Tesla Semi 2025 Upgrade! Elon Musk LEAKED Mass Produce 50K, 20.000 lbs Real Weight & 4680 Battery

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with a Tesla semi a 500m delivery route will cost you approximately $213 for charging whereas with a diesel truck the fuel cost for this trip would be at least $377 this is exactly why Elon Musk mentioned this during the Tesla 2024 shareholder meeting that do you not like money okay uh but if you do like money then I recommend using the Tesla semi this big rig will truly become a money-making machine with hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings when you drive the semi- you might wonder why anyone would use a different truck Elon Musk has also announced plans for mass production of electric trucks and mentioned a few changes that might surprise you find out more now we can't imagine how the transportation industry would evolve if millions of semi-trucks were used maybe you didn't know that diesel pollution is a deadly problem in the United States listen to this heavy trucks are 1% of vehicles on road but consume 18% of the fuel like 18% of emissions and so by replacing one truck we can make a huge impact on the environment Dan Priestley Tesla's senior manager for semi pointed out the VAR serious impact of diesel trucks on the air the world clearly sees the danger of these vehicles that will gradually destroy the Earth it is not by chance that governments around the world provide Federal credits for electric vehicles all with the common goal of encouraging the use of sustainable Vehicles let's hear why Elon Musk produced Tesla semi it doesn't make any sense that we should be shipping all of these parts for electric cars on diesel trucks we should do electric trucks and so that's what kicked off what started yeah it's undeniable that there is a contradiction when an EV automaker uses diesel trucks to transport production parts for electric vehicles Tesla semi is the result to prevent this contradiction currently Tesla owns about 50 semis to transport battery packs that have been completed at the Nevada Factory and bring them to Fremont for electric vehicle production since March until now at least more than 30,000 battery packs have been successfully delivered what did Elon Musk announce about the Tesla semi- new plan during the recent 2024 Tesla annual shareholder meeting Elon Musk confirmed a few new updates to the big rig and frankly said a lot of things customers will miss without the Tesla semi um you know we're we're in low volume production of the Tesla semi and um uh just last week I I approved the plans for volume production of the Tesla semi specifically Elon Musk has confirmed that the $3.6 billion Factory expansion in Nevada is still underway with construction work having begun just earlier this year this year Tesla will produce a small number of semi- trucks for internal use and deliver a few more to pre-ordered customers although musk did not specify the exact quantity our estimates suggest that that between 500 and nearly a th000 additional units could be produced this year depending on the progress of the expansion musk also did not hesitate to share what he approved the plan for mass production of the Tesla semi in early June prior to the annual 2024 shareholders meeting this could be the target of 50,000 Tesla semi- trucks per year that musk mentioned several years ago the new Tesla semi factor is expected to look very modern and it'll take at least another year before it can begin production at that point Tesla will be able to achieve the mass production goals that musk has promised the convenience of the semi has left many skeptical of the big rig with many in the trucking industry often believing that the Tesla semi is uncompetitive because it cannot carry the heaviest loads Pepsi brought them to carry potato chips and other light loads so the semi- cannot carry heavier loads but this is not true yeah the truth is that the semi- TR weighs several thousand lounds more than a diesel truck but electric trucks are permitted by the government to exceed 2,000 lb more importantly only a small fraction of freight loads reached the maximum capacity of 880,000 lb meaning very few shipping companies actually achieve maximum load typically averaging from 65 to 70,000 Tesla semi will certainly deliver cheaper shipments and dominate all routes except for a small percentage that achieve over 80,000 so we're going to make uh a lot of semi-rs so we're going to start off with it's it's something I think it'll actually move the needle financially it's not like a it's not a small small thing musk promises to create a lot of Tesla semis Because he believes these electric trucks can fully boost the financial situation for the company Transportation companies have shown interest in Tesla semi due to its economic value and the significance of Road Transport with electric vehicles this indicates that some current Fleet testers including PepsiCo Walmart and Costco could be ordering larger numbers of semis for their fleets drivers from these testing fleets have nothing but positive words to say for the semi praising its reliability power ease of use and the cabin the semi could become a large positive for Tesla a short range truck Hol accounts for nearly 80% of Trucking in North America and China and 90% Europe for years we still don't know what the price for these big rigs will be 150,000 180 Grand or quarter million after all until Tesla actually confirms that all the prices are meaningless because the semi hasn't Stood Still over the years it will still be updated regularly like all other Tesla models but what makes it interesting is that no external customers have it yet because it's currently only operating for commercial companies and these companies have the right to keep quiet about the specs prices and updates for the semis during the first quarter earnings call Elon Musk said that the first big rigs would be available for sale to external customers in 2026 meaning that Tesla could actually deliver the entire semi to its list of companies that have placed orders in 2025 because they certainly won't scale up sales while their partners are still waiting for a product they've had reservations for years I mean obviously we're going to make it have cool style and be an awesome car we don't know if the semi is getting a refresh but musk also shared in the meeting that Tesla will make the semi cooler and a better vehicle Dan Priestley confirmed that the semi- will have a sleeper cab variant in the future a version that will allow drivers to deliver Goods over multiple days instead of just around the area with a 300 mile route like now this seems to be true because Elon Musk previously announced to the Giga Berlin staff that the European Factory will be the next location to participate in semi- production which means that Tesla can supply the European market and in this case the semi will definitely have to resize and redesign the cabin to meet the oper ating conditions in European traffic you know the roads in North America and Europe are not the same therefore the new version of the Tesla semi is likely to be adjusted to achieve a better balance with its weight without compromising too much on payload the new semis are confirmed to weigh 23,000 lb and 20,000 lb for the first 500 Mile and 300 mile variants respectively while the Traverse HT trailer weighs 177,000 lb most of which is dedicated to Cargo payload let's let's hear more from him sharing further Elon Musk explained that when companies make decisions about purchasing commercial vehicles they are often only interested in numbers and economic figures specifically they will compare the operating costs of an electric truck with the cost of a diesel truck which is not wrong because everyone wants to have a machine that makes money and operates productively the companies that make the buying decisions they they just look it and say like what are the numbers like is this cost less to transport or cost more to transport than than say a diesel truck and the thing is that the economics uh are much better than than a diesel truck musk argues that when considering economic factors electric trucks have a distinct advantage over diesel trucks this means that the operating costs of electric trucks are significantly lower than those of diesel trucks going back to what we discussed earlier the Tesla semi is cheaper than diesel trucks by 26 Cents a mile with an energy consumption of 1.7 kwatt hours per mile a 500 mile trip would cost only $213 assuming an electricity rate of 25 c a kwatt hour in contrast driving a diesel would require almost 77 gallons of fuel at $44.90 a gallon potentially costing over $370 that's insane just the lower fuel costs alone could disrupt the entire industry Pepsi Co stated that they are using the Tesla semis for 12 hours a day with a fleet of 36 trucks delivered if this is true the company has saved a significant amount on delivery costs compared to using diesel trucks Pepsi Co received their trucks starting from December 2022 and has been integrating the semis into their Fleet for nearly 2 years now not only PepsiCo Walmart Costco or Martin Brewer have also received their first semi trcks there will be more deliveries this year as the number of big rigs increases in these companies this brings clear economic benefits to transport companies when they consider operating costs with these savings companies can significantly reduce operating costs and increase economic efficiency in the long term therefore choosing electric trucks is an easy and rational decision based on the numbers and the economic benefits it brings not stopping there Elon Musk emphasized the superior benefits of the Tesla electric semi-electric truck in a convincing statement he said um if if you're a Transport company you don't use an electric the Tes electric semi you're just losing money why would you do that do you not like money okay uh but if you do like money then I recommend using the Tesla semi the part from mus that stands out the most clearly to us is a statement that if you're running a transportation company and not using a semi you're missing out on savings and profit potential to put it bluntly musk genuinely believes that using diesel trucks will actually cost significantly more over the years that's why musk didn't hesitate to ask the straightforward question do you not like money through this he affirmed that switching to electric trucks is not only a smart financial decision but also a necessary step to optimize business efficiency if transport companies are truly interested in growth and profitability investing in a Tesla electric semi is the top choice that musk strongly recommends them to make what's slowing down Tesla semi there are many reasons affecting the current number of semi trucks that you might not be aware of what do you think if the current semi trucks are still just unfinished versions Lars marabi stated that they are still perfecting the engineering of the Tesla semi the trucks are in the production process and typically the engineering of a vehicle is completed before starting production and selling it to customers however a commercial vehicle like the Tesla semi truly requires a different level of testing to ensure that every technical aspect is accurate before entering mass production therefore even though Tesla has been producing the semi for over a year and a half now the vehicle can still be considered a beta prototype not a rough beta prototype but one that's being refined when Tesla enters true mass production the semi is likely to have some changes compared to the current version being delivered in low quantities with a truck like the semi reliability is an extremely important factor and ensuring every aspect is precise is essential therefore learning from Tesla's and Pepsi's Fleet is invaluable for the engineering refinement of the vehicle this year Pepsi Co will receive an additional 50 semis and at least five were delivered just last month additionally one of the aspects that makes building an electric semi truck challenging is keeping the weight low to avoid a significant difference in payload capacity between an electric semi and a diesel semi to achieve this the vehicle must be built from the ground up ensuring that the drivetrain is highly efficient so that a massive battery pack is not needed while still maintaining good range do you think the Tesla semi is delayed because of waiting for more Advanced Battery Technology the Tesla semi is currently using 2170 cells instead of 4680 but that does not always mean it's always going to use 2170 batteries Giga Nevada is expanding its 4680 production facilities alongside the expanding semi Tru Factory and in the future there will be no battery more promising than the 4680 to integrate into the big rig you know it's not feasible to stick with 2170 cells indefinitely because they would become outdated compared to newer battery technologies in mass production Tesla's initial efforts with a 4680 battery aimed to reduce production cost by around 20% primarily leveraging the larger design of the battery and how it integrates into the vehicle structure however once the semi- transitions to using the 4680 cells the costs are expected to decrease significantly although Elon Musk hasn't explicitly mentioned an upgrade it's not difficult to speculate that the Semite will indeed feature the 4680 battery as part of efforts to enhance performance in payload efficiency in summary the delay of the Tesla semi stems from developing technologies that Tesla had not previously experienced requiring significant time for upgrades Tesla has faced challenges with batteries production lines and component suppliers however the current plan to ramp up production of the 4680 battery cells and secure Supply from additional companies has been approved Elon Musk has reviewed and approved these plans so it won't be long before electric trucks become commonplace on most North American highways Tesla semi can operate in both hot and cold temperatures and Tesla is ensuring this capability Tesla has tested the semi and frigid conditions in Alaska atus 30° fahr and hot conditions like Las Vegas and Death Valley where temperatures can go anywhere from 115 to 120° F therefore Tesla is dedicating time to ensure that the semi is ready for launch and within less than 2 years this vehicle will indeed enter mass production initially Tesla plan seem to integrate the Tesla semif Factory as part of a building connected to an existing infrastructure however based on the images Tesla shared in its shareholder report you can see that they are actually constructing this facility separate from other buildings we believe that one of the reasons Tesla's often late is because Elon is always pushing his team to innovate and that often involves new processes new technologies developing them and really achieving what many people would call impossible or at least very difficult to achieve so Tesla will often be late but Elon Musk really pushes Innovation when they achieve those long goals even though they may be late it creates a better product in the long term so Elon Musk confidently said and Tesla shareholder and Tesla semi truck will actually sell at a scale that people will be surprised by and the manufacturer will actually move financially and do a lot of good and also for CO2 and sustainability because semis are always pushed in fact even with smaller numbers they still have a huge impact on the total carbon emissions resulted this means that the Tesla semi is not only more environmentally friendly but also safe drivers a significant amount of money on operating costs per mile compared to using a traditional diesel truck we know that diesel trucks are powerful enough and we know that the diesel trucks are polluting the environment heavily therefore making a fully electric vehicle is an engineering feat that people will enjoy and semi represents this revolution it's quiet because there is no noise money compared to diesel it's safe and according to feedback from drivers after a while of getting used to it they wonder why anyone would use any other type of truck it's really that easy to drive the Tesla semi has proven to be a remarkable product and there's little doubt about that will the Tesla semi sell well we're confident it will it's a unique product and an obvious choice for short hauling Trucking fleets Elon and his team of Engineers at Tesla have clearly done remarkable work on the Tesla semi as it boasts Superior technical specifications comp compared to any other electric battery power truck currently in development or on the market hopefully sooner rather than later in the coming year Tesla can introduce an updated Tesla semi with improvements in design performance specifications and featuring a sleeper variant a version that all trucking teams won't hesitate to embrace we're eager to see that happen what do you think about the Tesla semi and its benefits to the transportation industry drop us a comment below we hope you have the most relaxing feelings after watching this video if you did did please hit the like button and join the Tesla car World family by subscribing to our Channel and don't miss out on any of our awesome videos by hitting the Bell icon we value your feedback and your time thanks so much for watching and we'll see you soon until then stay safe and have fun [Music]
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Keywords: Tesla Car world, 888999, 888999 tesla, 888999 evs, Elon Musk LEAKED, Tesla Semi Mass Produce 50K, Tesla Semi 20.000 lbs Real Weight, Tesla Semi 4680 Battery, Tesla Semi, tesla semi production, tesla semi price, tesla semi, semi truck, tesla truck semi, semi truck tesla, tesla semi truck, tesla semi update, tesla semi upgrades, Tesla Semi 2025 Upgrade! Elon Musk LEAKED Mass Produce 50K, 20.000 lbs Real Weight & 4680 Battery, Tesla Semi 2025 Upgrade, tesla semi 2025
Id: uH_tud5mLBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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