the other cool spells the the nature so you can do things like how and what not mix that in all the good things that you can do with nature death astral in a communion led by awesome urton batteries who will have personal regen on them and be in their werewolf form and thus have uh 20 regen if you want to get particularly fancy uh there might be some paths you can roll with some young viewers if you want to get some high magic early but realistically it's still your basic skelly spam howell sort of yertin package of battle magic it's still augmented by scratchier going out and thugging still being mobile dangerous and efficient as they are in their werewolf form with a basic basic allotment of gear you might intermix some stealthy rating from troops maybe some glosso and whatnot that that middle game still looks roughly the same what's changing a little bit is you're putting much more emphasis on getting like labs up in your forest provinces maybe forting your forest provinces but certainly getting at least labs up because they won't be burnt down unlike temples and you're going to start putting out a lot of eddie hacks yes you're spending heavily getting like fedenar uh oof heads and um troops and the the gigias and the skrati coming out of your forts are expensive but you can save money by getting a whole bunch of these little 40 40 gold vetti hags out um and that's going to start your research economy well it's going to augment your research economy because you're not a good research nation otherwise you still have expensive majors the giga is a fast researcher but certainly an expensive one magic three you're going to get 165 gold for 16. that and non-sacred so that's relatively expensive if fast research is going to be augmented by this 40 gold 8 research coming out of your forests and this is going to let you boot into a blood economy in a bigger way probably the niflheim there are more huntable provinces there are fewer gems on the map so the relative ease and power of blood hunting has increased relative to the early age so you're going to get blood hunting up and going you're going to do that using summonable you've got all sorts of summonable patrol trollers and you've got vetti available in from forests like just hanging around who are cheap and effective patrollers as well so you've got the the tools in place to get a reasonable blood economy going and that's that's going to be your pathway into the late game um you can still unlock the traditional knee for late game of deploying a whole bunch of super combat nails you can you can still do it you just have to get to blood 6 and start summoning them if you've dropped anger border or if you happen to have the paths on something else or if you're very likely lucky with some young videos then going blood 7 and playing the immortal game or going up death and playing the death immortal game so you can get big into the immortal game you can get big into the vampire lord game you can start shooting out neither ya need for the girls get construction 4 construction 6 gear them up if you spawn some of your heroes you start having magic diversity so you can break into more of that um and your army um is kind of suited to the late game battlefield they they survive wipes pretty well just because they're big chunky units with um with with decent hp pulls so they survive the the high level remote attack spells pretty well your commanders also survive the remote assassinations and whatnot spells pretty well so you've got some survivability as you move into the late game so the differences are that you need to get you need to practice intermixing vettii with giants in order to get the best out of both troops that you need to adjust to not having needle yarls to beat people around with or need for giants to beat people around with in the early game respect that trims herrings are less powerful but they're cheaper there's a little bit of finesse in the deployment of roof headings because they have minimal protection and they can get killed by specific targets so where you position them and deploy them is significant and of course you're going to be fighting a whole bunch of specific threats in the middle age you have to be ready for er more you have to be ready for solaria you have to be ready for nazca you have to be ready for pangaea there's a lot of dangerous out there but you've got specific counters to a lot of them um people really respect niflheim like really respect it like people fear nephelheim um i don't see a reason not to thus veer uh when reading about it people are like uh uttenheim is average the only the only way i would argue jotunheim is average is if we're saying well we're assessing it against the middle age and there's a lot of really powerful nations rocking around the middle age and and that's a reasonable argument this is the age um ashdod's out there irmos out there solaria's out there nazca's out there middle age relay is out there they're dangerous as heck there's a lot of dangerous nations out there in the middle age but there's also a lot of nations that are weaker than this too um can run a really good blood economy they've got some really good mid-game tricks they've got enough early game spine that they're not going to be just run over the they're a little bit vulnerable to mega bless sacred's coming to mess with them early on uh because their troops aren't that great and the thrims herring isn't going to stand up to them but they've got tools um a lot of those super secrets can be counted if yurt and heim can get to enchantment five and just throw so many skeletons at them that they get drowned like white centaurs can't deal with infinite skeletons they can deal with a lot of skeletons but they can't deal with infinite skeletons um super super tough sacreds don't do particularly well against uh oof hidden stabbing them with like nearly 30 ps um no super dodgy sacred's don't deal particularly well with 34 damage rock to face 36 damage rock to face like these are not great counters but they're counters to just about everything and the natural nature of the nations means that you are stronger on the defense than attack because you benefit from cold you benefit your thrims herrings are just better in the cold environment than they are when you go over the offense but that relationship is is less obvious and less intense than it was for early age nephilim because you're no longer dependent on things that have like ice prop 3 and thus have no protection in the warm and are invulnerable in the cold there you've more freedom of operation so all in all i i respect this nation is actually being a little bit i think it's stronger than average i i think it's a good nation um like i said when i subbed in it did not take very long to turn jertenheim around into a real monster blood economies are dangerous and gutenheim has the ability to both run a blood economy cheaply and efficiently and without critically without distracting it from doing everything else and still has enough national ability to turn it into really valuable stuff um you can get knee four yards early you can go immortals like and that's enough that's enough to have a really good late game if you you have big death you have big blood you you're in the game so that's your sort of progression as a nation um you're lacking if you're lacking something it's that you're lacking research booster access without air on a on a cheap recruitable mage and without fire on a cheap recruitable mage you don't have early reasonable access to research boosters you are reliant on things like trade you are reliant on randoms and independence or you're relying on heroes okay so let's talk paths paths and bless well this nation would benefit from a lot of things and it doesn't need a lot of things because the thrims herding um is because the the firm's god is less impressive than the nifol yao because the skrati is no longer sacred and because you don't need the thrims herring the bless is less vital but if you're gonna take it then they're giants so regen and shock resistance or at least some form of shock resistance is still the way to go um you can get this relatively cheaply idle beasts is an option if you just want to go major shock minor shark regen is an option that gives you lots of points um there are expander options if you really want and you just want regen but that leaves you vulnerable to shock in the late game i would tend towards thinking that things like regen are still valuable because eventually you're probably going to summon up an equal yells so they're still going to benefit but it's much less of an obvious choice than it was with ea nifl which unlocks a couple of choices available to you you don't need lots of production you don't need lots of order what i think you do need is you get one free point for dropping to call three let's let's let's let's drop let's go to the um the god design screen to close this out let's have a look burton home done okay so let's start with here let's let's look at the idler beast right so if you don't if you need it for expansion if you do that this is this is a header last special i promised i'd feature it in time so there you are that's awake you get one free point for drop into cold three your nation is better at cold three than it is cold too so that's basically three points growth 3 because if you don't know what to do with yourself then growth 3 is great you can probably afford to go sloth 1 you end up something like here and if you want to you can do like weird things there like if you really value luck but you don't want to like destroy your scales you can do something like that i guess or something like that you get a lot of freedom if you think you can expand without the regen bliss and i'm convinced i'm convinced that with a little bit of practice if you don't have a competitive game you can probably expand without um you can probably expand without your regen being online um and you can avoid a decisive battle in your first war and turn to until turn 11 or 12. i think you can do that that gets you 150 extra points loses you the research from having the thing awake but you can you can live with that and all of a sudden what that lets you do is go take yourself up to magic three and reduce this right down you might even be tempted to do something like that the reason this this means you suddenly get great research value out of your very hags as opposed to not very good research value staying high luck is good but this is also a nation that would benefit from order because the blood hunt nation and order helps you reduce unrest and reduce the the casualties of blood hunting but i still think overall the luck is going to be the better scale so this just makes your trims herdings capable of they it removes their major weakness and it means that they can win a lot of early fights against if there are any independents left you'll roll through them but there's also a lot of early wars where having regenerating 100 gold 22 protection giant sacred that do 30 damage is is going to be enough to give people pause and you can build the themes herdings up before the bless comes online you can start recruiting them and you can use them in low or zero attrition expansion early and then bring the bless online so that's one way of doing it um the alter there are lots and lots and lots of alternatives with these nations most most don't revolve around um hell blessing they revolve around getting you access so you could like try and do you could try and rainbow up for example i'm not recommending this but i'm just saying uh yeah sure let's go major fire resistance let's go defense skill man we could probably go reinvigorate like strength of the earth reinvigoration probably reinvigoration might even take that up to four uh and go reinvigoration reinvigoration and then you know sort of build stuff like this and the reason here is now you're thinking in terms of diversity you're thinking well i want a little bit of fire magic without being reliant on my heroes especially if you don't have worthy heroes because if you don't have worthy heroes there is no fire healer hero and building an entire build to rely on a hero is kind of like a bit of a like that's a bit uncomfortable so you can go you can go rainbow give yourself some access kill some of these paths and go fours instead to save yourself some points start playing over here in the blood death access area or get yourself high astral there's a lot you can do because i tend to focus more on the guard build for nations that desperately need something in the nazca guide for example i focus a lot on the god build because really for nazca it all comes down to that bless for jotunheim look regen and shock rares is good but there's a lot this nation can benefit from it's got good heroes so it likes lux scales it's a blood hunting nation so order would be kind of cool it has a really cheap low yield researcher so magic three is going to almost double the output from those guys like it benefits from an awful lot of stuff and it can put up with you making a lot of choices roof heading don't care what your bless is vampire lords don't care what your blessings so you've got choices and you've got options so you'll forgive me if i don't belabor the point of god design all the way you've got the full selection of the the norse options the one thing i'll say is i i don't think as much as i used to be completely anti-titan like i was so anti-titan and having seen people use them i now understand look they're really really dear but they matter because good players can use them to turn an early war from a loss to a win in a very competitive game and thus they're worth the very intensive point investment for some games and people so i've softened a little bit on titan chassis over time but i don't think yertan is the one to take one the giant nations have recruitable tough units nithyal definitely didn't need one because they had unifor yarls eventually urton is going to have be able to summon them they've got size fours that are really tough they probably don't need a super combatant titan with that really heavy investment involved they'd like a rock to mono drop people idle of beast is basically a different form of rock with less protection unfortunately it's made of wood sad sad for it but hey uh where is it isle of beasts yeah there it is um so like there's there's different ways you can go you can't pick a mission monolith unfortunately i don't think they need an expander to help them out they've got some they've got a cheap regenerable expander in the form of the son of fender if you want him um this this is just a recipe to just go like that but then you have to really trim some scales in order to make that affordable so there's a lot you can do here but you've got free you've got some freedom of operation in how you do it i think that i think the core of the nation sort of operates perfectly fine without so that's yodan uh it's a nation which trades off early access to recruitable super combatants and extremely expensive juggernaut sacred for pretty tough sacred some goblins that are capable of filling filling the line adding a little bit of stealth to the nation the vetti hag and the ability to summon its la it's super combatants instead in the late game i think it's a perfectly fine trade-off um if you had a choice of which of these two nations to take into the early age i would probably take yurtan i would take yurtan up against nephelheim and i'd be reasonably confident i think actually in a large game in particular because i think it's just got it's just better at running its economy for example the middle age is a tough space but i still think urton has what it needs in order to take the fight to people endure and then boom in the middle of late game it may not be solaria in terms of late game boom potential but it's still significantly capable so it's a nation i would recommend thank you to my patrons again for sponsoring this video and the others like it expect more of these in the near future over the christmas break i hope the holiday season is treating you all very well and i'll talk to you again soon
Channel: Perun
Views: 1,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5gG2kipxIcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 43sec (4423 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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